Distillers support Edinburgh groups tackling alcohol misuse

The Scotch Whisky Action Fund (SWAF) has announced its support of three organisations based in Edinburgh working to tackle the effects of alcohol misuse and promote responsible drinking.

The fund was established in 2013 by the Scotch Whisky Association and has made over 50 awards to innovative projects across Scotland working to reduce alcohol-related harm. The aim is to inspire innovation and develop small, grassroots projects that can develop into larger scale initiatives. The Fund is managed by Foundation Scotland and awards are decided by an independent panel.

The projects granted funding in this year’s awards aim to ensure that the effects of alcohol misuse can continue to be addressed in a supportive setting, and recognising that this support is all the more important because of the pressures on everyone’s lives caused by COVID-19. 

The projects have adapted how they deliver support during the current restrictions, so they can operate in COVID-secure ways, including embracing virtual platforms.

Rowan Alba, a homeless charity based in Leith, also provides support on tackling alcohol misuse in the community.

The SWAF funding will build upon their pilot work providing training for Edinburgh pub staff on recognising and engaging with older people in the community living in extreme isolation and at high risk of alcohol related harm.

Helen Carlin, CEO of Rowan Alba, said: “The SWAF funding will help to strengthen the work that Rowan Alba is doing in the local community to address the harm that alcohol can have, particularly when combined with social isolation.

“Leith has an amazing community spirit; everyone looks out for each other. This funding will help us to build on these relationships and meaningful conversations that can make a real difference in ensuring that someone gets the help that they need. We would like to encourage pubs and bars throughout the city to contact us if they would like to be involved in the training being provided.”

Fast Forward is based in Edinburgh and supports young people to make informed choices around risk-taking behaviours, including knife crime, substance misuse, gambling and gaming and alcohol related harm.

The SWAF funding will contribute towards the ‘Own It!’ project, created by Fast Forward’s Arts-Based Project Director Kai Peacock, which uses a virtual platform designed to empower young people about making positive decisions around the use of alcohol. The project will be tested on groups of young people across 10 areas of Scotland, starting in West Lothian.

Allie Cherry-Byrnes, Chief Executive of Fast Forward: “The skill and enthusiasm of the Fast Forward team have helped us create the Own It! project, that will help support young people to explore the impact of risk-taking behaviours, particularly alcohol related harm.

“We’re delighted to be working with the Scotch Whisky Action Fund to continue the development of the project, ensuring that it can be used by as many groups as possible via its digital format. If any youth-based organisations in Scotland would like to be involved in the project as it develops, we would urge them to contact us to discuss it further.”

Edinburgh Young Carers (EYC) is Scotland’s largest independent young carers’ service, providing respite and support to young people aged 5-25 who care for or are affected by someone else at home – usually a parent or sibling.

Edinburgh Young Carers is receiving funding from the Scotch Whisky Action Fund for the second time, towards a dedicated project aimed at tackling the impact of COVID-19 on its service users. The SWAF funding will be used to support the work of the organisation’s Health and Wellbeing service, helping to give young carers quality time to take a break, talk about what is affecting them, and the opportunity to learn coping techniques.

Margaret Murphy, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Young Carers, said: “We are grateful to have been awarded funding from the Scotch Whisky Action Fund again, and for the Award Panel’s understanding in the wake of COVID-19 which allowed us to adapt our plans and project delivery.

“The SWAF funding will help to give our young carers strength and resilience to deal with the ongoing situation, which for many has had a serious impact on their home life, their sense of isolation, and their access to respite time. We also look forward to sharing the learnings from this project with other organisations in Scotland’s caring sector.”

Karen Betts, Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association said: “The Scotch Whisky industry is committed to tackling alcohol misuse and supporting the organisations receiving awards this year is very important to us. 

“It’s particularly important at a time when COVID-19 is putting enormous pressure on individuals, families and communities across Scotland.  These projects represent part of the industry’s broader commitment to tackling alcohol misuse.”

