New Co-Chairs at Dance Base

Dance Base is delighted to announce the appointment of Alice McGrath and Paul Fitzpatrick as the new co-Chairs of the Board of Directors.

Paul is currently the Director of Creative Engagement at the National Theatre of Scotland and is one of the most respected arts producers and cultural leaders in Scottish performing arts.

Prior to joining the NTS, he was Chief Executive of Imaginate, developing theatre and dance for young people, and joint CEO of the Catherine Wheels Theatre Company. 

Alice has held a variety of leadership roles in Scottish arts including strategy development lead with Federation of Scottish Theatre and director roles with Scottish Dance Theatre, Macrobert Arts Centre as well as Imaginate. 

Alice joined Queen Margaret University in October 2021 and teaches on the Arts Management and Cultural Policy MA.

The sharing of the Chair role between two people brings different and complimentary perspectives into board leadership and increases the available resource for the level of commitment that this role requires. 

Their appointments are part of our strategy to strengthen the industry knowledge and capability within the Board as we develop the sustainable model for the long-term future of Scotland’s National Centre for Dance.

Paul Fitzpatrick commented: “Dance Base was founded the year after I moved to Scotland, and I have been a huge fan of the organization since the beginning. 

“Dance is what got me into the arts in the first place when I was just five years old and saw a classmate practicing a time step in the school playground.

“So, it feels very special and important to me that I have this opportunity, alongside my dear friend and colleague Alice McGrath, to support the fantastic team at Dance Base and to take the organization from strength to strength.” 

Alice McGrath added: “Like Paul I’m also a huge fan of Dance Base and the Scottish dance community, having worked with the sector for many years. 

“I’m really delighted to have this opportunity to work with the organization and Paul in a different way, and together with the board, to support the team in developing and realizing a sustainable and strategic plan for dance, that helps ensure that its value to our culture and communities is known and understood.”  

Jill Breingan, Acting Chair, expressed a warm welcome to the new co-chairs: “I am delighted to welcome Alice and Paul to the Board. It’s an important moment for the organization as we implement plans for an ambitious and sustainable future supporting dance and dance artists.

“Paul and Alice bring a wealth of experience in running arts organisations and working with artists, they will be an invaluable resource for our leadership team.”

Big Hearts break records as they raise £21,115 at annual fundraising Gala

Big Hearts, the official charity of Heart of Midlothian FC, raised £21,115 at the Big Hearts Gala at Tynecastle on Saturday 9 September. 

The Big Hearts Gala is one of the biggest fundraising events in the charity’s calendar, and this year they have raised more than ever before, with all money going towards helping them to support people in their community. 

The amount raised at this year’s Gala is double the amount of than last year.

Guests at the glittering event got a valuable insight into Big Hearts’ vital work across the community. 

They learned about the That’s Me! group, which aims to make a positive impact on teenagers and young adults, aged 12 to 18, who could benefit from wellbeing support.

On top of this, guests were in the presence of legends as Paul HartleyDarren Barr and Mark de Vries were all present in the Gorgie Suite as guest speakers.

The Big Hearts Gala is a celebration of the power of the club’s badge in changing lives in communities across south west Edinburgh. 

As well as the funds raised from over 250 tickets sold, there were live and silent auctions, in which signed Hearts shirts, golf days and hotel stays were auctioned. 

Craig Wilson, CEO at Big Hearts, said: “We are over the moon to have raised £21,115 at the Big Hearts Gala this year.

“It is one of our biggest fundraising efforts and I’m grateful to everyone who bought tickets and took part in our auctions. 

“The money raised will go a long way in our mission to help improve the lives of people in our community.” 

Fans at the Gala were delighted to meet three Hearts legends. Brian Chapman shared shared his excitement after hearing some of their stories. 

“I am too young to have seen Mark de Vries play, but I was lucky enough to see Paul Hartley play. It was a really good moment to get a picture with him and actually see him in-front of my own eyes.

 “I took part in the Hampden to Tynecastle charity walk and, along with three friends, raised £2500 for Big Hearts. I am here tonight to continue to show support after that.

“The charity does a lot of good work, and as we’ve heard tonight, poverty in Gorgie is among the highest in Edinburgh.”

