Less booze than bread!

British Beer and Pub Association urges Government to change description rules as supermarket staples can contain more alcohol than no-alcohol beers

  • At 0.05% UK non-alcoholic thresholds are most stringent in the world 
  • Restrictions mean supermarket staples such as yoghurt and bread can contain more alcohol than No alcohol beer
  • BBPA calls on Government to change descriptions to support public health goals and so the public have a greater variety of No alcohol beers

The BBPA is calling for a change in UK No/ Low definitions considering many supermarket staples contain more alcohol than No alcohol beer and current rules penalise British brewers.  

The leading trade body says a slight change in the threshold to 0.5% ABV would lead to brewers being able to create many more No/ Low alcohol beers, which would help people choose moderation if they want to. 

Currently, ‘alcohol free’ beer in the UK must be 0.05% ABV or below, whereas non-alcoholic beer from many other European nations and international markets is allowed up to 0.5% ABV. 

Brewers across the UK are investing a huge amount of time and money in creating innovative products, and 86% of pubs now stock No/ Low options. On top of this, 8% of pubs are serving a No/ Low option on draught, proving how the industry is helping public health goals and helping pubs be even more inclusive. 

However, given the lack of a level playing field, British brewers are effectively penalised – even in the UK – as they cannot compete with European brewers who have greater freedom to make No/ Low beer. 

In the UK an ‘alcohol free’ beer must be below 0.05% ABV whereas non-alcoholic beer from many other EU and international markets adhere to a slightly higher threshold of 0.5% ABV. 

With the sector forced to work within such a restrictive threshold, the BBPA has pointed out that many products contain more alcohol than a 0.05% beer. 

This was acknowledged in the previous Government’s evidence review published alongside their consultation on No/ Low definitions. The then Government recognised that foods such as bread, fruit juice and yoghurt can all contain a level of alcohol that is undeclared and does not need to be labelled or indeed is a cause for concern. 

Specifically, their evidence found levels of up to 1.2g of alcohol per 100g of bread, and 0.77g of alcohol per litre of fruit juice. The Government also highlighted that an individual would need to drink 8 pints of 0.5% ABV in an hour to reach the same blood alcohol content as if they consumed one 4% ABV pint of beer. 

This highlights the challenges and unfairness faced by UK brewers. 

Emma McClarkin, CEO of the BBPA said: “It couldn’t be clearer that British brewers want to create more No/ Low options and cater to booming demand but are at a distinct disadvantage when compared to international neighbours. 

“Our sector is committed to tackling harmful alcohol consumption, proven by how brewers are creating more No/ Low products, and more pubs are stocking these products. 

“Changing current highly restrictive ABV thresholds to match international neighbours will help brewers create more products and give consumers more options when choosing moderation, all of which will help public health goals.” 

From a public health perspective there is clear and robust evidence that no and low alcohol drinks are effective in supporting those seeking to moderate or reduce their alcohol consumption.     

The No/ Low category is coming off a recording breaking 2024 and Christmas period with up to 140 million pints expected to have been drunk last year. However, there remains huge scope for further growth. 

With this in mind, it is vital that the No/ Low category is supported so that it can continue to grow and be an option those who are choosing moderation, the BBPA said. 


The latest episode of BBC ALBA’s award-winning Eòrpa current affairs programme sees journalist Ruairidh Maciver marking 10 years of sobriety. In a powerful, personal, and thought-provoking programme, Ruairidh takes us from his childhood in the village of Brue in the west coast of Lewis, into adulthood, and a series of struggles with addiction to alcohol and drugs.

The report contains reflections from friends and family who have known him during this time, as well as those who he met along the way and were instrumental in his journey to recovery.

Since sobriety, addiction dealt another cruel blow to Ruairidh and his family, with the tragic and untimely death of his brother Alasdair in 2022 due to alcohol and drugs. Ruairidh reflects on this painful time and meets one of Alasdair’s closest friends, to remember his brother’s life.

Eòrpa: Recovery also brings together expert testimony from the world of science, academia, and outreach organisations who strive to minimise the effects, and understand the nature of drug and alcohol use in Scotland’s communities. With the festive season approaching, and with it a temptation to consume more alcohol, this is a time of year when worries about problem drinking can grow.

Ruairidh has known his friend Joanne Havinden since childhood.

Reflecting on Ruairidh’s addiction in his teens, she told him: “My memory of you when we were wee – you were so happy.

