News from Heart of Newhaven


First of all, a big thank you to everyone who contributed to our recent Crowdfunder campaign.

This is to be put towards the costs of sprucing up the building once we get the keys. Lots of volunteers are of course already hard at work getting ready for the big day, making inventories and moving furniture, all essential logistical work.

Soon, it really will be “all hands on deck” as we start with the paintbrushes and the trowels and we’ll be calling on even more help on the ground then.

Meanwhile, if you haven’t already given, the Crowdfunder is still open for donations.

Did you know however that you can gift to our charity at any time you like, or even on a regular basis?

All you have to do is go to our website and follow the links.

You can donate online directly to our bank or you can send a cheque if you prefer.

All the details are on the website here 

Now that the weather is improving, remember our big Picnic in the Park, to be held in Victoria Park on Sunday 19th June, between 12.30 and 3.30pm

Inspired by the Eden Project’s Big Lunch, this is being held in collaboration with the Friends of Victoria Park and the Victoria Park Allotment Holders. Bring a picnic and enjoy meeting your neighbours. Take part in the fun races and games or take advantage of the plants and books swap tables. There will even be an (optional) fancy dress competition for children and pets – with prizes!

New initiatives

Thanks to successful applications to the Social Isolation and Loneliness Fund 2022, The Arnold Clark Community Fund and the People’s Postcode Trust, we have successfully achieved funding to help connect and bring people together. This is the aim of the following two new projects.

Reminiscence training

We know that sharing stories and memories is valuable in preserving not just family history but social history and brings people of different generations together through understanding and sharing. It’s also enjoyable and rewarding.

If you’re interested in reminiscence and recording people’s stories and memories, then we have funding for training in reminiscence work which will be led by the Living Memory Association. 

Do get in touch with: or  if you would like to take part.

Pots of kindness

The second project is an expansion of our earlier Pots of Kindness. That project was so well received that we are going to run another.

This time, as well as primary school children, we are inviting young people of 16+ to get involved.

We will supply the seeds, pots and compost. All you do is plant the seeds and write a short letter to an elderly recipient. We’ll deliver the planted pots with their accompanying letters to the elderly or isolated within the community.

It’s a wonderful way to bring the generations together.

Get in touch with if you know a young person who would like to get involved.

Annual General Meeting

Finally, we are due to hold our next AGM shortly, probably towards the end of June. If you’ve not become a member, consider doing so now, before the meeting, so that you have the right to vote.

There are two types of membership depending on where you live and you can find out all about it on the website page.


Remember to check the website and our social media regularly for updates and blogs.

EVOC AGM this Wednesday

EVOC Annual Conference + AGM: Thriving Local

Wednesday 17 November, 9.30am to 1pm (online event)

We’re delighted to present 3 great keynote speakers at our 2021 Conference + AGM:

·       Dona Milne (Director of Public Health, NHS Lothian): Public Health & Health Inequalities

·       Daisy Narayanan (Senior Manager, City of Edinburgh Council): 20 minute neighbourhoods and living well locally

·       Paul Wilson (Chief Executive, Volunteer Edinburgh): The impact of COVID-19 and the future of volunteering

There will also be a selection of breakout group discussions focused on the communities mental health funding; a new climate initiative for Edinburgh; the children, young people & families taskforce and a strategic refresh for EVOC.

Find out more & register

AGM invite from Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

Dear Friend of Granton Castle Walled Garden,

We will be holding our AGM via Zoom on Wednesday 26th May from 5:30 – 6.30pm.

It is open to everyone who would like an update on the progress of the charity.

If you would like to attend, please email and we will send you the Zoom link the day before. 

If you would like to have a say in what goes on and be able to vote, we would ask you to become a member, which is free and can be done by filling out the attached form (below) and returning it to us via email, post or in-person. 

We look forward to seeing you if you can make it!

All the best,

Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden 


Postal Address:

Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

c/o Social Bite Village, 23 West Shore Road

Edinburgh, EH5 1QB.

ELREC April events

14/04 – The Divine Light In Us workshop

The discussion will focus on helping us see our true selves.

When you take away the body and the mind that comes with it, you are left with the soul which is pure energy. That energy glows like a shining light within ourselves.

During the ups and downs of living a life with constant distractions at our doorsteps, we disconnect ourselves from our true nature which is full of love, compassion, positivity, honesty, kindness, euphoria, and peace.

We need to take time out daily to connect to that self of ours where we can find ‘home’ and find the peace we all long for in our lives.

Join us by clicking on the link below on Wednesday 14th, April 2021, at 5.30pm:

Topic: The light in us
Time: Apr 14, 2021 05:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 803 215 8539
Passcode: 12345

28/04 – ELREC Annual General Meeting 

We would like to invite you to attend ELREC’s AGM which will be held on Zoom.

