Video consultation scheme for patients rolled out to community hubs

Up to 40,000 consultations taking place every month

The Near Me video consultation scheme is being extended so patients can use it in community settings such as libraries, community and health and care facilities as well as their own home.

The platform is already being used for around 40,000 consultations a month, helping to ease pressure on the health service, and saving people time and money travelling to appointments.

Near Me consultations include hospital outpatient appointments, GPs, and a wide range of other services including care homes, dietetics and mental health support. Patients should be offered the option of a Near Me appointment, if appropriate, by the hospital, GP practice or other service, along with details of a website address for its video clinic.

Now patients will be able to visit 55 hubs across Scotland which have set up areas for private video consultations thanks to funding from the Scottish Government.

The new hubs provide private confidential space, good connectivity, and help for those with low digital confidence or no access to a suitable device. 

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf praised the innovative use of technology to benefit patients and ease the pressure of the NHS.

Mr Yousaf said: “Face to face appointments will always be there for people who need them, but Near Me has many benefits to patients, including saving time and money. It is valuable in giving them options on accessing healthcare in a way that is easy and comfortable for them.

“It allows multiple family members to join consultations and saves patients having to take time off work or organise childcare.

“The platform has also reduced the need for travel, saving an estimated 57 million miles of travel since January 2020. That is so important at this time when we are looking at fuel costs and the impact on the environment.”

Andrina Robb, Near Me Support Manager for NHS Highland, said:  “The Near Me system is safe and secure, and very straightforward to use. There is no app to download or registration required. Your details remain private, just like any other appointment.

“All you need is a device for making video calls, like a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, and an internet connection. If you don’t have these things, Near Me rooms are now available in some GP surgeries and other locations such as libraries. You can even invite along a friend or family member for support, and they can join the call even if they live far away.”

A feedback survey of nearly 25,000 users reported an average saving of 36 miles per visit – around 1.4 million miles a month. They survey also revealed 92% said the system was easy to use and 97% would use it again.

Video Appointments (

Young Ukrainian refugee is ace-ing the tennis competition

A Ukrainian teenage refugee, Arsenii Opryshko, is showing his prowess on the tennis courts with support from Edinburgh Leisure.

Every day, all over the world, people leave their own countries in search of a better life. While some choose to leave for work, study or play, others feel that the threat of persecution or conflict means they have no choice but to leave.

We watched in horror earlier this year as families just like our own were forced to flee warn-torn Ukraine with nothing but a suitcase in tow. Since then, more than 9,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Scotland.

Edinburgh Leisure is a charity committed to creating opportunities for people in Edinburgh to keep active and well.

Each year our Active Communities programme uses the power of physical activity and sport to support around 10,000 people affected by health conditions, disabilities, inequalities, and poverty to improve their health and wellbeing.

A combination of our Active Communities programme, city-wide venues and dedicated staff mean that we are uniquely placed to make relocated people feel welcome in our capital city.

While physical activity is by no means a magic wand that will make their problems disappear, Edinburgh Leisure believes that getting active can have a hugely positive impact on their lives.

Improving health and mental wellbeing, incorporating some routine into their week in a period of instability, boosting confidence and self-esteem, reducing loneliness and isolation, and helping them to integrate into their new communities are just some of the benefits that being active can bring them.

Since 2016 Edinburgh Leisure has delivered our Relocated People Access programme in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council’s Migration and Refugee Team.

Through the project, we give relocated people access cards, which allows them free use of our facilities for six months while they are settling into their new city. We are now supporting around 2,000 people from countries around the world including Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Syria.

More recently we have also started providing children who are new to the city with free use of our facilities, places on our children’s sports coaching programmes and places on our holiday sports camps over the summer to help them enjoy the active childhood they deserve.

One such child who is benefitting from support, is a young teenage Ukrainian refugee, Arsenii Opryshko, who only arrived in Edinburgh in July 2022, but is already being recognised for his tennis skills. 

Recently he has beaten other talented junior tennis players by winning the LTA Scotland Tour, Grade 5, Boys U16 event – coming first, which took place in Broughty Ferry and also came second in a similar event at Dalgety Bay on 14 October and more recently won the U16 boys event at Kelso (6 November 2022).

Arsenii Opryshko, 13 years, a displaced refugee from Kharkiv, an eastern region of Ukraine, a region that borders Russia, arrived in Scotland under the Scottish Government’s Super Sponsor scheme, along with his parents, Vadym and Olga. They are being hosted by a retired police sergeant, Mark McCool and his husband in Broomhouse, Edinburgh.

Arsenii was a pupil at Gymnasium Number 13, a secondary school in Kharkiv. He holds a national ranking in his chosen sport of tennis and as a talented tennis player undertook three hours of tennis coaching per day.

Realising his tennis talent, Mark McCool, along with the support of Mandy Fairnie, Operations Manager at Edinburgh Leisure’s Craiglockhart Tennis Centre, has managed to secure coaching from various sources, including coaches at the Edinburgh flagship tennis centre, and East of Scotland tennis clubs and through Tennis Scotland. 

Arsenii is currently a member at Hatton Sports Club, which has tennis, padel tennis, squash and racketball facilities and is situated on the A71 near Kirknewton.

Caroline Newton, one of the committee members at Hatton, and a fellow Ukrainian host, secured free membership of the club, with the cooperation of her fellow committee members.

Mark McCool, host to the family said: “There’s no doubting the tennis talent of this young lad, especially in taking the overall trophy for the Under 16 Boys Singles competition, when he is only 13 years.  Yet it shouldn’t be underestimated the hoops this family have had to through just to get to this stage.

