Bright idea casts new light on young people’s mental wellbeing in Edinburgh

A new digital resource to support young adults experiencing mental health issues in the Edinburgh area is being launched with funding from the Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation. Continue reading Bright idea casts new light on young people’s mental wellbeing in Edinburgh

Corra Foundation’s Change Convention: Thursday 28th March

Don’t miss the 2019 Change Convention!  Brought to you by the Corra Foundation, the day will explore the idea that for real change to happen we must be prepared to listen, hear challenges and be willing to change as a result. Continue reading Corra Foundation’s Change Convention: Thursday 28th March

Man crushed by forklift thanks Scottish Ambulance Service for saving his life


A man crushed by a forklift and left in “unbearable” pain after his organs collapsed says the swift response by the Scottish Ambulance Service saved his life. Continue reading Man crushed by forklift thanks Scottish Ambulance Service for saving his life

No more Nasty Party? Amber Rudd softens approach to disabled pensioners

Hundreds of thousands of disabled pensioners will no longer have to go through unnecessary reassessments for disability benefits, Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd announced yesterday. While charities welcomed the announcement, they argue that the measures just don’t go far enough. Continue reading No more Nasty Party? Amber Rudd softens approach to disabled pensioners