New Memorial Garden set to commemorate West Lothian communities Pandemic Experience

Planning permission has now been approved for the creation of a memorial garden, co-designed with West Lothian community members, that will be unveiled in September as the project reaches its final stages.

Remembering Together is a national project that seeks to give each of Scotland’s 32 local authorities the chance to reflect their unique experience of the Covid-19 pandemic with the help of commissioned artists and creative organisations. 

For West Lothian, West Lothian Council and Greenspace Scotland, with funding from the Scottish Government, have joined in collaboration with local arts organisation Bespoke Atelier to create a living memorial for those that were lost to the virus, and a space for community members to gather and reflect on their pandemic experience. 

Ring-fenced funding for the project has been provided by the Scottish Government and Greenspace Scotland.

The garden at Almondvale Park in Livingston town centre has been co-designed with West Lothian community members and is expected to open in Autumn 2024. 

Lead artists from Bespoke Atelier, Marion Parola and Yvonne Elliot-Kelllighan, worked extensively with local groups and communities to generate ideas to inform the development of Covid Community Memorials. 

Open and accessible public consultations were held around West Lothian, including creative workshops in printmaking, paper collage and textile design, as well as themed walks that involved participants sketching their surroundings. 

This aimed to help local residents communicate through creativity, and create a safe space where they could reflect on a particularly difficult time through art.

These in person consultations were then further supplemented with digital surveys made available online to all residents, seeking to discover more about people’s memories of the pandemic – asking questions such as what the pandemic had helped them appreciate more in hindsight.

The final design has been made possible from collaboration with Mike Hyatt of Landscape Architects at Ratho Byres Forge, as well as artist and stone work specialist David Wilson. 

The space aims to reflect that residents felt a renewed sense of appreciation for outdoor spaces and community togetherness following the pandemic, and includes a striking feature piece ‘The Ribbon’ with artistic renderings of plants and flowers that symbolise those from the region who passed away as a result of the virus.

Training towards a bright future with Culture & Business Scotland

With the need for culture organisations to diversify and expand their skills more acute than ever, Culture & Business Scotland have unveiled a series of training opportunities and events designed to help the nation’s creative professionals equip themselves with new knowledge.

The charity, which works to facilitate mutually beneficial connections between the culture and business sectors, will host a series of upcoming events giving organisations well-rounded education in a range of subjects including fundraising through storytelling, legacy giving and the principles of board membership.

Next week, a short course on board membership taking place on Tuesday 4th June will give new trustees and board members access to two informative, hands-on sessions introducing them to their new roles and responsibilities.

On Tuesday 4th and Tuesday 11th June two sessions will explore the five stages of the copywriting process, while additional training courses will help participants to deeper their understanding of corporate sponsorship and discover the benefits and possibilities of legacy giving campaigns.

Along with full-length courses, Culture & Business Scotland run a series of Insights Webinars designed to empower individuals and organisations in the culture sector with knowledge and expertise from industry experts, and networking events, allowing attendees the chance to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals in the culture sector.

David Watt, Chief Executive of Culture & Business Scotland said: ‘Our programme of events is designed to help both members and non-members to expand their skillsets and knowledge and empower them to feel confident in all aspects of their work.

“Thanks to expert guidance and structured, practical sessions, participants will gain a solid foundation in skills that are crucial in the evolving landscape of Scotland’s culture environment’.

Individuals and organisations interested in attending an event can find further information here:

Housing event at Royston Wardieburn

WEDNESDAY 5th JUNE from 10am – 12.30pm

North Edinburgh Parents Action Group are inviting everyone who are experiencing housing issues to Royston Wardieburn Community Centre for Housing Advice and Information morning.

Come along for some very needed advice and to connect with others, who are experiencing same issues.





The NEN North Edinburgh News


Granton Community Gardeners

Granton Goes Greener

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Lorna Slater joins Edinburgh East and Musselburgh Green candidate campaign launch

Scottish Green co-leader and Lothian MSP, Lorna Slater joined Edinburgh East and Musselburgh candidate Amanda Grimm for her election campaign launch at Portobello Promenade today.

The launch took with Lorna Slater, Amanda Grimm and local members at Straiton Place Park on Portobello Promenade.

Amanda lives and works in the constituency as a researcher at the Scottish Parliament. She has also worked in the culture sector and was a professional ballet dancer in Washington DC before moving to Edinburgh in 2007.

Lorna Slater said: “I’m really pleased to be supporting Amanda. She is a really excellent candidate and would be a fantastic voice for people in Edinburgh East and Musselburgh.

“I’ve known Amanda for years. She is grounded in her community, and would bring so much to Westminster. I have seen first hand how committed she is to her work and her values. She has a real interest in expertise in what is happening locally and around the world.

