£60m for disabled children in first year of new Scottish benefit

Minister urges those eligible to apply

Almost £60 million has been distributed to thousands of families with disabled children in the first year of a new Scottish benefit.

The latest official figures from Social Security Scotland show the families of nearly 44,000 children and young people were receiving Child Disability Payment in September this year.

The benefit replaces the DWP’s Disability Living Allowance for Children and helps cover the extra costs of caring for a child who is disabled, has a health condition or is terminally ill.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “Caring for a child who is disabled or has a long-term ill-health condition can result in extra costs for families, from buying specialist equipment to paying for taxis to get to appointments. It can also be more expensive for children with disabilities to take part in the activities and opportunities with their peers.

“Child Disability Payment helps parents to support their children and assists young people to live their lives to the fullest. It is welcome news that around 44,000 families are now receiving Child Disability Payment, a year after we rolled it out across Scotland.

“With the increasing financial pressures on families, it is important people are receiving all the benefits they are entitled to. I urge anyone who thinks they or their child may be eligible to get in touch with Social Security Scotland, as well as checking if they may be entitled to extra financial support by visiting costofliving.campaign.gov.scot/

One parent who knows the difference Child Disability Payment can make, is mum Heather, whose son has autism and ADHD.

Heather said: “Before applying for Child Disability Payment, my son was struggling. He found school very hard and didn’t think he was good at anything. He couldn’t focus, didn’t have friends and was worried he’d never be able to get a job. His self-esteem was so low.

“Child Disability Payment allowed me to buy him a computer and pay for outdoor school sessions. That might not sound like much but it’s changed his life.

“The outdoor school lets him learn in much smaller groups and in an active way that suits his brain. The computer and the games have let him learn new skills including maths, something he found impossible before.

“He’s also discovered he’s exceptionally good at games. That’s given him something to feel proud of for the first time and something to talk to other children about.

“He’s now talking about becoming a game developer or working for a big tech company.

“It if wasn’t for Child Disability Payment there’s no way I could have afforded any of that and he’d still be the same boy who cried every night not wanting to go to school.

“I’d urge any parent or carer who thinks they might be eligible to look into applying for Child Disability Payment.

“The process is much simpler than you might think and the money could change your child’s life.”

The latest figures show 34,000 people who had been receiving Disability Living Allowance for Children before Child Disability Payment was rolled out, have had their award transferred to Social Security Scotland.

The majority of those still receiving Disability Living Allowance for children in Scotland are expected to have their awards transferred by Spring next year, with no need for the recipient to take any action and no break in payments.

Scottish Child Payment increased

Extension opens benefit to more than 400,000 children

The Scottish Child Payment has today been increased to £25 and been extended to include eligible children up to age 16.

First launched in February 2021 at £10 per week per child for children under the age of six, the Scottish Child Payment – unique to Scotland – provides direct financial support to eligible families and carers.

Around 104,000 children already getting the payment will automatically see the payment increase to £25 per week – which represents a 150% increase within eight months. This is also the rate for all those now eligible up to age 16.

Following today’s extension, it is forecast that a further 300,000 children across the country will be eligible.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has encouraged all eligible families to apply on a visit to Golfhill Primary and Whitehill Secondary schools at their shared campus in Dennistoun, Glasgow.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “This is an important day for many families across Scotland as we make significant extra financial support available to tackle child poverty. The Scottish Child Payment is unique to Scotland and is the most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK.

“At a time when the cost of living crisis is causing significant hardship for many families, this increased payment of £1300 per eligible child is even more vital, and the age extension means that it is now available to many more children.

“We want to make sure that everyone gets the help available to them. Parents or carers who are on universal credit or other benefits and who have children under 16 should check through Social Security Scotland if they are eligible.”

John Dickie, Director of Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland, said: “The roll-out of the Scottish Child Payment to over fives and the increase in its value to £25 a week marks a hugely welcome day for struggling families across Scotland and a real step on the road toward ending child poverty.

“This is a significant and uniquely Scottish boost to family incomes at a time when it is needed more than ever. It’s now vital that we all spread the word as widely as possible and ensure that all eligible families apply and every child that is entitled benefits.”

