Carers Champion: Together let’s ‘Make Caring Visible’ in 2020

Edinburgh’s Depute Lord Provost and Carers Champion, Councillor Joan Griffiths, writes on National Carers Week:

This is the start of national carers week and never more than now has caring for others been so discussed and quite rightly recognised as being so incredibly important.

This year’s theme is ‘Making Caring Visible’, which is very appropriate as we need to also recognise the incredible contribution unpaid carers are making to our society in what are currently extremely challenging circumstances.

would like to give my heartful thanks to the estimated 65,084 unpaid carers living in Edinburgh – 13.7% of the city’s population. What’s really important is acknowledging the hard work and dedication of every person carrying out this role as well as identifying and making sure that everyone caring for a loved one is given the support they need for their own health and wellbeing.

Unpaid carers are people of all ages who look after family members, partners, friends or neighbours due to their physical and mental health needs. Often, the person could not live in their own home unsupported without this care. It’s not unusual for an unpaid carer to be looking after someone for some time and not realise that is what they are doing. 

This year, people across the country are continuing to face new challenges as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Many people are taking on more caring responsibilities for their relatives and friends who are disabled, ill or older who need support. 

If this applies to you, I want you to know that you can receive help, support and advice from a range of different carer organisations and services in Edinburgh.

Usually, this support can be provided face to face with a carer support worker but at the moment we are living in unprecedented times and this has to be offered on the phone or by video conference following government guidance.

What’s important though is that help is still available and carer organisations would be delighted to speak to anyone who thinks they are caring for a loved one in this way. There is a lot of support available such as access to relevant information and learning and social opportunities. Alternatives to short breaks under the current circumstances can be discussed as well as counselling services and help with finances.

Unpaid carers are also entitled to request an Adult Carer Support Plan or a Young Carers Statement and again these can be completed over the phone or by video conference.

Each day this week well be highlighting different themes including carers, information and advice, carer health and wellbeing, short breaks, young carers and personalising support for carers.

Over the course of this week I would appeal to everyone to share this information as widely as you can through your own networks and social media if you have it. This will help us to make sure that our unpaid carers can access the help and support that they need, now and in the future. Together let’s ‘Make Caring Visible’ in 2020.

If you need support with your caring role or would like to talk to someone please contact the Edinburgh Carer Support team on 0131 536 3371. They will be able to support you directly or connect you to the relevant service.

You can also contact them online at

 Further information for unpaid carers during the current coronavirus pandemic can be found at

This contribution first appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News

Lothian MSP praises carers during National Carers Week

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has called on everyone to show their support for carers during National Carers Week (8-14 June).

Carers have an invaluable role in society looking after people who need their support, many of who are unpaid.

The Covid-19 outbreak this year has been very challenging for carers who have not been able to see loved ones in person, to protect the people they are caring for.

The Scottish Conservative Health Spokesperson has used the week to call on the SNP Government to recognise the role that many unpaid carers play on a daily basis and ensure that they have the resources to provide financial and wellbeing support to relatives and loved ones.

Carers work at this time should never be forgotten and MSP Miles Briggs says everyone owes them a huge debt of gratitude.

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs campaigned with Amanda Kopel to pass Frank’s Law in Scotland and ensure under 65s have access to free personal care.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “Carers are integral to our communities and look after those people who are most vulnerable in our society.

“The Covid-19 outbreak has been incredibly challenging for carers, with care homes being particularly affected by Covid-19.

“National Carers Week is an opportunity to highlight the hard work of carers across Edinburgh and the Lothians and the sacrifices they have made during this pandemic.

“SNP Ministers must ensure that resources are in place to support all carers who have taken on unpaid roles caring for relatives and friends during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I will continue to push the SNP Government for greater support to be given to carers throughout Scotland.”

392,000 become unpaid carers in Scotland in a matter of weeks

  • Nearly 400,000 additional people in Scotland caring for older, disabled or seriously ill relatives or friends since the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Unpaid carers and those not caring just as worried about stress and responsibility of providing unpaid care
  • Scottish public demands better deal for unpaid carers
  • Carers Week charities call on Government to recognise unpaid carers’ efforts and rebuild country’s care and support services. 