“Like many of their fellow countrymen, none of them have chosen the journey they have all been on, but they are making the best of a bad situation.  I’m so grateful to everyone that has supported the family so far to help progress their son’s talent. 

“But then again, participating in tennis doesn’t come cheaply.  And while everyone has given of their time freely until now, there are always the hidden costs associated at competing at such a level, including rackets, balls, shoes, entry costs etc.”

The family had left Ukraine to go on their first family holiday in three years to Egypt, a country they had been longing to visit for 10 years. It was a holiday that would combine rest and relaxation with a business opportunity that Vadym was developing and a business meeting with a new partner – not knowing that this would be the same week that Russia would invade Ukraine.

After the skies around their country were closed to all air traffic, the family were stranded in an Egyptian hotel with three suitcases full of summer clothes, sandals, and flip flops.

The family’s circumstance was very quickly recognised by other guests in the hotel and those guests, all of whom were on holiday, clubbed together and funded one of the German families to take Vadym, Olga and Arsenii home with them to southern Germany.

Before long Vadym, Olga and Arsenii found themselves surrounded by many Ukrainian refugee families who had themselves fled the regions worst hit by the Russian invasion.

In Germany, Vadym and Olga’s personal and professional experience was quickly recognised by the German authorities and Vadym, a fluent English speaker was recruited into a refugee support position by the Mayor’s office in the German village of Bad Schonborn, 80km from the city of Stuttgart.

Olga meanwhile found herself working in, and ultimately running, an already established kitchen that was now feeding a wave of refugees, over and above their normal duties in providing for the existing community.

As Mark McCool explained: “Despite the magnitude of the developing situation, Vadym and Olga’s main desire was to provide as normal a life as possible for their teenage son, which was made possible by the German community who quickly offered Arsenii a place in a school and who they also enrolled in a local tennis programme.”

Unfortunately for the family though, their time in Germany was short-lived. 

As Vadym’s family had come to Germany from Egypt, a country seen by the German Government as a safe country, they refused to identify Vadym’s family as a refugee family. The German Government assessed Vadym’s family position as that of a non-EU family entering their country as tourists on a tourist visa which only gave the family a limited period of stay.

Their visa application was therefore rejected, and the family were given until 31st May 2022 to leave Germany, although an extension was granted until November, as they had not secured anywhere to go by the initial date. During this time Vadym discovered the Scottish Government’s Super Sponsor scheme and arrived in Scotland on 15th July after Mark McCool and his partner agreed to sponsor the family’s application to come to Edinburgh.

Vadym Opryshko, father to Arsenii said: “As a family, we couldn’t have asked for a more supportive welcome from so many different people in Edinburgh. 

“Like any parents, we just want the best for our child and for Arsenii, it’s to continue developing his natural tennis ability, despite the challenges we have experienced since leaving our homeland.”

Concluding, Mark McCool said: “My partner and I, along with so many other members of the local and tennis community have welcomed this displaced family into our hearts. 

“Arsenii is one talented individual when it comes to playing tennis, and we couldn’t be prouder of his achievements over the weekend.

“We just hope we can continue to find support to nurture his talent while he is a guest in Scotland.”

94% of clients praise Social Security Scotland staff for ‘kindness’

More than £160 million in support paid out across 11 benefits in 2021-2022

Social Security Scotland has published its Annual Report and Accounts, which shows that it made £163.6 million in direct payments across 11 Scottish benefits from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

The combination of direct payments and those delivered through Agency Agreements with the Department of Work and Pensions saw the Scottish Government invest a total of £3.48 billion in benefits across Scotland.

The results of an annual survey of clients by Social Security Scotland have also been published, showing that people felt they were treated well, with staff commended for treating people with ‘kindness’, ‘listening’ and showing ‘empathy’.

Among those who responded to the survey, 94% of people who had been in contact with staff ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ that they were treated with kindness while 93% said their experience with staff was ‘very good’ or ‘good’ with a further 92% saying they felt they had been listened to.

The positive feedback matches the high standards reported last year, where 93% also said their experience with staff was ‘very good’ or ‘good’ and 92% saying they felt they had been listened to.

Minister for Social Security, Ben Macpherson, said: “Social Security Scotland’s Annual Report and Accounts demonstrate the impact of delivering benefits that help tackle poverty and promote equality. We ensure money goes directly to people who need it most, including carers, disabled people and families on low incomes. 

“Next week our transformative Scottish Child Payment will be extended to all eligible young people under the age of 16 and increased to £25 per week per child – a 150% rise within 8 months of introducing this important benefit, which is only available in Scotland. 

“I am pleased Social Security Scotland have maintained high satisfaction levels in their service delivery, as evidenced in the latest Client Survey. We encourage all those who are eligible for support to apply, and are committed to treating everyone with dignity, fairness and respect.”

Chief Executive of Social Security Scotland, David Wallace, said: “Four years ago, we began delivering our new social security service for Scotland after listening to people who had experience of the benefits system. They helped us create a service based on our values of dignity, fairness and respect and we continue to listen to them as we grow and deliver more benefits.

“Our annual Client Survey reflects the work we have put in to deliver on our commitment and the fact that we managed to maintain such an exceptionally high level of client satisfaction through a period of significant growth is a source of immense pride for me.

“In fact, 96% of people surveyed told us they had received their benefit payments when we said they would. These results are testament to the care and pride our people take in their work. We have worked hard to build a diverse workforce of people who share our values that reflects modern Scotland.