Scottish Child Payment is part of a wider package of five family payments including: Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment, Best Start Grant School Age Payment and Best Start Foods.

Scottish Child Payment extended to under 16s from tomorrow

Scottish Child Payment will increase to £25 per eligible child per week from tomorrow (14 November), with the ground-breaking anti-poverty benefit also opening to applications for all eligible under-16s from that date.

The First Minister is determined to help households and businesses cope with a “humanitarian crisis that will cost lives.”

She has also called on the UK Government to take urgent action as it holds most of the key policy levers and resources to fully address the crisis.

The First Minister said: “The Scottish Child Payment is unique to Scotland, the most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK and an important action to mitigate the growing cost emergency. We doubled the payment to £20 per week per child in April and the further increase to £25 from November means a rise of 150% in less than eight months.

“Around 104,000 children currently in receipt of Scottish Child Payment will have it automatically increased to £25 per week. All new eligible under 16s will also benefit from the £25 rate, with all payments backdated to the date their application is received.

“Through this year’s Programme for Government we will take every action, within the financial means and legislative powers at our disposal, to help people through this humanitarian crisis that will cost lives.

“The most significant powers to tackle this crisis rest squarely with the UK Government and their inaction has compounded the difficulties everyone is facing.

“In the absence of a plan from the incoming Prime Minister we have a clear set of actions which the UK Government could take now, and should have taken already, to begin to address the crisis. These include an immediate cancellation of the October price cap rise and an uprating of benefits. 

“The last few months have made it abundantly clear Scotland cannot rely on the UK Government to support people in Scotland through this crisis. It is vital they have a choice over their future.

“Make no mistake, we will continue to act where others have not to help people and businesses – and the UK Government needs to follow our example.”

You can find helpful Scottish Child Payment information along with shareable social media graphics on the Social Security Scotland website:


Scottish Child Payment extends to under 16s this month

On November 14, Scottish Child Payment will be uprated from £20 to £25 and eligibility will be extended to all under 16 year olds.
The change to this payment will make over 400,000 children eligible for the payment. Scottish Government analysis projects that the increased payment will take 50,000 children out of relative poverty by 2023/24

. Around 104,000 children already receiving Scottish Child Payment for their children under 6 will automatically see their awards increase to £25.
Speaking ahead of her statement to Parliament on the Programme for Government, the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon said: “The Scottish Child Payment is unique to Scotland, the most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK and an important action to mitigate the growing cost emergency.

“We doubled the payment to £20 per week per child in April and the further increase to £25 from November means a rise of 150% in less than eight months.”
Social Security Scotland are holding extra events for stakeholders (see dates below) where you can get more information about these changes.  
Due to high demand, we have added three new dates to our Scottish Child Payment Stakeholder Event series this month.
You can sign-up here.

Over one million families claiming tax credits to receive second Cost of Living Payment from 23 November

More than one million claimant families receiving tax credits, and no other means-tested benefits, will get their second Cost of Living Payment from Wednesday 23 November 2022, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has confirmed.

This £324 UK Government payment will be paid automatically into most eligible tax credit-only customers’ bank accounts between 23 and 30 November 2022 across the United Kingdom.

Angela MacDonald, HMRC’s Deputy Chief Executive and Second Permanent Secretary, said:

“This second Cost of Living Payment will provide further financial support to eligible tax credit-only claimants across the UK.

“The £324 will be paid automatically into bank accounts, so people don’t need to do anything to receive this extra help.”

The second payment will see more than 8 million households across the UK receive their £324 cost of living cash boost by 30 November and follows the first cost of living payments of £326, which eligible families received from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) from July and HMRC from September.

The UK Government recently announced that households receiving DWP benefits will get their second Cost of Living Payment from 8 November continuing through to 23 November. This includes tax credit claimants who also receive other income-related benefits from DWP.

HMRC is making payments shortly after DWP in order to avoid duplicate payments.

This latest payment comes on top of wider UK Government support with the cost of living this autumn and winter, including:

·         the £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment, already paid to around 6 million disabled people

  • more than 8 million pensioner households who will receive an extra one-off £300 Winter Fuel Payment this year 

This is in addition to an extension to the Household Support Fund, which is providing an extra £421 million for use between October 2022 and March 2023 to help vulnerable people with the essentials. A £150 Council Tax rebate was sent earlier this year to those in Council Tax bands A to D in England, creating at least £1,200 in direct support for millions of households.

