National Galleries of Scotland prepares for a sensational year of art for everyone in 2025

  • Be immersed in Andy Goldsworthy: Fifty Years  
  • Travel back in time to The World of King James VI and I  
  • Celebrate 250 years of JMW Turner in Turner in January: The Vaughan Bequest from the National Gallery of Ireland  
  • Take to the skies with Alfred Buckham: Daredevil Photographer  
  • Discover magnificent works from ARTIST ROOMS  
  • Mark the centenary of Scottish artist Ian Hamilton Finlay  
  • Explore the imaginative creations of young people in Your Art World  

National Galleries of Scotland announces an unmissable programme of free and ticketed exhibitions set to take over the National, Portrait and Modern galleries in Edinburgh throughout 2025.

From striking installations in Andy Goldsworthy: Fifty Years to time travelling into The World of King James VI and I, taking to the skies with Alfred Buckham: Daredevil Photographer, a celebration of 250 years of JMW Turner with Turner in January: The Vaughan Bequest from the National Gallery of Ireland and more.

There will be a sensational array of art to enjoy in the Scottish capital next year. Ticketed exhibitions can be booked online now What’s on | National Galleries of Scotland 

From 26 July until 2 November 2025, immerse yourself in a major large-scale exhibition by Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy: Fifty Years will take over the upper and lower galleries in the Royal Scottish Academy building for the summer.

Based in Scotland, Goldsworthy (born 1956) is internationally famous for his extraordinary work with natural materials.

The exhibition will span five decades of creation with over 200 works including photographs, sculptures, and expansive new installations. Goldsworthy will also create several major new works onsite at the Royal Scottish Academy building especially for Andy Goldsworthy: Fifty Years.

This spectacular summer exhibition is sure to be one of the most talked-about of the year – and it is showing only in Edinburgh.  

Next spring at the Portrait, travel back in time and be immersed in The World of King James VI and I. Son of Mary, Queen of Scots, successor to Elizabeth I and the first monarch to rule over Scotland, England and Ireland, get to know King James (1566 – 1625) and step into the world in which he lived, ruled and changed forever.

Marking the 400-year anniversary of King James’s death, this exhibition will chart his remarkable reign through stories of friendship, family, feuds and ambition.

Drawing on themes with contemporary relevance, including national identity, queer history, belief and spirituality, The World of King James VI and I will be an enriching journey through the complex life of a King who changed the shape of the United Kingdom.

Over 100 objects will be on display, including ornate paintings, dazzling jewels, lavish designs and important loans from galleries across the UK, celebrating craft and visual art from the 16th and 17th centuries.

From 26 April – 14 September 2025 come and be fully immersed in the sights, sounds (and even smells) of the period, connecting the people of the past with the people of today. Tickets are on sale now.  

In 2025 the National Galleries of Scotland will commemorate the 250th birthday of beloved British artist JMW Turner (1775 – 1851) with a once in a lifetime, free exhibition. For the first time, visitors will be able to marvel at over 30 Turner watercolours from Dublin.

Turner in January: The Vaughan Bequest from the National Gallery of Ireland at the Royal Scottish Academy building will be one-off special take on the keenly awaited and much-loved annual tradition.

Spanning the breadth of Turner’s career, visitors can roam through sweeping seascapes, dramatic landscapes and spectacular cities, many displayed in their original frames.

As part of this special partnership, the Turner works from the Scottish national collection will go on display at the National Gallery of Ireland allowing visitors in both Scotland and Ireland to connect with works from the Henry Vaughan Bequest they don’t often get to see.  

There will be two new and exciting exhibitions making their way to the Modern in 2025. From next summer you can explore your collection at Modern One with a series of new displays showcasing magnificent and diverse works of 20th and 21st century art belonging to the people of Scotland.

Your World celebration day at the National Galleries.

This includes an opportunity to see compelling works from your ARTIST ROOMS collection, cared for jointly by the National Galleries of Scotland and Tate.  Explore this exhibition of the nation’s superb contemporary and modern collection from 12 July 2025.  

The centenary of revered Scottish artist Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925 – 2006) will also be marked in a new free display of his work at Modern Two from 8 March to 26 May 2025.

