Towards a Community Manifesto: More Power for Local Communities?

Lesley Hinds extends an invitation to a community- focussed follow-up discussion for Northern Edinburgh and Leith

Leith foot of the walk

Last December some people living and working in Northern Edinburgh and Leith participated in an Open Space community event which explored how local communities might benefit from or influence the direction of the changes the Scottish Parliament additional powers will allow. Continue reading Towards a Community Manifesto: More Power for Local Communities?

It’s no yolk – Spartans aim to top 300!


Spartans Community Football Academy have launched their annual Easter Egg Collection – and the Ainslie Park-based team are once again aiming to ensure that no local child goes without an Easter Egg this year.

The Academy donated over 400 chocolate Easter Eggs to local food banks last Spring – an eggstraordinary total! – and they have set a target of reaching at least 300 again this year.

Can they make it? You can do your bit to help by laying  donating an egg at the Academy at Ainslie Park by next Thursday (24 March)!

Question Time event to focus on Social Justice

TUESDAY 22 MARCH 6 – 8pm



QT Tue 22 March

Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

human rights

North Edinburgh’s Power to the People group is hosting a session to discuss human rights tonight in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre tonight. Continue reading Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

We all need Friends – even Parks and Houses!


The sun is shining, summer is on its way and life in the northern hemisphere re-emerges (writes Bill Rodger).  Among the green shoots to know about are: Continue reading We all need Friends – even Parks and Houses!

Craigroyston Community Centre: Alive and Kicking!

cccHow many of you thought we lost our community centre when the old school and community centre was demolished around 5 years ago? Well, we did not – but recent events made us realise you thought you had (writes Vanessa Cousins)! Continue reading Craigroyston Community Centre: Alive and Kicking!

Robin’s at Royston Wardieburn


Robin McAlpine, director of The Common Weal – a vision for a better Scotland, is speaking at an event organised by the Power to the People group taking place this morning at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

The event runs from 10am – midday: it’s free, no booking necessary – all welcome!

For more information visit the Living In Harmony Facebook page, e-mail Luke Campbell at or call Lynn McCabe on 552 5700 – email

book of ideas



Power to the People: double event this week


Please see below publicity advertising  two information and discussion sessions being hosted by the Power to the People group this  week. Continue reading Power to the People: double event this week

Celebrate International Women’s Day at Royston Wardieburn

TUESDAY 8 MARCH 10am – 1pm


IWD rwcc