Lower Granton Road improvements complete

Some of the city’s youngest cyclists pedalled through the rain to officially open a newly-improved active travel route beside Lower Granton Road earlier this week.

Trinity Primary pupils help test out the newly-improved active travel route at Lower Granton Road

Pupils from Trinity Primary, led by MyAdventure guides, helped test out the upgraded shared use path along McKelvie Parade, which forms part of the city’s QuietRoute cycling and walking network on Wednesday. Continue reading Lower Granton Road improvements complete

Shifting Ground: Have your say on Heart of Newhaven’s Victoria Primary School plans

2020 becomes 2021. It was announced a couple of weeks ago that a delay in planning approval for the building of the new school means all timetables are put back – we hope by no more than 20 weeks – from August 2020 to January 2021. How does that affect our 2020 vision?

We circulated this definitive information immediately to those who are already members of The Heart of Newhaven so that instead of picking up a rumour they knew all the details of the revised timetable. Now for the implications:

As far as our funding applications are concerned we have to re-schedule timetables; but The Heart of Newhaven dedicated Steering Group is equal to the consequential issues, with the necessary short-term focus to adjust complicated negotiations, confident of timely delivery in due course. That is its job and its members remain dedicated to what is expected of them.

But the time slippage has produced an unexpected opportunity.

We now have 20 more weeks or so to demonstrate the vibrancy of the Newhaven Community. This must not be time wasted just waiting.

At the last update here I’d just got home from an exciting Stakeholder Event organised on our behalf by Planning Aid Scotland, an organisation working with communities to articulate their vision and develop community-led plans. Presented elsewhere on this website PAS identified from participants new ideas and priorities for a multi-generational centre, especially what is needed in terms of community facilities.

What is a Multi-generational centre?
It is important to get used to this way of thinking – opportunities for people of all ages from the youngest to the oldest to sense that they belong to a big but closely knit family where we learn from each other.

Gone are the days when children were expected to be seen but not heard. Who of the older generation has not learned something about technology from those to whom the very latest innovation is literally child’s play?

That is why it is so exciting that our physical focus is upon acquiring Victoria Primary School so it can continue as a hub of learning and discovery, support and encouragement, not just a nostalgic look back to whatever might be considered was its heyday. Its heyday is always now and its future will be just as important as its past. Our present close-up focus task to ensure that happens means publicising as widely as possible all that is going on now demonstrating our sense of community.

Your chance to have your say, please take our survey and tell us what you think of the emerging ideas

Please fill in our survey – will be open for a fortnight only!  

Thank you for your support and please share as widely as possible!

Rodney Matthews (Vision Facilitator)

Give Guiding a go in Granton

We have an exciting opportunity for girls ages 5-18 to give guiding a go in Granton, Trinity and Newhaven! 

Join us for FREE summer sessions from 22-26 July!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions from 6 – 8pm.
Tuesday and Thursday sessions from 2 – 4pm.

Get in touch for more info or to book your place

Date set for launch of Newhaven Community Mural

Friday 14th June at 2pm

Newhaven Community Garden – all welcome

And coming up this week …

Thursday 6th June: Free Guided Walk

Join professional tour guide Mary Kemp Clarke on a free guided walk of Newhaven. Learn about the fascinating history of the village in a 1.5 hour tour. Meet at the harbour at 2pm.

Sign up by emailing admin@heartofnewhaven.co.uk

Neighbourhood Partnerships, no more: now it’s Neighbourhood Networks

First meeting of new Forth Neighbourhood Network tomorrow

New Neighbourhood Networks are being set up across Edinburgh. They will bring together community groups, voluntary sector organisations and local councillors to identify what matters to their neighbourhood. Continue reading Neighbourhood Partnerships, no more: now it’s Neighbourhood Networks

Neighbourhood Networks: exciting new chapter for community planning?

Community groups, voluntary sector organisations and local councillors will come together across the city this month for the inaugural meetings of the new Neighbourhood Networks. Continue reading Neighbourhood Networks: exciting new chapter for community planning?

Voluntary Sector Forum meets tomorrow

Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meets tomorrow (Wednesday 1st May) from 10.30-12.30 at North Edinburgh Arts. Continue reading Voluntary Sector Forum meets tomorrow

Shoreline Project launches free activity pack

The Edinburgh Shoreline project is delighted to launch a free activity pack for schools, groups and families who want to explore, celebrate and conserve our coastline. Continue reading Shoreline Project launches free activity pack