A visionary in his craft, Ian Hamilton Finlay harnessed the power of collaboration throughout his career, drawing on the expertise of fellow makers and creators to bring his artistic visions to life.

Hailed as a poet, sculptor, printmaker, gardener and provocateur, his practice covered a wide range of media, reflected in this display through over 30 sculptures, installations and prints as well as extensive archival materials, all from Scotland’s national collection.  

Moving into the autumn at the Portrait, take to the skies and see the world from above the clouds through the remarkable work of Alfred Buckham: Daredevil Photographer

A trailblazer in his field, Buckham (1879 – 1956) soared above the realms of what was thought to be possible in 20th century photography and aviation.

From 18 October 2025 – 19 April 2026, meet the man behind some of the most iconic aerial photographs, marvel at the death-defying lengths he took to capture the perfect image and explore how his innovative techniques paved the way for modern technologies such as Photoshop and AI.  

Explore the imaginative Your Art World exhibition at the National, showcasing the inspirational new works of young artists from all over Scotland aged 3 – 18-year-olds. The exhibition is a celebration of what happens when young people are encouraged to be wildly creative.

Discover installations from school and community groups who have worked alongside the National Galleries of Scotland. Or even view the creations of the young people in your own life. With the opportunity to upload artwork online via the website, anyone aged 3-18 can see their own digital submissions on screen in the gallery. Immerse yourself in the imagination of these young artists from 10 May to 2 November 2025.  

Anne Lyden, Director-General at the National Galleries of Scotland said “We’re really excited to announce our 2025 public programme, which is packed full of fantastic exhibitions.

“Breathtaking installations at the Royal Scottish Academy, soaring above the clouds at the Portrait gallery, and modern and contemporary highlights from your national collection at the Moderns.

“Whether you want to be inspired, find a moment of calm or share a joyful experience with friends – there’s so much to discover at the National Galleries of Scotland.”  

Fixing the Foundations

Chancellor unveils a new era for economic growth

  • Chancellor pledges she will take action to fix the foundations of the economy to make everyone, not just a few, better off.
  • Government to get Britain building by taking immediate action on planning reform and unblocking stalled sites to unlock thousands of homes.
  • Immediate removal of the de facto ban on onshore wind in England as government starts delivering on clean energy mission to cut bills for families and boost energy independence. 

The Chancellor yesterday (8 July) promised to take immediate action to fix the foundations of the economy, rebuild Britain and make every part of the country​ better off.

In her first speech as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves pledged to leaders of some of the UK’s pioneering industries to build growth on strong and secure foundations built on stability, investment and reform, and forged through a new partnership with the private sector.

Addressing the difficult economic inheritance this government faces, she committed to taking immediate action to drive sustained economic growth, the only route to improving the prosperity of our country and the living standards of working people.

Setting out her first steps to deliver on the government’s commitments in its manifesto that every action it takes will be based on sound money and economy stability, the Chancellor promised a new economic model that will grow the economy and keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as low as possible.

The Chancellor said had the UK economy grown at the average rate of OECD economies over the fourteen years from 2010, it would be £143.3 billion larger – worth £5,053 for every household in the country. This could have brought in an additional £58 billion in tax revenues in the last year alone to sustain our public services.

Taking decisive action, the government is today announcing a series of measures to lay the foundations for a dynamic, modern and growing economy, including taking urgent steps to build 1.5 million homes over the next five years and the immediate removal of the de facto ban on onshore wind in England, as part of its clean energy mission.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves said: “Today I am taking immediate action to fix Britain’s economic foundations.

By growing our economy we can rebuild Britain and make every part of the country better off.”

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said:“Our country is under new management and a new era for economic growth will be built on secure foundations.

“The Chancellor and I will work in lockstep to kickstart the economy, unleashing housebuilding and powering local growth.

“Change starts now. We will unblock the bottlenecks and drive forward a transformational package to build the homes people need.”

Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband said: “Every family has paid the price of the ban on onshore wind farms in higher energy bills.  This ban has undermined our energy security, put costs on people’s bills – especially those on lower incomes – and held us back in our fight against climate change.

“This Government is wasting no time in delivering the bold plan we need to take back control of our energy; boosting our energy independence and cutting bills for families as we tackle the climate crisis.