New figures released for Carers Week (8th – 14th June 2020) show an estimated 392,000 people in Scotland have become unpaid carers a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is on top of the 729,000 unpaid carers in Scotland who were already caring before the outbreak, bringing the total to 1.1 million.

Approximately 239,000 women (61%) and 153,000 men (39%) have started caring for relatives who are older, disabled or living with a physical or mental illness.

Typically, they will have been supporting loved ones from afar, helping with food shopping, collecting medicine, managing finances and providing reassurance and emotional support during the pandemic.

Some will have taken on intense caring roles, helping with tasks such as personal care, moving around the home, administering medication and preparing meals.

Over 227,000 (58%) Scots who have started caring since the outbreak are also juggling paid work alongside their caring responsibilities, highlighting the need for working carers to be supported as they return to offices and work sites.

The six charities supporting Carers Week – Carers Scotland, Age UK, Carers Trust Scotland, Motor Neurone Disease Association, Oxfam GB and Rethink Mental Illness – are calling on the Government to recognise and raise awareness of the role unpaid carers are playing during the pandemic and ensure they are supported through it, and beyond.

Both unpaid carers (74%) and adults without caring responsibilities (76%) said managing the stress and responsibility of being an unpaid carer was/ would be the top challenge when caring. Scotland’s families are under a huge amount of pressure managing their caring roles and are worried about how they will cope in the weeks and months ahead. 

Simon Hodgson, Director of Carers Scotland, said: “Recognising the contribution of unpaid carers to our society and properly supporting them has never been more important than during this pandemic.

“Unpaid carers should not be taken for granted by the Scottish and UK Governments in this crisis. They must ensure that carers physical and mental health is looked after as well as introducing measures to protect financial wellbeing, career and education.

“It is imperative that, moving out of the pandemic, the Scottish Government ensures that care services are reinstated as quickly as is safely possible to reduce the pressure that so many carers are experiencing.

“They must also work with carers to rebuild and renew our care system so that carers are supported and families have improved and better access to the services and support they need to live better lives.”

Polling of the general public shows unpaid carers have become more visible within society since the pandemic began. There is a majority consensus in Scotland for unpaid carers to receive more support from the Government than they do currently.

  • Nearly half (43%) of the Scottish public who have never cared said they are more aware of unpaid carers than before the outbreak.
  • More than two thirds of the Scottish public (72%) do not think that unpaid carers have been supported by the Government during the crisis.
  • Nearly 4 in 5 (79%) of the Scottish thought the Government should increase support for unpaid carers: such as better financial support as well as investment in care and support services so that carers can take a break.

The six Carers Week charities are calling on Government to urgently deliver a plan for social care reform and set out long term investment in care and support services. This would give unpaid carers the opportunity to take breaks from their caring role, and stay in paid work if they want to.

The headline supporter of Carers Week 2020 is British Gas, who will be hosting a virtual Care for a Cuppa session with its employees with caring responsibilities, and Nutricia also supporting.

First Minister salutes carers and volunteers

Statement given by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at a media briefing in St Andrew’s House yesterday (Tuesday 2nd June):

Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for joining us. I’ll start as always with an update on the current position in relation to COVID-19.

As at 9 o’clock this morning, there have been 15,471 positive cases confirmed – which is an increase of 53 from the figures I gave you yesterday. However, I need you to note today that this figure of 53 includes 40 older positive test results, which have only been received today and are being added to the overall total now.

A total of 1,168 patients are currently in hospital with either confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and that is an increase of 122 from yesterday.

However, please note that the number of confirmed cases in hospital actually decreased by 23 compared to the figures yesterday.

A total of 34 people last night were in intensive care with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. That is an increase of 7 since yesterday – all 7 of those are suspected cases at this stage, not confirmed cases.

I am also able to confirm today that since 5 March, a total of 3,721 patients who had tested positive and required admission to hospital for the virus have now been able to leave hospital.

And unfortunately, in the last 24 hours, 12 deaths have been registered of patients confirmed through a test as having COVID-19 – that takes the total number of deaths in Scotland, under that measurement, to 2,375.

