Granton Community Gardeners AGM

WEDNESDAY 19th MARCH from 5.30 – 6.30pm


Our AGM is coming up: Wednesday 19th March 5.30-6.30 at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. (room F40, upstairs -there’s an accessible lift).

You’re all invited! As well as some formal business like the presentation of accounts and trustee election, we’ll do a wee review of the past year, and a look ahead to the coming one.

We’ll provide some light refreshments, so if you’re planning to come it’s helpful if you can message us so we know numbers.

If you’re a member you should already have an invite, but please note we’ve had to change the venue as PCHP will now be closed that week for electrical works.

If you’re not a member but would like to sign up, all the relevant info is here:

Ukraine: United We Stand!

European Movement in Scotland:- Politicians from SNP, Labour, Scottish Greens and Scottish LibDems unite to show support for Ukraine at EMiS AGM


Senior figures from across the mainstream Scottish political spectrum united to propose a motion of support for Ukraine to the AGM of the European Movement in Scotland (EMiS), held in Edinburgh on 8th March.

The motion, which was passed unanimously by the meeting, reads:

The European Movement in Scotland unequivocally supports the sovereign right of the people of Ukraine to decide their future and have full enjoyment of their democratic freedoms, system of government, land and assets, free from invasion, intimidation and coercion by foreign powers

Ukraine’s freedom and security must include its right to democratically decide if it wishes to join international organisations such as the European Union and NATO.”

MSPs Sarah Boyack (Labour), Patrick Harvie (Scottish Greens) and Willie Rennie (Scottish Liberal Democrats) joined former SNP MP Alyn Smith in tabling the motion.

David Clarke, who was re-elected chair of EMiS, says: ““Today, leading figures from rival parties have demonstrated political maturity and responsibility by proposing a message of heartfelt support from the membership of the European Movement in Scotland for Ukraine’s wish to live in peace and security and be master of its own future.

“Ukraine has been attacked by Russia, its soldiers killed and injured. Its people scattered. Its economy devastated, but still, it fights on. It is fighting for freedoms that since the end of WW2 we have taken for granted. Their fight is our fight.”

David Clarke told the AGM that EMiS had a successful year in 2024, increasing its membership, income and range of activities: “The Scottish public is firm in its opinion that Scotland is better off in Europe.

“Scotland is leading UK opinion and has been central to delivering the message that our future security and prosperity will be much more certain only if we return to being a full member of the EU family.”

TODAY: Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre Annual General Meeting

TUESDAY 3rd DECEMBER at 3.30pm

Join us for our Annual General Meeting—a chance to hear about our achievements, plans for the future, and how you can get involved in shaping our community.


 Date: Tuesday 3rd December


 Time: AGM at 3:30 PM


 Refreshments from: 2:30 PM

Come early, enjoy a cuppa, and connect with fellow community members.

Your voice matters, and we’d love to see you there!

Granton Youth’s AGM

Granton Youth held its virtual AGM this week for its members and invited guests. Apart from the usual administration process of electing its volunteer board members those present heard about the work that the organisation did over the past year as well as a look ahead.

Mary Q-Burnside, Manager of GY, said in her report: ‘The year 22/23 was the first year following the pandemic when we were free to operate with full complement of staff and put the focus and vision of the GY strategy fully into practice – which is to provide holistic support to work with young people and their families.

‘GY has created a multi-support network and programme that can make a real difference to young people’s lives – by being where they are: in their streets, school, at our base within RWCC and within the family home.’

Mary highlighted there was a growing demand following pandemic and exacerbated by cost of living crisis means services are at capacity.

As part of GY strategy it has been recognised what we do well and ask young people and their families what they need and want.

In order to make this happen we have developed valuable and supportive collaborations through:

  • Community Mental Health fund partnership – Bwell together
  • North Edinburgh Youth Work collaborative – supporting youth work apprentices
  • Single Point Access pilot in North Edinburgh – working with NHS, Social Work and schools to ensure the right targeted support is identified for local families and young people

Despite the challenges in finding funding GY continues to be successful in sustaining its funding in an ever more competitive market.