“Getting rid of this ban and giving priority for planning permission for much needed infrastructure sends an immediate signal to investors here and around the world that the UK is back in business, an immediate step in our mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower.”

The UK government is taking swift action on its central growth mission by announcing the following:


The government is taking swift action to identify and unblock key ‘stalled sites’ to get large housing schemes moving forward, starting with four sites across England to unlock over 14,000 homes: Liverpool Central Docks, Northstowe, Worcester Parkway and Langley Sutton Coldfield.

The Chancellor has also welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister’s commitment to make the economic benefit of development a central consideration when intervening in the planning system. This starts today by recovering two appealed planning applications for data centres in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

To facilitate this new approach, the Deputy Prime Minister will also write to local mayors and the Office for Investment to ensure that any investment opportunity with important planning considerations that comes across their desks is brought to her attention and to the Chancellor’s.

This will help to ensure the planning system can unlock major schemes from clean energy projects and transport infrastructure to film studios and art-entertainment venues.

The Chancellor has also confirmed that the government will support local authorities with 300 additional planning officers across the country. 

Further announcements will be made in the coming weeks to accelerate the development of housing and infrastructure, including launching a landmark consultation on an updated, growth-focused National Planning Policy Framework to include mandatory housing targets and a requirement to review greenbelt boundaries where necessary to meet them.

These will prioritise Brownfield and “grey belt” land for development to meet housing targets where needed, partnered with new ‘golden rules’ that will make sure the development this frees up will also deliver thousands of affordable homes, including more for social rent.

Critical major infrastructure

The current planning regime acts as a major brake on economic growth which is why the government will make the changes the country needs to forge ahead with new roads, railways, reservoirs, and other nationally significant infrastructure.

The government will set out new policy intentions for critical infrastructure in the coming months, ahead of updating relevant National Policy Statements within the next 12 months to provide certainty to industry. We will legislate to ensure they are updated at least every 5 years.

The government will also build on the Strategic Spatial Energy Plan which is being developed by the National Energy System Operator to speed up the roll out of clean power, and will seek to expand the use of spatial planning to other infrastructure sectors.

The Chancellor has asked the Secretaries of State for Transport and Energy Security and Net Zero to prioritise taking decisions on critical infrastructure projects which are with them now.

To go further, to help speed up delivery on infrastructure such as transport and energy, the government will review how it can unlock critical infrastructure, without weakening environment protections.

Alongside this, the government will make sure energy projects are prioritised in the planning system and consult on including onshore wind power developments in the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) planning regime.

Further details on ending the de facto ban on onshore wind will be set out later by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities.

Martha Lane Fox, President of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “Fixing the foundations of the economy can provide businesses with the stability and certainty they need to unleash a wave of investment to create growth and new jobs.

“Labour’s pledges to create an industrial strategy, improve trade relations with the EU, and boost skills training all have capacity to make a huge difference. 

“Today’s commitment to deliver large scale infrastructure at greater pace, especially green energy projects and more housing where people want to live, is very welcome.

“But policy must be backed up with better skilled and resourced planning departments to deliver this step change. That’s why the pledge to fund an extra 300 planning officers is so important.

“It’s also why the BCC’s Planning Skills Fund has been set up in partnership with Government. It will develop an additional pipeline of new and upskilled planning talent to boost growth in our local economies.”

David Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Barratt Developments’ said: “We welcome the Government’s commitment to reform of the planning system and their drive for growth.

“Building more new homes will bring huge economic and social benefits to the UK, and it is vital that local and central government are united with industry to plan positively to deliver high quality new homes and developments across the country.”

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Power said: “I welcome the clear sense of urgency and direction set out by the Chancellor today.

“Prioritising clean energy infrastructure and building at speed and at scale will unleash strong economic growth across the country.

“If the UK can halve the time it takes to get renewables, electricity grid and storage projects through the planning system, we’ll look to double our investment over the coming years.”

Henrik L. Pedersen, Chief Executive Officer, Associated British Ports said: “Associated British Ports has an ambitious project pipeline of major investments in port infrastructure including supporting the development of floating offshore wind in Wales as well as green hydrogen and carbon capture and storage in the Humber.