Of course, tomorrow we will have the weekly report from National Records of Scotland which includes confirmed and suspected deaths from the virus.

Each one of these of course is an individual whose loss is being grieved and mourned by many. I want again today, to send my condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one to this illness.

Lastly, on statistics I can confirm that the latest report on delayed discharges has been published today. That includes details on the number of older people discharged from hospitals – where they had no clinical need to be – to care homes. In April that figure was 510. An additional 600 were discharged during April to their own homes.

In addition to thanking our health and care workers – as I do again today from the bottom of my heart – there are two other groups I want to pay tribute to and these groups are relevant to the two substantive issues I want to cover today.

The first group is our unpaid carers, who of course provide vital support to family, friends and neighbours at all times. This pandemic has been an especially stressful time for many of them, and I want to thank each and every one of them, you if you are watching, for your efforts.

One of the ways in which the Scottish Government has already acted to support carers, is by establishing a Carer’s Allowance Supplement – worth £460 a year. The supplement is paid to around 83,000 people across the country who receive Carers’ Allowance – people who are on low incomes, and who provide 35 hours or more of unpaid care to a child, or to an adult on disability benefits.

Last month, we announced that these carers will receive a further Coronavirus supplement of £230. Parliament approved our plans two weeks ago, and so people who are eligible will receive this payment at the end of this month, together with their normal Carer’s Allowance Supplement.

The specific date of payment will be confirmed in the next few days. Let me stress now, if you are eligible, you don’t need to do anything to receive this Coronavirus supplement – it will be paid to you automatically at the end of the month.

I know that this pandemic has been really hard for everyone but it has been very hard for carers emotionally – you are inevitably concerned about your own health, and the health of the people that you are caring for.

However in many cases, it has also been very difficult financially. This extra payment is one way of providing you with some additional help – but is also an important way of us acknowledging the help and care that you provide to others.

I also want to acknowledge that this week is Volunteers Week – that’s an opportunity for all of us to highlight and celebrate the service of volunteers in communities the length and breadth of the country.

Of course, like unpaid carers, the efforts of volunteers are important at all times, but the Covid outbreak has demonstrated once again just how much they contribute.

The Scotland Cares campaign, which you will recall we launched at the end of March, received more than 80,000 sign-ups in total. More than 60,000 of those were from people who wanted to volunteer through the British Red Cross or through Volunteer Scotland.

Some have been shopping for their neighbours – making sure people get the food and prescriptions and other essentials they need – others have been making befriending calls, or providing emotional support, to isolated or lonely people.

Some are directly helping with the response to COVID-19, and others are volunteering through long-standing community organisations.

There are also some people who signed up who may not have been asked to volunteer yet, but you may well be needed in the future – for example in supporting people who are asked to self-isolate under the “test and protect” system.

And of course, alongside the tens of thousands of people who have signed up under the Scotland Cares campaign, there are hundreds of thousands of people and many of you watching will be amongst that number who have been volunteering for years and in some cases for decades.

There are also, I know, many of you who are maybe not formally recognised as volunteers, but who have been performing important acts of kindness for neighbours and friends for a long, long time. I want to say how grateful I am, and how grateful the Scottish Government is to each and every single one of you.

Our national response to Covid depends on people being prepared to look out for each other and show solidarity with each other. Volunteers are an essential and highly valued part of that collective national effort.

Of course, each and every one of us has a part to play in that effort. And it remains the case, that the best way in which each of us can show solidarity with each other, is by sticking to the rules and the public health guidance.

That is the point I want to end on this afternoon.

You should still be staying at home most of the time right now, and you should still be meeting fewer people than normal.

I’d ask all of you to consider whether or not your life feels as if it is going back to normal? I’m sure that’s not the case but if it is, perhaps you should think about whether you are following all of the public health guidance because unfortunately, and regrettably, our lives shouldn’t feel completely normal right now.

When you do meet people from another household, when you are away from home,  you should stay outdoors at all times, and you should stay 2 metres apart from people in other households.