Business case for Trams to Newhaven ‘remains on track’

An update to the final business case for the Trams to Newhaven project, which reflects the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, concludes that the economic case for the scheme remains positive.

The review aims to assess the impact any changes in public transport demand as a result of the crisis could have on the economic and financial case, first approved in March 2019. On Thursday (12 November 2020) members of the Transport and Environment Committee will be asked to consider the updated final business case (FBC) and to approve continuing with the construction of the project.

The Council’s economic advisers, have developed a series of possible scenarios to stress-test the findings in the original FBC. These range from a return to business as usual to a permanent reduction in demand, taking into account short-term COVID-19 impacts and views on future growth. In each of the scenarios, modelling suggests that the economic case for the project remains, with a benefit-to-cost ratio of above one.

Financial assessment has found that the project can still be delivered within the budgeted £207.3m and that, in all but one of the scenarios, the impact on Council reserves if the project is cancelled would be greater than continuing construction. While it is possible there could be a future call on Council reserves to support financing costs as a result of COVID-19, in each scenario the scheme will finance itself, albeit in different timeframes.

The refreshed FBC also highlights that the completion will play a key role in the future growth and development of the city. Delivering the tram line to Leith will unlock a large area of the city for housing and economic development, while providing a low-carbon, clean mode of transport to densely populated communities.

Transport and Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: “It’s clear that the events of this year have had an unprecedented impact on the way we travel and that we’ll continue to feel the effects for the foreseeable future. In light of this, it’s essential that we assess the potential economic and financial impacts on such a significant transport infrastructure scheme.

“I’m pleased that the economic and financial cases for Trams to Newhaven hold up despite the ongoing pressures resulting from COVID-19. The delivery of this project is essential for the Capital’s green recovery, providing sustainable, low-carbon travel to one of the city’s most densely populated areas. We now have reason to be cautiously optimistic as we progress with construction.”

Transport and Environment Vice Convener Councillor Karen Doran said: “The Trams to Newhaven project is exactly the kind of investment we need post-COVID-19 to ensure Edinburgh is a thriving, forward-looking place for people to live and work in and to deliver much needed housing, jobs and investment into north Edinburgh.”

Work on the Trams to Newhaven project was instructed to stop on 25 March following guidance from the First Minister on COVID-19 and recommenced in June. While the site shutdown incurred costs, these have been covered by the overall budget and delays have been mitigated.

An updated programme shows that the project is still working towards Spring 2023 for completion and is forecast to be delivered within the agreed budget.

Over recent months, Edinburgh has experienced a significant drop in demand for public transport, with long-term consequences expected including a decline in income to the tram service.

The review of the FBC takes this into account, with even the most optimistic of scenarios projecting that passenger numbers won’t return to pre-COVID levels until the mid-2020s. Finally, the review of the FBC acknowledges the impact of COVID 19 on Lothian Buses and does not rely on any further payment of the extraordinary dividend which was anticipated in the original FBC.

Since March 2019 several local and national strategies have emerged to further support the introduction of high capacity, high quality public transport in the city. While Scotland’s National Transport Strategy 2 (NTS2) envisions ‘sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport’, Edinburgh’s draft City Mobility Plan strives for a greener, safer and connected transport system.

The tram will support the delivery of transport policies such as City Centre Transformation, which proposes a series of interventions to provide a more liveable, people-friendly city centre and requires a mode shift to public transport to help deliver a 10-15% reduction in city centre car traffic in the medium term and a 25-30% reduction in the longer term.

Read the full report, Trams to Newhaven – COVID-19 Final Business Case Refresh, online. 

Watch Transport and Environment Committee live via webcast from 10am on Thursday, 12 November.

While the city council pushes ahead with the trams project, the Inquiry into the Edinburgh Tram project also continues – albeit at a snail’s pace.