“And, you know, you were so good at word games and jokes and puns and making up stupid songs and all that kind of thing. 

“And you stopped doing that sort of stuff and you were unhappy. You were really sad. You know, it was just like watching an out-of-control train and we didn’t know what to do to help.”

Kenny Trainer is the Project Manager at the Bluevale Community Club in Haghill and Dennistoun. It started off as a boxing club, but has expanded, with volunteers now helping with a variety of social issues nearby.

Asked if things had moved on since a joint visit in 2021 by then First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, and then Scottish Conservative Leader Douglas Ross, Kenny told Ruairidh: “To be honest with you, probably not.

“I think that, politics as politics go, they want to point fingers at each other and blame each other and say that one is better than the other, when realistically a lot of the time they are the exact same while nothing really changes and they’ve got the power to make it change.”

This is the first time Ruairidh has spoken publicly about his past issues with alcohol and drugs, and of his journey through recovery.

Reflecting on making this special edition of Eòrpa, Ruairidh said: “It’s vital that we have an open, compassionate and non-judgemental conversation about where things stand with alcohol and drugs in Scotland today.

“Addiction is something that could affect any person and any family. The reason I wanted to make this programme is that I’ve reached a stage in my recovery where I feel ready to add to that conversation and share some of my own experience.

“My journey brought me into contact with many individuals and organisations who helped me and it was a privilege to be able to go back and speak to some of them. Everything I have in my life today is rooted in the sobriety that they helped me to achieve.

“If this programme can offer hope to anyone struggling with addiction, or encourage them to seek support, it will have been worthwhile.”

Eòrpa is BBC ALBA’s flagship current affairs programme, covering a variety of domestic and European stories.

Eòrpa: Recovery will premiere on BBC iPlayer and BBC ALBA at 9.00pm on Wednesday 27 November (in Gaelic with English subtitles). Watch live or on demand: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b006mvwb/eorpa

Alcohol: 15p rise in Minimum Unit Price

The minimum price per unit of alcohol will increase by 15 pence from today.

MSPs previously voted to continue the public health measure which had been scheduled to end automatically on 30 April as part of a ‘sunset clause’ when Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) legislation was introduced in 2018.

They also voted to introduce a price increase, with a rise to 65p per unit chosen as the Scottish Government seeks to increase the positive effects of the policy and to take account of inflation.

Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “Research commended by internationally-renowned public health experts estimated that our world-leading policy has saved hundreds of lives, likely averted hundreds of alcohol-attributable hospital admissions and contributed to reducing health inequalities.

“Experts wrote to The Lancet, describing Public Health Scotland’s evaluation of minimum unit pricing as ‘high-quality’ and ‘comprehensive’, and expressing confidence that there are several hundred people with low income in Scotland who are alive today as a result of this policy.

“However, the Scottish Government is determined to do all it can to reduce alcohol-related harm and as part of that, I am working to ensure people with problematic alcohol use receive the same quality of care and support as those dealing with problematic drugs use.

“We have also made a record £112 million available to Alcohol and Drug Partnerships to deliver or commission treatment and support services locally, as well as investing £100 million in residential rehabilitation.

“I have also asked that Public Health Scotland is commissioned to review evidence and options for reducing exposure to alcohol marketing.”

More funding to support residential rehabilitation placements

New initiatives to increase access to residential rehabilitation across Scotland which will be able to support more than 100 residential rehab placements have been introduced.

Local Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) that are experiencing high demand will be able to access extra funding from the new £2 million Scottish Government Residential Rehabilitation Additional Placement Fund (APF).

In addition, a national online service directory will also provide an up-to-date nationwide list of residential rehabilitation providers for the first time.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Christina McKelvie said: “A recent PHS publication found we are on track to meet our commitment of 1,000 people receiving public funding for residential rehab but we want to do more and we are working hard to remove potential barriers to people accessing it.

“Those working in ADPs have helped design this approach, which complements a range of other residential rehabilitation projects supported by the Scottish Government.

“This demand-led fund will allow ADPs that need the greatest number of placements to draw down on additional funding for these when they need it – helping ensure funding is targeted at those areas which face the biggest challenges in meeting demand and where help is needed the most.

“The online directory of providers will also make it easier for people to access placements. It will help professionals in the sector as well as empowering individuals and their loved ones to access quality residential rehabilitation and identify the service best placed to support them.”

