Pup Idol! Desperately seeking Bruiser and Rufus

Opera company launches search for performing pooches


The Bohemians Lyric Opera Company has launched a competition to find two dogs to star alongside its cast of the Legally Blonde the musical in March in Edinburgh’s King’s Theatre. Continue reading Pup Idol! Desperately seeking Bruiser and Rufus

SSPCA: Don’t give pets as Christmas gifts

“Our message is simple: a pet is a lifelong commitment and not a present which can be given at Christmas and then forgotten about soon afterwards.” – Ch Supt Mike Flynn, SSPCA

Kitten Scottish SPCA

The Scottish SPCA is advising people not to buy pets as Christmas presents for fear of a surge in abandonments. Continue reading SSPCA: Don’t give pets as Christmas gifts

Be Dog Smart!

Be Safe Around Dogs: free dog safety workshops

be dog smart


My name is Rachel and I’m the Education and Community Officer for Dogs Trust in Edinburgh. My role is to provide FREE workshops that teach children, young people and families about responsibility and safety around dogs.

I am currently offering community groups fun and interactive workshops from our ‘Be Dog Smart’ safety initiative and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you more.

With nearly 9 million dogs in the UK, it is vital that all children and indeed adults too are educated and informed about interacting safely with them. Be Dog Smart workshops educates children on how to behave around dogs, how to meet a dog correctly and what to do if scared of dogs.

For more information please visit http://learnwithdogstrust.org.uk/free-learning-resources/Community-Education/be-dog-smart/index.html.

Workshops last approx. 45mins and suitable for age 5+ and for parents/guardians.
There is no cost and you may book as many as you like!

If you would like to arrange for me to visit your group, or simply require more information, please email me at rachel.bliss@dogstrust.org.uk or call 0792 065 8660.

Snakes Alive! Anaconda gies Gordon the Willies!

Anaconda found loose in West Pilton!


A four foot-long anaconda was rescued by a street cleaner who found it lying next to a fence in West Pilton Bank last Saturday. Gordon Fraser first thought the yellow snake was a child’s toy – until it moved!

Gordon bravely coaxed the snake into a box and took it back to his depot before contacting the Scottish SPCA.

William, as the snake has been named, is now being cared for at the charity’s Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre in Balerno. He’s recovering well following three days of treatment at a vets.

Gordon Fraser explained: “I noticed the snake lying behind some cardboard next to a fence and thought it was a toy at first. Then it moved and I realised it was real!

“The snake looked in really poor condition so I tried to coax him into a cardboard box and we took him back to the depot. I’m pretty shocked to find out the snake is an anaconda – my workmates kept telling me not to touch him but I don’t think he would have survived for much longer if I hadn’t helped him.”

The SSPCA is now appealing for information. The charity’s June Chalcroft said: “Yellow anacondas need experienced owners as they are temperamental and will bite. However, William was extremely thin and dehydrated when he was found curled up outside and he didn’t put up a fight.

“We rescue all types of animals, including snakes, but they tend to be smaller species such as corn snakes. It’s extremely rare for a 4ft anaconda to be found in public.

“At this stage we don’t know how he came to be found outside. He may have escaped from home but we also have to consider the possibility he has been abandoned.”

Well, are you missing your pet snake?

Call the SSPCA on 03000 999 999