“The year ahead will remain difficult for many of us but our commitment to our clients remains strong and we will continue to listen to their feedback as we develop our service and prepare to deliver new benefits.”

Cost of Living Crisis: £324 payment to hit bank accounts from today

Almost one in four families across the UK will receive £324 from the government this month as the latest Cost of Living Payments are sent out from today (8 November 2022).

Over 8 million households in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland who claimed qualifying means-tested benefits during the eligibility period will be automatically paid £324 this month, as part of £1,200 worth of direct help for households.

  • over 8 million benefit claimants to receive £324 this month as part of Cost of Living support
  • DWP claimants will receive their second Cost of Living payment by 23 November 2022, and eligible tax credit claimants, on no other means-tested benefits, will receive it between 23 and 30 November 2022
  • payments will automatically be made to everyone eligible, with no need for anyone to apply

The payments, starting today from the Department for Work and Pensions, are made directly into eligible recipients’ bank accounts, with no need for people to apply or do anything to receive it.

The payment reference on DWP recipients’ bank accounts will be their national insurance number, followed by “DWP COL”. For HMRC recipients the payment reference will be “HMRC COLS”.

Work and Pensions Secretary, Mel Stride said: “We understand that people are struggling and that is why we’ve consistently acted to ensure millions of low-income families are supported. We will continue to act with compassion as we navigate challenging global economic circumstances.

“As part of a wider £37 billion package of support, this latest £324 payment will help the most vulnerable people in our society who are worrying about their finances through the winter months.”

The UK government’s £1,200 support package contains £400 for energy bills that is being paid in monthly instalments to all domestic energy customers between now and March 2023. It also includes a £150 Council Tax rebate for 85% of all UK households and the previous £326 Cost of Living Payment made by DWP in July and by HMRC in September.

On top of this, nearly one in ten people received the £150 disability payment in September, and a £300 addition to Winter Fuel Payments will go to over eight million pensioner households over the winter.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt added: “Prices are rising across the world as we manage the aftershock of COVID-19 and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. We recognise that families back home are struggling, which is why we’ve taken decisive action to hold down energy bills this winter, and provided hundreds of pounds of cash support for each vulnerable household.

“As part of that support, over 8 million vulnerable households – almost a quarter of families in the UK – will automatically receive a second cost of living payment worth £324 in their bank account from today.

“And while we can’t completely protect people from rising prices, my priority at the upcoming Autumn Statement will be to protect the poorest in society as we take the tough decisions necessary to fix our public finances.”

Those eligible to receive the second cost of living payment from today include people on:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit

To be eligible, claimants must have been claiming and entitled to a payment between 26 August and 25 September 2022, with the exception of pensioner households, who may be able to have a new Pension Credit claim backdated.

They have until 18 December 2022 to submit a valid claim for Pension Credit, which could entitle them to the £324 Cost of Living payment. Anyone can check their eligibility for Pension Credit using the online calculator or by calling the freephone claim line, on: 0800 99 1234.

Even if you are not on a qualifying DWP benefit you may still be eligible for the £324 payment, as HMRC are also making payments to over a million people who receive Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit and no other eligible benefits. These will be paid between 23 and 30 November 2022 and customers do not need to contact the government or apply for the payment at any stage

The £324 payment and the overall £1,200 package come on top of wide-ranging government support with the cost of living this winter, including an extension to the Household Support Fund, which is providing an extra £421 million between October and March to help vulnerable people with the essentials.

As well as this, the Energy Price Guarantee is ensuring people across the country pay significantly less for their energy bills, with a typical household saving around £700 this winter.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car looking for nearly 2,000 employees across UK

246 jobs in Scotland and Northern Ireland including Glasgow and Edinburgh

The world’s largest vehicle rental mobility company is launching one of the UK’s biggest graduate recruitment campaigns this year.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car will recruit 1,454 graduates across its regional network of 450+ rental branches located all over the UK over the next 12 months. It is also recruiting 450 undergraduates for 12-month industrial placements in retail, HR, revenue management, legal and marketing teams.

The campaign launches to support growing demand for vehicle rental in towns and communities across the UK looking for low-cost, low-emission and convenient motoring.

People can apply from any university, degree and attainment level. Enterprise recruits based on potential and is looking for people who can demonstrate customer service, teamwork and leadership skills.

Employees on placements can return to Enterprise after graduation and enter straight into a management role, having completed the training programme on placement. Management Trainees could become a Branch Manager within just two years.


With more than 450 branches across the UK, within 10 miles of 93.5% of the UK population, applicants can choose to start their Enterprise career anywhere across the country, both in cities and in smaller, more rural areas.

Graduates who join the company’s award-winning Management Training Programme rapidly gain valuable experience across all areas of business management. This includes customer service, operations, sales, marketing and finance, in an entrepreneurial culture that empowers trainees by giving them real responsibility early in their career. 

Ashley Hever, Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Talent Acquisition Director (Eh? – Ed.), explains: “The Management Training Programme is the starting point to long term careers at Enterprise that can take people to the very top of the business. Most of our country heads started their career as a Management Trainee, and so did I. Once you’re on board, the sky’s the limit.

“This programme is an outstanding opportunity to develop the real-world skills and experience that this year’s graduates may feel they need, as their university years included long periods of remote learning. If you’ve got a degree and the entrepreneurial drive to take responsibility and be a leader, come and say hello to us at one of our events.” 

