“A City where you Don’t Need a Car”

Spokes public meeting, Wednesday 24 May


  • Cllr Scott Arthur, Edinburgh City Transport Convener – the Council’s plans
  • Phil Noble, Strategy Manager for Active Travel and Streetspace – more detail on the policy delivery documents, including ATA, the Active Travel Action Plan
  • Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport & Health at Napier Transport Research Unit – he will critique the policies – are they sufficiently ambitious? will they work?
  • … followed by our one-hour panel QA, chaired by Dr Caroline Brown, Spokes member, Transform Scotland policy adviser, transport academic – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Wednesday 24 May
  • Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
  • Queries & Questions Queries, or questions for the speakers, can be emailed to spokes@spokes.org.uk. However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – details nearer the time on Spokes website. We also intend to make the recording available a few days later.


Edinburgh City Council is consulting on a new Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) and a series of other Mobility Plan ‘delivery documents’ all aimed to support Edinburgh NetZero 2030, and a 30% reduction in car-km by 2030.

Our public meeting will hear from the Council, followed by an expert critique, and then there’s a full hour panel discussion – your opportunity to challenge the speakers.

Do the delivery plans live up to the Council’s ambition to cut car-km 30% by 2030, alongside greatly increased travel by foot, bike and public transport? Will they enable more people to live car-free? Will they lead to speedy implementation? Our meeting is your opportunity to find out!

The ambition “to create a city where you don’t need to own a car to get around,” mentioned in several of the documents (e.g. Parking Action Plan, p8) is very welcome, for reasons of climate, public health, congestion and equalities. Such an ambition is also essential if the Council is to achieve its ultra-tough target to reduce car-km 30% by 2030.

A top cycling takeaway from the draft ATAP is the new focus on main road segregated routes. It says [chap 5],

The (off road) traffic-free routes will continue to play a vital role, and we will seek to improve their comfort,safety and security. However, we now plan to develop a joined-up network of routes that feel safe to everyone at all times of day. This network will need to use segregated cycle tracks on main roads, as well as unsegregated on-street routes that have low volumes of motor traffic.

The three highlighted phrases above [our emphases] neatly summarise important major developments, which we strongly welcome, in the Council’s approach to cycling policy, and we urge determined implementation.–

** Spokes: spokes.org.uktwitter.com/SpokesLothian

Edinburgh to invest £117 million in Active Travel Programme

An updated five-year programme of investment will see more than £117m invested in schemes to help people walk, wheel and cycle in Edinburgh.

Under the Active Travel Investment Programme (ATINP), we will deliver over 85km (52 miles) of additional safe, protected cycle routes – the equivalent of a trip from Edinburgh to Aberfeldy. These measures, which are already in the pipeline, will help children to walk, cycle and wheel to many of the city’s schools and provide significant improvements to public spaces, pavements and paths.

The ATINP supports our Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP), which sets out a high-level framework for delivering a walking, wheeling and cycling-friendly city. A new ATAP, covering the period to 2030, is currently under development and is expected to be completed in summer 2022 when we’ll be able to share proposals, similarly to Glasgow’s Active Travel Strategy published this week.

The City of Edinburgh Council will pay for less than 20% of the ATINP as most of the funding is secured from external sources, with more than £80m committed by the Scottish Government via Sustrans.

A report to be considered by the Transport and Environment Committee on Thursday (14 October) covers a review of the ATINP.

It aligns the plans with a Sustrans budget review as well as the delivery of Council projects and priorities. Changes in travel behaviour relating to the Covid pandemic are also examined, taking into account the temporary measures introduced under Spaces for People, now Travelling Safely.

In addition to several major projects to transform the city, like City Centre West East Link and Meadows to George Street, the ATINP will increase spending on key improvements to prioritise travel by foot, wheel or bike. This includes the installation of dropped kerbs and citywide bike parking.

Councillor Lesley Macinnes, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Supporting people to walk, wheel or bike around Edinburgh is essential for urgently lowering carbon emissions, promoting healthier lifestyles and creating safer streets. Our package of significant investment will kick-start a shift change in the delivery of schemes designed to help achieve this.

“The ATINP drives forward an ambitious programme of improvements which will, for the first time, lead to a truly connected network of protected walking and cycling routes, helping people get from A to B safely, quickly and conveniently. There is an urgency to this which many people already recognise.”

Councillor Karen Doran, Transport and Environment Vice Convener, added: “As we emerge from the Covid pandemic we have the opportunity to transform the way we travel around the city, and really support those who have embraced, or rediscovered, walking and cycling over the last 18 months.

“I’m excited to see our ambitious programme of investment take shape over the coming years, and the positive impact it will have on all those who live, work and visit here.”

The 85km of cycling improvements planned over the next five years will add to 211km of existing off-road, quality signed walking and cycling paths and Edinburgh’s 36km of Travelling Safely routes, creating, for the first time, a comprehensive network spanning the city.

As part of this the council will be delivering improvements near more than a third of the city’s schools, helping children and families travel by foot, wheel or bike.

Some of the other key active travel projects being brought forward over the next five years are Roseburn Path to Union Canal and West Edinburgh Link. Spending on minor improvements, such as localised cycle signing or widening off-road footpaths, will also rise under the reviewed ATINP.

Read about Edinburgh’s commitment to Transport for All’s Pavement Pledge.

The current ATAP was initially approved in 2010 and was subsequently refreshed in 2013 and 2016. By helping people to choose sustainable modes of travel the associated improvements will not only positively impact health, safety and wellbeing, but it will support our net zero carbon goals.

Read the full report, Active Travel Investment Programme Update, on the Council website. 

Watch Transport and Committee live from 10am on Thursday, 14 October via the Council webcast.

“Real Vision”: have your say on Meadows to George Street improvements

Views are being sought from the public as part of a project to improve key streets between the Meadows and George Street. Meadows to George Street: Streets for People is a Community Links PLUS initiative to transform the transport corridor, significantly enhancing the quality of walking, cycling and public space.

Continue reading “Real Vision”: have your say on Meadows to George Street improvements