Mark de Vries is fondly remembered by Hearts fans for his four goals on his debut against Hibs. He was glad to be back in Gorgie. 

“It has been great to be back in Edinburgh and back at Tynecastle” he said.

“I loved my time here, so it has been an honour to come back as a guest of Big Hearts. 

“I have been made to feel so welcome and it has been amazing to learn about the work of Big Hearts.”

Big Hearts is the only non-profit organisation based at the home of Heart of Midlothian FC. 

The charity delivers free activities for adults and children to improve outcomes around mental health, social isolation and promote equal opportunities.

It costs Big Hearts over £600,000 each year to build and deliver programmes and services to the communities living in the surroundings of Tynecastle Park, one of the most disadvantaged wards of Edinburgh.

Transformation of Leith continues with Ocean Point application


Property developer S Harrison Developments has submitted a planning application for a c. £100 million residential-led development at Ocean Point 2 in Leith, adding to the ongoing transformation of the Waterfront and delivering further vibrancy to the area.

Neighbouring Ocean Point 1, the development of the brownfield site will provide two buildings and comprise a mix of build-to-rent homes (BTR), including apartments specifically for families, alongside purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA), delivering a truly mixed community.

In total, 120 BTR homes are proposed, providing a mix of studio, one-bed, two-bed and three-bed apartments to meet a range of housing needs. A quarter of these are three-bed apartments, designed for families.

There are 404 PBSA beds on offer, split between cluster accommodation and studio bedrooms. The former accommodation is intended to be a mix of five and six bedrooms.

Student numbers have risen significantly in the city over recent years, with full-time student number growing by more than a quarter (25.1 per cent) between 2016/17 and 2021/22.

PBSA, of which there is little in the Leith area, has the potential to free-up much needed family homes locally currently occupied by students, says the developer.

Commercial space/co-working and amenity space are also proposed as part of Ocean Point 2, offering fantastic active frontage to Ocean Drive, with greatly enhanced public realm encouraging active lifestyles.

In addition to delivering homes, the new development will deliver significant local spend, amounting to some £5.3 million by residents and visitors annually, supporting an estimated 60 retail and leisure jobs. It has been estimated that 325 jobs will be created directly in the construction of the overall scheme.

The development neighbours Ocean Terminal, which is set to undergo a £100 million transformation, delivering a mixed-use development comprising residential, commercial, retail and hospitality.

The extension of the tram line between Edinburgh and Ocean Terminal also provides connectivity between the development and Edinburgh city centre within 20 minutes.

Harrison has a long pedigree of working in the city, ranging from delivering the Malmaison at St Andrew Square to student developments at Westfield and Gorgie and hotel development at Osborne House, Haymarket.

A spokesperson for Harrison Developments commented: “Our proposed development, if approved, will bring much-needed homes and student accommodation to an area which is undergoing a rapid transformation, delivering a truly mixed community.

“Regenerating a current brownfield site, this development boasts excellent transport links, especially with the new tram line, and will deliver a significant investment into the local community.”

Planning and development consultancy Turley provided planning services for the project with CDA acting as architects.

Scotmid colleagues across Edinburgh help raise £295,000 for Guide Dogs

Scotmid colleagues across Edinburgh have helped raise an incredible total of £295,000 for Guide Dogs following the retailer’s year-long charity partnership.

The money raised will help support people across Edinburgh living with sight loss by training two Guide Dog Mobility Specialists and three Habilitation Specialists, as well as setting a whole litter of puppies off on their journey to become future life-changers for people affected by sight loss in our community.