The inquiry aims to establish why the original Edinburgh Tram project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and through reductions in scope delivered significantly less than projected.

The inquiry, under Lord Hardie, was set up in June 2014 but is yet to report any findings.

Back in June a spokesperson for the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry told the BBC: “The findings of the inquiry into why the Edinburgh Trams project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and delivered significantly less than planned will be made available at the earliest opportunity.

“Lord Hardie’s remit is to conduct a robust inquiry and it will take as long as is necessary to get the answers required to fulfil the terms of reference.

“We continue to make good progress, including managing more than three million documents on the inquiry’s evidence database for handover to National Records of Scotland.

“A relevant set is also being prepared to be made available on the inquiry’s website to accompany the published report at the appropriate time.”

A scathing review by Audit Scotland in February 2011 noted the original tram project had been undermined by poor planning, cost underestimates, contract disputes and a lack of clear leadership by the council – a lengthy catalogue of calamities which has cost taxpayers £ millions.

Leith Library opens as the latest walk-through Covid-19 test centre

Leith Library has opened as Edinburgh’s newest Covid-19 testing centre as part of the UK Government’s drive to make testing more accessible to local people.

This will be the third City of Edinburgh Council building to operate as a test centre following the Usher Hall and Gate 55 Community Hub in Wester Hailes.

The building, also home to the Registrar’s Office, will provide an additional and safe centre for anyone showing symptoms.

Residents living close to the venue can now pre-book a test by visiting www.nhsinform.scot/test-and-protect or by calling 0800 028 2816.

Anyone attending an appointment will be provided with guidance on getting to and from the centre safely, with additional support for vulnerable groups and people with disabilities.

Adam McVey, Council Leader, said: “Our top priority is keeping Edinburgh’s residents safe and the best way to do that is by encouraging people to follow the latest guidance and get tested if they have any Covid-19 symptoms.

“Our two other sites in the city centre and west Edinburgh have been helping hundreds of people every week to get tested so it’s really welcome that we now have a third site open in the north of the city.

“We’ll keep the use of Leith Library under review and if we’re in a position to safely reopen the library in the New Year we’ll work with the government to find alternatives.”

Cammy Day, Depute Leader, said: “It’s important we play our part by providing the government with buildings to carry out the testing which has been going really well. We now have three centres open in different parts of the city and I urge anyone with symptoms to follow the guidance and make sure they get checked out.”

The Leith Library testing site is open now between 8am and 8pm and can be found at 28 – 30 Ferry Road.

Those being tested will be required to follow public health measures, including social distancing, not travelling by taxi or public transport, practising good personal hygiene and wearing a face covering throughout, including while travelling to and from the testing centre.

Anyone who tests positive will be contacted by contact tracers to help people to identify who they may have been in close contact with and protect others from further transmission.

Close contacts of those testing positive will also hear from contact tracers, asking them to stay at home for 14 days to prevent them from unknowingly spreading the virus. They will be advised to also book at test if they develop symptoms.

More fireworks as Drum presents revised proposals for Leith Walk site?

On-line Consultation Launched: 5th to 19th November 


Drum Property Group is launching an online exhibition tomorrow (Thursday (November 5th) presenting updated plans for the redevelopment of the 2.9-acre Stead’s Place site, near the foot of Leith Walk. 

The exhibition is the second online public consultation event that Drum has hosted in support of a Proposal for Application Notice (PAN) submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council. An initial online consultation event was launched in July 2020.  

The interactive exhibition, which will be live on www.steads-place.com, will allow visitors to view updated proposals for the Stead’s Place site.

Any questions or comments can be emailed to the project’s design team from 12 noon to 8 pm on Thursday 5 November.

A feedback questionnaire can also be completed online and returned by 19 November

The Stead’s Place site has been earmarked for development by the City of Edinburgh Council since 2008 and consists largely of an aged industrial estate and office space, together with a two-storey sandstone building facing directly on to Leith Walk. 

