BBQ food preparation advice

It’s common to fire up the BBQ in sunny weather. But, it’s important to follow food safety advice.

This helps to avoid contaminating your food and food poisoning.


  • follow all instructions on the packaging – some foods can be cooked from frozen, while others need to be defrosted in advance
  • defrost meat thoroughly before cooking, ideally in your fridge
  • cook food in the oven before finishing on the barbeque to ensure it’s cooked all the way through
  • keep meat and ready to eat foods separate – like salad and bread
  • turn food regularly to cook it evenly
  • use separate utensils for raw and cooked meats
  • heat foods until steaming hot before eating
  • wash ready to eat salad bags and all foods that can be eaten without peeling


  • do not use a sauce or marinade for cooked food that’s had raw meat in it
  • do not wash uncooked meat
  • do not eat hot foods that have been left out in the heat – especially foods like cooked rice, cooked meats, shellfish and dairy products

Avoiding bugs and germs outdoors

The summer months are an opportunity to get out and enjoy outdoor spaces. This can be brilliant for both your physical and mental health. But, be mindful that a small number of people each year are affected by infections caught outdoors.


  • wear gloves while gardening, especially if you handle compost, as there can be Legionella bacteria
  • wear a mask if you’re working on anything dusty
  • wash your hands after doing outdoor activities
  • wash your hands thoroughly if you’ve been in contact with farm animals or the environment where they’re kept – like a gate, fence or building
  • be aware of when and where you can be bitten by ticks – ticks in Scotland can carry the germ that causes Lyme disease
  • take plenty of clean drinking water when you’re outdoors
  • use chemical treatments or boil water to make untreated water safe to drink


  • do not drink untreated water – germs like E.coli can contaminate lochs, rivers and burns and can be harmful if swallowed

More than just a Store: National Pet Shop Day to celebrate services and solutions on the high street

Despite pet shops and stores having the trust of most UK pet owners, 62.50% of those based in Scotland are still opting to consult a vet for guidance on tackling common minor health issues such as fleas, as evidenced in Johnson’s Veterinary Product’s purchasing habits report. 

It is this startling fact that has led Johnson’s to announce the launch of the UK’s first ever National Pet Shop Day, as a way of celebrating the huge breadth of support, products, services and advice that high street retailers are able to provide direct to pet owners who have concerns about their pet’s health and wellbeing. 

Taking place on 13 July 2023, pet shops and stores across the UK will throw open their doors and invite pet owners to come in and discover more about how they offer viable, affordable options for dealing with commonly occurring minor healthcare ailments such as fleas, ticks or worms. 

It is hoped the occasion will encourage pet owners to discover, or in some cases rediscover, the value that local pet shops can provide, marking the beginning of a positive, long-term relationship that will encourage owners to think twice when seeking help in caring for pets. 

Paul Gwynn, Managing Director at Johnson’s Veterinary products, explained: “Pet shops and stores are the local health and wellbeing hubs of the pet world, but we find that many people are often so rooted to their longstanding routines, that they perhaps don’t even consider that they can also get experienced advice or assistance about a whole host of frequent minor pet health issues whilst picking-up their other pet essentials in store.

“There is a lot of value to be discovered by visiting local pet shops and stores and consulting experienced in-store staff, as they have a wealth of knowledge within their teams that has been built over many years, in some cases decades.

“They can often help to spot the signs of and give advice about issues such as fleas, ticks and worms, and therefore are well placed to provide practical advice and product solutions for both these, and a range of other, more general, wellbeing concerns directly in store.

“With National Pet Shop Day, we want to mark the ongoing, positive contribution that these pet shops and stores make to society, and in doing so provide animal lovers with the confidence that they can handle their pet’s conditions effectively and efficiently, without always breaking the bank. These retailers are far more than a point of purchase – they are the bedrock of the pet owning community and are always ready and willing to help.”

“We are confident that the day will be beneficial for everyone participating, representing an important first step towards building relationships between shops and pet owners, whilst opening the door to affordable pet care.”

For more information about National Pet Shop Day, or to search for retailers participating locally, please visit

Catch Up with a Cop at Stockbridge Market today

The next Catch Up with a Cop at Stockbridge Market will be held today – Sunday 30th June, from 1100 hours.

