Local mums say: it’s All About Me!


We have been attending the ‘All About Me‘ group on a Monday morning. We have been taking part in various training and upskilling courses and improving our health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, due to our funding ending in September, the group will no longer run.

We decided to make a film about how difficult it is to gain employment when you are a lone parent: lack of suitable jobs, lack of childcare, housing issues, to name a few!

We would love if you could join us for a viewing of our film and to see some of the work we have been doing over the last few years.

Look forward to seeing you on the 5th June.

The Mums 

Two-child limit for Universal Credit will consign 200,000 more children to poverty

New cuts limiting universal credit to the first two children in a family will push another 200,000 children below the official poverty line, new analysis from the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has shown. Continue reading Two-child limit for Universal Credit will consign 200,000 more children to poverty

Still time to sign on to benefits Experience Panel

Thousands of people with direct personal experience of the current benefits system have signed up to help shape the delivery of benefits in Scotland’s new social security system. As recruitment comes to a close, the latest volunteer figures for the Experience Panels stand at 2,335 – far in excess of the minimum 2,000 initially sought after – and applications will still be accepted over the next few weeks. Continue reading Still time to sign on to benefits Experience Panel

Scotland’s social security agency will put people first

No place for private firms in new social security setup

Scotland’s new social security agency will put people before profits, with no private companies carrying out benefit assessments, Social Security Minister Jeane Freeman has announced. Continue reading Scotland’s social security agency will put people first

Scottish Government acts to protect families hit by welfare changes

“The squeeze will be felt most by families with children, young people and those who have already been hardest hit by continuing UK Government austerity” – Social Security Minister Jeane Freeman

Families with children will be among those worst affected by UK welfare changes coming into effect, Scotland’s Social Security Minister has said. A number of UK Government changes come in to force yesterday which will cut the benefits people in Scotland are entitled to.

Continue reading Scottish Government acts to protect families hit by welfare changes