As part of the proposed redevelopment, the sandstone building will be retained and refurbished and made available for a range of commercial uses. The existing industrial units located directly behind Leith Walk are to be demolished and replaced with a new homes-led landscaped development linking to Pilrig Park and beyond. 

Welcoming this latest phase of the Stead’s Place redevelopment, Graeme Bone, Group Managing Director of Drum Property Group, said: “We remain 100% committed to investing in and improving the whole Stead’s Place site, and are looking forward to this next stage of planning consultation. 

“We received positive feedback from our last public consultation in July which has contributed to our revised proposals. This includes retaining and refurbishing the two-storey sandstone building to ensure that, once again, it plays an important role in the future of the Leith Walk community. 

“The rest of the site will be designated to provide much needed local housing. This will open up what is currently an inhospitable industrial site by creating an accessible living environment linked through landscaped walkways and cycle routes to Pilrig Park and the rest of the city.” 

The PAN is submitted in advance of any future planning application and gives an outline intention of the developers plan for the site, prior to a period of public consultation. 

For more information on the Drum PAN for Stead’s Place and the public consultation, visit: www.steads-place.com 

Lottery joy for Edinburgh projects

Additional support will be made available to Scots recovering from cancer and those who have survived sexual abuse thanks to £3.3 million of National Lottery funding announced today. 

The Beatson Cancer Charity and Edinburgh Rape Crisis are amongst 141 Scottish groups receiving awards from The National Lottery Community Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, the funding will help to create a network of support around those who need it most during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre will be able to extend the specialist support it offers thanks to an award of £350,000. 

Its three-year project, ‘Trauma and Counselling Support for Survivors of Sexual Violence,’ will support adult survivors of sexual violence across Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian. In particular, the funding will enable the Centre to further develop its ‘Still I Am’ (SIA) project for survivors from Black and minority ethnic (BME) communities aged 16 and over, who have had any form of unwanted sexual experience. 

Over the next three years, The Centre will be able to reach out to many more people like Queen*. Welcoming the funding, she said: “I am very happy and excited that the SIA project got further funding because it has changed my life.

“I do not know what I would have done without this service and without counselling. I feel that SIA has changed not only mine but also my children’s lives because I can be there for them too. I am very grateful, and I would like to thank The National Lottery Community Fund for their decision because that means the SIA service will help more women like me in the future. Thank you so much.” 

Caroline Burrell, Centre Director, Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive this award from the National Lottery Community Fund. It recognises not only the vital work we have done over many years supporting survivors of sexual violence, but also the very pressing need to continue to provide our life-changing services.

“Sexual violence, which includes rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, devastates lives, and without effective support its impacts can be lifelong. 

“Over the next three years our trauma-informed work will support hundreds of survivors to build a life beyond sexual violence and abuse. In particular this funding will enable us to further develop our SIA project for survivors of sexual violence from Black and minority ethnic (BME) communities aged 16 and over, who have had any form of unwanted sexual experience.” 

This group will deliver specialist trauma-informed support to survivors of sexual violence in Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian. Survivors of rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse will receive emotional support, group support and advocacy support helping them to move on from trauma, and to build their confidence and resilience.

Two more local ‘winners’ in this round of grants are LifeCare and carers organisation VOCAL, who receive £80,000 and £41,000 respectively.

LifeCare, the older people’s support organisation based in Stockbridge, will use their funding to continue its project matching people over 60 (known as the VIPs) with volunteers, aged from 17-92, to facilitate one to one friendships between the VIPs, volunteers and the larger community they create when coming together as part of the wider Vintage Vibes VIP/Volunteer community.

VOCAL, based on Leith Walk, will use the funding to continue development of their short breaks service for carers which provides respite to people with caring responsibilities. VOCAL will also review their short breaks offer in light of the COVID-19 impact, extend the range of short breaks opportunities for carers and develop a social enterprise business proposal for carer holiday accommodation.