This 3 -weekly surgery is a chance to speak to your beat officer, report crimes/issues/intel, or obtain advice. People are also welcome to bring children along to meet a police officer and ask us questions.

It’s been a useful resource so far this year for many people, and the North West Community Policing Team would like to thank Stockbridge Market for hosting them.

E. coli advice issued amid rise in cases

UKHSA is working with partners to investigate a Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) outbreak

As of 25 June, there have been a further 19 cases associated with the recent outbreak of STEC O145 since the last update a week ago, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 275 in the UK.

All currently confirmed cases had symptom onset dates before 4 June. Although case reporting rates are declining, we expect to see more cases linked to this outbreak as further samples are referred to us from NHS laboratories and whole genome sequencing is conducted.

Confirmed case totals:

  • 182 in England
  • 58 in Scotland
  • 31 in Wales
  • 4 in Northern Ireland (evidence suggests that they acquired their infection in England)

Based on information from 249 cases to date, 49% were admitted to hospital.

Through surveillance, UKHSA has identified 2 individuals in England who died within 28 days of infection with the STEC outbreak strain.

Based on the information available from health service clinicians one of these deaths is likely linked to their STEC infection. Both individuals had underlying medical conditions. The deaths occurred in May.

Amy Douglas, Incident Director at UKHSA, said: “We’re pleased that fewer cases have been reported, however we still expect to see a few more cases linked to this outbreak as further samples are referred to us for testing.

“Symptoms of infections with STEC include severe and sometimes bloody diarrhoea, stomach cramps, vomiting and fever. While diarrhoea and vomiting can have a range of causes, there are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk and the risk of infecting others.

“Washing your hands with soap and warm water and using disinfectants to clean surfaces will help stop any further spread of infection. If you are unwell, you should not prepare food for others while unwell and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes to avoid passing on the infection in these settings. Do not return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped.

“If you are concerned about your symptoms, follow NHS.UK guidance on when to seek help and the steps you can take to avoid further spread to family and friends.”

Darren Whitby, Head of Incidents at the FSA said: “Earlier this month, we confirmed that several sandwich manufacturers had taken precautionary action to withdraw and recall various sandwiches, wraps, subs and rolls after food chain and epidemiological links enabled us to narrow down a wide range of foods to a type of lettuce used in sandwich products as the likely cause of the outbreak.

“This remains a complex investigation and we continue to work with the relevant businesses and the local authorities to ensure necessary steps are being taken to protect consumers.

“Although we are confident in the likely source of the outbreak being linked to lettuce, work continues to confirm this and identify the root cause of the outbreak with the growers, suppliers and manufacturers so that actions can be taken to prevent a re-occurrence.”

For more information, see the interim summary report from the multi-agency investigation into outbreak STEC O145 identified in May 2024.

How to get a good night’s sleep


GETTING regular sleep can be the key to having stronger bones and healthier joints, a leading expert has said. 

Dr Taher Mahmud, a consultant rheumatologist at the London Osteoporosis Clinic, says people often underestimate the importance of sleep in maintaining bone health. 

He said: “I treat hundreds of patients each year suffering with bone or joint issues, and there is always one area they commonly overlook – sleep. Many of us sacrifice sleep in favour of productivity, but the truth is that getting enough rest can profoundly affect our overall well-being. 

“While many people focus on diet and exercise as part of their health routine, sleep is equally crucial, and it plays a pivotal role in maintaining physical and mental well-being.

“It also plays a critical role in factors as wide ranging as a healthy immune system to weight loss. 

“Quality sleep is not just beneficial—it’s essential for those managing conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis and plays a significant role in their prevention.” 

Six health benefits of sleep

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Function

One of the most important benefits of sleep is its impact on cognitive function. When you sleep, your brain consolidates memories and processes information from the day. This leads to improved learning, problem-solving skills, and overall mental clarity. Without enough sleep, your cognitive abilities can become impaired, affecting your performance at work or school.

  1. Boosted Immune System

Sleep plays a vital role in supporting your immune system. During sleep, your body produces cytokines, a type of protein that helps fight infection and inflammation. Getting enough rest can help your body defend against illnesses such as the common cold and flu. On the other hand, chronic sleep deprivation can weaken your immune response, making you more susceptible to getting sick.

