Operation Crackle: Dispersal Zones come into effect next week

Dispersal Zones for #OpCrackle have been set up across Edinburgh and will be enforceable between 3rd November and 5th November 2023.

These zones are set up to help prevent anti-social behaviour and to keep the community safe.

Additional officers will be deployed over the weekend across the city and they have the grounds to take action should people be involved in such conduct, as detailed in the below poster.

Keep yourself and others safe by attending organised events only, which can be found here:


North Edinburgh Arts: Community Studio Space Open Meeting



Artist Alice Betts, together with members of the Art for Grown Ups group, have been exploring and developing a plan for a permanent visual arts studio and making space within the expanded and refurbished NEA venue, due to re-open in 2024.

You can read more about the research project in our blog post at northedinburgharts.co.uk/developing-a-community-visual-arts-space/

As part of her research project, Alice would like to hear from local creative adults who are interested in using a free visual arts studio space at North Edinburgh Arts.

Join the Open Meeting: NEA Community Studio Space on Tuesday 31 October at 2pm at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre to share your thoughts and ideas about a community-accessible studio space within the refurbished NEA.

This event is open to local artists, creatives, and NEA project participants including those from the Community Shed, Create Community Wealth, Art for Grown Ups, and A Stitch in Time.

Come and help shape our future free space for North Edinburgh’s creative community. This is a free event. Advance booking isn’t required.

For more information, please email alice.betts@northedinburgharts.co.uk

PEP: Become a Volunteer Trustee


PEP is overseen by a Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility and accountability for the Project. They set and maintain PEP’s vision, mission and values; support strategic development of services, establish and monitor policies, monitor employment procedures alongside the Manager, support the Manager and ensure good governance.

About Pilton Equalities Project:

Aims to enhance the quality of life for older people in North Edinburgh by continuing to develop services that measurably reduce isolation and which enable people and other vulnerable and isolated adults to actively participate in community life.

Experience Required:

Good independent judgement, ability to think creatively, willingness to speak your mind, an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of the charity.

Training Details:

PEP, 3 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EL . Training will be given on commencement of volunteering as a Trustee.

Location/Travel Details:

Board meet once a month for 2 hours, normally meetings are held in the PEP Office.

Accessibility Details:

Named Contact for Volunteer. Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet

Contact Details:

0131 315 4466
3 West Pilton Park

English Conversation Cafe at Fresh Start Hub Welcome Space

MONDAY 23 OCTOBER from 9am – 11am

FRESH START’s next English conversation café will be on Monday 23rd October, 9am-11am at Fresh Start Hub (28-30 Ferry Road Drive) in the Welcome space.

There will be tea, coffee and biscuits and a qualified ESOL Teacher on site to chat, play some language games and support people in their learning.

Please do share with your networks and bring anyone along who may wish to practise their English and learn more about the classes,

Edinburgh Schools HETV Inspire Sessions Launch

Screen Education Edinburgh (SEE), Film Edinburgh (City of Edinburgh Council, Culture Service), ScreenSkills’ High-end TV Skills Fund, and Arts & Creative Learning (City of Edinburgh Council, Children, Education and Justice Services) are proud to launch the Edinburgh Schools HETV Inspire Sessions.

These workshops are designed to inspire Edinburgh’s young workforce to consider careers in High-End TV Drama Production. The sessions will take place from October 2023 – February 2024 in City of Edinburgh Council High Schools across Edinburgh.

Edinburgh’s screen industries have grown considerably in recent years, with an annual value of £23.8 million. However, with the UK screen industries requiring an estimated 10,000 new entrants each year to sustain the current workforce, the shortage of young talent entering the field presents a significant challenge to the sector.

The HETV Inspire Sessions aim to address this shortage. Created with S4-6 pupils taking a wide range of subjects in mind, these workshops provide an opportunity to find out about the wide range of jobs available in the television industry. The workshops will connect with an estimated 500 pupils in at least 17 schools around Edinburgh. 

Workshops are led by industry professionals working in a diverse range of jobs within High-End TV Drama Production, who can offer a unique perspective on the industry. Pupils will gain hands-on practical experience, learning about the day-to-day responsibilities of different jobs. They will leave the sessions signposted to active opportunities in the field, such as SEE courses, e-learning from ScreenSkills’ High-end TV Skills Fund, career maps and more.

Emphasis has been placed on ensuring representation of roles with a shortage of entrants, empowering pupils to consider roles they may not have considered suited to their skillset. This programme aims to inspire pupils and guide them towards a rewarding career in this dynamic, growing field.

Laura Findlay, Creative Engagement Officer at SEE said, “There are a wealth of jobs in the industry that young people may not even know about or have considered before.

