Old Bags show they ‘can-can’ help Scotland’s young people!

Over £760,000 Raised in One Afternoon!

This year’s Lunch with an Old Bag charity event on 6 September raised an astounding £760,000 to help change the lives of more than 760 young people supported by The Prince’s Trust Scotland. Continue reading Old Bags show they ‘can-can’ help Scotland’s young people!

Hazel takes ‘a wee wander’ in aid of Talking Books for the blind

Hazel Kelly from Corstorphine went on a ‘wee wander’ on Monday. Hazel walked a six-mile circuit of Inverleith Park and the Botanic Gardens to raise funds for a local charity drive very close to her heart, Corstorphine Community Talking Books. Continue reading Hazel takes ‘a wee wander’ in aid of Talking Books for the blind

Plunge in vaccination numbers is a ticking time bomb for pets, vet charity warns

Over 7 million UK pets at risk of suffering and disease through lack of vaccination, PDSA’s latest PAW Report finds

Latest findings from leading vet charity PDSA reveal a record decline in the number of young pets receiving their vaccinations, leaving many of Scotland’s pet population unprotected and exposed to potentially fatal diseases.

The 2019 PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report, the largest report of its kind, found the number of UK pets receiving their primary vaccinations when young – which protect pets from deadly diseases and viruses – has dropped dramatically from 84% in 2016 to 66% in 2019, an 18 percentage point decrease in just three years. This could leave over 7 million pets unprotected. 

Findings from the 2019 PAW Report also show that one third (32%) of UK pets aren’t receiving regular booster vaccines, which keep them protected from potentially fatal diseases.

Of those UK pet owners who hadn’t vaccinated their pet, 17% said that they deemed it ‘too expensive’, an additional 17% said their pet didn’t come into contact with other animals. Other explanations included 16% who felt it was ‘unnecessary’, while other pet owners (13%) said that their ‘pet found going to the vets very stressful’.

The worrying findings coincide with growing hesitancy towards vaccinations in children, renewing One Health concerns that an “anti-vax” phenomenon – scepticism towards the safety and efficacy of vaccines – could be directed towards pets as well as children.

Falling vaccination rates have been cited by the World Health Organisation as one of the top ten threats to global health**. In 2019, the UK lost its measles-free status, three years after the virus was eliminated in the country.

Commenting on the findings, PDSA Senior Vet, Sean Wensley, said: “It’s extremely worrying to see such a decline in the number of young pets receiving their primary vaccinations.

“Vaccinations have helped to protect millions of pets from serious diseases such as parvovirus, cat flu and Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease. If people don’t vaccinate we risk seeing a rise in extremely unpleasant, preventable, diseases that can cause considerable animal suffering and death.”

Sean adds: “In addition to the vaccination findings, the PAW Report found there has been a decline in owners who feel informed about all of their pets’ 5 Welfare Needs – the five things that all pets need to be healthy and happy – contributing to  millions of our much-loved pets  not  having their basic needs met.

“For example, 1.9 million dogs (19%) are left alone for five or more hours every day and 1.3 million dogs (13%) aren’t walked every day, increasing the risks of obesity and poor mental wellbeing linked to isolation and boredom.

The PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report has monitored pet welfare issues across the UK for the last nine years, surveying over 73,500 people in this time. Produced in conjunction with YouGov, the PAW Report provides a robust insight into the lives of pet dogs, cats and rabbits across the UK.

Key findings from the 2019 PDSA PAW Report:

  • More Scottish owners (80%) had heard of the Animal Welfare Acts than the UK average (74%)
  • Scottish dogs get more daily walks – just 5% have one walk or less daily, compared to the UK average (12%)
  • 18 percentage point drop in proportion of UK pets who’ve received a primary vaccination course when young over the last three years
  • 3 in 4 UK pet owners don’t realise the true cost of keeping a pet (75% of pet owners guessed lower than the estimated minimum monthly cost for their pet)
  • 2 in 10 UK dogs left home alone for too long (19% of dogs left alone for five or more hours every day)
  • Half of all UK rabbits live in ‘solitary confinement’ (49% of rabbits live alone with no other rabbit for company)
  • 99,000 UK dogs (1%) never get walked.

PDSA is calling for owners to complete their online quiz to share their thoughts on the health and happiness of their own much-loved pets. There’s also a chance to win a hamper worth £200! https://bit.ly/2luGzE7

Other concerning findings from PDSA’s latest PAW Report, which the charity believes is leading to unnecessary misery for the UK’s pets, include:

  • 31% of dog owners, 56% of cat owners respectively aren’t aware of their pet’s current weight or body condition score, meaning millions don’t know if their pet is overweight and suffering in silence
  • 43% of cats live in a multi-cat household, when cats generally prefer to live alone.
  • Bunnies are highly misunderstood pets and 25% are homed in inappropriate, small hutches where they are unable to exercise and show natural behaviours.
  • 26% of owners fail to feed their rabbits hay as part of their main diet, and 21% are fed inappropriate ‘muesli-style’ food, both of which can cause serious dental and weight problems in the UK’s bunnies.


NSPCC Scotland’s School Service delivered to all schools in Edinburgh

NSPCC Scotland’s ‘Speak Out Stay Safe’ (SOSS) service which helps children to learn how to recognise abuse, has now been delivered in all mainstream primary schools in Edinburgh. Continue reading NSPCC Scotland’s School Service delivered to all schools in Edinburgh

Scottish RNLI Lifeboat Station to receive charity’s first sea-going Memorial

Invergordon’s new Shannon class lifeboat is set to host the names of thousands of people being commemorated by loved ones in the RNLI’s new and unique memorial.

The name of each person being remembered will be featured within the lifeboat’s letters and numbers, or decal, displayed on the lifeboat’s hull. Continue reading Scottish RNLI Lifeboat Station to receive charity’s first sea-going Memorial

Woman who woke up to sudden sight loss to take on Edinburgh Kiltwalk for RNIB

A woman who woke up to sudden sight loss is to take on Edinburgh Kiltwalk for RNIB. Elizabeth O’Hara is urging people to join her for the Edinburgh Kiltwalk on Sunday, September 15th, to raise money for sight loss charity RNIB. Continue reading Woman who woke up to sudden sight loss to take on Edinburgh Kiltwalk for RNIB