  1. Weight Management

Believe it or not, sleep also plays a role in weight management. Lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of hormones that control appetite, leading to increased cravings for unhealthy foods. Additionally, sleep deprivation can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. By prioritising sleep, you can support your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Emotional well-being

Sleep has a significant impact on emotional well-being. When you are well-rested, you are better equipped to handle stress and regulate your emotions. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. Getting enough rest can improve your mood, increase your resilience to stress, and enhance your overall emotional health.

  1. Combating Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, characterised by weakened bones, can be influenced by sleep patterns. Poor sleep quality and duration can increase cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can negatively impact bone density. Additionally, insufficient sleep can impair the body’s ability to repair and build bone tissue, exacerbating the risk of fractures.

  1. Helping to manage the pain of arthritis 

Sleep is crucial for managing pain and inflammation for those with arthritis. Poor sleep can heighten the perception of pain and lower pain thresholds, making arthritis symptoms more severe. Moreover, a lack of restorative sleep can lead to increased fatigue, reducing the ability to manage daily activities effectively.

Practical Tips for Better Sleep

We all know sleep is important, but for many the problem is how to get better sleep. But instead of worrying about a lack of sleep, Dr Mahmud has practical tips for better sleep which can be incorporated into a daily routine. 

  1. Establish a Routine. A sleep schedule, even on weekends, can help regulate your internal clock allowing you a structured sleep and making sleep a habit to which your body responds. 
  2.  Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment. Light is the most important factor affecting sleep. It plays a central role in regulating circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock. Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and cool. It is also worth investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows. 
  3. Limit screen time. The blue light emitted from electronic devices suppresses the body’s release of melatonin, the hormone which makes us feel drowsy. For better sleep, avoid screens for at least an hour before bed.
  4. Mind Your Diet: Avoid caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime. Even six hours before you go to bed, caffeine can have a negative impact on your sleep.
  5. Consciously wind down: Winding down before you get into bed can help you sleep and help you avoid tossing and turning as you try to drift off.  Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga before bed.

Advice for residents on returning postal votes or applying for a new proxy vote

The city council is issuing guidance so everyone is able to cast their vote in the General Election on 4 July.

If you applied for a postal vote by 7 June, then this has been posted out and should arrive soon if you haven’t already received it. If you applied for one between 8-19 June it will be sent out by this weekend. Further information can be found on our website.

Please fill your postal vote in as soon as possible once you receive it and post it back to us.

When filling out your postal vote if you’ve separated the statement from envelope A this isn’t an issue, please just send everything back. Don’t worry about using blue ink. 

If you need a proxy vote, where someone votes on your behalf, the deadline for new applications is tomorrow (26 June) at 5pm. Guidance on proxy votes is available on our website.  

If you are going to vote in person, this is the first UK General Election where voters must show a form of photo identification (ID) to cast their ballot.

list of approved forms of ID and information on how to obtain a free Voter Authority Certificate are also available on the website.

The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate to vote in the 2024 General Election is also tomorrow (26 June) at 5pm.

The Council’s website has a full list of candidates standing in Edinburgh’s five parliamentary constituencies.

Pet charities unite to issue hot weather warning to cat and dog owners

Cats Protection and Dogs Trust have joined forces to help owners keep their cats and dogs safe in the sun this summer.

The two leading pet charities say that despite their different quirks and behaviours, cats and dogs are equally as vulnerable when it comes to hot weather.

Alison Richards, Head of Clinical Services for Cats Protection, said: “We’re a nation of pet lovers and whether you’re a cat person or a dog person – or maybe a bit of both – you’ll want to keep your pet safe this summer.

“Many pets love to enjoy the great outdoors, but it’s important to bear in mind that very hot weather can put them at risk of illness and injury.”

Paula Boyden, Veterinary Director of Dogs Trust, says: “The sunshine might be great for us, however hot weather can cause problems for our canine friends. 

“Dogs can’t regulate their body heat in the same way as humans, so extra care needs to be taken, especially when exercising or travelling in the car. In this weather, there is no safe amount of time to leave your dog alone in the car, even if you leave the window open.  

The good news is that steps can be taken to prevent our dogs suffering, such as only walking dogs in the coolest parts of the day, reducing their exercise, ensuring dogs have access to somewhere cool and shady to lay down and making sure they always have access to fresh water.”