With branches throughout every region of the UK, Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s graduate Management Trainees can choose to work close to home or head off to pastures new, as they are not tied to expensive cities or obliged to move far away.

This year’s recruits will join Enterprise at a time when transport strategy is in the spotlight, providing exciting opportunities to shape the future of mobility. Businesses and public sector bodies are looking to broaden their travel options to reduce emissions and improve efficiency.

Enterprise is working on exciting solutions and expanding into new markets to meet these opportunities, including Mobility-As-A-Service (MaaS), providing a key link in the connected travel chain and encouraging people to consider shared alternatives to car ownership. 

Enterprise becomes part of the neighbourhoods in which it operates by recruiting locally, enabling a deeper understanding of local customers’ needs and strengthening its ties within the local community. 


Enterprise Rent-A-Car is an inclusive employer and has long been recognised for recruiting a diverse and equitable workforce. It has been a Times Top 50 Employer for Women for 17 years in a row. Enterprise is actively involved in local and national diversity recruiting efforts, partnering with Enactus, The Automotive 30% Club, BITC and Stonewall.

For more information or to apply for the Enterprise Management Training Programme, visit: to find out more.

Hearty recipes to inspire you featuring seasonal European fruit and veg

As the nights draw in and the temperature drops, our thoughts turn to hearty, comforting food to warm and nourish us … and during autumn and winter, soups, stews and pasta dishes come into their own. But they need not be boring!

A Mediterranean diet provides the feel-good factor like no other, with plenty of colour and a much-needed wellbeing boost later in the year.  And a diet including fresh fruit and vegetables has numerous health benefits, with produce providing a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants.

Choosing seasonal fruit and vegetables from Italy and other EU countries, means choosing the very highest European standards of freshness, food safety, quality, and respect for the environment. 

So, if you’re looking to add a touch of colour to your autumn/winter menu, look no further than I Love Fruit & Veg from Europe’s range of new and inventive and nutritious recipes that showcase the very best seasonal produce ( 

With main dishes perfect for any time of day, try Mexican chilli baked eggsCreamy Pasta with lots of basil, an Artichoke, tuna  & olive pastaSpring onion-miso relish on top of tofu or Pickled radish & steak tacos.

Or for a lighter bite, lunchtime snack or breakfast inspiration, choose from Bacon & chilli breakfast sconesCabbage, bean & pancetta soupNYC deli “Salad”, Spring Onion Grilled Cheese SandwichCabbage Mu-Shu Wrap and Grilled pear & gorgonzola salad – or perhaps a side of Overnight Japanese sweet-tart pickles?

And who can resist a pudding packed full of scrumptious fruit?  These Individual orange & amaretti trifles or delicious warm Pear & chocolate sponge traybake are sure to be crowd pleasers with friends and family too!

The I Love Fruit & Veg from Europe campaign is led by five organisations based in Italy – A.O.A., Asso Fruit Italia, La Deliziosa, Meridia and Terra Orti.

Discover more seasonal recipes from I Love Fruit & Veg from Europe at:

Instagram: @ilovefruitandvegfromeuropecouk 






Prep: 10 minutes

Cook: 20 minutes

Serves 4

1 tbsp oil

1 onion, sliced (190g)

2 green chillies, 1 finely chopped, 1 sliced

1 tsp mild chilli powder

½ tsp ground cumin

400g can black beans, drained and rinsed

400g can chopped tomatoes

4 medium eggs

Sliced avocado, soured cream and coriander to serve

Preheat oven to 200 C, gas mark 6.

Heat the oil in a large ovenproof frying pan and fry the onion and chopped chillies for 5 minutes.  Stir in the spices and cook for 1 minute.

Stir in the beans and chopped tomatoes with 100ml water and simmer for 5 minutes.  Make 4 hollows and crack an egg into each. Scatter over the sliced chilli and bake for 8-10 minutes until the egg white has just set.

Serve topped with avocado, soured cream and coriander.

Cooks tip

Serve with crusty bread to mop up all the sauce.



Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Serves 4

150g basil, plus a little extra for garnish

1 clove garlic, chopped

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, or as needed

500g fresh tagliatelle

300ml whipping cream

150g Gorgonzola

4 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted

Trim the end of the basil stalks then coarsely chop or tear up the leaves and stems, and place in blender, along with the garlic and olive oil. Whizz it up, until the mixture forms a thick green paste. Add more olive oil as needed. Season to taste and set aside.

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on pack.

While it is heating up, pour the cream into a large frying pan and heat it over medium heat until bubbles form along the edges, and it is hot. Remove from heat.

Crumble the gorgonzola into small chunks and add to the cream; no need to stir, just let it grow soft in the hot cream. Drain the pasta, reserving about a cup of the cooking water.

Add the pasta to the hot cream and toss together over a medium low heat until all the pasta is covered in sauce. Add a little bit of the cooking water if the sauce is too thick.

Add the reserved basil paste into the hot pasta, toss together and mix well, season to taste, then serve right away, scattered generously with pine nuts and extra basil.

Cooks tip: Try using green fettucine, to enhance the green colour and pureed basil.



Prep: 10 minutes

Cook: 20-25 minutes

Serves 4

4 globe artichokes (1.3kg)

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Zest and juice 1 lemon

250g wholewheat penne pasta

200g can tuna steak in olive oil

50g pitted black olives, sliced

½ x 25g pack parsley, roughly chopped

Remove the tough leaves from the base of the artichokes and cut off the stems.  Cook in a large pan of boiling water for 20-25 minutes, depending on the size. If a leaf from the centre comes away easily, they are cooked. Remove from the water and drain upside down.