“We understand how important it is to support and develop pupils in a number of ways in and out of school – whether it’s courses and programmes we run, giving them hands on experience in film, or signposting them to internships, training programmes, or online courses, such as those run by ScreenSkills’ High-end TV Fund.

“Working in partnership allows us to pull together our resources, giving young people the tools and opportunities they need to get a start in the industry.” 

City of Edinburgh Council Culture and Communities Convener, Councillor Val Walker said, “It is fantastic news that the new HETV Inspire Sessions are going to be coming to our schools and giving pupils an insight into the sort of career pathways available to them.

“Here in Edinburgh and across Scotland we have an enviable film and television industry and it’s our responsibility to make sure that we nurture and enhance this. I’m looking forward to seeing our pupils get involved in this scheme and I’m sure it’ll be a great success.”

Vicki Ball, HETV First Break and Careers Outreach Manager at ScreenSkills said: “HETV production is growing in Edinburgh, and it’s important that we invest in the local talent that will help the industry continue to thrive.

“That’s why we’re working with local people and partners to help inspire the next generation of talent and help them find their pathway into one of the many roles available”.

The first HETV Inspire Session was held at Firrhill High School, led by industry professional Jackie McCraith-Smith. Running an interactive workshop, she provided pupils with valuable insights into her role as a Locations Manager.

From spill kits to blue shoes and more, they had the opportunity to see up-close some of the kit Location Managers use in their work, highlighting a potential pathway for pupils to enter the industry.

Calum McAlpine, teacher at Firrhill High School said, “The event did more than just provide information; it ignited a genuine interest and passion for the industry. Every school should have them visit!”

PEP seeks Trustees


 Make a difference in your local community:

PEP is overseen by a Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility and ac-countability for the Project. They set and maintain PEP’s vision, mission and values; support strategic development of services, establish and monitor policies, monitor employment procedures alongside the Manager, support the Manager and ensure good governance.

About Pilton Equalities Project:

Aims to enhance the quality of life for older people in North Edinburgh by continuing to develop services that measurably reduce isolation and which enable people and other vulnerable and isolated adults to actively participate in community life.

Experience Required:

Good independent judgement, ability to think creatively, willingness to speak your mind, an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of the charity.

Training Details:

PEP, 3 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EL . Training will be given on commencement of volunteering.

Location/Travel Details:

Board meet once a month for 2 hours, normally meetings are held in the PEP Office.


Public transport and out of pocket expenses paid.

Accessibility Details:

Named Contact for Volunteer. Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet



Hello@pepscot.org or tel. 0131 315 4466

Website www.pepscot.org

Facebook: Piltonequalitiesproject

National Lottery funding helps empower local communities across Edinburgh


Charities and community groups across Edinburgh are today sharing in the latest round of funding from The National Lottery Community Fund. 

Thanks to National Lottery players, they are amongst 453 projects sharing in  £11, 824,401 for a range of activities, helping to empower and connect people in communities across Scotland. 

West Pilton’s FRESH START is among the big winners, receiving £180,000. The local charity will use the funding to continue to support people moving on from
homelessness across Northwest Edinburgh.

Across the three years of the project, the group will support approximately 5,800 people with 450 volunteers. Volunteers will be individuals with lived experience of homelessness.

Fresh Start said: “We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our fundraising application to the National Lottery Community Fund.

“This award will allow us to continue to run our services, helping people with lived experience of homelessness, providing support through starter packs, the community pantry, community meals, empowering people with new skills, growing produce, cooking skills and having access to specialised advice.”

The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still, said: “National Lottery funding can make amazing things happen in local communities across the country.

“This project delivered by Fresh Start (Scotland), is a great example of community activity in action, showing just what can be achieved when people come together for a common cause or to help others.

“National Lottery players can be proud to know that the money they raise is helping to support this vital work which is making a real difference to so many.”

Edinburgh College received over £136,000 to continue delivery of their counselling service for students. The counselling is delivered by trained staff, either in
person or online, and is flexible to suit the schedule and needs of the individual in
need of support.

There was over £82,000 for Edinburgh Women’s Aid, who will use their funding to build an integrated mental health programme for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse.

As well as supporting hands on mental health delivery, this project will look to improve internal evaluation processes and engage with other services across Edinburgh to make their services more effective. The project will work with 555 people over the three year delivery period.

Dads Rock received £67,391. The project will continue to match trained peer support volunteers with new dads during the perinatal period who are experiencing anxiety, depression, difficulties in bonding with their new baby.

Passion4Fusion offer a range of programmes for the diverse needs of minority ethnic families in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Thanks to an award of £41,500 they will be able to offer a range of support services for black, African people dealing with long term conditions.