“I wish Amanda every success and will be working hard to get the highest vote possible for her campaign.”

Speaking ahead of her campaign launch, Amanda said: “I’m delighted to launch my campaign today as the Scottish Greens candidate for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh.

“We need real change at Westminster. 14 years of Tory austerity has worsened inequality and brought our public sector to its knees. Labour promises little change, even refusing to cap bankers’ bonuses.

“Different choices are possible. While the Scottish Greens were in government we doubled the child payment to support thousands of families, made bus travel free for everyone under 22 and secured record investment in nature and green jobs.

“We are the only party that is serious about tackling the climate emergency. Voting Green will send a strong message to Westminster: voters want real action on climate, not empty promises and U-turns.”

Friends of Pilrig Park: Summer’s Here!

We love to see folk out enjoying the lovely weather, but please remember not to BBQ directly on the grass, and to dispose of any BBQs and other waste responsibly.

There are BBQ bins and general waste bins at the park exits. Please use them! If they’re full, then don’t just dump it – take your rubbish home or use the next available public bin. Thanks!!

Edinburgh Singers to perform Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle

TWO weeks to go until our performance of Rossini’s “Petite Messe Solennelle”, a masterful choral work that blends solemnity and grace with operatic flair.

Join us on Saturday 15th June, 7.30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh – tickets are available here:…/rossinis-petite-messe…

Michael Davidson launches campaign to be first ever Labour MP for Edinburgh West

Scottish Labour candidate Michael Davidson has vowed to put Labour on the map in Edinburgh West as he kicked off his general election campaign at the Corstorphine Fair yesterday.

Michael, 28, is a fresh face for the constituency, having never stood for election before and has been a Labour Party member for five years. 

Working in the energy sector, Michael has seen the devastating impact the cost of living crisis has had on people across the country. 

That’s why Michael is committed to Labour’s GB Energy policy, a publicly owned clean power company, headquartered in Scotland to cut bills for good and create jobs.

Scottish Labour is campaigning to win in Edinburgh West, a seat that has been dominated by the Liberal Democrats previously. 

Michael’s campaign will focus on building the Labour vote in the constituency and delivering the party’s plan to deliver the change that Scotland needs after nearly two decades of decline at the hands of the Tories in Westminster and the SNP in Holyrood.

Michael said: “I am proud to launch my campaign to be the Scottish Labour MP for Edinburgh West. I have lived in this constituency for most of my life and I’ve seen the difference a Labour government has made here previously. I went to a great school with brilliant teachers and small class sizes. 

“There is no denying this area is an affluent area but there are parts of our constituency in desperate need of investment. 

“That Blackhall Library remains closed, with no sign of re-opening any time soon, is a scandal and I will be campaigning for action on the issue.

“We have had a brilliant turn out of activists today who say they’ve been re-energised. We’ve spoken to Edinburgh West residents crying out for change because they know that the Lib Dems and the SNP have nothing to offer here.

“We’re not just sending a message, we want to send a Labour government because only Labour can bring about the change we need.”

Anas Sarwar, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party, said: “The people of Scotland and the UK are desperate for an election and desperate for change.

“After 14 years of Tory chaos and failure, this is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. Scotland is crying out for change and that change is only possible with a Labour government led by Keir Starmer that is on the side of working people.

“Voting Scottish Labour means booting out this rotten Tory government, maximising Scotland’s influence with Scottish Labour MPs in government and delivering the change that Scotland needs. It’s time for change and Labour is ready to deliver it.”

Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, said:“This is a chance to change Edinburgh West with Labour. Over the course of the last four years, we have changed the Labour Party and returned it once more to the service of working people.

“All we ask now, humbly, is to do exactly the same for our country. A vote for Labour is a vote for economic and political stability, an end to Conservative chaos, and a to deliver the change that Scotland needs.”

Miller Homes Scotland East raises over £10.5k for Alzheimer Scotland

Homebuilder’s team in Edinburgh supports Alzheimer Scotland with fitness challenge

Miller Homes Scotland East is supporting Alzheimer Scotland with a donation of £10,595 following recent fundraising efforts that saw the homebuilder’s Edinburgh team complete a month-long step count challenge, alongside other colleagues in the East of Scotland.

For each mile a Scotland East employee stepped during the challenge, Miller Homes pledged to donate £1 to Alzheimer Scotland, resulting in thousands raised for Scotland’s dementia charity.

Making a real difference to the lives of people living in and around the communities Miller Homes is building in, this challenge allowed employees in Edinburgh to stay fit through a variety of exercise methods, from hill walking and running, to taking part in basketball, netball and football games.

Neil Gaffney, Sales Director for Miller Homes Scotland East, is exceptionally proud of the fundraising efforts from the Edinburgh team. He said: “The team members from our head office and West Craigs Manor development in Edinburgh certainly know how to accept a challenge and this charity fundraiser was no different.