The two charities have come up with a checklist to help owners keep cats and dogs safe this summer:  

  • Be sun safe: Very hot weather can cause serious injuries in both cats and dogs.  Dogs walked on tarmac can suffer painful burns to their paws, so it’s important to check the ground on warm days. You can do this by holding your hand to the ground for five seconds – if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. While cats will generally find themselves a cool spot on hot days, it’s important to remember they can suffer sunburn and develop skin cancer. Cats with white ears are particularly at risk, so speak to your vet about suitable suncream.  
  • Keep cool: Heatstroke can be serious for both cats and dogs and in some cases, it can be fatal. It’s a good idea to keep your pet indoors between 10am and 3pm on hot days and wait until it’s cooler in the evening to walk dogs or let cats outside. Even in mild temperatures, the biggest cause of heatstroke in dogs is exercise. In both cats and dogs, brachycephalic breeds – those with flat faces such as pugs or Persian cats – will be at increased risk of heatstroke, as their short facial structure can cause breathing difficulties and make it harder for them to keep cool. Kittens, puppies and elderly cats and dogs will also be at higher risk, as will those which have underlying health conditions.  
  • Signs of heatstroke: Cats or dogs suffering with heatstroke will need urgent veterinary treatment, so owners should be familiar with the signs. For both cats and dogs, this can include heavy breathing or panting, excessive drooling, diarrhoea, confusion, restlessness, vomiting, being drowsy and collapsing. If you suspect your pet has been affected by heatstroke, call your vet immediately for advice.   
  • Water and shade: Just like humans, cats and dogs can easily become dehydrated in hot weather, so make sure they have plenty of fresh water. Pop an extra water bowl in the garden if your pet is outdoors a lot, and make sure pets always have access to shade.
  • Be plant aware: Some garden plants can be highly poisonous, so take a look around the garden to see if there’s anything which may pose a risk to your pet. Lilies are particularly dangerous for cats, and ingesting just a small amount of pollen can be fatal.
  • Garden hazards: Most cats and dogs love spending more time in the garden in warm weather, so take a few minutes every week to check its safe for them. Check fences for any broken panels which dogs can escape from, or any sharp edges which may catch your pet. If you keep chemicals, engine oils or antifreeze in your shed, make sure these cannot be reached by inquisitive pets, as these can be toxic.
  • Never leave pets in cars: Pets should never be left alone in cars as even just a few minutes in a hot car can prove fatal. As cats and dogs can’t cool down the same way as humans, the heat can quickly become dangerous for them.   If you see a pet in a car in distress, call 999 immediately.  

For more information on keeping cats and dogs safe this summer, visit: or

Diners unaware of rip-off charges with food delivery apps

Confused customers unaware of huge price increases on popular services

TRUSTING diners are being hit by hidden costs when using food delivery apps – with almost half totally unaware of the additional charges they are racking up.

New research commissioned by hospitality technology firm Grafterr, has revealed that 43% of restaurant customers don’t know they’re paying substantially more when ordering their favourite takeaway on popular delivery apps.

Now the firm has revealed the full extent of its research with 2000 restaurant customers, while also sharing a series of tips for those keen to avoid the worst fees.

Andrew Gibbon, Chief Operating Officer of restaurant technology specialist Grafterr, which commissioned the research, said: “Online food aggregators continue to be the most popular method of ordering a delivery across the UK.

“Yet these findings show there is a huge gap in consumer awareness of the costs increases.

“We believe it is vital for customers to understand that they are always paying more to have food delivered than they would if they were dining in at the same venue.”

He also outlines some shocking examples from the High Street, where customers can end up paying 90% more than they need to when having meals delivered via apps.

Examples include the popular Big Mac meal from fast food giant McDonalds. In-store diners will pay £5.69 for a medium meal, but when ordering the same meal via Deliveroo, it’ll cost £9.58 – a 68% increase.

However, the additional charges don’t end there, because customers will still have to pay extra delivery charges, taking the cost of the Big Mac meal to £11.07, meaning the total amount paid is almost doubled (+95%).

Customers of Five Guys also face hefty fees for deliveries. A Bacon Cheeseburger in-store will cost £12.15, but to get the same item delivered can cost up to £16.29, a 34% increase.

