Royston Wardieburn’s creative writers celebrate Windows To Our Past

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre’s social history group launched their new publication, ‘Windows To Our Past’, at the Centre on Thursday.  

Windows to our Past: A  Collection of Stories from North Edinburgh remembers times long gone and also pays tribute to the local people – activists, volunteers, class mates and good friends – lost in recent years.

The group worked with creative writing tutor Jim Aitken to produce Windows To Our Past and members read a selection of their stories to an appreciative audience.

There were lots of laughs – the event opened with a comical This Is Our Lives sketch performed by the group – but there was time for reflection, too.

Some We Remember, a slide show created for the event, brought back a wealth of poignant memories of fondly-remembered activists no longer with us – men and women who each in their own way dedicated much of their lives to making the North Edinburgh community a better place to live.

The perennial challenge of fighting for adequate resources goes on, of course, and the latest round of funding cuts has seen North Edinburgh’s community centres and local projects fearing for their futures once again. In a discussion following the launch, however, it was clear that the appetite to campaign to challenge cuts to local resources remains as strong as ever.

The fight goes on – and, as a previous publication produced by activists urged: NEVER GIVE UP!



And what about the quiet revolution

A circle of people

Growing with every breath

Spinning ever wider

Living in peace and harmony

A family

A community

Sharing good and bad

No more war, loneliness, anger or greed

A family of humanity

Starting from a whsiper

Growing steadily brighter and brighter

Louder and louder


No darkness remains.

Creative design session at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

WEDNESDAY 26 MARCH from 10.30am – 1pm

Come and design your own bag, t-shirt and mug next Wednesday (26th March).

Learn techniques and let your creative side guide you

Small cost to design bags (let us know which style you would prefer when booking)

No cost to design mugs or tshirts

Spaces are limited so call 0131 552 5700 or pop in to the Centre to book your space!

Granton Community Gardeners AGM

WEDNESDAY 19th MARCH from 5.30 – 6.30pm


Our AGM is coming up: Wednesday 19th March 5.30-6.30 at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. (room F40, upstairs -there’s an accessible lift).

You’re all invited! As well as some formal business like the presentation of accounts and trustee election, we’ll do a wee review of the past year, and a look ahead to the coming one.

We’ll provide some light refreshments, so if you’re planning to come it’s helpful if you can message us so we know numbers.

If you’re a member you should already have an invite, but please note we’ve had to change the venue as PCHP will now be closed that week for electrical works.

If you’re not a member but would like to sign up, all the relevant info is here:

Thursday Tots at Royston Wardieburn: Volunteers Needed!

Can anyone help?

Our Thursday Tots is a popular group but it can be a struggle to get everything cleared up at the end.

If you can spare an hour to support our current volunteers at the end (or even 30mins from 12) then please get in touch

It would also be good to have a bank of volunteers so our 2 main volunteers could have some time off. Tots runs 10:30-12 on Thursdays during term time.

If you think you can help then get in touch via FB msg or comment

Young People: Time to Talk

Granton Youth have partnered up with The Junction – Young People, Health and Wellbeing6VT Edinburgh City Youth CafeCanongate Youth & Wester Hailes Youth Agency to be apart of a project called ‘Time to Talk’ – to try and support more young people across Edinburgh.

If you are aged 12 – 25 and are looking for support then get in touch with ourselves or find the contact information for your area in the poster attached.




Sensory Room available at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to receive a Scotmid coop Community Grant to improve our Sensory room. We are pleased to announce that our Sensory Room is now complete and available to book!

Designed to support those with sensory processing disorders, this is a great place to relax and relieve stress in a safe space

We also have ear defenders available if required

Contact the centre for full details or to book your time slot:

Telephone: 0131 552 5700


Money worries? Local debt advice at Granton Information Centre

If you are anxious about debt or struggling to keep on top of bills, you are definitely not alone! Rising costs in energy, groceries and fuel has resulted in lots of people struggling to cope.

Granton Information Centre is here to help you with free, confidential, and impartial advice. If you would like to make an appointment with one of our advisers, please get in touch on 0131 551 2459 or 0131 552 0458 or email

Community Ceilidh to go ahead


Ceilidh tickets update: we will have some tickets available for sale on the door on Saturday from 4pm.

Please note, Royston Wardieburn Community Centre won’t be open on Friday due to the weather warning -so you won’t be able to get tickets from there then.

Forecast’s all fine for Saturday’s event though! Really looking foward to it!

With Pilton Community Health Project, Tinderbox Collective, Ama-zing Harmonies, Granton Primary School poets, and many more!

Burns Night Community Ceilidh: Tickets go on sale tomorrow

Coming soon! Our 11th Annual Burns Night Community Ceilidh!

Saturday 25th January 5-8.30 at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

Tickets on sale from tomorrow – Monday 13th January.

With Pilton Community Health Project 

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre 

Tinderbox Collective and many more..