Remove the leaves and scrap off the flesh from the leaves. Remove and discard the ‘hair’, or choke with a teaspoon to reveal the artichoke heart.  Slice the hearts and marinate in the oil and lemon zest and juice.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to pack instructions, drain, reserving a little cooking water.  Toss the tuna with the tuna oil, olives, parsley, artichoke flesh and marinated hearts plus the marinade into the pasta along with a little cooking water.  Season to taste and serve.

Cooks tip

Swop the can of tuna for fresh salmon or tofu.



Prep time: 15 minutes

Serves 4

1 1/2 tablespoons white miso

1 tablespoon soy sauce, plus extra for drizzling at end

1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

2 bunches spring onions

1/2 fresh red chilli, chopped

1/2 red pepper, cut into strips

Juice of 1/2 lime

2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted

2 x 300g packs Silken (soft) tofu

Stir the miso to loosen it up, then mix it with the soy sauce and sesame oil. Set aside while you prepare the spring onions.

Trim off the root end and the uneven cut ends of the spring onions, then cut on a diagonal, as thinly as you can. Stir this into the miso mixture, along with the red chilli, red pepper, lime juice and sesame seeds.

Carefully open each box of tofu, using a scissors to keep it from falling apart as it is quite delicate in texture. Cut each rectangle into two halves, each one square shaped. Place each square on a small plate.

Spoon the spring onion miso mixture onto each square of tofu, drizzling a little bit of soy sauce over the top. Leave to stand for an hour in the fridge to allow the flavours to develop before serving with a leafy salad.

Cooks Tip

Instead of tofu, the spring onion/miso mixture is delicious as a dressing mixed in with cold diced cooked chicken and rice noodles.



Prep: 10 minutes

Cook: 10 minutes

Serves 4

2 tsp caster sugar (10g)

2 tbsp white wine vinegar

200g radishes, sliced

230g asparagus, trimmed

1 tbsp olive oil

3 x 200g sirloin steaks, trimmed of excess fat

326g pack 8 soft flour tortillas

Coriander leaves, sliced avocado and soured cream to serve

Place the sugar and vinegar in a bowl and stir to dissolve, stir in the radishes and set aside.

Meanwhile, rub ½ tbsp oil over the asparagus and griddle for 5-6 minutes until slightly charred, cut in half.  Rub the steaks in the remaining oil, season and add to the griddle for 2 minutes each side for medium. Allow to rest for a few minutes before slicing.

Warm the tortillas according to the pack and serve with some asparagus, sliced steak and pickled radishes topped with sliced avocado, coriander leaves and a spoonful of soured cream.

Cooks tip

Replace the steak with salmon or lamb steaks.



Prep: 15 minutes 

Cook: 20 minutes

Serves 4

6 rashers smoked back bacon (175g)

½ tbsp olive oil

225g self raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

50g butter, diced

2 green chillies, 1 finely chopped, 1 sliced

2 tbsp chopped parsley

100ml milk plus 1 tbsp

4 medium eggs

Preheat the oven to 200oC, gas mark 6.

Finely chop 2 rashers bacon, heat the oil in a frying pan and fry for 2-3 minutes until golden.

Meanwhile, place the flour, a pinch salt and baking powder in a large bowl, add the butter and rub into the flour with fingertips to give breadcrumbs.  Stir in the chopped chilli, parsley and fried bacon. Gradually add 100ml milk and stir with a round bladed knife to give a soft dough.

On a floured surface, roll out the dough to a 16cm square, cut into 4 squares and place on a baking tray, brush with a little milk and add the sliced chillies on top.  Bake for 20 minutes until golden.

Meanwhile grill the remaining bacon for 5-6 minutes.  Poach the eggs in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

Half the scones, fill with bacon and poached egg and serve.

Cooks tip

For a substantial brunch add some round lettuce and tomatoes.



Prep: 15 minutes 

Cook: 8-10 minutes

Serves 4

½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling

150g diced pancetta

400g can chopped tomatoes

800ml chicken stock

400g can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed

½ Savoy cabbage, shredded (300g)

½ x 25g pack basil, shredded

Heat ½ tbsp oil in a large saucepan and fry the pancetta for 2-3 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, stock and beans and bring to the boil.  Stir in the cabbage and cook, covered for 5 minutes. Add the basil and season with black pepper.

Drizzle with a little oil and serve with crusty bread.

Cooks tip

Swop the cannellini beans for butter or kidney beans.



Prep time: Standing time: 10 minutes plus 5 -10 minutes

Serves 4

2 medium large kohlrabi (about 300g each)

1 medium sized carrot, peeled and cut into julienne or thin strips

1 large red Romano pepper or red sweet (bell) pepper, coarsely chopped or cut into thin short strips

1 leek, very thinly sliced

1 small red onion, halved and thinly sliced

1 teaspoon salt

2-3 tablespoons caster sugar

2 tablespoons cider vinegar

3-5 tablespoons white wine vinegar

Trim the kohlrabi: cut off the top and bottom of the kohlrabi (you will need a sharp knife), then peel the rest of the kohlrabi: using either a vegetable peeler, or, sharp vegetable knife. When peeled, cut into halves, then slice, and cut into thin strips.

Combine the kohlrabi strips with the carrot, red pepper, leek and red onion. Add the salt, and mix well. Set aside for about ten minutes.

Add the sugar, cider vinegar and white wine vinegar and mix well.

Chill until ready to serve.