“The right enabling measures from Government will unlock these developments at pace. In this regard the Chancellor’s speech is very welcome and encouraging.”

Mark Reynolds, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Mace Grop, Co-Chair of the Construction Leadership Council said: “Today’s announcements show a welcome proactive approach to tackling the delays to the planning system that are costing the UK up to £11bn a year in growth and hampering the delivery of the homes and infrastructure we sorely need.

“The focus on cutting the red tape to progress nationally important projects, such as data centres, combined with increased resourcing of the planning departments, will bring a renewed energy and focus to the construction sector.

“It’s particularly welcome to see the Chancellor has put this at the top of her agenda – we stand fully behind the delivery of the Government’s ambitions.”

Kate Kenny, Senior Vice President, Jacobs said: ““We greatly welcome the changes outlined by the Chancellor today to simplify the planning regime and unlock greater investment in critical national infrastructure projects.

“The updating of National Policy Statements will also play a major role in providing clarity and certainty of pipeline for industry and its supply chains to invest in the long-term skills required to deliver the clean energy, transport, water and other significant infrastructure projects that the UK requires for a prosperous future.”

Tom Glover, UK Country Chair, RWE said: “We fully support the new government’s focus on unblocking the planning system, and welcome commitments to prioritise taking decisions on critical national infrastructure projects as soon as possible.

“Ensuring that local authorities are properly resourced to deliver a real acceleration in planning approvals is also crucial – we therefore welcome the announcement to fund an additional 300 planning officers. 

“As a leading renewables developer we are also pleased that the government are moving swiftly to end the ban of onshore wind, in the long-term this means committing to bring projects over 50MW back into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) regime. We look forward to further information on this in due course”.

Andrea Rossi, Chief Executive Officer, M&G said: “As a major investor in the real economy we welcome efforts to provide long-term policy certainty and the ambition to get Britain building. Speed and ambition are crucial.

“By providing clarity on infrastructure priorities, combined with a swifter planning system, we can deliver investment, kick-start the economy and secure good returns for UK pension policy holders.”   

Chris Cummings, Chief Executive Officer, The Investment Association said: “The Investment Management industry strongly supports the Chancellor’s ambition to drive economic growth. There is more our industry can do to support the UK economy and its people, and we are ready to work with the new government to achieve this.  

“Investment is the engine of economic growth, and our industry supports the government in finding innovative ways for more capital to be channelled into thriving British businesses and infrastructure projects. Removing blockers in the planning system will be key to this.

“It is vital we open straightforward ways for pension funds to invest in the housing, transport and energy projects we all rely on by removing regulatory obstacles and overturning the culture of “safetyism” that has curtailed economic growth.” 

Rob Perrins, Chief Executive Officer, Berkeley Group said:  “We’re hugely encouraged to see the clear priority and focus on housing delivery as part of the Government’s mission for growth.

“Today’s announcements are a very positive start and we will continue to work closely with Government to help unlock the potential of brownfield regeneration sites to deliver good green homes, both affordable and private. Reviving urban land has a vital role to play in driving the sustainable growth and productivity our country needs.”

Nick Jansa, Executive Managing Director EMEA, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan said: “We welcome the government’s announcement today on improvements to the planning system and removing barriers to investment in growing the UK’s critical infrastructure.”

Soft touch Scotland? Have your say on long term prison sentencing

Consultation published on changing the point of release

Individuals could spend more time under community supervision as part of their prison sentence, a consultation has proposed.

Views are being sought on changing the point of release under licence conditions for people serving a custodial sentence of four years or more, which would provide a more managed return to the community and be a proportionate way to reduce the pressure on the prison estate.

The proposals, if implemented, would not apply to those who are serving an extended sentence for violent or sexual offences.

Currently most people serving long-term sentences, unless previously recommended for parole at an earlier stage – are released under community supervision six months before the end of their sentence. Consultation proposals suggest this could be done for a third of their sentence.

This would return the position to that prior to 1 February 2016 for most long-term prisoners.

Under the proposals, those released would be subject to licence conditions, supervision, and ultimately recall to custody. The individuals would be subject to individualised risk assessment ahead of release, with licence conditions reflecting the conclusions of that assessment and being set on the recommendations of the Parole Board.

