Latest update from the New Town North project team

Latest Information From The New Town North Project Team

Welcome to the fourth edition of our newsletter updating you on New Town North – a new mixed-use development being delivered in the heart of Edinburgh’s New Town by developers Ediston and Orion Capital Managers.
Plans are in place to transform a 5.9-acre site between Dundas Street and the King George V Park, previously owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland, into a vibrant mixed-use community bringing together new homes, offices and local amenities.
Project Update
We are aiming to submit the planning application for the New Town North development to the City of Edinburgh Council by the end of July 2020. The team is currently finalising proposals as well as considering feedback from all our statutory stakeholders and from the latest consultation event which was held in April 2020.
Because of the coronavirus lockdown, the planned public exhibition was replaced with a fully interactive online consultation which generated a huge amount of interest from local, national, and international audiences. Viewers could access updated design information online and use a special ‘chat-box’ to ask questions or raise issues before submitting an online feedback form. During the ‘live’ exhibition period, the website recorded almost 2000 hits with visitors hailing from Scotland, the UK and overseas – proving how much national and international interest there is in this development.
In total, 87 completed feedback questionnaires were received covering a wide variety of issues. This compared favourably with previous public exhibitions held in September 2019 (59 completed forms received) and December 2010 (77). Thanks to all those who took part in this latest public consultation and made it such a success. All feedback from individuals and from nearly a dozen local groups at numerous local meetings has helped inform our proposals.

Key Consultation Issues & Responses
Height and Scale of the Proposals
Some residents have expressed concern about the height and scale of the proposals. This has been raised throughout the consultation. As a result of our approach and the feedback, the proposals have been have been carefully designed to ensure that the overall scale and density of the proposed development are in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. Density levels reflect that of the existing communities and developments around the New Town North proposals.
Green and Public Space
Residents were keen to understand the impact of the proposals on King George V Park, and considerable effort has gone into ensuring that additional green space is created within the development and that it blends well with the park. In total the available green space and soft landscaping on the site will increase that provided within the park by more than 25%, in addition to extensive public realm in newly created courtyards and pathways. The design team has been determined to make a significant improvement to the available public space and is confident this has been achieved in the latest proposals. We’d like to thank everyone, particularly the Friends of the Park, for their help in improving the proposals through the consultation.
Tree Maintenance
Trees in the area have now been subject to detailed reports by two independent arboriculturists to make sure we are taking a fully informed approach. The tree survey work has included King George V Park and the tree belt along Royal Crescent and Fettes Row will be managed in order to maintain its long standing and important presence. The team is finalising proposals on how this can be best achieved with the Council. In addition to the long-term management of the trees on Royal Crescent and Fettes Row there will be considerable new tree planting incorporated into the soft and hard landscape throughout the proposals.
Some residents asked about overshadowing of the park. The team has been aware of this issue from early in the consultation process and this has been fully taken into account in the latest proposals. The plans remain fully compliant with the guidance applied by the Council for development beside parks and public places and will not result in any material additional overshadowing and in a couple of locations will offer a moderate benefit. The team has always worked to ensure that the proposals are coordinated with King George V Park and the planning application will reflect that approach.
Some of the local residents have raised concerns about the number of car parking spaces and seem to have been advised that there were only going to be 20 car parking spaces created. We have no idea how this rumour originated, but we are delighted to clarify the position. Parking numbers are strictly controlled by the Council on new developments.
The proposals comply with Council Parking Standards, with off street parking being created for a total of 164 cars, across all uses. We also have incorporated 700 spaces for cycle parking, also based on guidance from the Council.
Eyre Place Courtyard
Eyre Place residents have raised questions about the relationship of the new development with their existing courtyard, which currently abuts a blank wall adjacent to the existing office building. An expanded courtyard is being created adjacent to their properties. We can confirm that this expanded courtyard space is 50% larger than the existing space. Sunlight penetration into the courtyard will also be increased. There were also questions about overlooking, which is inevitable on any city centre development. Any new directly facing windows will be the same distance away, or further, than at present.
Many residents asked about materials being used in the development. We have been working hard with the Council and Historic Environment Scotland to get the right mix of stone and other materials for use in the development, which is obviously a major challenge on such a complex proposal. These discussions are nearing a conclusion and will be reflected in the Planning Application.
Some residents were concerned about increased cycling through the park. The proposals for pathway access have been significantly reduced to reflect these concerns and to manage the interface between pedestrians and cyclists, with one of the proposed access points being removed. This will create an environment where walking is given an appropriate priority.

Local Businesses on the Road to Recovery
Local business in Dundas Street and the area surrounding the New Town North development are now opening up for business, following almost four months of lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. And while economic forecasts for the area make grim reading, with Edinburgh predicted to record its highest levels of unemployment since July 1995, the New Town North planning application is set to bring confidence and hope to many neighboring businesses who are committing to a long-term future in the area.
Latest published research shows the New Town North development is poised to bring significant economic benefit to the local area, and the wider Edinburgh economy. A report by UK planning and engineering consultancy The Waterman Group, commissioned by Ediston, reveals that the operational phase of the development would create more than 700 full-time jobs whilst generating an annual GVA (Gross Added Value) economic uplift of £34.4 million to the local and regional economy.
The construction phase alone would create a further £27.7 million GVA at a regional level, creating a further 60 full-time jobs. And many of the local bars, restaurants, cafes, barbers, hairdressers and shops will also benefit from the huge amount of business and activity that development is set to generate during construction and beyond.

Reflecting the Best of the New Town
New Town North is a new mixed-use development being delivered in the heart of Edinburgh’s celebrated New Town by developers Ediston and Orion Capital Managers. Plans are in place to transform a 5.9-acre site between Dundas Street and the King George V Park, previously owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland, into a vibrant mixed-use community bringing together new homes, offices, hotels and local amenities.
The site has lain largely derelict and inaccessible for almost three years since RBS moved out in 2017. We now have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform this empty space into a world-class development for Edinburgh’s city centre, reflecting the very best of the city’s New Town.
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Feedback & Contact
For more information on New Town North, please contact:
Ross McNulty, Development Director,
Mobile: 07651 207 402