The rehab.scot site contains an up-to-date list of accredited participating residential rehabilitation providers across the country, as well as associated support services, guidance on accessing rehab and a section on lived-experience rehab journeys.

The fund will be delivered by third-sector partners Scotland Excel.

Corra grant awarded to develop new Women’s Recovery House

Cyrenians, NHS Lothians LEAP, and Edinburgh Alcohol and Drug Partnership have been successful in a recent Corra Foundation grant bid to develop and implement a Women’s Recovery House in Edinburgh.

The House, for patients moving on from residential recovery in the LEAP program, offers women who do not have a safe home to return to the opportunity to continue their recovery supported by their peers.

The first of its kind in Edinburgh, the house creates a level playing field for women, who until this point have had limited options available upon completing the 12 week LEAP programme.

Amy Hutton, Director of Services at Cyrenians said, “This is a fantastic step forward in supporting the recovery community, particularly women who have been underserved in this area for quite some time.

‘We know, from experience, that highly traumatised women don’t fare well in standard service delivery environments, so to be able to offer a bespoke, safe home, truly is groundbreaking.

‘Men in Edinburgh completing the LEAP programme have benefited from a similar model for many years, so this new Women’s House really levels the playing field and helps us continue providing peer support to women who otherwise would be isolated in their recovery.”

This new funding not only allows the partnership to provide accommodation beyond the LEAP programme, but will also support the development of a Wellbeing Coordinator, providing assistance to patients throughout the LEAP programme and during their stay at the Recovery House.

Viki Fox, LEAP Manager for Cyrenians added: “The number of women attending our LEAP programme has been increasing year on year. To have this move on option available for those who would otherwise be discharged into an unsafe home, or indeed, homelessness, is a fantastic step forward to improving their quality of life and ability to stay in recovery.

‘By providing additional support through our wellbeing coordinator we will be able to offer practical and emotional support that will help build self-esteem and independence.

‘Recovery is only the first step – learning to live again beyond addiction takes time, and without support can feel overwhelming and thankless. The support from Corra Foundation allows us to address this need directly, and ultimately will provide women in Edinburgh the chance to rebuild their lives on their own terms.”

Minimum Unit Pricing rise supported

Holyrood agrees continuation of policy and increase to 65p

The minimum price per unit of alcohol will increase by 15 pence after the Scottish Parliament approved plans to continue with the public health measure.

As part of a ‘sunset clause’ when Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) legislation was introduced in 2018, it had been due to end on 30 April, however today’s vote by MSPs ensures its continuation.

In addition, a price increase was required to counteract the effects of inflation, with a rise to 65p selected as the Scottish Government seeks to increase the positive effects of the policy.

The increase will take effect on 30 September 2024.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Christina McKelvie said: “I’m pleased that Parliament has agreed to continue MUP legislation and to raise the level it is set at.

“Research commended by internationally-renowned public health experts estimated that our world-leading policy has saved hundreds of lives, likely averted hundreds of alcohol-attributable hospital admissions and contributed to reducing health inequalities.

“Despite this progress, deaths caused specifically by alcohol rose last year – and my sympathy goes out to all those who have lost a loved one. However, as a letter to The Lancet by public health experts makes clear, it is likely that without MUP there would have been an even greater number of alcohol-specific deaths.

“As we have made clear, the policy aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by reducing consumption at population level, with a particular focus on targeting people who drink at hazardous and harmful levels. 

“We believe the proposals strike a reasonable balance between public health benefits and any effects on the alcoholic drinks market and impact on consumers. Evidence suggests there has not been a significant impact on business and industry as a whole but we will continue to monitor this.”

Alcohol: Minimum Unit Pricing rise

Proposal to continue policy and increase level to 65p

Plans to continue setting a minimum price per unit of alcohol and to increase it by 15p will go before the Scottish Parliament for approval.

As part of a ‘sunset clause’ when Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) legislation was introduced in 2018, it will end on 30 April this year unless Parliament votes to keep it.

A price increase is required to counteract the effects of inflation and 65p has been selected as the Scottish Government seeks to increase the positive effects of the policy.

If Parliament agrees, it will take effect on 30 September 2024.

Deputy First Minister Shona Robison said: “Research commended by internationally-renowned public health experts estimated that our world-leading Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) policy has saved hundreds of lives, likely averted hundreds of alcohol-attributable hospital admissions and contributed to reducing health inequalities.