Cooks Tip

You can keep in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a week. The vegetables wilt, and get slightly pickle-y as they sit, which makes them a delicious antipasto, or tapa, or side to a deli sandwich.



Prep time:10 minutes

Cooking time: 6 minutes

Serves 4

180g cream cheese

3-4 medium-large spring onions, thinly sliced

200g Emmenthal cheese, thinly sliced

8 slices brown bread (or 4 small rolls, cut into halves)

25g butter

With a fork or spoon lightly beat the cream cheese then mix in the spring onions and season to taste.

Spread the mixture onto the four slices of bread and top with the sliced Emmental.

Spread the top of the sandwiches with half the butter then place under a preheated grill until the cheese is melted and lightly browned in places. Turn over, spread with remaining butter and toast as before.

Cut the sandwiches into halves, sprinkle with a little more spring onion, and serve.

Cooks Tip: The spring onion cream cheese is super spooned onto a toasted bagel. Eat as is, or top with smoked salmon, or diced cucumber, tomatoes and peppers.



Prep time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10-15 minutes

Serves 4 – 6

1 Savoy cabbage

100g fresh shiitake mushrooms

2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil

1 medium carrot, trimmed and cut into short strips

1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger

1 teaspoon sugar

1-2 tbsp soy sauce to taste

1 x 160 pack marinated tofu pieces

4 large flour tortillas

1-2 tbsp Hoisin sauce

3-4 spring onions, trimmed and thinly sliced

Remove the core of the Savoy cabbage, then slice it fairly thinly (about 12-15 mm). Remove stems from shiitakes and slice the caps into strips. Set aside the cabbage and the mushrooms.

In a heavy pan or wok, heat 1 tablespoon of the sesame oil; when pan is hot but not smoking, add the carrot and ginger, stir fry a minute or two then add the shiitakes. Continue to stir fry another minute or two then remove from pan/wok and set aside.

Add the cabbage with the remaining sesame oil to the pan then stir fry for about 5 minutes or until the cabbage begins to wilt. Sprinkle with sugar and soy sauce to taste.

Toss together then add the reserved carrot/shiitake mixture to the cabbage with the tofu and toss it all together, cooking over medium heat for 1 – 2 minutes. Season with soy sauce to taste if needed, and pile onto a platter to serve.

Heat the tortillas according to the instructions on pack, then place each on a plate, spooning the cabbage mixture down of the centre, with a dash of hoisin and a sprinkling of spring onions on the side. Working lengthwise, so that the cabbage mixture will be enclosed in the wrap, fold over the end with the hoisin and spring onion, then work your way around the filling wrapping it as tightly as you can.

Serve right away, drizzled or dotted with extra hoisin, and sprinkled with spring onions.

Cooks Tip: The filling is mild, which makes it a great accompaniment to other dishes such as roasted meats and steamed rice, with either a dash of hoisin or spicy red chili oil.



Prep: 15 minutes

Cook: 15 minutes

Serves 4

150g day old bread, torn into bite sized pieces

3½ tbsp olive oil

3 ripe pears (450g)

100g rocket

100g walnuts, toasted

250g radishes, sliced

2 tbsp white wine vinegar

150g Gorgonzola, diced

Preheat the oven to 200oC, gas mark 6.

Toss the bread in 1 tbsp oil and place on a baking tray, bake for 10 minutes until golden.

Meanwhile, halve the pears lengthways and remove the core, then slice and toss in ½ tbsp oil and griddle in batches for 2-3 minutes each side until golden bar marks appear, set aside.

Mix together the rocket, walnuts, croutons and radishes.  Whisk the remaining oil with the vinegar, season and toss into the rocket. Divide between 4 large plates and top with the griddled pears and Gorgonzola.

Cooks tip

Use another blue cheese of your choice.



Prep time: 10-15 minutes

Preparation time: 1 hour plus overnight marinating

1 kohlrabi (abut 400g)

1/4- 1/2 teaspoon salt or as needed

2 tablespoons caster sugar

2 tablespoons Japanese rice vinegar

1/8 teaspoon turmeric

Optional: thinly sliced red chili

Remove the leaves and stems of the kohlrabi, then peel away its tough skin. Cut the round vegetable into quarters, then each quarter into thin slices.

Place in a bowl, toss with the salt, and leave for at least an hour.

Taste the kohlrabi; if it seems too salty, rinse with water; if it seems just salty enough for a pickle, then leave it as is.

Add the sugar, vinegar, turmeric, and chilli if using and mix well, and leave for several hours or overnight.

Cooks tip:

Delicious as a pickle-accompaniment to steamed rice and grilled meat/fish/tofu, and wonderful with burgers or fried chicken sandwiches.



Prep: 20 minutes plus setting

Cook: 1-2 minutes

Serves 4

5-6 blood oranges

4 sheets leaf gelatine (7g)

75g caster sugar

400g can custard

50g Amaretti biscuits

100g mascarpone

100ml double cream

Zest 3 oranges and set aside.  Juice all the oranges to give approx. 300ml, top up to 400ml with water. Soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Place orange juice in a small saucepan with the sugar and bring to just below boiling, remove the gelatine from the water and add to the pan, stir until dissolved, stir in 2/3 of the zest. Pour into 4 glasses and allow to cool, chill in the fridge until set.

Crumble all but 3 amaretti biscuits into the custard and spoon over the jelly.

Whisk the mascarpone, cream and half the remaining zest until soft peaks and spoon on top of the custard. Garnish with remaining zest and crumbled amaretti biscuits.