Now you might be reading or hearing in the media today some voices saying that 1 metre is sufficient – so I want to take the opportunity today to stress that the clear and strong advice from the Scottish Government is to stay 2 metres apart from those in other households.

Don’t meet up with more than one other household at a time, don’t meet more than one a day – and please keep to a maximum, and I stress, a maximum of 8 people in a group.

Remember to wash your hands often. That is actually more important as you start to meet, albeit at a physical distance, with people from other households. So wash your hands often and thoroughly. If you’re away from your home, out and about, please remember to take hand sanitiser with you.

Wear a face covering when you are in shops or on public transport. And again, I want to make a direct appeal to you here, if you haven’t been wearing a face covering so far when you’re in a shop or on public transport or in other enclosed spaces, I’m asking you to please think about doing so now.

Because it can offer some protection to other people, it protects them from you transmitting the virus to them if you have it perhaps without knowing it and other people who wear a face covering are offering you some protection as well. So again, it’s something all of us can do to protect each other.

Remember to avoid touching hard surfaces – and when you do touch a hard surface remember to clean it.

And if you have symptoms of COVID-19 – a new, continuous cough; a fever; or a loss of, or change in, your sense of smell or taste – you should get tested, and follow the advice on self-isolation.

I want to underline that point today as well. The success of our test, trace and isolate system – Test & Protect – depends on everyone with symptoms coming forward and getting tested.

So if you do experience symptoms – please do not delay – do not do that thing that sometimes in normal times all of us do, wait to see if we feel better after a day or so. The moment you start to experience these symptoms, book a test at or you can phone NHS 24 on 0800 028 2816.

It is really important that if you experience those symptoms, a cough, fever, a loss or change in sense of taste or smell then you come forward and book a test.

Above all else, and this is my final point, please remember that the individual decisions that all of us take right now have an impact far beyond our own health and wellbeing – our individual decisions right now affect the wellbeing of our families, our communities, indeed they affect the wellbeing of the entire country.

The Scottish Government’s responsibility to lead the country through this pandemic and to take all of the appropriate practical steps we need to take is a responsibility we and I, personally take very seriously.

But the truth is that our success or failure in suppressing this virus and keeping it suppressed will also depend on all of us as individual citizens and it will depend on our collective efforts as a society.

We must all continue to do the right thing by each other – by following all the rules and following all of the public health guidance.

I want to stress today that if we all do that, we will continue to slow down the spread of this virus and we will save lives. So my thanks to each and every one of you for doing that so far and I ask you to continue to do the right thing.

More cash for Scottish carers

As part of the next emergency coronavirus legislation, the Scottish Government is proposing an additional £19.2 million investment in Carer’s Allowance Supplement.

Around 4,735 in Edinburgh benefitting from this additional financial support. 

This is in recognition of the additional pressure that carers are under as a result of the ongoing pandemic.

If approved by parliament, around 83,000 eligible carers will get an extra £230.10  through a special one-off Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement in June.

As with the current supplement, they will not need to do anything to get this extra payment as it will be paid automatically to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance.

This would mean that carers receive an additional £690.30 this year on top of their Carer’s Allowance and any other income. This supplement is not paid in the rest of the UK.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “We introduced the Carer’s Allowance Supplement to recognise the important contribution unpaid carers play in our society.

“They provide vital support to family, friends and neighbours. Our collective efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus will see many of these carers experiencing additional pressures, particularly financial, right now.

“The payment will benefit carers who are on low incomes and already have some of the most intense caring roles, providing at least 35 hours unpaid care weekly to a disabled child or adult in receipt of higher level disability benefits.

“This additional payment would be an acknowledgement to carers that we know that they are doing even more right now, and we thank you.”

Around 4,735 carers in Edinburgh are due to benefit from the one-off payment, which will be paid automatically to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance. 

Pentlands MSP Gordon MacDonald said: “Carers in Edinburgh make an absolutely vital contribution to our society, and it’s only appropriate that their hard work is valued and they are properly supported by the Scottish Government. 