Victims would continue to have the right to receive certain information about a prisoner in their case, including their release dates, and to make representations under the Victim Notification Scheme.

Justice Secretary Angela Constance said: “Supervision is a commonly used element of custodial sentences – as part of efforts to prepare individuals nearing their return to the community to settle and ultimately to not re-offend.

“Our proposals would bring forward the point at which long-term prisoners are released so individuals spend more time under licence conditions in the community before the end of their sentence.

“Individuals would continue to serve their sentence but do so in the community under strict supervision, which can improve reintegration back into society and reduce the risk of re-offending.

“We are considering these measures to find a better balance between the time spent in custody and time supervised in the community, particularly following the recent increase in the prison population when Scotland already has one of the highest in Western Europe.

“Public safety will be paramount. Release under licence conditions means strict community supervision and specific support in place informed by robust individual risk assessments of prisoners. These measures would be introduced through legislation, requiring debate and the approval of Parliament. I invite people to share their views.”

Responses to this consultation are invited by 19 August 2024. It can be found here: [Long-term prisoner release process: consultation – Scottish Government consultations – Citizen Space]

Position Paper

[Prison population: position paper – (]

NHS24: Breathing Space in Dunbar

Friday was a good day for our Breathing Space service – the sun was shining and we unveiled a new Breathing Space bench in Dunbar! ☀️

The ‘Take some Breathing Space’ bench initiative is designed to be physical reminders for people to pause, reflect, and find comfort. Breathing Space benches are dotted all over Scotland, with the latest being unveiled in Dunbar train station in East Lothian.

Our Breathing Space team work in partnership with organisations, charities, and local groups to secure sites for new benches. The Dunbar bench was installed with support from Samaritans, Scotland’s Railway, and Dunbar Rotary.

Managed by NHS 24, Breathing Space is a free and confidential phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression, or anxiety.

Breathing Space National Coordinator, Tony McLaren, explains why the benches are important symbols to prioritise mental health: “We’re proud to work alongside other mental health champions such as Samaritans and Scotland’s Railway to promote mental well-being within communities throughout Scotland.

“The installation of our newest Breathing Space Bench at Dunbar Train Station will serve as a powerful reminder to everyone that taking time to think, reflect, and chat about mental health is essential, especially during life’s busy moments.”

Police appeal following serious crash in West Lothian

Road Policing officers are appealing for information following a serious crash in West Lothian.

Around 2.35pm yesterday (Sunday, 7 July), officers were called to a report of a collision involving a grey Audi A1 and a blue VW Tiguan on the A704, just off the A71, in West Calder.

Emergency services attended and two women, the driver and passenger of the Audi were taken to Wishaw General Hospital.

The driver and passenger of the other vehicle were taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. The passenger, a 69-year-old woman, remains in a critical but stable condition.

Sergeant Paul Ewing said: “Enquiries are ongoing and we are asking anyone who has not already spoken to officers and can assist with our investigation to get in touch.

“We would also like to see any dashcam footage from the area, including any that captures both vehicles prior to the collision happening.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101 quoting incident number 1862 of 7 July, 2024.

 Leading environmental scientist celebrated at University of West of Scotland graduation

An environmental scientists and former broadcaster has been recognised as part of University of the West of Scotland’s (UWS) graduations.

Dr Hermione Cockburn, who was awarded an OBE in 2020 for services to public engagement in science, was celebrated as part of a ceremony taking place at Paisley Abbey last week (Wednesday 3 July).

Dr Cockburn began her career at the University of Edinburgh researching landscape change in Africa and Antarctica. She then completed a post doctorate at the University of Melbourne.

For the past 20 years, she has worked exclusively in science communication and presented television series like Coast, Rough Science, Fossil Detectives: Discovering Prehistoric Britain and The Nature of Britain for the BBC.

She has also presented Radio 4 documentaries on subjects ranging from lead pollution to lasers, as well as an award-winning series on bacteria.

Dr Cockburn taught environmental science for the Open University for many years and is passionate about life-long learning. Her most recent role as the Scientific Director at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh saw her lead the charity’s mission that focuses on empowering people with understanding and empathy for the planet.

