All the latest news from CORE

Youth event at CORE

Since the last publication of NEN, CORE has been undertaking much work within the Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) community, and promoting the integration of all races within North Edinburgh.

Invaluable BME Employability work continues to support local people to gain access to education, employment, volunteering and training opportunities in adults and young people. The organisation of recruitment workshops for the new Primark store in the City Centre was well received by CORE clients, and these were well attended.

CORE’s youth work also carries on with a basketball group running for 10-18 years olds on a Thursday between 7pm-9pm (in partnership with Pilton Youth and Children’s Project) and a Health and Wellbeing group for 10-14 year olds taking place at Fet Lor Youth Centre on Wednesdays from 4.30pm-6pm.

In addition to these, CORE is about to start an exciting new music-making group on Saturday 10th December called ‘Soundkidz’ which will run in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts and Edinburgh Mela. The group is mainly targeted at minority ethnic children in Primary 2 – Senior 1 (split into two age groups) and will run at North Edinburgh Arts Centre on Saturday afternoons from 2.30pm-4.30pm. The group will focus on music-making and discovering different types of music.

All of the groups aim to provide an environment where children and young people can have fun and accept others without judgment or discrimination. Through observation of the group and liaising with staff, the group is going very well and the feedback has been positive. By mixing young people we have broken down stereotypes and various barriers which would normally stop these young people mixing with other ethnicities.

In addition to the ongoing work, CORE has been busy planning and delivering an exciting project funded by Historic Scotland, which aims to ensure that local black and minority ethnic (BME) people are participating and experiencing the different aspects of the Scottish historic environment. As part of this project CORE organised outings to Craigmillar Castle, Stirling Castle (pictured below) and Edinburgh castle in the Autumn which were all fully booked! These events went very well, with the following feedback from one participant:  “We really enjoyed our day, learned a lot and also met with other communities. We would definitely visit another historic site again and enjoy learning about the rich Scottish history.”

Stirling visit

As a follow up to these outings, CORE and Historic Scotland ran a seminar and training session on Friday 25th November to educate the community in the importance of visiting and protecting Scottish historical places and focus on Scottish historic buildings – what and where they are and their functions. This was followed by their November World Café event.

The World Cafe continues to run on the last Friday of every month (except December) with the most recent event in October celebrating Black History Month with an excellent turn out of over 60 people (pictured below).  On the menu were flavours from Sudan, Mozambique, Iran and Italy which were enjoyed by all, with comments from customers including “Lovely place, nice food and friendly people” and “I had ‘seconds’! Delicious. Thanks”. This was topped off by the presence of the University of Edinburgh’s Drumming Society who demonstrated their fantastic musical abilities on the African drums throughout the evening, and even had the kids joining in!

October's World Cafe

The World Cafe aims to bring a diverse mix of local residents together to enjoy each others company in a social environment, while learning and embracing a variety of foods and cultures. November marked the World Cafe’s 3rd Anniversary, and with good attendance at the events, it seems that it is successful in it’s goals.

Unfortunately we also have to deal with a number of issues impacting on the lives of minority ethnic Communities. We have dealt with a number of racial and anti-social behaviour cases in the North of Edinburgh. One particular family has been suffering racial harassment from the youth’s in the area. This has resulted in the father having to reduce his working hours as the rest of the family are scared to go out. The youngest child and mother now refuse to go out alone anywhere.  Mother commented “Before all of this happened we were very happy in the area”.

The family were given the option of moving to temporary accommodation but because they had invested so much money in their home they did not want to start again elsewhere.  Father called the police several times before any action was taken against the youths who were causing distress to all of the family. However the support provided subsequently by the police was great and we are pleased to say the situation has improved but it has left the family feeling vulnerable.

For further information on any of CORE’s activities or for advice and support, call 0131 467 7990 or email Alternatively, you can stay up to date with current events by checking our website at or ‘like us’ on facebook.



Norman's made of stern stuff!

Norman (and dogs!) braves the elements!

Storm force winds, hail and driving rain were not enough to deter some hardy souls from braving the elements today.  Granton Parish Church minister Norman Smith was spotted walking his dogs along the Promenade at lunchtime.

“I’m from the Western Isles originally”, he explained.  “This weather is just like a normal weekend back home for me!”

And a pair of hardy joggers too ...

Norman’s made of stern stuff!

Norman (and dogs!) braves the elements!

Storm force winds, hail and driving rain were not enough to deter some hardy souls from braving the elements today.  Granton Parish Church minister Norman Smith was spotted walking his dogs along the Promenade at lunchtime.

“I’m from the Western Isles originally”, he explained.  “This weather is just like a normal weekend back home for me!”

And a pair of hardy joggers too ...