Wednesday 28th April 2021, 6:00 – 7:00pm.

Join us to hear reports of another year of achievement for ELREC.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Get your ticket by clicking here.

Heart of Newhaven: Last chance to become a member before the AGM

We are abandoning our usual monthly newsletter schedule to send you this advice that there is little time remaining if you wish to become a member of HoNC before our first AGM.

The AGM has now been set for Thursday 29th April and because of the admin work required, you must apply for membership before the 1st April.

New member applications will then be verified and confirmed by the board at their next meeting on 7th April and official notice of the AGM and all that entails will be sent out by the 13th.

Do consider becoming a member. It costs nothing and if you live in our area of benefit it ensures you have a say in who runs the charity and what they do. There is a simple form to fill in on the website under JOIN US.

The AGM may well be rather strange this year because of Covid. Only a small number of people constituting the required quorum will be allowed to be present in person. Everyone else will be invited to an online meeting. It also means that those voting members not present in person will have to send in a proxy voting form, but all that will be explained in the notice of meeting which will be sent by email to members only.

If you have any questions regarding the Board or the AGM please contact

In other news, we are so pleased to report that there was a tremendous response to our initial Crowdfunding appeal which has helped us pay for professional fees. The many supportive comments have also provided welcome proof that we are not working in vain. 

Here are some of the things supporters said:

This is a brilliant project that will deliver huge community benefits. It’s well thought-out and is being impressively well-organised.

Amazing project to support the community and get everyone of all ages together!

Great to see this project making progress – all strength to your elbows for what will be a tremendous asset for the community.

Fantastic work, well done to all involved.

Meanwhile our volunteers are working away in the background on greening projects, lending a neighbourly hand in the community and spreading the word, while we deal with preparing for our very first AGM, a momentous stage in our progress.

The trustees are looking forward to seeing you there.

Don’t forget to keep checking the website.
There’s always something new. April will see the addition of the first of a two-part blog by Bill Hall about fishing in the Forth.

There will be no April newsletter and the next communication will be with members only, by the 13th April.  The next newsletter will be in May, after the AGM.

Join Us!

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils set AGM date

Annual General Meeting – Thursday 19th November 2020

Apologies for an error in the last mailing which wrongly stated the date of the AGM. This will take place on Zoom at 7pm until 9pm on Thursday 19th November 2020.

Papers will be available up to the meeting at EACC Documents on the website.

For those wishing to join the meeting please book a place by emailing

The Zoom details will be sent no later than 24hours before the meeting for those registered to attend.

We request that only the nominated Community Council representative plus one other attend to keep numbers manageable.

The Office Bearer nomination form is also available on the website in EACC Documents and also attached here in MSWord and PDF format.

Nominations close at midday on Tuesday 17th November 2020.

It is hoped that a presentation by a senior CEC officer informing on plans to take the City forward currently and after the pandemic will follow the business meeting. Further details to follow.

We have also published a document, On video conferencing: guidance from the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) which is available to download HERE

Kind regards

Simon Holledge

Secretary, Edinburgh Association of Community Councils

A message to Community Councils from Living Streets Edinburgh Group:

Living Streets Edinburgh Group is very interested in working with community councils in any part of Edinburgh.

In particular, we would be keen to join in any local ‘walkabouts’ or possibly more formal street audits with the aim of identifying ways to improve streets for ‘everyday walking’.
While this is obviously not a good time for such activity, please get in touch if your community council is interested in this some time in the future:
We are also of course keen to hear from any individuals who would like to get more involved in our work or who may be interested in taking forward local walking projects of any kind.

David Hunter, 
Convenor, Living Streets Edinburgh Group

EVOC Round Table events

We are holding a series of ‘Round table’ events in partnership with Third Sector Strategy Group (TSSG) and would like to invite you to attend and contribute to what we believe will be informative and actionable sessions. 

Our first event will take place on Wednesday 14th October (10.00am – 11.30am)

‘People’s Story’

Using information from the Poverty Commission, Food Fund Work and the Mind the Craic report as a basis for the discussions, we will discuss and highlight the experience of inequality and the urgent need first, coming up with some ideas about how these could be addressed.

To book a place at this session visit here

Our second event will take place on Wednesday 28th October (9.30am – 11.00am)
‘An Urban Commons’

This session will focus on how we increase participation, create purposeful partnerships, and continue to develop community wealth building.

To book a place at this session visit here

As a reminder: our AGM will take place on Tuesday 3rd November 2020. More details to follow.

All sessions will take place virtually, we would invite you to book your place asap!