“Despite this progress, deaths caused specifically by alcohol rose last year – and my sympathy goes out to all those who have lost a loved one.

“We believe the proposals, which are supported by Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer, strike a reasonable balance between public health benefits and any effects on the alcoholic drinks market and impact on consumers.

“Evidence suggests there has not been a significant impact on business and industry as a whole.

“Alongside MUP, we will continue to invest in treatment and a wide range of other measures, including funding for Alcohol and Drug Partnerships which rose to £112 million in 2023-24.”

CAMRA: Action plan needed to save Scottish pubs from permanent closure after MUP announcement

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) says ministers need to value the role of local pubs as part of Scotland’s social fabric and protect them from closure. 

CAMRA is calling on the Scottish Government to come up with an action plan to save the nation’s pubs following today’s announcement on increasing the minimum unit price for alcohol to 65p from 30 September. 

Representing pubgoers, the consumer group believes that policies like Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) – and a cut in tax specifically on pints served in pubs, which it is calling for ahead of the UK Government’s Budget in March – can encourage people to drink in the regulated setting of the pub instead of drinking cheaper supermarket alcohol at home. 

But the Campaign fears that uprating MUP won’t have an impact on its own to encourage pub-going and to safeguard the future of hundreds of community locals at risk of permanent closure due to crippling business rates and a possible return of Scottish Government plans to ban alcohol advertising. 

Commenting on the MUP increase, CAMRA’s Scotland Director Stuart McMahon said: “Our pubs and social clubs are a vital part of our social fabric, bringing people together and helping to tackle loneliness and social isolation. But too many are being forced to close due to crippling costs, with pubs in Scotland shutting up shop at a higher rate than elsewhere in the UK. 

“Sadly, the Scottish Government doesn’t seem to understand the importance of protecting our local pubs as community meeting places and as a safe, regulated place to enjoy a pint with friends and family, with all the wellbeing benefits that go with it. Once our pubs have closed down, or have been converted into flats or shops, or demolished altogether, it is too late to get them back for the communities they once served. 

“That’s why we are calling on the Scottish Government to bring forward an action plan to protect and promote pubs as a force for good in our society and to recognise the mental health and wellbeing benefits of drinking responsibly in your local. 

“CAMRA urgently wants to see a rethink on help for pubs with business rates, the closing of loopholes in the planning system that allow pubs to be demolished by developers without the need for planning permission and a commitment not to cripple valued local pubs and independent breweries by bringing back draconian measures to ban alcohol advertising and sponsorship.” 

GMB Scotland responds to ministerial announcement on Minimum Unit Pricing

GMB Scotland has urged the Scottish Government to urgently reconsider plans to increase minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol by 30%.

The union, with members across the drinks industry, warned the policy is already risking jobs and investment while its health benefits remain unproven.

Deputy first minister Shona Robison today revealed the government’s intention to continue the policy beyond its initial five years while increasing the MUP from 50p to 65p.

David Hume, GMB Scotland organiser in the drinks industry, said: “The case for continuing with MUP never mind increasing it gets weaker with every piece of research published.

“Ministers must be guided by reliable research and data not wishful thinking and good intentions.

“The potential consequences of this policy are too damaging for it to be justified with anecdote, hunches and hope.

“Five years ago, we were told this policy would help save lives of problem drinkers. Now we are told it is about curbing the intake of moderate drinkers but there is no substantive evidence to suggest it does either.”

“The health benefits of this policy remain theoretical at best but the risk of undermining one of Scotland’s most successful industries threatening investment and jobs could not be more real.

“It is reckless to consider extending this policy and increasing MUP when there is no substantive evidence that it does any good.”

The union polled workers across the brewing, whisky and spirits last year when 64% said MUP should be scrapped because it needlessly risked jobs and investment while doing nothing to discourage problem drinking while a third said it should remain at 50p or be reduced.

Healthy Heart Tip: Dry January

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Dry January

Dry January is back, challenging you to become alcohol-free for one whole month. Drinking alcohol on a regular basis can increase your risk of developing heart diseases, increase your blood pressure and cause weight gain.

Getting used to a new alcohol-free lifestyle can be hard, see our tips below to help you this January:

Changing your behaviour

Changing your behaviours can be difficult and it may be beneficial to find alternative habits to distract you when you would usually be drinking.