Weather Report – Update 2.30pm

Promenade at lunchtime today

High winds


Current update 8th December:

  • Police advice to avoid non-essential travel from 2pm today
  • Cockburn Street is officially closed to the public due to masonry falls

Council Venues and Facilities

  • Both the Scott and Nelson monuments are closed
  • Princes St East and West Gardens is closed
  • Edinburgh City Libraries Mobile Service is suspended
  • All Libraries closed
  • All Museums and Galleries are closed

Public Meetings:

  • Planning Consultation at Ocean Terminal this evening is cancelled


  • All Edinburgh schools are now closed because of the high winds forecast and the expected disruption to travel
  • School transport has been  arranged to collect children at 12pm
  • Children and Family  Centres and Nurseries are closing at 12pm
  • All  community use of schools from noon onwards today will be cancelled including the  Adult Education Programme

Refuse Collections:

  • There will be no communal container collections today. This is to reduce the risk of containers being blown out of place.
  • Kerbside collections arerunning as normal.
  • Please take in your wheelie bins where possible


Edinburgh’s Christmas:

  • Edinburgh’s  Christmas in East Princes Street Gardens is closed. People are advised to keep  an eye on the website at or  to follow them on Twitter @Edxmas. If anyone has Ice Rink bookings  for today (either group or online), they should call 01698 338716 for advice


When there are high winds the Council’s main actions will be:

  • Clearing fallen trees and other debris from roads, pavements and Council properties.
  • Reinstating road works barriers.
  • Identifying trees on Council owned property that may be unsafe, or  have debris within them such as branches, and making these safe.
  • Responding to reports of dangerous buildings or other structures and taking action to protect public safety.


This work will be carried out by various sections in the Council, including the neighbourhood roads teams, forestry service and property conservation staff.


It may be necessary for the Council to close roads, parks or other spaces to carry out work or to prevent the risk of harm.


Our advice to the public during high winds is to:

  • Take care when walking, driving or parking, especially near large trees.
  • Report any dangerous buildings or other structures, or obstructions on roads or footpaths, by calling 0131  200 2000.
  • If concerned, seek professional advice about fallen trees or branches  on your own property.
  • Follow @edintravelon Twitter, local transport providers and local media for the latest travel information.


City of Edinburgh Council

Severe Weather Warning

Decision taken due to expected travel disruption

All Edinburgh schools will shut at noon today because of the high winds forecast and the expected severe disruption to travel and transport. School transport has been arranged to collect children at noon.

Children and Family Centres/Nurseries/Community Centres are also closing at noon.

All community use of schools from noon onwards today  will be cancelled including the Adult Education Programme.

The Scottish Government has issued advice to all local authorities on this which you can see in its news release from this morning: severe weather update.

The Council has some general advice for the public and information on its own responsibilities on the high winds page.

City of Edinburgh Council

More news from North Edinburgh Childcare

Out of School Clubs


Children in North Edinburgh Childcare’s Out of School Clubs have been busy as usual. Over recent weeks they have had the chance to enjoy a wide range of physical activity workshops including  judo, football and dance classes.  The children are now starting to get excited about Christmas.  They are decorating their clubs in preparation of the festive season and looking forward to the holiday club which will be open throughout the school holidays excluding public holidays.

North Edinburgh Childcare 




'tis the season for giving …

… away free daffodil bulbs at Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust’s Innertube Christmas fun day this weekend!

On Sunday 11th December 2011, local environmental charity the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) will be getting active and improving biodiversity as well as delivering craft workshops and fun activities for families. This will take place on Edinburgh’s network of off-road cycling and walking paths as part of the Innertube project being delivered this year by the Bike Station and ELGT, funded by the People’s Postcode Trust ‘Dream Fund’.

The Innertube Christmas Fun Day is a free community event packed full of activities including Christmas crafts, bulb planting, making bird feeders, Dr Bike, storytelling and festive refreshments!

The event will take place at the Hawthornvale entrance to the Innertube cycle path network in Newhaven on Sunday from 11am – 2pm.

ELGT needs volunteers and families to come along to this free community drop in event to plant daffodil bulbs, listen to storytelling and make Christmas crafts with natural woodland materials. Volunteers will be rewarded with hot chocolate, mince pies and some free daffodil bulbs to take home and plant, either in the garden or in pots. There will also be the opportunity to have bikes checked by Dr Bike and make a bird feeder to take home and keep the birds fed this winter.

ELGT Community Projects Officer Esperanza Martin said: “Communities along the Innertube have been very active this year, carrying out environmental improvement activities such as conservation work, litter, vegetation and path clearance work as well as fun guided activities like bird, bat and heritage walks and storytelling. This community fun day is going to provide something for everyone and also the opportunity to celebrate the hard work that has been carried out in 2011!”