Recently, she led a major ocean literacy project about Scotland’s deep sea, collaborating closely with marine scientists from across the UK. She is a Trustee of the Association of Science and Discovery Centres, a fellow of The Royal Society of Edinburgh, and an honorary fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.

Professor Andrew Hursthouse delivered Dr Cockburn’s laureation speech, which touched on her inspirational career to date.

Discussing her Honorary Doctorate from UWS, Dr Cockburn said, “It’s an honour to receive this Honorary Doctorate.

“As someone who is passionate about science education and life-long learning, it’s been inspiring to be a part of the ceremony today and see so many graduates take the next step in that journey.”

Professor James Miller, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of UWS, said: “Graduation is the pinnacle of the University calendar. It gives us the opportunity to both reflect on the amazing achievements of our students and to celebrate this most important of milestones with their friends and families, as well as the whole UWS community who have supported them throughout their time at university.

“We are delighted to present Dr Hermione Cockburn with this Honorary Doctorate. We know she will be a role model not only to students studying scientific disciplines but also those who are keen to work in science engagement. Her commitment to encouraging life-long learning and environmental awareness is aligned to our own values here at the University.”

Gilded Balloon announces new charity partner for Pink Wednesday

Edinburgh venue Gilded Balloon has unveiled a new charity partner for Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024, joining forces with Scottish charity Waverley Care this August for their legendary Pink Wednesday event.

The new partnership will see Gilded Balloon raise vital funds for Waverley Care throughout the month and specifically on 2024’s Pink Wednesday (7th August) – a fun-filled day of ticket discounts, fancy dress and competitions in aid of charity.  

Gilded Balloon will host Waverley Care, Scotland’s leading HIV and hepatitis C charity at both of their Fringe venues this year – Patter House and the National Museum of Scotland. 

Founded in 1989 in response to the HIV epidemic in Edinburgh, the charity now focuses on ending new HIV transmission in Scotland by 2030, while continuing to support people and communities affected by HIV, hepatitis C and sexual health inequalities. 

As one of Edinburgh Fringe’s original venues, Gilded Balloon created Pink Wednesday in 2018 to combat ‘Black Wednesday’ – a day traditionally known for slower ticket sales across the Festival.

The 24 hour event will see £5 ticket deals on some of Gilded Balloon’s biggest shows for one day only, with a percentage of ticket sales donated directly to Waverley Care. Acts, customers and staff will join in the fun by dressing in pink for the day, collecting charity donations throughout both venues. 

Plus, customers can donate to Waverley Care all throughout August via QR codes in Patter House and the National Museum of Scotland. 

Renowned for their pink venues which take over Edinburgh in August, Gilded Balloon’s Pink Wednesday will see £5 tickets on sale from venue box offices and Gilded Balloon’s website on the day for huge comedy shows including Jack Docherty in The Chief – No Apologies, Grace Campbell Is On Heat, Chris Hall: Girl For All Seasons, Joshua Bethania: Coming Home, Late’n’Live and many more.

Families can bag a bargain whilst supporting charity, seeing shows including Hypnotist Matt Hale!, Wood Owl and the Box Of Wonders and Lost in the Woods, or enjoy £5 tickets for some of the Fringe’s best magicians like Martin Brock, Caspar Thomas and Cameron Young

Katy and Karen Koren, Artistic Directors of Gilded Balloon said: “We’re thrilled to be working with Waverley Care as our new charity partner for 2024 and can’t wait to welcome their staff to our venues on Pink Wednesday for a day of pink-fuelled ticket discounts in aid of a really important cause.

Waverley Care has been at the forefront of vital work for those affected by HIV and hepatitis on a national level for over 35 years and we’re delighted to lend our support to them for the whole month of August.

“It’s always fantastic to see our acts, staff and customers join in the fun and support a new charity every year, whilst enjoying some of the very best shows at the Fringe for only £5 – don your best pink outfits and we’ll see you there!”

Siobhan Cameron, Fundraising Officer at Waverley Care, said: Waverley Care are thrilled to be chosen as Gilded Balloon’s charity partner this Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

“We are so excited to be working with one of Scotland’s leading entertainment venues, reaching more audiences than ever before with our #GetToZero message, and raising vital funds to support anyone affected by HIV or hep C in Scotland.” 