Edinburgh-based organisations Corstorphine Dynamo FC, ELREC, Friends of Saughton Park, Governors of Dean Orphanage and Cauvin’s Trust, Grassmarket Community Project, Leith Civic Trust, Pregnancy & Parents Centre, Prestonfield & District Neighbourhood Workers Project, Thistle Health and Wellbeing and YWCA Scotland received support ranging from £5000 right up to Thistle’s £120,000.

Elsewhere in Scotland, breast cancer survivor Susan McGoldrick, 56, welcomed an award of £269,800 to Beatson Cancer Charity for a three-year programme of therapeutic support.

This programme will help hundreds of people across the West of Scotland who are recovering from cancer to better deal with anxiety and any fears of recurrence they may have following completion of or changes to their treatment. 

Susan, from Lenzie, completed the pilot programme last month following a cancer diagnosis in 2019. She said: “This National Lottery funding will make a huge difference to many people like me. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I joined and with the programme only being six weeks long and virtual due to COVID-19 restrictions, I wasn’t sure what I would achieve.

“But I have to say it has been a revelation and I feel like a brand, new woman. I have learned so much and feel transformed and it has even inspired me to make recent radical changes in my life. I would like to encourage many more patients to attend if they can.” 

The six-week programme of therapeutic groupwork will help people to develop their own coping strategies and will work with them as they develop their own personal plans to engage more with day to day life, their families and the wider community. 

Martin Cawley, CEO of Beatson Cancer Charity, said: “We are delighted at the award of this very important grant. The medical treatment process for cancer is difficult enough for people to cope with, but when you add the psychological impact on top, it is especially challenging.

“Even when people have successfully been through their treatment programmes there is always an underlying worry about cancer recurrence. This project supports people to develop their own coping skills, this in turn strengthens their resilience and recovery even further. 

“This grant will help greatly as part of the cancer journey and allow many more patients to become involved over next three years. Everyone at Beatson Cancer Charity is absolutely thrilled. Thank you to The National Lottery players without whom this grant would not be possible.” 

Announcing today’s funding totalling £3,332,722, The National Lottery Community Fund’s Scotland Chair, Kate Still, said: “Projects across the country continue to make an amazing contribution the nation-wide response combatting the impact of COVID-19 on communities across Scotland. 

“Today’s funding will help thousands more people like Susan and Queen, whose inspiring testimonies highlight how important it is to have a tailored package of support when you are going through the most challenging of circumstances. 

“The comfort of knowing someone who understands your journey is at the end of the phone or forms part of a group network of support cannot be under-estimated. This is vital work which we are delighted to support, and all made possible thanks to National Lottery players.” 

The National Lottery Community Fund is currently focusing its National Lottery funding in Scotland on those projects which are supporting organisations and communities to respond to the challenge of COVID-19.

To find out more visit www.TNLCommunityFund.org.uk 

*Name has been changed to ensure anonymity 

Missing woman: Can you help?

Police are appealing for information from the public to trace a missing woman from the Edinburgh area.

Alexandra Capone (45), who is also known to use the name Olga or Maria Woonough, was last seen leaving the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh around 8.50am on Thursday, (22 October, 2020).

She is described as white, around 5 ft 9 ins, medium build with short blonde hair and dark roots. Police believe she may be wearing a long beige cardigan, dark leggings or jeans and dark shoes.

Inspector Richard Emerson, of Leith Police Station, said: “Ms Capone is originally from the Brighton and Hove area of Sussex, and we do not believe she has any connections with Edinburgh. She was last seen on Thursday morning.

“It’s not like her to be out of touch with family and friends for this length of time and we are becoming increasingly concerned for her welfare.

“We believe she may be in the Leith area or could possibly have travelled further afield. Officers are keen to hear from anyone who knows where Ms Capone is or anyone she may have been in contact with.

“We are also appealing to Ms Capone herself to get in touch with police to let us know she is okay.”

