Image released following city centre assault

Police in Edinburgh have released CCTV images of a man they believe may be able to assist with their enquiries following a serious assault in the city centre.

The incident took place in a Niddry Street nightclub at around 2.40am on Saturday 8th December 2018.

A 24-year-old man was assaulted and sustained a serious injury that required hospital treatment.

The male in the image is described as white, in his early to mid-twenties, around 6ft tall and of slim/athletic build. He has short dark hair that is shaved at the sides.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with a logo across the chest, a body warmer, light-coloured jeans and white trainers. He has a full tattoo sleeve on his right arm, and tattoos on his left upper arm.

Detective Constable Andy Cory from Gayfield CID said: “Our enquiries are ongoing into this assault and we’re eager to trace the man pictured as we believe he may be able to assist with these.

“We’d ask anyone who recognises him, or can help us locate his current whereabouts, to come forward at their earliest opportunity.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 2087 of 16th December, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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