Waverley Care is Scotland’s leading HIV and hepatitis C charity, and everything they do is guided by the experiences of the people they work with – this ranges from shaping the services they deliver through to how they influence national policy around sexual health and blood-borne viruses (BBVs).

Waverley Care’s vision is a Scotland where anyone living with or at risk of HIV can expect to be treated with acceptance, support and respect. 

Find out more information and support Waverley Care – 

Acts across Gilded Balloon’s jam-packed Fringe roster will take part in discounted tickets for one day only on Pink Wednesday, with a percentage of ticket sales donated to Waverley Care.

With over 130 shows across two venues including Patter House and the National Museum of Scotland, Gilded Balloon’s programme covers comedy, theatre, magic, kids shows and much more. 

Tickets on sale now via 

Have your say on NHS Lothian’s Biodiversity Action Plan

If you would like to have your say or read about NHS Lothian’s Biodiversity Action Plan this is your chance!

Read about our plans for making our hospitals & facilities more welcoming for wildlife & people alike & complete the survey at the bottom:

Walk the Walk in Tartan for Edinburgh Leisure

Edinburgh Leisure, the city’s leading sports and leisure provider is calling on anyone looking for a new challenge to don their tartan and join them to take part in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk to raise funds for their award-winning Ageing Well project.

An Edinburgh Leisure and NHS Lothian initiative, Ageing Well keeps hundreds of older adults in Edinburgh more connected and physically active, by offering low-cost city-wide activities that encourage active living and socialisation all the while boosting their health and wellbeing.

Jenny Selman, Funding Manager for Edinburgh Leisure explained: “Part of our Active Communities programme, Ageing Well is led or supported by trained older adult volunteers and our participants and volunteers really benefit both mentally and physically from taking part. 

“It caters for a diverse range of interests and abilities, with activities including walking groups, cycling, gardening at our allotment and buddy swimming.

“Unfortunately, the programme is facing a funding shortfall of £17k, so we’re encouraging people to sign up to the Kiltwalk to raise some much-needed funds for Ageing Well and hopefully, get active, and stay active because of taking part.

“We hope that the funds raised by our supporters, coupled with generous donations we receive throughout the year, will enable us to continue with this valued programme. Every pound raised really will make a difference.”

All those signing up to the Kiltwalk to raise funds for Edinburgh Leisure will receive a 50% discount on the registration fee and also an Edinburgh Leisure T-shirt and a tartan-themed snood.

The Kiltwalk takes place on Sunday, 15th September 2024. Three walk lengths are available: 

  • The Mighty Stride (approx. 21 miles) – £20 £10 registration fee 
  • The Big Stroll (approx. 11 miles) – £20 £10 registration fee 
  • The Wee Wander (approx. 5 miles) – £12.50 £6.25 for adults, £6.50 £3.25 for children 

Edinburgh Leisure’s Active Communities programme supports 12,500 people who face the greatest barriers to getting active annually – people affected by health conditions, inequalities, and poverty.

Your participation in the Kiltwalk will raise crucial funds to promote health, happiness, and connectedness among older adults in Edinburgh whilst contributing to a fantastic and enjoyable event. 

To find out more about signing up with Edinburgh Leisure to walk the Kiltwalk, and to get your 50% discount, click here.

To find out more about the Kiltwalk, click here.



Liftfest was the idea of our fab volunteers Tyler, Stacey and Wendy – they organised everything from asking for donations, organising the band, wee singer, DJ, and food donations.

Everything will be priced cheaply and affordable.

There will be table sales in the hall and lots going on outside

We would like to be able to supply the kids with either free cartons of juice or free diluting juice so if any nice person wants to donate cartons of juice or diluting juice and cups we would really appreciate it.

This has al been organised on a very low budget as everyone knows money is tight but the volunteers wanted to have something in Muirhouse for the families, the kids and their community.

Well done everyone involved in planning this day

I’m dreading to see what they have planned for me but whatever it is I’m sure they will all enjoy taking the mick out off the CEO!

Look forward to seeing you all on the 17th July.

Pauline N Bowie MBE