Currently GY provides:

  • Open access youth work – a safe space to explore learning, creativity and be heard
  • Targeted youth work for nuerodivergent/isolated young people
  • Music – employing professional tutors so young people can learn to play, write their own songs and record and release them as well as being given and opportunity to play live with some of our musicians playing venues such as King Tuts and La Belle Angelle
  • Families Together – working with families to identify areas where support is required and providing tailored programmes to meet their needs
  • Volunteering – offering local people an opportunity to volunteer and receive accredited learning and have access to a paid apprenticeship in youth work
  • Mentoring- delivering 1:1 for young people requiring additional support, targeted at those who may be socially isolated or who are  at risk of antisocial behaviour
  • Streetwork – working to engage young people who are not engaging in mainstream youth work services and or education. Meeting them in the local area and on their terms
  • Counselling – GY has a centre based counselling service for local young people and adults as well as counselling presence across 6 high schools in North West Edinburgh
  • Positive Activities programme is part of our open access youth work but also with offers a targeted programme to engage physically inactive/socially isolated or those engaged in risk-taking behaviour
  • Schools based youth work – supporting young people by providing 1:1 youth work mentoring to sustain attendance and improve attainment

Dave Macnab, Chair of GY, said: “All of this happens because we have developed a dedicated staff team who are experienced, skilled and enthusiastic about the work they do and the difference they make.

“It is heartening to see that 10 of our team of 21 are from the local area and that 6 of the core team started as volunteers at GY.

“In fact, in the last two years GY has employed five young people who are the product of the volunteer apprentice scheme”.

GY reaches around 500 young people and adults per year through its various provisions and demand is ever increasing as our word of mouth reputation and positive profile grow. 

If you want to know more about the work of GY contact

Granton: Hub AGM

The board of trustee is delighted to invite you to the Granton:Hub AGM 2023 in Madelvic house on the 27th of September from 18:30 – 20:30.

Granton:Hub AGM will be chaired by Shaeron Averbuch, who will give an overview of Granton:Hub activities over the past period [August 2022 to July 2023]. The Hub treasurer, Romain Viguier, will present the accounts and the Hub members will proceed with election and re-election of officers.

Following the AGM, we will present a selection of projects, to highlight the diversity of activities being developed at Granton:Hub and inspire new ones. You will hear from the Closing the Gap project, from Art in Granton programme, and from the adventurous Iron Age Log-boat crossing of the Firth of Forth.

You will have opportunities to network, meet other members and users of the Hub’s facilities and tell us what you would like to see happening in Granton:Hub.

Reserve your spot via Eventbrite

Drylaw Telford CC AGM

◾️Drylaw Telford Community Council AGM.◾️

We will hold our AGM on Thursday 29th June at 7pm.

Where: Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre

There will be a short presentation on our greenspace consultation so come along to find out more.

We are also looking for local people to join us and help shape our community!

To find out more, contact us on the details below.

Refreshments will be provided.

We hope to see as many people as possible.

Drylaw Telford Community Council AGM date announced


Come along to our AGM on June 29 @DrylawNC at 7pm and hear from @greenspacetrust about our consultation on parks and open spaces and have your say on how these can be improved.

We are also looking for new members so if you want to help improve the local area please get in touch.

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM tonight

EACC: EVOC Presentation and AGM: 24 November 2022, at 19.00

This will now be a TEAMS screen meeting (with doors open at 18.50). 

We are going to use a facility hosted by CEC Governance Division, with the provision of a Council Returning Officer for the Members’ Board election.  

Please note the Meeting ID and Passcode.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting (or copy and paste the link to your browser).

Meeting ID: 387 653 264 326
Passcode: P7p2hD

Where asked to sign-in with a screen display name, please adopt the following procedure: 

If you are carrying your council’s vote, please sign in to the Teams screen meeting with a clear CC identifier, preceded by two asterisks and followed by your surname, along the lines of:




If you are not carrying a vote, just sign in as FIRST NAME LAST NAME.

If you have any queries, contact me at:  or 

or call me on 078 1615 2994. 

The event will be recorded.

In attending, you will be giving your permission for the recording to take place.

AGM Agenda:

1. Record of attendance;

2. Minutes of November 2021 AGM submitted for adoption;

3. Record of February 2022 EGM submitted for adoption;

4. Standing Orders (November 2022 revision) submitted for adoption;

5. Chair’s Annual Report;

6. Secretary’s Annual Report;

7. Treasurer’s submission of Annual Accounts to March 2022 for adoption;

8. Any other relevant Office Bearer reports;

9. Consideration of any Motions to be put to the meeting;

10. Demit of current Office Bearers;

11. Election of Community Council members to EACC Office Bearer posts and to panel seats on the EACC Members’ Board;

12. Appointment of an Independent Examiner of the Accounts;

13. Any other competent business, as determined by the Chair;

14. Set date of next AGM and close the meeting.

Ken Robertson

Acting-Secretary, EACC