Side by Side? Labour councillors to host community event


Housing and care services are in crisis. Can local community co-operatives help to meet local needs?

These are questions for a ‘radical’ new community project in Edinburgh Northern and Leith. Side by Side aims to explore how we can learn from each other and work together to create positive practical change in our local neighbourhood.

Housing, environment and care of the young and elderly were the top concerns to emerge from two community Open Space events in the last 12 months.  The first event identified the needs; the second came up with bold ideas to fill gaps in local services – including housing and childcare co-operatives

Now Side by Side aims to take the next step with The Gathering, at Norton Park Conference Centre on Saturday 3 December.  And this time the event will start by celebrating the successes and achievements of local groups who are already changing lives.     

‘Through our events we discovered fantastic creative enterprises in Edinburgh Northern and Leith,’ says Fay Young, one of the organisers, ‘But not everyone knows about them. We hope to learn from each other to build on what is here already and generate new ideas to enhance quality of life in our area.’  

Keynote speaker Josh Littlejohn, co-founder of Social Bite, will set the tone of an event which seeks to ‘share best practice and build on local achievements’. A panel of experts from Pilton Community Health Project, Port of Leith Housing Association, Shrub Swap and Reuse Hub and North Edinburgh Childcare will also provide first hand accounts of successful community enterprises and projects.

Workshop discussions and outcomes will be led and decided by the audience and facilitated by Judith Chivers. Proposals put forward by The Gathering will contribute to a community manifesto for our neighbourhood in time for the local authority elections in May 2017. 

Side by Side has grown from two Open Space community discussion events hosted by Councillor Lesley Hinds, in December 2015 and April 2016.  Local organisations and residents were invited to explore how we might make use of new powers coming to the Scottish Parliament to improve life in our part of Edinburgh. 

Councillor Hinds who is standing down after 33 years on City of Edinburgh Council said ‘I promised to turn words into action and that is what The Gathering aims to do. My colleagues will ensure this is taken forward”.

Side by Side is a community project open to all. The Gathering will be introduced and hosted by Labour Councillors for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, and is supported by Leith Open Space, an intercultural community discussion group formed in 2005.

Edinburgh based Selah Corbin, a cinematic songwriter and multi-instrumentalist whose work has been likened to “paintings that come alive”   will provide the music and a light lunch of delicious food from Punjabi Junction will be served.

To take part, book now on   Eventbrite

and follow   and for updates.

For further information please contact Marion Donaldson

Tomorrow at North Edinburgh Arts: United We Will Swim … Again

Continue reading Tomorrow at North Edinburgh Arts: United We Will Swim … Again

Social security event at Royston Wardieburn tomorrow


Hi everyone

Just a wee reminder about the community event we are having in the centre on Wednesday.  The aim of the event is to give people from North Edinburgh an opportunity to take part in the Scottish Government’s consultation process on a new Social Security System for Scotland.

We will be kicking off at 10.00 and finishing at 12.30.   A community lunch will be provided afterwards in the cafe.  To help us with the arrangements for the day, we would appreciate if you could let us know if you are coming and if you require childcare or have any other needs we should be aware of.

Thanks and best wishes


Turning politics on it’s head

North Edinburgh residents to lead the debate in ‘upside down hustings’

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Community campaigners in north Edinburgh are turning the traditional hustings model, which sees political candidates telling voters what they will do if elected, on its head. Pilton Community Health Project (PCHP) is bringing together a group of grassroots ‘experts’ from across the north of the city to tell politicians what changes are needed to improve the area. Continue reading Turning politics on it’s head

Have your say on our benefits system

Hi folks, 


I am writing to  invite you/your group to take part in a  local  consultation event about Social Security  in Scotland.   The event will  take place in Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on Wednesday 26th October from 10 – 12.30.  Continue reading Have your say on our benefits system

Easing the burden: funding extension for ‘crucial’ advice services


Successful projects that have helped people cope with issues such as debt, mortgage worries and benefit problems will continue thanks to £6 million of funding. Among those succesful projects is Granton Information Centre, who increased one client’s household income by a staggering £15,000. Continue reading Easing the burden: funding extension for ‘crucial’ advice services

Don’t miss COLLECTOR exhibition


Arcadeum’s Collector exhibition opened on Saturday afternoon at Whitespace Gallery on East Crosscauseway – and the exhibition has already attracted over one hundred visitors!

The fascinating exhibition features the personal collections of twenty residents and local workers from North Edinburgh and includes collections of model buses, spoons, toysoldiers, John Wayne memorabilia and  more …

The exhibition runs until Thursday and is open daily from 11am – 6pm – and it’s free. Don’t miss it!

More info at Facebook – Arcadeum Collectors Project and


North Edinburgh Arts AGM date set



Tuesday 25 October at 12 noon


North Edinburgh Arts
Invites you to an
Annual General Meeting

To be held at North Edinburgh Arts
15a Pennywell Court
Edinburgh, EH4 4TZOn Tuesday 25th October at 12 noon
Soup and sandwiches will be served at 12.30pm

Creche available on requestCome and hear about the work of NEA, plans for the next three years, and have an opportunity to share your ideas for the organisation with us.

To RSVP and reserve a creche space call Sandra on 0131 315 2151 or email by the 14th October.

Directions to the venue can be found here.


Living in Harmony: understanding hate crime

Living in Harmony logo

The next Living in Harmony forum will be on Thursday 13th October, 10-12 at Pilton Community Health Project. There will be crèche available if booked in advance.

The theme of the session will be on understanding hate crime and we will have input from the police and from another project working with young people on hate crime in North Edinburgh. There will be an opportunity to explore what hate crime is, discuss how to raise awareness about it among our communities, and also to sign up your organisation to become a third party reporting centre.

It would be helpful if you could RSVP so that we have an idea of numbers.

Kind regards

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony,

Pilton Community Health Project

0131 551 1671

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