You might find it useful to try cooking healthy meals or go for a walk in the local park instead of having a drink. You could even take up a new hobby or sport!

Finding alternatives

Finding an alternative drink to the alcoholic one you usually have will help you to refrain from drinking.

There are many non-alcoholic options for you to try mocktails, alcohol-free beer or soft drinks are a few.

Knowing the benefits

There are a number of benefits to reducing your alcohol intake, you will be reducing your calorie intake which could help you to lose weight, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and ultimately reduce your risk of developing heart diseases.

You may also feel improvements in your sleep quality, mental health and energy levels.

Reducing your intake

It is perfectly acceptable to enjoy an alcoholic drink from time to time but by reducing your overall consumption you will be benefitting your health.

Below are some tips to help you:

Have a glass of water after every alcoholic drink
Have smaller drinks or bottled beer
Have lower-strength drinks
Have several alcohol-free days each week
Cut down with your friends and family by supporting each other.

Seven Steps to help get you through Dry January


PEOPLE embarking on Dry January need to wait at least 10 days before they see the full impact of ditching the booze, a top expert has explained. 

Counsellor and author Lynn Crilly said removing alcohol from your life for a month can bring “huge health benefits” that can set you on a path to a healthier and happier 2024.

Lynn said: “For moderate drinkers going alcohol free for a month can be challenging, but it is achievable and healthy. The same may not be the case for daily drinkers or those more dependent on alcohol and these people should seek professional advice and support before they do so.

“The first few days are likely to be the hardest as there may be some withdrawal symptoms such as difficulty in sleeping, and you are likely to also experience some hangover-like symptoms such as cloudy head, agitation, tiredness potentially this is due to lack of hydration. 

“By day five you may be craving sugar that the alcohol is no longer giving you, but on the plus side you should feel sharper and notice an improvement in your concentration. By day seven it gets even better because your sleep should improve significantly. By day ten you should be feeling less sluggish, more energised, and raring to go. The full benefits will kick in.

” In the long run it reduces the risk of diabetes, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and reduces levels of cancer related proteins in the blood.”

Outlining the main benefits of Dry January, Lynn says: 


Taking a rest from drinking alcohol can give your liver a much-needed break and time to re heal itself from the festive overindulging.

Alcohol is known as diuretic, which means it causes you to wee more than if you just drink water, this makes it harder for the body to hydrate itself which leads to dry skin. Reducing the level of alcohol will give your skin a more refreshed look and make your eyes brighter.

Often more calories are consumed by food rather than drink, meaning a potentially higher vitamin intake, leading to your skin looking healthy and glowing.

Improved Sleep:

One of the first things that people notice when doing dry January is that their sleeping pattern improves drastically and they experience an increase in their energy levels. While alcohol can help people to fall asleep faster, the quality of the sleep is less restful and you spend less time in ‘real ‘sleep. On the other hand, days when you do not drink can lead to a much better sleep, making it far easier to wake up in the mornings.

Feeling less bloated or even drop a few pounds: Depending on how much you were drinking before you may find you shed a few pounds over the course of the month as alcohol is liquid calories which many do not replace with food, also the craved junky food at the end of a boozy evening will also be of the menu!

Save money:

If you have been regularly spending money on alcohol it can really add up and put a dent in your budget, so by not shelling out for it you could put that money by and give yourself a treat at the end of the month such as a massage or a new outfit!


Begin writing a journal:

At the beginning of the month write down the reasons you wanted to take a break from the drink, and the positive changes that are being made. Then if sometime during the month you are facing a particularly challenging time refer back to the journal to remember why you started. 

Start a new workout regime:

Since drinking can leave you feeling slow and sluggish, January may be the perfect time to start a new fitness regime. Having the new surge of energy will benefit you when exercising and release those positive endorphins.

Look at new ways to cope:

If a glass of wine was your way of winding down at the end of a day, it may be worth looking at other options such as yoga, reading, meditating, going for a walk or even a hot bath with lots of bubble bath can all help you to wind down.

Look for a replacement:

If drinking has become a habit, then it is a good idea to find a replacement to sip, sparkling water with lemon juice, or pour a can of flavoured tonic water into a wine glass and sip slowly, it is surprising how quickly one habit can be replaced with another especially when it makes you feel better

Team Up with a friend:

It is always easier to keep motivated if you are doing Dry January with a friend. Encourage friends and family to get involved, so that you are accountable and support each other or even raise some money for charity.