Anyone who may have seen Ms Capone or has any information on her whereabouts is asked to contact police on 101, quoting reference number 0847 of 22 October.”

Edinburgh residents welcome Tesco CEO with clear message: Stop selling industrial meat and cut ties with forest destroyers

On 4 October, posters appeared on the front window of Tesco on Leith Walk, exposing how Tesco sells industrial meat linked to forest destruction.

The same posters were placed on more than 30 Tesco stores across the UK earlier this month, from Falmouth to Aberdeen. 

The posters were accompanied by a letter from Greenpeace UK Executive Director John Sauven, to make sure that the new Global CEO Ken Murphy gets the message that customers want Tesco to drop forest destroyers from their supply chains and reduce the amount of meat they sell by at least half – starting from phasing out industrial meat.  

Anke Bremer from Tollcross said: “I found it impossible to simply walk past this heartbreaking image of the Amazon burning to clear land for the production of industrial meat. The message to Tesco’s new CEO Ken Murphy couldn’t be clearer. Tesco must drop forest destroyers altogether and stop selling industrial meat.”

This year, the fire season in the Amazon has kicked off with worrying intensity, with the highest number recorded in August since 2007. Many fires which are destroying the Amazon and other forests are started deliberately to clear land to graze cattle or grow soya.

Protecting the Amazon is essential in order to avoid catastrophic climate change, protect the homes of indigenous people and wildlife, and reduce the risk of future pandemics. 

Tesco promised to end its part in deforestation for commodities such as soya by 2020, but in 2018 it quietly changed that goal to 2025 and still has not published a credible plan to show how this will be achieved.

Much of the chicken and pork on its shelves is fed on Brazilian soya, and produced by companies owned by JBS, the world’s biggest meat packing company, which has been repeatedly linked to deforestation in the Amazon, as well as human rights violations.

Tesco has recently made an announcement that it will increase its sales of plant-based food, which shows it is feeling the pressure – but this doesn’t go far enough.

In order to truly tackle its impact on forests, Tesco must reduce its overall meat and dairy footprint and stop doing business with companies owned by Amazon destroyers. 

Natalie Louw continued: “The Amazon may be 5000 miles away, but the products in my local Tesco – the very meat we eat with friends and family – are fuelling rainforest destruction.

“This summer, I started cutting my meat consumption because I can’t in good conscience keep eating food that contributes to forest destruction and to the climate crisis.

“Please join me in eating less meat, and sign our petition to supermarket chains and fast food companies on cutting forest destroyers from their supply chains.’’

SESH’s Simon says ‘Stick to the Shore’

October has been an incredibly tough month for the hospitality industry,  facing another forced closure and further uncertainty surrounding jobs and moving forward.

Leith hirdresser Simon Hill of SESH Hairdressing wanted to do something to show support and gather momentum. The ‘Stick to the Shore’ initiative Simon has rolled out is designed to rally the locals of the shore in Leith and remind them to support one another during this time.

Simon and the team at SESH Hairdressing are offering local hospitality workers basedin  the Shore, 25% off all hair services. This applies to appointments made with selected members of the SESH team. This initiative is in place until 20th November whilst the hospitality industry  returns to work and finds their feet again.

SESH are running a social media initiative to encourage their followers to ‘Stick to the Shore’ too. When any SESH client supports a local shore bar or restaurant by purchasing a voucher or using their takeaway services, they will receive a complimentary hair treatment at SESH Hairdressing.

Small acts of kindness are crucial during this difficult time.

SESH Hairdressing and Simon Hill have always been passionate about their local area at the shore and this small gesture is their way of supporting the community.

Simon Hill commented: “It was important to us that we not only offer local hospitality workers some money off but also do our bit to ensure our audience supports them too.

“By sticking together and showing each other support we can all come out of this stronger. We hope everyone sticks to the shore and supports those who really need us just now.”