A £400 reduction on energy bills is also being given to all domestic electricity customers over the coming months, and the Energy Price Guarantee is protecting households from significant rises in their energy bills this winter.

The UK Government is offering help for households. Customers should check GOV.UK to find out what cost of living support they could be eligible for. 

Additional Information:

  • Cost of living payments were announced in May 2022. Details of the first DWP and HMRC payments were publicised in June, July and August 2022. In October 2022 the DWP announced details of their second payment.
  • The latest payment schedule information, which will be updated on 20 October to show that the second HMRC payments will be made between 23 and 30 November, is available here.
  • Tax credit-only customers, who will receive the second payment between 23 and 30 November 2022, must have received a payment or an annual award of at least £26 of tax credits for any day in the period 26 August 2022 to 25 September 2022, or later found to be entitled to tax credits for this period.
  • For joint claimants, where one claimant receives Working Tax Credit and the other claimant receives Child Tax Credit, payments will be made into the same bank account as the Child Tax Credit. 
  • To be eligible for the second DWP payment, families must have been entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of either:
    • Universal Credit for an assessment period that ended in the period 26 August 2022 to 25 September 2022
    • income-based JSA, income-related ESA, Income Support or Pension Credit for any day in the period 26 August 2022 to 25 September 2022
  • Customers do not need to apply for this payment. If customers are eligible through receiving tax credits only, HMRC will make the Cost of Living Payment automatically into the bank account where claimants already receive their tax credits. Customers might find that their payment is delayed if they have recently closed the bank account their tax credits are usually paid into.
  • If customers have not let HMRC know that their bank account has changed, HMRC will pay the money into their old bank account, meaning the payment will be rejected. If this happens, HMRC will follow this up by letter to the customer, letting them know that we need updated bank details.
  • If tax credit customers believe they are eligible but have not received a payment between the published payment dates, they should wait until 7 December at the earliest to contact HMRC. This is to allow time for their bank, building society or credit union to process the payment. We won’t be able to provide customers with any further information before this date.
  • More than 8 million families on means-tested benefits will receive up to £650 this year, made in two payments. This includes all families entitled to a payment of the following benefits: Universal Credit, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and Pension Credit.
  • This payment is tax-free, will not count towards the benefit cap, and will not have any impact on existing benefit awards.
  • These payments are being delivered in two slightly different amounts of £326 and £324. The distinct value relates to a specific qualifying period, so it is simpler to determine if a payee received the correct payments, reducing the fraud risk of people who claim not to have had one of the specific two payments, as HMRC and DWP will be able to clearly track those who have.
  • Beware of scams targeting cost of living payments. If someone contacts you about cost of living payments saying they are from HMRC, it might be a scam.
  • You don’t need to apply for this payment. HMRC will never ask for your bank details by SMS or email. Don’t let yourself be rushed. Check advice on spotting scams by visiting GOV.UK and searching ‘phishing and scams’. You can find phone numbers, and other ways to contact us, on GOV.UK – search ‘Contact HMRC’ and choose ‘tax credits’.

Income Maximisation: Are you getting all you are entitled to?

Benefits and grants may help you increase your income. Check if you’re eligible for payments like:


Scottish Child Payment


Carers Allowance Supplement


Disability payments


Pension Credit Full list and benefits calculators at http://bit.ly/BenefitsAndIncome

Granton Information Centre can make sure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. To make an appointment telephone 0131 551 2459 or 552 0458, or email: appointments@gic.org.uk

Families urged to talk about social security payments

Support highlighted during Challenge Poverty Week

Families and friends have a crucial role to play in ensuring Scotland’s social security payments reach those who need them most.

On a visit to a Citizens Advice Bureau, as part of Challenge Poverty Week, Social Security Minister Ben Macpherson said talking about benefits would help drive take-up and reduce stigma about accessing benefits. The Scottish Government urges people to make sure they get the benefits they are entitled to.