Keep Busy:

The first few days will be the hardest, so it is always a good idea to have things planned to keep you busy, do things that are fun and will help to take your mind off drinking, because the less time you must think about it the easier it will become. 

Be Kind to yourself:

Drinking has become so ingrained in our culture and everyday life, whether you’re celebrating a wedding or mourning the loss of a friend, it can be difficult to abstain from alcohol for a whole month.

People are often their own worst critic and can get down on themselves – and give up on their dry month if they have one drink, but please remember the whole point of attempting a month without alcohol is not to feel bad about yourself.

The goal is to become more mindful of the role it plays in your life, if it leads to you drinking less than you normally would, then that must be a win even if you still enjoyed the odd glass of wine. 

Drinkaware: Two thirds of drinkers in Scotland feel their country has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol

  • Two thirds (66%) of Scottish drinkers feel their country has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol which lowers to 63% in Northern Ireland, 56% in England and 38% in Wales.
  • But only one in ten Scottish drinkers (10%) feel they personally have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.
  • Concern in Scotland is most likely to be for a friend’s drinking, with 36% of those with a concern indicating it relates to a friend, rising to 48% among men.

Two thirds of adult drinkers in Scotland (66%) feel that their country has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol according to the Drinkaware Annual Monitor, published today (Thursday 30 November).

The figure lowers to 63% in Northern Ireland, 56% in England and 38% in Wales.

While many Scottish drinkers believe their country as a whole has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, when asked about their own or, family and friends, only one in ten felt it was unhealthy (10% & 10%).

The Drinkaware Monitor 2023 is the annual ‘state of the nation’ survey conducted for Drinkaware by YouGov, that provides an insight into the drinking habits of the UK. This year’s Monitor looked at how we talk about alcohol and have honest conversations.

The Monitor asked 10,473 people from across the UK about their perceptions, and those surveyed highlighted their concerns about how alcohol is seen in society.

Karen Tyrell, Chief Executive of the charity Drinkaware said: “Our research shows the difference between perception and reality when it comes to our relationship with alcohol. Most people think the country has a drinking problem, but it is not them, it is someone else.

“We need to be more open and honest about our own relationship with alcohol and talk more about our drinking habits. We can learn from the change we’ve seen in how we talk about mental health, and make people feel more comfortable talking about their drinking.

“One way to understand more about your drinking habits is by doing the Drinkaware Drinking Check. This short quiz is a quick and easy way to find out if you’re putting your health at risk and is a great way to encourage a conversation.”

The report found that two thirds of (65%) Scottish adults do not think our society is understanding of people with drinking problems, the highest across the nations.

When it comes to Scottish people who are concerned about someone else’s drinking, under one in five (16%) haven’t done anything specific, 56% have spoken to them about it, 42% have made a comment about it to them, and 26% have encouraged them to seek help or treatment.

Having a conversation is more effective in helping people take action about their own drinking, rather than making a comment. Across the UK, only 32% of cases resulted in action when a comment was made, compared to 44% when a conversation was initiated.

The Monitor focus groups revealed that conversations can have an impact on an individual’s drinking, but this can take time and often happens after several conversations. Their effectiveness depends on the drinker’s openness to the issues with their drinking.

The Monitor is the only UK-wide nationally representative survey that dives into peoples’ drinking habits and behaviour. Looking at Scotland specifically, it also found:

  • Those drinking at home alone in Scotland at least once a week is down from 23% in 2021 to 20% in 2023.
  • Only 25% of Scottish adults would feel very comfortable having a conversation with family and 21% with friends about their drinking, compared to 35% with a partner or spouse.
  • Women feel most uncomfortable about having this conversation, with a third (30%) not very comfortable or not comfortable at all starting a conversation about a friend’s drinking (vs. 23% of men).
  • Wine is the most commonly consumed drink among Scottish drinkers, with approximately three in ten Scottish drinkers always or often drink it (31%), then beer and spirits are tied second (29%) when drinking.
  • Pubs in rural Scottish areas are more likely to get support from their local community than those living in urban areas (19% vs 12% in urban areas).

People can learn more about their drinking habits and get free tips and advice by doing the Drinkaware Drinking Check.

This short quiz helps you find out if your drinking is putting your health at serious risk, visit www.drinkaware.co.uk

A full copy of The Monitor 2023 report is available to download for free at:
