Celebrating our own ‘phenomenal women!

Getting together, Making A Difference exhibition opens


North Edinburgh’s Womens International Group launched their eagerly-anticipated Gettting Together, Making A Difference exhibition with song, speeches, films, discusssion and even a little poetry at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre today.

The exhibition highlights the work carried out by local women activists over the years to improve conditions for the people living in ourNorh Edinburgh communities.

The event was all about the importance of solidarity and community spirit, mutual support and the need to keep up the fight to save local services. It’s an argument that was eloquently made in the past by activists like Jenny Marrow, Evelyn Preston, Maureen MacMillan Gwen Crystal and Sandra Purnell -strong voices sadly no longer with us.

You get the impression, though, that the fighting spirit still burns just as brightly in the hearts of our current activists – both the young and the vastly experienced, all of whom packed Royston Wardieburn today. I’m sure Jenny, Evelyn, Maureen – all of them – would have loved this celebration.

Me? I was just proud to be an honorary woman for the day!


More pictures on our Facebook page!


Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I’m a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can’t see.
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need for my care.
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.


Edinburgh Guarantee spells success for school leavers

Stephen Ramsay - Edinburgh Guarantee case study.

More school leavers than ever in Edinburgh are moving into work, education, or training, thanks to the strong partnership that has developed between the public and private sectors through the Edinburgh Guarantee.

Figures published by the Scottish Government today show that the success rate of school leavers in Edinburgh achieving and sustaining a positive destination are at the highest rate ever. The figure is up 10 per cent since the Edinburgh Guarantee began four years ago and is now at 93.1 per cent. The Capital is now the best performing city in Scotland and is 12th out of all local authority areas, which puts us well above the national average.

The statistics show that more school leavers in Edinburgh are getting into jobs compared to September 2013 with over one in four of school leavers in employment at the snapshot taken in March. Just over 40% are getting into and sustaining places in Higher Education while over a quarter of school leavers opt for Further Education.

The majority of schools improved their performance since September 2013.

The largest increase was at Craigroyston Community High school up 13.1 per cent (see separate article), Currie performed extremely well with their figure now sitting at 97.9 per cent, and Firrhill and Gracemount were up by 6.8 per cent.

This success has been underpinned by the active support of the city’s employers in recruiting young people into their businesses, with 350 opportunities offered since April 2015.

Sue Bruce, Chief Executive, the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Today’s figures will be welcomed across the city by young people, employers in the private, voluntary and public sectors and those working in education. Giving young people the best start they can have in life is a key priority and I am delighted that the Edinburgh Guarantee is playing such an important role in securing the future success of our young people in the city.”

Cllr Paul Godzik, Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee, said: “Whether it’s employment, apprenticeships or training, young people need to move out of school and into a positive destination quickly. It is really encouraging that there has been such an improvement in the figures this year as moving on to make a new start in life is the boost young people really need to raise their self esteem at this critical point in their lives.”

Cllr Frank Ross, Convener of the Economy Committee, said: “Ensuring that Edinburgh’s young people have opportunities is vital for the economic success of our city. These year’s figures demonstrate that initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are making a real difference to many young lives. I am confident that with sustained investment we’ll continue to drive up this figure and see many more young people taking a positive next step in their lives.”

Stephen Ramsay (pictured top) , panel beater modern apprentice at DSL Motors, said: “When I was at Craigroyston High School I was invovled in a Formula 1 project and I really enjoyed it. My career advisor helped me with an interview for Edinburgh College and I am now a modern apprentice doing a four year course in Automotive Paint Refinishing. As soon as I left school I wanted to get involved in this trade and I want to work in this field until I retire.”

A positive destination is defined as a place in Higher Education, Further Education, a job, paid apprenticeship, or work-focused training.

Click here for a short video featuring Cllrs Burns, Godzik and modern apprentice Stephen Ramsay.

Charity begins at Edinburgh College!

Events Management students raise thousands for charity


Edinburgh College’s Events Management students have raised more than £20,000 for charity this year by holding events around the city and surrounding areas as part of their coursework.

The students worked in 38 teams to arrange an event each in aid of a range of charities. Events included everything from a mini festival and club nights to speed dating and fashion shows.

Events Management lecturers celebrated their success this week by awarding a trophy to the most successful event team.

The winning team, called Festival Events and based at Sighthill Campus, organised a sell-out mini fringe festival at the Voodoo Rooms, where a variety of acts including a magician, DJ, reggae act and flamenco folk band, entertained the audience. To promote the event, the students worked together with dancers from the University of Edinburgh Modern Dance Society to organise a flash mob outside the Usher Hall. They also worked with students from the college’s audio visual courses, who documented the event by recording it for a video that helped them pass their course.

The team raised £1,100 for Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, which was match funded by BP to make £2,200, after students contacted the firm.

Other teams organised events including children’s fun afternoons, club nights, fashion shows and an afternoon tea. A runner-up prize was awarded to a Milton Road Campus team, 505 Events, which organised a sports event around the Scotland vs. England Rugby match in aid of the charity Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal (SiMBA). Another Milton Road team received a highly commended award for its work, which included organising a speed dating event in aid of the British Heart Foundation.

Lecturer Iris Aitchison said: “We are immensely proud of all the fantastic work that our students have put into organising all their events, and we were blown away by the amount raised for charities. This is the first time we have awarded a prize for best event, as we felt that these achievements deserved to be recognised.”

In total, 21 charities benefited from the students’ efforts, including Scottish Autism, the Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund and the SickKids Foundation.

Pictured: Students from the winning teams with Events Management lecturers. L-R Caroline Patterson, Katrina Pugh, Javier de la Cruz (from the winning Festival Events team), Alana Laidlaw (from the runner up team, 505 Events), Iris Aitchison, Sarah Thomson.