These payments provide support to people on low incomes, people with disabilities, carers, and young people entering the workplace.

During the visit to the Citizens Advice Bureau in Muirhouse, Mr Macpherson met staff and volunteers who provide information and advice about available financial assistance and wider support.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “We are urging as many people as possible to talk to family, friends and other people they know to encourage them to apply for benefits they may be entitled to. We want people to get any support that they are eligible for.

“We know that word of mouth helps to raise awareness of Social Security Scotland’s payments, and those provided by the UK Government which may be needed to access Scottish benefits. We also want anyone who thinks they might be eligible for payments to check what’s available to them.

“While several of our payments are designed for people on low incomes there are also others which provide support to disabled people, young people starting their careers after a period of unemployment, and carers including young carers.

“Social security is a shared investment in people and supports building a fairer, more equal society. The current cost of living crisis shows that any of us could need this support at some point in our lives. That is why it is right that we invest in social security together.

“The Scottish Government is grateful for the impactful role that Citizens Advice advisers play in promoting and supporting access to social security.”

The Scottish Government’s new website provides information on the wide range of advice and financial support available.

Find out more at http://gov.scot/costoflivingsupport…

Citizens Advice Edinburgh Chief Executive Benjamin Napier said: “The Citizens Advice network in Scotland encourages everyone to check that they are receiving the income they are entitled to.

“Every year, millions of pounds of welfare entitlement go unclaimed. At a time of increasing costs and pressures on household budgets, we strongly encourage people to get in touch with their local Citizens Advice Bureau or use our online tools like www.moneymap.scot to see if they could be receiving more money.

“Last year the CAB network across Scotland helped over 174,000 people and 2.4 million people checked our online advice pages. 

“Advice from CABs is free, impartial and confidential. We never charge people for advice and are for everyone regardless of background or circumstance. Social Security Scotland have 12 new benefits and we want to make sure everyone knows their rights of access them.”


GRANTON Information Centre remains committed to tackling the injustice of poverty in Edinburgh. We do this by:

* Ensure that our service users are getting all the financial assistance they are entitled to by carrying out ‘benefit checks’ and ‘income maximisation’ appointments

* Assisting our clients to make benefits claims and apply for grants on their behalf

* Assisting our service users to challenge decisions if their benefit has been stopped/ sanctioned/ reduced/ refused or overpaid

* Discuss various options with our clients who are struggling to cope with debt, including liaising with lenders and arranging bankruptcies

* Organising food and clothing bank referrals.

We are here to help! Contact us: appointments@gic.org.uk / 0131 551 2459 / 0131 552 0458


Job opportunity at Granton Information Centre

We are currently looking for a Welfare Rights Adviser to join our organisation.

This role is ideal for someone who is passionate about helping people and understands the importance of individuals having access to free and impartial advice, advocacy and representation on matters relating to benefits, welfare rights and debt issues.

Although experience in a similar role is preferred, full training will be provided and we are looking to hear from anyone who has useful transferable skills and an interest to work in this field (including graduates).

Apply at https://goodmoves.com/…/a4s3z000…/Welfare-Rights-Adviser

Almost 6 million £150 Cost of Living Payments processed for disabled people, says DWP

As of today (30 September) the Department for Work and Pensions has processed almost six million £150 Disability Cost of Living payments worth around £900 million.

Almost 6 million £150 Disability Cost of Living Payments processed for disabled people

This follows the government’s announcement on 20 September that those who had confirmed payment of their disability benefit for 25 May will receive the £150 automatically, with the vast majority to be paid by early October.

The vast majority of eligible claimants who were due to receive the one-off £150 payment from the DWP by early October have now had their payment processed.

The payment will help disabled people with the rising cost of living, acknowledging the higher costs they often face, such as for care and mobility needs.

There will be some cases – such as those who gained entitlement to this payment at a later date or where payments were rejected due to invalid account details – who will not be paid by the beginning of October. These will be paid automatically as soon as possible.

The £150 cost of living payments for disabled people from the government are part of a £37 billion package of support, which will see millions of low income households receive at least £1,200 this year to help cover rising costs.