Cooks tip

Replace the Amaretti biscuits with crushed ginger nuts.



Prep: 20 minutes

Cook: 35-40 minutes

Serves 6 -8

200g butter, softened

200g caster sugar

3 medium eggs

175g self raising flour

50g cocoa powder

½ tsp baking powder

2 tbsp milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

3 ripe pears, halved lengthways, core removed (450g)

2 tbsp salted caramel sauce, warmed (40g)

Preheat the oven to 180oC, gas mark 4. Grease and line a 20 x 24cm tin with baking parchment.

Place the butter and sugar in a large bowl and whisk until pale and fluffy.  Add the eggs, 1 at a time. Mix together the flour, cocoa and baking powder and fold into the butter mixture with the milk and vanilla.  Spoon into the prepared tin and smooth the surface.

Slice the pear halves and place gently on top of the cake mixture, still keeping the pear shape but fanning out the slices slightly. Bake for 35-40 minutes until a skewer comes out clean.

Allow to cool then drizzle with caramel sauce.

Cooks tip

Scatter with flaked almonds before cooking.

Greendykes Road incident: victims named

Two men who died at Greendykes Road in Edinburgh have now been named by police. They were Desmond Rowlings, 66, and Derek Johnston, 37, both from Edinburgh.

The daughters of Desmond Rowlings have issued a picture of their father and described him as: “A loving, happy go lucky man who kept himself to himself.

“He will be forever missed and remembered with love. As a family we ask for respect and privacy whilst we come to terms during this extremely difficult time”

Derek Johnston’s mum and sister have also issued a photograph of Derek and have described him as: “A deeply loved son and brother, my handsome boy who had such a beautiful soul, our hearts will never mend, he will be forever missed and remembered with much love and affection. As a family we ask for respect and privacy during this extremely difficult time”

Detective Chief Inspector Susan Balfour of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team added: “Our thoughts are with the families and friends of both Desmond and Derek at this incredibly difficult time.

“Specialist officers are continuing to provide both families with support.”

Officers were called to a flat on Greendykes Road around 8.25pm on Tuesday, 1 November.

Both Desmond Rowlings and Derek Johnston were pronounced dead at the scene.

Two men, aged 65 and 40, have been arrested and charged in connection with their deaths.

The 65-year-old appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday, 4 November while the 40-year-old is due to appear at the same court today (Monday, 7 November).

Join Stenhouse Squadron Air Training Corps this month!

The squadron is hosting its first annual Squadron Association Meeting on Wednesday 23 November at 7pm on Stevenson Drive .

All friends and ex members of the squadron are invited to attend along with current friends and family members of our cadets and staff.

We aim to review squadron activity and achievements from the last 12 months and look ahead to what we are planning for the next 12 months.

We’d love to have you along to help shape our direction and future. We will also be looking at our Civilian Committee and how you can support the squadron.

Edinburgh business wins top environment award at VIBES 2022

Kenoteq, a building materials supplier based in Edinburgh, has been recognised for its efforts to reduce the energy required to produce bricks at the 2022 VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards. 

The company scooped the Circular Scotland Award and was one of 12 winners at the annual event in Glasgow on Tuesday 1 November, whittled down from 45 finalists from a record breaking 422 entrants across Scotland.  

Kenoteq, has created the K-briq®, which contains more than 90% recycled construction and demolition waste, uses a tenth of the energy in its production compared to a traditional brick and has a 90% lower carbon footprint. It is also now targeting becoming a net carbon neutral business.

Sam Chapman, Managing Director of Kenoteq, said: “We are proud to have been recognised at this year’s VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards as the winner of the Circular Scotland awards. It is a real testament to the hard work and commitment from everyone at Kenoteq. 

“The Awards are a fantastic way to find out about what other businesses are doing. You are able to share best practice amongst a like-minded community, who also want to improve their operations whilst benefitting the environment. It is a great opportunity to inspire others to follow suit.”
VIBES is a partnership between the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), The Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust, Highland & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Water, Zero Waste Scotland and NatureScot. 

Richard Lochhead, Scottish Government Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work, addressed the award ceremony and said: “The VIBES awards are a fantastic demonstration of the work that businesses all across Scotland are doing to protect our environment and tackle the climate crisis.

“I would like to congratulate all the winners and I hope they will offer inspiration and ideas to other businesses looking to make their work more sustainable.”

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland, said: “As a nation we need to do things differently to end our contribution to the climate crisis, and businesses play a vital role in helping to deliver that change

“I hope the VIBES 2022 awards will inspire businesses with innovative ideas to lead change in their industry, strengthen Scotland’s growing circular economy, and help shape the sustainable approach to consumption that we must evolve. Congratulations to all of the winners.”

Since 1999, VIBES has recognised more than 270 businesses championing sustainability and taking steps to protect the resources of our planet. Their dedication and action, from increasing recycling to supporting active travel, has been at the forefront of tackling climate change.  

Franceska van Dijk, Deputy Chair of SEPA and judge of this year’s awards commented: “Scotland is famous for its culture of innovation, making it ideally positioned to play a leading role in the journey to a more sustainable, low carbon future.

“We all have a role to play in tackling climate challenges, and it’s particularly significant for businesses. From creating innovative services and products to partnering with suppliers and supporting customers, all our entrants demonstrated a commitment to making the environment a key factor in decision making.”  

Gillian Bruce, Chair of VIBES, added:  “Every year, we see more and more businesses and organisations who are working towards net zero carbon emissions, which is a challenging but necessary journey.   
“This year’s VIBES winners are clearly demonstrating business cases for reducing their environmental footprint – highlighting the social benefits, as well as the positive economic impacts. We hope the efforts of our winners will encourage and inspire others to develop their environmental practices.”  

More information is available on the VIBES website.  

The winners of the VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022 are:  

Adapting Scotland Award – Highlands Rewilding Ltd, based in Drumnodrochit, aims to help rewild, re-people and upskill the Scottish Highlands. It has increased carbon capture and storage, biodiversity, and green jobs through work at its two estates – Bunloit and Beldorney.
Circular Scotland Award – Kenoteq, based in Edinburgh, is a building materials supplier and has created the K-briq®, which contains more than 90% recycled construction and demolition waste, uses a tenth of the energy in its production compared to a traditional brick and has a 90% lower carbon footprint. It is also now targeting becoming a net carbon neutral business.
Engaging Scotland Award – The Highland Council. After declaring a climate emergency in 2019, the local authority developed the Hydro Ness project to use historical infrastructure to create renewable energy, a STEM learning hub and tourist destination. It has also reused waste materials to landscape and create community spaces.
Hydro Nation Scotland Award – Green Action Trust, based in Shotts, is an environmental regeneration charity and is responsible for the Central Scotland Green Network, the largest green infrastructure project in Europe. It is undertakingwork on derelict land, helping to show what is possible in areas facing socio-economic challenges.Initiatives include promoting the development of 10,000 rain gardens across Scotland, specially designed features in our urban landscape which capture and store rainfall. It also aims to become Net Zero by 2030.
Innovating Scotland Award – Innovatium Group is a micro business in Glasgow developing technology solutions for industrial decarbonisation and energy resilience. Its primary project, PRISMA, provides a 20.5% improvement on energy storage, leading to significant carbon savings.
Leadership Scotland Award – Bruichladdich Distillery Co Ltd is a whisky and gin distiller based on the Isle of Islay. The company monitors environmental impacts across all aspects of the business, having already switched to 100% green electricity and making additional packaging optional for customers. It also aims to decarbonise distillation by 2025 and be Net Zero by 2050.
Moving Scotland Award – Arran Dairies Ltd is a family run business supplying food and drink products across the island. It is carbon neutral and managed to cut 10,000 food miles through use of local production and transport logistics. It has also achieved significant reductions in water use and plastic waste.
Partnership Scotland Award – Renfrewshire Council worked on a project to develop a low-carbon energy network. The first of its kind in Scotland, it converts treated wastewater to provide heating and hot water to nearby facilities.
Product or Service Scotland Award – ThermaFY Eco, based in Kelso, is a company identifying innovative ways to maximise energy efficiency of homes, producing a service using thermal imaging and a mobile app to empower homeowners to begin their own Net Zero journey. 
Energy Transition Scotland Award – Multiplex Construction Europe recently completed work on the University of Glasgow’s Advance Research Centre. The building project outperformed the building regulations CO2 emission rate by around 40%, saving 1,300 tCO2 over the next decade.
Nature Rich Scotland Award – SRUC Elmwood Golf in Cupar, Fife, has used innovative greenkeeping practices to create a high-quality golf course, rich in biodiversity. The number of moth species at the course has increased, the use of pesticides has seen a 100% reduction, along with reductions in landfill, paper and cardboard waste.
Small Business Scotland Award – EGG Lighting, based in Glasgow, helps businesses plan and install LED lighting and sensors, aiming to make lighting circular by using a remanufacturing model to save money and energy whilst providing sustainable, long-term lighting solutions, reducing client lighting costs as well as CO2 emissions.

The following businesses were commended at the VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022:

Commended – Product or Service Scotland – Trade Right International – Redeem Exchange, based in Greenock, offers an innovative, cost-saving and environmentally friendly solution to reduce plastic waste going to landfill through a collect, wash, refill, and return service for plastic hand sanitiser bottles. By introducing a circular economy approach, they can extend the life cycle of the plastic bottles by up to 50 times.
Commended – Moving Scotland – Recycke-a-Bike, based in Stirling, is a bicycling and training organisation focused on helping people by repairing old bikes and selling them. 50,000 bikes have been saved from landfill and 1,300 pre-loved and repurposed sold in the last year.

About VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 

  • VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards is further supported by CBI Scotland, the Institute of Directors (IoD), Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Bright Green Business, Scottish Council for Development and Industry and the Scotch Whisky Association. 
  • The VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards reward and recognise organisations that have demonstrated significant business benefits from good environmental practice. 
  • Entries are open to all Scottish-based businesses including private sector businesses, social enterprises and community businesses but excluding VIBES partners, supporters and current sponsors. If the entry focuses on a collaboration or partnership approach, there must be at least one private sector business, social enterprise or community business involved. Other partners can include public sector organisations and charities. 
  • A panel of experts from VIBES partner organisations assessed applications to choose a shortlist of finalists. Finalists received site visits from a team of judges from across VIBES partner organisations for a further detailed assessment. Feedback from these visits helped inform the Head Judging Panel, comprised of Franceska van Dijk, Deputy Chair of SEPA, Jane Morrison Ross, CEO of South of Scotland Enterprise and Professor Elise Cartmell, Chief Scientist at Scottish Water. 

The VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022 sponsors are Chivas Brothers and the University of Stirling Management School. 

The main aims of the awards: 

  • Encourage the efficient use of resources 
  • Enhance the competitiveness of businesses 
  • Improve environmental performance
  • Support the wider goals of sustainable development