Lazarowicz attacks government for 'betrayal' of disabled workers

Mark Lazarowicz MP has condemned the betrayal of Edinburgh Remploy workers by Government and calls on all sides to work together to support workers made redundant.

The North and Leith MP was reacting to news that the Edinburgh Remploy factory in South Gyle is to close. Mark Lazarowicz MP for Edinburgh North and Leith has attacked the betrayal by the UK Government of disabled workers at the factory and called on Remploy, the Department of Work and Pensions, Scottish Government and the City Council to work together to help find the workers alternative employment.

Mr Lazarowicz (pictured below) said: “The news makes me wonder whether the Government was genuinely seeking to find bids to keep factories open or whether it was simply offering false hope. One of the stated aims of its welfare changes is to support disabled people into work wherever possible – laudable in principle but it is hard to square that with the way that it has treated Remploy workers. Staff will now find themselves out of work at a time when unemployment in Scotland is almost two and a half million. I call upon Remploy, the Department of Work and Pensions, Scottish Government and the City Council to make a concerted effort to help them find alternative employment.”

The factory was reprieved from closure along with other factories in July as the Remploy Board deemed that there was a potentially viable business plan to secure its future, but those hopes have now been dashed.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) confirmed that there had been an expression of interest in the factory, but that it had gone no further. She added: “We have followed the advice of disability expert Liz Sayce to use the £320m protected budget for disability employment more effectively, to support more disabled people into mainstream jobs instead of loss-making segregated factories. We have put in place an £8m package of employment support for those affected, including a Personal Case Worker to help individuals with their future choices, as well as access to a personal budget.”

Council meeting to be broadcast live

Tomorrow’s full council meeting will be broadcast live in an attempt to ‘open up democracy’. Councillors have agreed that City of Edinburgh Council meetings are to be webcast live as part of a one year pilot programme, and the first meeting which can be viewed via the Council’s website takes place tomorrow (Thursday, 20 September) from 10am.

The council hopes that the project will open up democracy in the capital by helping to create a better understanding among members of the public about how the Council works and makes decisions. Viewers can either watch the meeting live or in the archive later. They can also see the reports and documents for each agenda item. Archived meetings will automatically be indexed by both agenda item and speaker to make it easier for viewers to choose items they are interested in.

Lord Provost, Donald Wilson, said: “The Council makes decisions which affect the lives of every single person in Edinburgh. We are committed to improving how we engage with Edinburgh residents and the pilot will be a great tool to help us to be more open and transparent. More and more people access news and information via the internet. Given that my background is in information technology I am very conscious of the need to take advantage of it and use it to engage with our communities and encourage them to take a greater interest in how the Council works.”

You can join in the debate on Twitter #edinwebcast’

Will you be following tomorrow’s Council meeting? Let us know!


Dead sheep dumped on Pennywell Road

Police are investigating after a dead sheep was dumped on Pennywell Road. The animal was discovered at around 8.00pm last night and Police acted quickly to remove the dead animal. Police have confirmed the animal was dead prior to be dumped on the Zebra crossing outside the shopping centre.

Last night a male was assisting Police with their enquiries but a Police spokesperson said “An inquiry was ongoing to establish the cause of death and where the animal had come from. So far no one has been arrested or charged in connection with this incident “

Charity rugby match raises £8,000

Lothian & Borders Police rugby team played a special match yesterday against a Scotland legends team to raise money for Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland. Money from tickets sales and from a variety of fundraising activities on the day raised over £8,000.

Scotland legend Scott Hastings gets to grips an opponent. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

The match was arranged in arranged in remembrance of former officer Steve Cully, who died aged 41, due to a heart defect and his wife Rosie, who has already raised in excess of £20,000 for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, gave a moving speach about her late husband. Both of Steve’s kids, Josh (4) and Hannah (7) were at the match and they have the task of kicking the match off.

Ballons were set off into the sky before kick off. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Around 2,100 spectators turned up despite the rain to watch the match and got behind both teams.

Corries legend Ronnie Brown performed the National Anthem prior to kick off. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Prior to kick off Corries legend Ronnie Brown performed the National Anthem supported by the Police Pipe Band.

Time to launch Time Banking

A time bank lets people earn time credits for the time they spend helping others in their community. It acknowledges that everyone has something to contribute to their neighbourhood and encourages people to share their skills and experiences with others.

Come along, be entertained, find out more and enjoy some food at

Launch of North Edinburgh Time Bank

Thursday 11 October

6 – 8pm

North Edinburgh Arts Centre

15a Pennywell Court


Everyone welcome – for further information email North Edinburgh Time Bank Broker Julie Smith at

Muirhouse St Andrew’s table sale’s on Saturday

Come along and see the wonderful bargains that will be on sale at our Table Sale!

Saturday 15th September 10am – 1pm at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church, Pennywell Medway.

Tea and biscuits also available.

If you too have things you would like to sell, please phone 07714 95898113 to book a table. £10 per table.

Lindsay Turnbull

Probationary Minister, Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church

Muirhouse St Andrew's table sale's on Saturday

Come along and see the wonderful bargains that will be on sale at our Table Sale!

Saturday 15th September 10am – 1pm at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church, Pennywell Medway.

Tea and biscuits also available.

If you too have things you would like to sell, please phone 07714 95898113 to book a table. £10 per table.

Lindsay Turnbull

Probationary Minister, Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church