“Each employee took this incentive in their stride, quite literally, raising a staggering total for Alzheimer Scotland, a charity we know is close to so many of our employees’ hearts.

“Not only have we been able to provide a cash boost for a great cause, we’ve also been able to encourage our employees in Edinburgh to come together through exercise and improve their overall health and wellbeing.”

Tom Pavey, Fundraising and Engagement Coordinator for Alzheimer Scotland said: “We are delighted to receive this very generous donation from Miller Homes, the support from its employees throughout this partnership has been extraordinary. 

“Alzheimer Scotland depends on fundraising and every penny raised will help us to continue to fund our vital network of Dementia Advisors, Dementia Centres and 24-hour Freephone Dementia Helpline, that all provide critical support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

“This donation from Miller Homes helps us to Prevent Today, Care Now and Cure Tomorrow.”

For more information on Alzheimer Scotland, visit

To find out more about Miller Homes’ community work, visit:

Scotland’s new Low Emission Zones: RAC guidance for drivers

AS Scotland’s new Low Emission Zones come into force across Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh, the RAC has issued fresh guidance for drivers.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: “Drivers in Dundee should be prepared for Low Emission Zone (LEZ) enforcement from this Thursday, while those in Aberdeen and Edinburgh will be impacted from Saturday.

“Drivers with a diesel car registered before 2016 need to check if their vehicle is liable for the daily charge. Meanwhile, most petrol cars registered prior to 2006 will also have to pay the fee. The best advice to drivers is to use Scotland’s Low Emission Zone checker to see if their vehicle is compliant.

“There are some exemptions, for instance for Blue Badge holders and owners of historic vehicles, although it may be necessary to apply for the exemption to avoid having to pay the charge.

“All Scotland’s LEZs use the same penalty charge structure, which means that if motorists fail to pay the daily charge, they’ll instead face a fine which starts at £60 but gets progressively higher for future breaches. 

“While motorists were given a two-year grace period to prepare for these new LEZ enforcements, it’s important to realise they’ve had 24 months of extremely high fuel prices, an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and insurance premiums at an all-time high, making it very challenging for drivers of older vehicles to upgrade. 

“Those on low incomes who live within 12 miles of a LEZ boundary may be eligible for a grant of up to £3,000, so it’s well worth checking the Energy Saving Trust’s website.” 

Lothian youngsters conquer Edinburgh run for deaf children

Three children from the Lothians – including two siblings – conquered the Edinburgh Marathon Festival’s 2k run in support of the National Deaf Children’s Society.

West Calder siblings Jamie Farquhar, 10, and Cerys Firth, 11, and Wallyford youngster Mila Coult, 9, took on the picturesque course, which followed Queen’s Drive in the shadow of Salisbury Crags, on Saturday 25 May.

Jamie and Cerys smashed their original fundraising target, with £750 raised, while Mila did likewise and has raised over £900 so far for the charity, which supports the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families.

All three youngsters chose to run for the National Deaf Children’s Society because they have been affected by deafness in their families. Jamie was born deaf and now wears hearing aids, while Mila became deaf at the age of three and now has cochlear implants. Both families have been receiving ongoing support from the charity.

Jamie and Cerys live in West Calder with their parents Carrie-Ann and Callum and other siblings Emma and Erin, while Mila lives in Wallyford, near Musselburgh, with her mum Regan and stepdad Shaun.

Jamie said: “I chose the National Deaf Children’s Society because I love the activities I do with them and I want to keep that going for other deaf children.

“It felt amazing to finish, it felt great getting the medal. The thought of the medal kept me going. I tripped over a bar near the end, it was funny! I’m just really proud of how much we raised.”

Cerys added: “I ran for the National Deaf Children’s Society because my little brother is deaf. It felt amazing to get to the finish line. We both tripped up at the end! I knew I had to finish because if I didn’t, I’d have let lots of people down. I was doing it for Jamie.”

Commenting on her run, Mila said: “I really liked raising money, the run was really active and encouraged me to keep running and push myself. It was really tiring but I feel proud that I did it.”

Regan, Mila’s mum, added: “I’m so beyond proud of Mila and what she’s accomplished, both in fundraising for a charity so close to our hearts, and by pushing herself to run and have fun.”

Tamsin Bayliss, who supports fundraisers for the National Deaf Children’s Society, said: “I want to say a huge thank you to Jamie, Cerys and Mila for taking on this challenge for us. Conquering the Edinburgh Marathon Festival’s 2k run was a great achievement and we’re very proud of you.

“The National Deaf Children’s Society is dedicated to supporting the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families. The efforts of selfless fundraisers like Jamie, Cerys and Mila will help us to keep on doing our vital work, now and into the future.”