“This one-off payment will benefit carers who are on low incomes and already have some of the most intense caring roles, providing at least 35 hours unpaid care weekly to a disabled child or adult in receipt of higher level disability benefits. 

“This additional payment will be an acknowledgement to carers that we know they are providing vital support to family, friends and neighbours, and playing an absolutely crucial role in our collective efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus. 

“I am delighted that carers across Edinburgh are being recognised by the SNP Government for the important contribution they make to our communities in these extremely difficult circumstances.”

Care and Carers: A Guide to Keeping in Touch

For people experiencing care, this pandemic may be worrying and confusing.  Alongside other organisations, The Care Inspectorate has produced information to support contact with loved ones during this time.

We have published a guide to keeping in touch, with practical information on using apps and mobile devices so  loved ones can stay in touch when those they care for can’t receive visitors.

The Scottish Council for Learning Disabilities website has published easy read information about the COVID-19.

Alzheimer Scotland have created a suite of resources for people with dementia, their carers and families to use throughout the coronavirus pandemic.


Emergency Fund to provide a lifeline for unpaid carers struggling to cope with Coronavirus

  • There are an estimated 7 million unpaid carers in the UK providing care to family members and friends with long-term illnesses, disabilities, poor mental health or substance addictions.
  • Hundreds of thousands of carers are providing care round-the-clock, experiencing isolation and poor physical and mental health as a result.
  • Huge upsurge in queries from carers regarding concerns caused by Coronavirus.

Carers Trust is launching today an emergency appeal to help unpaid carers who are struggling to cope with the enormous impact of Coronavirus and self-isolation while still providing care and support to family members and friends.

All donations made online by the public will go straight into Carers Trust’s Carers Emergency Fund. The Fund will be used to ramp up Carers Trust’s existing grants programme, providing more small grants more quickly to those carers who need them most. It will provide grants of any amount up to £300 directly to carers, helping them overcome the hurdles that Coronavirus is throwing up on a daily basis.

Carers Trust has been receiving a huge upsurge in communications through its Network from carerslooking after people, young and old, whose lives have been made extremely challenging as a result of the Coronavirus lockdown. 

One Carers Trust Network Partner has reported a 100% increase in the number of emails it is receiving from carers since the outbreak of Coronavirus. The same Network Partner reports a 177% increase in people visiting its website (an average of 466 visitors per day). All communications from carers, whether calls or emails, are prompted by concerns about Coronavirus.

Examples of problems described by carers

These problems will be addressed through grants made available by Carers Trust to carers in need:

  • Lack of money for petrol from a carer whose 98 year-old father was released from hospital after 28 days battling Coronavirus. The carer did not want paid care workers coming into the house and risking re-infection. With her only income being Carers Allowance of £67.25 per week, however, she could not afford to make the 18 mile round-trip three times a day to care for him properly.
  • The lack of money to meet the cost of purchasing a small tablet so that an unpaid carer can keep in regular contact with the person they care for, reducing their loneliness and isolation and ensuring their health doesn’t deteriorate.
  • A carer had no money to buy a cooker after ordering one from Bright House just before they went into administration. She had no further funds to get one in any other way. The carer has three children with disabilities who need very particular foods.

Launching Carers Trust’s emergency appeal, CEO Gareth Howells said: “Unpaid carers are the backbone of our society, providing huge levels of care to family members that are some of the most vulnerable people in our society. But all too often the commitment and sacrifices they make go unnoticed.

“At Carers Trust we are constantly hearing about the daily struggles of unpaid carers and how their lives have now been thrown into turmoil as a result of Coronavirus.

“Some unpaid carers simply cannot find food because food banks have closed. Others are spending considerable amounts of money caring for their family members because it’s not safe for the social care workforce to do so.

“That’s why we are launching the Carers Emergency Fund. It will increase the number of grants we are able to make and ensure this happens as quickly as possible to ease the pressures on unpaid carers.”

“This Fund also shows Carers Trust’s determination to stand by these heroes, keeping them afloat so they can continue to care for their loved ones. I’d urge anyone able to do so to visit the Carers Trust website to donate and show their support for unpaid carers who really are the backbone of our social care system.”