This also follows the Prime Minister’s announcement of a new Energy Price Guarantee for the next two winters, saving households on average £1,000 a year on their energy bills.

Further information

  • The Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) will apply from 1 October and will discount the unit cost for gas and electricity use. This guarantee, which includes the temporary suspension of green levies, means that from 1 October a typical household will pay no more than £2,500 per year for each of the next two years. This is in addition to the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme.
  • On top of the EPG and £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment, there is an extra £150 for properties in Council Tax bands A-D in England. On top of this, disabled people on low incomes may also be eligible for the other Cost of Living payments totalling up to £650 – households in receipt of a means-tested benefit received the first of the two automatic Cost of Living payments of £326 from 14 July. The second means-tested payment of £324 will be issued later this year.


  • Those who receive the following disability benefits may be eligible for the one-off payment of £150 in September: Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Attendance Allowance, Scottish Disability Benefits (Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment), Armed Forces Independence Payment, Constant Attendance Allowance and War Pension Mobility Supplement.
  • The majority of those who had confirmed payment of their disability benefit for 25 May have now been paid. For those who have still to be paid, are awaiting confirmation of their disability benefits on 25 May, or who are waiting to be assessed for eligibility to receive disability benefits, the process may take longer but payments will still be automatic.
  • You must have received a payment (or later receive a payment) of one of the qualifying benefits for 25 May 2022 to get the payment.

Cost of living support

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng ‘to get Britain working again’

  • The Chancellor is expected to announce reforms to the welfare system that will encourage thousands more into work and to boost their earnings, helping grow the economy.
  • Around 120,000 more benefit claimants will be asked to take active steps to seek more and better paid work, or face having their benefits reduced.
  • Over 50s to get more support to find work, boosting economic growth.

The Chancellor is this week expected to announce changes to Britain’s welfare system that will help boost people’s earnings, get them into work and support economic growth.

Changes to Universal Credit expected to be announced later this week will require benefit claimants working up to 15 hours a week at National Living Wage to meet regularly with their Work Coach and take active steps to increase their earnings or face having their benefits reduced.

This gradual expansion is an increase from the 12-hour threshold and will bring an additional 120,000 benefit claimants into the Intensive Work Search Regime.

With more than 1.2 million job vacancies across the UK, Work Coaches will set clear expectations with claimants and make sure they stick to their commitments. These commitments could include applying for jobs, attending interviews or increasing their hours. People who don’t fulfil their job-search commitments without good reason could have their benefits reduced in line with existing benefit sanctions policy.

Eligible claimants over 50 years old, including new claimants and the long-term unemployed, will also get extra support from Work Coaches. The newly unemployed will get 9 months of targeted sessions, and people who are long-term unemployed will receive a booster session followed by 3 months of intensive employment support.

Rising economic inactivity in the over 50s is contributing to shortages in the jobs market, driving up inflation and limiting growth. Returning to pre-pandemic activity rates in the over 50s could boost the level of GDP by up to 1 percentage point.

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng said: “Our jobs market is remarkably resilient, but it is not perfect. While unemployment is at is at its lowest rate for nearly fifty years, the high number of vacancies that still exist and inactivity in the labour market is limiting economic growth.

“We must get Britain working again. These gradual changes focus on getting people back into work and maximising the hours people take on to help grow the economy and raise living standards for all.

It’s a win-win. It boosts incomes for families and helps businesses get the domestic workers they need, all while supporting economic growth.”

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Chloe Smith MP said: “As we continue to face economic challenges and labour market shortages, we are committed to helping people on lower incomes to boost their pay – because we know work is one of the best ways to support your family and help grow our economy.

“Whether it’s increasing their hours in their current role, entering a new sector or switching careers, we want people of all ages and all stages to be able to progress into fulfilling careers.

“The expertise our dedicated DWP Work Coaches bring, will help to drive this change by removing barriers to progression and opening up opportunities for training and building skills, to increase earnings.”

These changes will be Great Britain-wide and, in line with usual practice, the UK Government will work with the Northern Ireland Civil Service to determine the most suitable way to deliver support in Northern Ireland in due course.

Certain groups will remain exempt from sanctions, including people who are unable to work due to long-term sickness or a disability.