The college offers events courses at NC, HNC, HND and BA (Hons) level in association with Queen Margaret University.

Exhibition showcases the talents of our local women


North Edinburgh’s Women’s International Group invite you to their new exhibition which celebrates the many achievements of local women in this community.

The exhibition opens on Thursday at 10am in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre; there’s a free creche and lunch is provided too (please book creche place in advance to avoid disappointment).

For further information contact Lynn on 552 5700 or Rachel on 07891 525 663.


Getting together. Making a difference.

Edinburgh College Open Days this week

Open Day at Granton Campus on Wednesday 


Anyone wanting to boost their qualifications, improve their job prospects, get on the career ladder or learn new skills should come along to Edinburgh College’s Course Open Days this week.

The Open Days on Wednesday (17 June) at Granton Campus and Thursday 18 June at Milton Road Campus – from 2-6pm on each day – are an opportunity to take the first steps into further education or learn new career-advancing skills. Expert staff will be on hand to discuss course information, progression routes and funding options.

The Open Days are a chance to learn more about and apply for the college’s new range of part-time, evening and leisure courses, including professional development programmes. These are open for applications now and include Accounting and Finance, Art and Design, Business and Enterprise, Construction, Health and Social Care, Hair and Beauty, Engineering, I.T., Performing Arts, and Sport and Travel.

The Open Days are also an opportunity to find out about full-time courses beginning in August with remaining places, which will open again on the college website this week.

At the Open Days, the college’s advisors will have all the information prospective students need, including funding options. Students on part-time courses may have several funding options available depending on their circumstances, including Individual Learning Accounts. Advisors can help students with funding applications.

Edinburgh College principal Annette Bruton said: “We have top-quality courses across our whole curriculum to suit a range of study needs, and we’d love anyone interested in finding out more to come down to our open days. Whether you want to develop your education or career, or you want to become skilled in a different field, there’s part-time, full-time and evening options to fit into your lifestyle.

“You’ll be taught by dedicated lecturers with real industry experience so you’ll be well prepared for the next steps of your career. Even if you’re not sure what the best option for you is, our advisors will be able to help and guide you to make the best decision possible.”

For more information about available courses, to make an application and to register your interest in a course, go to www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk

Happy birthday, city libraries!

Edinburgh’s library service began 125 years ago today

Lego birthday cake 1

Edinburgh’s library service is celebrating its 125th birthday by serving up a feast of special events to mark the landmark anniversary.

A big birthday bash, readings by children’s authors, a rare glimpse of Japanese art and a debate on the future of libraries are all examples of the packed programme of events taking place this month.

The Central Library was the first to open in the Capital to the public on June 9th, 1890, and now a total of 28 across the city welcome 3.4 million visitors each year.Old Central library

Lord Roseberry officially opened it after previous attempts to set up a free public service failed as it would “put an unnecessary burden on the ratepayers”!

Andrew Carnegie offered £50,000 to establish the iconic library on George IV Bridge and less than a year later he laid the foundation stone. 

In the space of 15 years, Edinburgh opened a substantial number of branches in the north, south, east and west districts, as well as a library in Portobello Town Hall.

The Council has continued to invest in new buildings in the 21st century, with a new library for Muirhouse in 2000 and the most recent community hubs opened in Drumbrae and Craigmillar in 2012.

Recent upgrades have been carried out at Stockbridge, Leith, McDonald Road, Morningside and Central.

Councillor Richard Lewis, Culture and Sport Convener, said: “Libraries have been serving the people of Edinburgh for well over a century and I’m delighted to be part of the birthday celebrations.

“Our library team can keep a large group of toddlers entertained at Bookbug sessions, support the ever-changing population of Edinburgh through community language collections, help people to get connected digitally, and also open up a world of heritage, history and information. I’d like to thank staff for all of their hard and imaginative work.

“There’s a wealth of information and services mainly for free at our fingertips through libraries – support your local branch by keeping them going for at least another 125 years by paying a visit today.”

Edinburgh’s libraries – something to shout about!

Work begins on Royston School site

Work starts on modern care home on old Royston school site


Construction work has begun on a major project to build the city’s  latest new care home as part of continued investment in services for older people in Edinburgh.

The Royston care facility off Boswall Parkway will provide accommodation for 60 residents who are currently living in other City of Edinburgh Council care homes across the city. The care home is being delivered by a partnership of the Council and Hub South East Scotland Ltd and is being built by GRAHAM Construction.

Councillor Cammy Day, Health, Social Care and Housing Vice Convener, was joined today by Richard Park, Operations Director of Hub South East and Michael Graham, Group Executive Chairman of GRAHAM Construction to cut the first sod at the site on the fomer Roston Primary School site.

The new home will provide high quality facilities including en-suite bathrooms, spacious bedrooms and group living areas and is the sixth to be built in Edinburgh as part of the Council’s strategic plan 2012-17.

Loal councillor Cammy Day, who represents the Forth ward, said: “Our goal is to create homes for life for older people in quality residential accommodation which meets modern standards. This new facility will offer a caring and supportive service, as well as a good quality of life.

“Despite budget pressures and changing demographics, we are committed to delivering the best quality care possible through our Live Well in Later Life strategy.”

Richard Park said: “Having already successfully delivered a number of facilities in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council, on time and on budget, I am delighted to be marking the start of this new care home in Royston.

“As a Hub project, once complete, not only will it be a high quality facility for residents and staff, it will have also delivered a number of community benefits for the local area – from apprenticeships and work placements to the involvement of small businesses.”

Michael Graham said: “It’s a real privilege to play our part in helping all the future residents enjoy their lives to the full, both as individuals and as a community. We’re absolutely determined that they’ll have the very best facilities and quality of construction.”