Grafterr found the hidden fees for the Five Guys burger also vary according to the delivery app used:

  • Deliveroo: £14.80 (£16.29 inc delivery)
  • UberEats: £14.98 (£15.22 inc delivery)
  • JustEat: £12.95 (£14.24 inc delivery)  

Despite the scale of the extra fees being imposed on customers, the survey found that most diners (75%) actually expect to pay LESS when ordering a delivery compared to dining in the same restaurant.

Andrew from Grafterr added: “Despite what customers expect, businesses continually price their online menus higher than their in-store equivalent to help absorb commissions charged by the delivery platforms.

“This is before additional platform fees, service fees and delivery costs are charged to the consumer, all of which can increase your bill by up to 90% in some instances.”               

Consumers are not the only ones concerned about rising costs driven by these platforms. With commission rates reaching up to 30%, hospitality venues are finding it increasingly more difficult to deliver savings to their customers.

In 2023, KFC made the controversial decision to leave Deliveroo due to rising commission costs, highlighting the wider impact on both consumers and businesses.

As well as revealing its survey findings, Grafterr has also offered a series of tips for customers on how they can avoid the worst add-on fees to get the best possible deals:  

  • Order directly with the business through their own online platforms, avoiding additional third-party costs.
  • Dine in where possible.
  • Order and collect in-store for smaller orders to avoid service, small order and delivery fees which can add 25% on to the cost of the meal.
  • Sign up to the mailing list for each delivery platform. They often send out discount codes which can reduce the cost of your meal. For example, UberEats has been known to regularly send out 50% off promotions.  

These are the findings from the survey on a city-by-city basis. The survey of 2000 restaurant customers was carried out by research experts Opinion Matters:

City% of diners unaware of the increased fees for deliveries% of restaurant customers who’d expect to pay less for deliveries than dining in

To learn more about Grafterr, visit:

Police Scotland: Is your motorcycle a target for thieves?

Consider the following security tips to keep you motorcycle safe and secure:

• Fit a combined alarm and immobiliser.

Fit a tracker.

• Use chains and disc locks. The more security on your bike the longer it takes to overcome them and so the less attractive it is to a thief.

• When using chains and locks, ensure they are secured to a solid anchor point. Keep them off the ground where possible as this makes them more difficult to cut off.

• Cover your motorcycle and ensure the cover is attached to the security device.

• Use industry tested products. Thatcham, Sold Secure and Secured By Design are recommended security testing schemes in the UK. Always activate the steering lock.

• Do not leave your helmet or other possessions on the motorcycle or in luggage space or panniers.

• Where possible use Parkmark accredited parking, as these areas should be more secure. See for a list of accredited car parks. Alternatively, park in well-lit areas, ideally where there is CCTV.

• Ensure you have a note of your vehicle identification number.

• When travelling abroad you may wish to enquire about secure parking facilities at your destination.

For further Crime Prevention Information visit or contact your local Community Officer by calling 101

If you have any Information in relation to stolen motorcycles, please contact Police Scotland telephone numbers on 101 or 999 in an emergency or report crime anonymously via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Edinburgh set to be ‘enchanted’ by Taylor Swift

With just over a week to go until global pop superstar Taylor Swift arrives in Edinburgh, the city council has released advice for residents, businesses and visitors.

The three sold out shows taking place at Scottish Gas Murrayfield on Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June will go down as some of the most significant performances ever seen here in Scotland’s capital city.

To ensure our city maintains its vibrancy we will be ensuring the key areas surrounding Murrayfield will be tidied up all three nights after each show. We will also be dedicating extra litter collectors at Roseburn Park from 4pm – 1am daily.

We request that you only travel to Murrayfield and the surrounding area if you have a ticket.

There will be a number of Council Marshalls on hand to assist Swifities navigate the area.

Culture and Communities Convener, Councillor Val Walker said: “As we get ready to welcome hundreds of thousands of Swifties to our vibrant city, we are eager for everyone to have an enjoyable experience, not only at the show, but on their way before and after.

“Whilst we relish hosting the biggest and best events and want everyone attending to truly enjoy themselves, it’s important that we’re conscious of our residents.

“We ask that visitors are considerate and respectful of them whilst enjoying our fantastic capital city. These concerts are just the start of an amazing summer of events and culture here in Edinburgh.”

To find out more, and for helpful information in the lead-up to the concerts visit our dedicated Taylor Swift webpage.

Please also check the dedicated webpage of the Scottish Rugby Union with detailed advice for attendees.