One service user Nala* (*not her real name) a 57-year-old African woman with a range of long-term health conditions who moved to Edinburgh to seek asylum.

Nala was missing important appointments as she struggled to read and interpret her medical letters in English. A worker from the project supported her to understand the health systems in Scotland, linked her with African groups and supported her at hospital appointments.

Nala said: “I am very happy I found people like me who can understand my situation. I was feeling very lonely and isolated but now I have my new African family I belong to.

“I am now able to do things that I haven’t been able to do in a while for instance, I really love going to the gym and I wouldn’t have done it without the support.”

Commenting on the project Huruma Health worker Lucrecia said “There is nothing more rewarding than helping others.

“As you can imagine, being alone in this country can be challenging and most of our service users have no immediate family members. The Huruma project creates culturally appropriate family support and a sense of belonging.”

Jonathan SsentamuFounder and CEO, Passion4Fusion, said “The Huruma Project continues to address the disproportionate impact of health inequalities affecting Africans in our community who are finding it difficult to access mainstream services.

This contribution is enabling us to support our service users, we’re so grateful for the continued support for our work.”

An award of £30,000 means that the Scottish Book Trust will run their ‘Reading is Caring’ programme for the next three years. 

The programme uses shared reading to support people living with dementia and anyone who cares for them and is designed to ease daily challenges of dementia by creating special moments of connection, sparking positive memories and relieving stress.

Martha and her husband Sandy took part in the project while caring for Martha’s mother Susan, who was living with dementia at the time.

Martha said: “Thank you again for your wonderful course – it added new skills and confidence to the way I read with Mum for her last few months and that was something very special.”

Commenting on the latest funding, Koren Calder, Project Manager, Scottish Book Trust, said: “This funding from The National Lottery Community Fund will allow us to reach more people living with dementia and the people who care for them, by creating new, flexible ways to access the benefits of the Reading is Caring programme.”

A neurodiversity charity is to launch a three-year specialist service for children and young people in Lanarkshire living with the challenges of neurodiversity thanks to Lottery funding.

Edinburgh-based Salvesen Mindroom Centre has been awarded £109,343 from The National Lottery Community Fund, made possible by National Lottery players, to deliver a dedicated one-to-one support service for children and young people who have neurodevelopmental conditions and neurodiverse families in North and South Lanarkshire.

The initiative will be led by two highly-skilled outreach specialists within the communities and address issues including problems surrounding the assessment and diagnosis of neurodevelopment conditions; securing appropriate help at school or in further and higher education; and dealing with complex correspondence and multiple agencies.

Support will be tailored to individuals and families and is aimed at achieving positive changes on a practical level and, through advocacy, ensuring the voices of children and young people are heard.

Between 15 and 20% of the population are estimated to be neurodivergent and Mindroom has witnessed a 137% rise in people using their services in Lanarkshire since 2018.

Chief Executive Officer Alan Thornburrow says: “We have seen at first hand the difference that receiving appropriate resources can make to neurodivergent children, young people and neurodiverse families in crisis.

“Over a number of years, we have steadily increased our caseload in Lanarkshire in response to a growing demand for our services and we’ve had some amazing feedback from clients whose lives have improved.

“This award from the National Lottery will help us ensure that many more people are helped and their lives transformed. We put the needs of the client at the very heart of our rights-based approach and aim to empower individuals, families and carers to become more confident and active participants in whatever they choose to do.

“We already have valuable, established relationships with a range of agencies and organisations in Lanarkshire including the NHS, Love Autism, schools and social work departments. This longer-term funding will enable us to build on these vital connections and increase our provision so that more neurodivergent children and young people and neurodiverse families can receive personalised help and benefit from opportunities for enhanced support.”

The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still: said: “National Lottery funding can make amazing things happen in local communities across the country.

“This project delivered by The Salvesen Mindroom Centre (SMC), is a great example of community activity in action, showing just what can be achieved when people come together for a common cause or to help others.

“National Lottery players can be proud to know that the money they raise is helping to support this vital work which is making a real difference to so many.”

The Lanarkshire initiative, funded under the National Lottery’s Improving Lives scheme, will run from September 1 this year to the end of August 2026.

For more information on the Salveson Mindroom Centre go to:  


Commenting on the latest grant round of funding The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still: said: “National Lottery funding continues to make extraordinary things happen in communities across Scotland.  

“I am delighted that this funding will be used to support projects across Edinburgh which have been developed by and for local people which will allow communities to come together to make life better for everyone.

National Lottery player players can be proud to know that that money they raise is helping to support this vital work in Edinburgh.”

The National Lottery Community Fund distributes funding on behalf of National Lottery players who raise more than £30 million each week for good causes throughout the UK.    

To find out more visit www.TNLCommunityFund.org.uk