ELGT carries out practical environmental projects, such as the creation of community parks, gardens, woodlands, allotments and other greenspaces and works with communities in Edinburgh and the Lothians, getting people active and enjoying all kinds of greenspaces around the capital.

Quality local greenspaces are fantastic, free resources for play, education, exercise and enjoyment and can have a positive impact on health and wellbeing, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

To keep updated as this exciting & innovative greenspace project develops, sign up for email updates at or follow us on Twitter @greenspacetrust @innertubemap

You can follow the Innertube project and add your own stories by visiting the interactive project website


’tis the season for giving …

… away free daffodil bulbs at Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust’s Innertube Christmas fun day this weekend!

On Sunday 11th December 2011, local environmental charity the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) will be getting active and improving biodiversity as well as delivering craft workshops and fun activities for families. This will take place on Edinburgh’s network of off-road cycling and walking paths as part of the Innertube project being delivered this year by the Bike Station and ELGT, funded by the People’s Postcode Trust ‘Dream Fund’.

The Innertube Christmas Fun Day is a free community event packed full of activities including Christmas crafts, bulb planting, making bird feeders, Dr Bike, storytelling and festive refreshments!

The event will take place at the Hawthornvale entrance to the Innertube cycle path network in Newhaven on Sunday from 11am – 2pm.

ELGT needs volunteers and families to come along to this free community drop in event to plant daffodil bulbs, listen to storytelling and make Christmas crafts with natural woodland materials. Volunteers will be rewarded with hot chocolate, mince pies and some free daffodil bulbs to take home and plant, either in the garden or in pots. There will also be the opportunity to have bikes checked by Dr Bike and make a bird feeder to take home and keep the birds fed this winter.

ELGT Community Projects Officer Esperanza Martin said: “Communities along the Innertube have been very active this year, carrying out environmental improvement activities such as conservation work, litter, vegetation and path clearance work as well as fun guided activities like bird, bat and heritage walks and storytelling. This community fun day is going to provide something for everyone and also the opportunity to celebrate the hard work that has been carried out in 2011!”

ELGT carries out practical environmental projects, such as the creation of community parks, gardens, woodlands, allotments and other greenspaces and works with communities in Edinburgh and the Lothians, getting people active and enjoying all kinds of greenspaces around the capital.

Quality local greenspaces are fantastic, free resources for play, education, exercise and enjoyment and can have a positive impact on health and wellbeing, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

To keep updated as this exciting & innovative greenspace project develops, sign up for email updates at or follow us on Twitter @greenspacetrust @innertubemap

You can follow the Innertube project and add your own stories by visiting the interactive project website


News from North Edinburgh Childcare

Global Citizenship

Global citizenship is a key feature of the curriculum in our nursery.  Children are encouraged to respect and value diversity by learning about different cultures from across the world.  We are therefore delighted to announce our partnership with Larbec International Academy, a school for children aged 2-12 years located in the Kumasi region of Ghana.  Two members of the nursery team will be visiting the school in Ghana early next year.  This will be followed shortly afterwards by a reciprocal visit from our Ghanaian partners who will spend time in our nursery providing everyone with the opportunity to learn more about one another’s cultures.  All of the children and staff are very excited about this venture and are currently fundraising to help meet the costs of the visits which are also being partly funded through the British Council’s Global Schools Partnership programme.

Theresa Allison

Oaklands kicks off Christmas countdown

‘It was the night before Christmas and Jack is so excited thinking of Santa filling his stocking.  His mum comes in to read him a bedtime story and Jack gently falls asleep  … what dreams are in store for Jack on this very special Christmas Eve?’

Staff and pupils staged ‘A Magical Christmas Dream’ to a packed house at Oaklands School yesterday and the performance kicked off Christmas celebrations in fine style.  The audience was transported to a magical land where the cold weather outside was forgotten and the Disney song and dance routines would surely have warmed the heart of Scrooge himself!

From Nursery to Seniors, every child played their part in making ‘A Magical Christmas Dream’ a huge success and the show was the perfect start to Christmas celebrations, and Head Teacher Maureen Mathieson also gave a huge ‘thank you’ to the army of ‘Santa’s Little Helpers’ who made the event possible.  Take a bow:  Pilrig Park School, Rowanfield School, Simon Davidson (lighting), St. George’s School, Oaklands ensemble (Caroline, Jessica, Moira, Alison and Mr and Mrs. Frater) and all the Oaklands staff (with particular thanks to Angela, Susan, Laura, Dyanne, Dot, Sonia, Kausar and Sarah).  A Christmas show wouldn’t be complete without Santa, of course, so a special thank you to Hamish too!