Sir Trevor Pears CMG, Executive Chair, Pears Foundation, added: “The Coronavirus crisis has made an already difficult situation for carers far, far worse.

“That’s why we think it is so important to support the Carers Emergency Fund which will significantly increase funds that can speedily be turned into grants for carers. These grants will serve as a real lifeline at this time of crisis, getting financial support swiftly to vulnerable unpaid carers.”

Remember families who receive care at home, urges charity

A social care charity is appealing to the Scottish Government to remember families who receive care in their own homes, and the carers who provide that care, during the Coronavirus pandemic.

In a letter to Jeanne Freeman, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, the chief executive of the Scottish Personal Assistant Employers Network (SPAEN), Colin Millar (pictured), calls for action to urgently address what he describes as a “crisis”.

He writes: “We are writing on behalf of SPAEN’s 500 Direct Payment employers and the 1,500 or so others throughout Scotland who have chosen to use a Direct Payment or Option 1 to meet their social care needs.

“We are receiving frequent requests for information, advice, support and calls for SPAEN to raise these continued concerns and matters with the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and CoSLA as the body representing the local authority councils distributing these funds to PA employers.

“The experience of Direct Payment users in Scotland is harrowing and deeply concerning.

“They continue to report that they have little or no access to PPE and they are getting no information or updates on when or how this will be resolved.

“They continue to be fearful for themselves, their families and loved ones and their employees, their employees’ families and loved ones, all of whom risk their own health and welfare on a daily basis to provide key social care services to people in their own homes and who are placed at unnecessary risk of transmission of this virus due to a lack of PPE.

“Direct Payment employers want to follow, fully, the Scottish Government’s published guidelines on the use of PPE but they cannot do so without being given access to the vital equipment they need.

“Some callers to local authority councils are being advised to use their ‘current supply chain’ to access this. Many Direct Payment employers will not have a ‘supply chain’, they will be purchasing PPE on an ad hoc basis as and when required and permitted through the Direct Payment agreement.

“The normal suppliers are not able to meet the demand as commissioning is done at a strategic level either through the HSCP or the Scottish Government, resulting in a scarcity of PPE for people who are not supplied via these statutory bodies.

“We are aware that a number of other charities and organisations have made similar representations to the Scottish Government.

“While we do not represent unpaid carers, we have seen a huge increase in contact from these groups who are also deeply concerned that they are unable to access support or PPE.

“While we are in a period of crisis, and this is without doubt such a period, we are calling for a fundamental review into how Direct Payment recipients in Scotland are represented and supported at national and regional level at the earliest opportunity.

“After 20 years’ of representing Personal Assistant Employers across the length and breadth of Scotland, thanks to the support of the Scottish Parliament and contemporary Scottish Governments, this year SPAEN’s services are being retracted, due to funding cuts. This outbreak calls into question the logic behind such a decision and we are calling on the Health & Sport Committee to review this decision at its earliest convenience.

“Without a national body representing PA employers, these and many similar issues will simply not be raised and people electing to exercise their right to use a Direct Payment, as per the current legislation, will be further eroded.

“Ironically, it is in times like these that many people assessed as requiring social care support are seeking Direct Payments as care agencies and local authority run home care services are withdrawn or re-assessed with little or no notice or consultation.

“We’ve had repeated requests from people affected by decisions to remove their existing social care support either through care agencies or local authority home and support services where staff absenteeism has presented significant logistical challenges.

“We have requested and continue to lobby for Direct Payments to be made available to anyone and everyone who has an assessed social care need and specifically as a direct alternative where existing social care arrangements are being withdrawn as a result of Covid-19 or related resource issues.

“Peoples’ social care needs cannot, unfortunately, be abated to accomodate resourcing issues and there has already been assurance from the Cabinet Secretary that no-one should lose the support they’re already assessed as requiring.

“SPAEN represents over 500 individual employers who have equal concerns and responsibilities.

“SPAEN would welcome any invitation to join the discussions being held by the Scottish Government to discuss the current challenges facing all of social care to ensure our membership and the many hundreds of others using Direct Payments are fully and properly represented.”