[Pictured L-R: Shirley MacGillivray, Scotmid, Kyla McVicar & Bruce, Guide Dogs, John Brodie, Scotmid, Aileen Murphy & Breeze, Guide Dogs, Linda Jordan, Guide Dogs, Norrie Bainbridge & Kano, Guide Dogs, Jim Watson, Scotmid]

  • Scotmid and Guide Dogs are celebrating their paw-sitively perfect charity partnership, which has raised £295,000 to support people across Edinburgh living with sight loss
  • Scotmid colleagues, customers and members in Edinburgh have taken the lead in fundraising for the community retailer’s barkingly brilliant charity companion. Funds have been raised through a range of activities, including in-store raffles, physical challenges, bingo nights, and community events
  • The funds raised will make a significant difference by training two Guide Dog Mobility Specialists and three Habilitation Specialists, as well as setting a whole litter of puppies off on their journey to become future life-changers for people affected by sight loss in local communities
  • The success of the charity partnership is testament to the impact that collective efforts can achieve. Through the generosity and dedication of Scotmid and its supporters, countless lives will be positively transformed.

Fringe visitors call on Humzah to ‘get off the fence’ on Rosebank oil

Hundreds of attendees and performers at the Edinburgh festivals have signed a letter calling on First Minister Humza Yousaf to speak out against the controversial Rosebank oil field.

Activists spoke to visitors from around the world during the festival about the Scottish Government’s failure to clearly oppose the Rosebank field despite the climate harm it will cause.

The letter to Yousaf is signed by well known comedians such as Frankie Boyle, award nominee Julia Masli and Scottish actor Tam Dean Burn, as well as hundreds of visitors. The letter says “the time for sitting on the fence is long past” and his failure to speak out risks “becoming a tacit approval for these projects.”

There is a growing cross-party consensus that the Rosebank project should not go ahead, with Nicola Sturgeon, UK Labour, the Scottish Greens and the Chair of official advisors at the UK Committee on Climate Change all speaking out against the development.  When the Scottish Government finally publicly opposed the Cambo oil field in 2021, Shell paused it soon afterwards.

Campaigners believe that the Scottish Government’s opposition would put further pressure on the UK Government to reject the application to drill the field. The First Minister has stated that he is “not convinced” that the Rosebank project should be given the green light, but he has not yet opposed the project outright.

Scottish actor Tam Dean Burn who performed in the immersive theatre show “Revelations of Rab McVie” commented: “As well as hosting the fringe, Scotland is home to a massively polluting North Sea oil and gas industry so what happens with that matters to all of us.

“The eyes of the world are on Scotland to see how it can safely and swiftly transition to an energy system powered by renewables instead. More fossil fuels anywhere are taking us all in the wrong direction.”

Julia Masli is an Estonian-born, UK based clown who was nominated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award this year for her show ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha where she solves the audience’s problems. She said: “This is a big problem that requires immediate solution.”

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: “People come to Edinburgh from all over the world to perform at and attend the Fringe, and from the outside it looks like Scotland is a green and forward-thinking place. From hundreds of conversations in the streets last month, it’s clear that people are frustrated that in reality the Scottish Government doesn’t always live up to this reputation.

“The Scottish Government needs to get off the fence and oppose the climate disaster that is the Rosebank oil field. For too long, they have been dodging the issue and it is time the First Minister gave a clear answer to those asking whether he thinks the development should go ahead.

“Approving new fossil fuel projects will do nothing to lower energy prices, meanwhile burning oil and gas is fuelling the extreme weather we see on every continent which is killing people and destroying lives. Every oil and gas development approved now takes us further away from a fair and fast transition to renewable energy.“

Rosebank is the biggest undeveloped oil field in UK waters containing an estimated 500 million barrels of oil. Burning this oil will produce more climate pollution than dozens of countries do each year. Its developer, the Norwegian oil giant Equinor, is set to receive a tax break of £3.75 billion from the UK Government if the Rosebank project gets the green light.

Over 500 people signed the open letter to Humza Yousaf which can be read at:

Scotland’s rural education charity launches school campaign – The Journey of Food: Sheep & Wool

Calling all farmers and the wider agri sector! Can you help get behind the new school campaign?

Rural education charity, the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) is delighted to launch ‘The Journey of Food: Sheep and Wool’. 

From this September through to the end of June next year, working in partnership with RNCI, QMS, NSA, and British Wool, RHET will provide a variety of free educational opportunities and experiences for school pupils throughout Scotland.

The resources and events will focus on the important role sheep, lamb, and the uses of wool play in our economy, communities, and creative Scotland. From the rugged hills of the Highlands and Islands, across the central belt and into the Borders, lamb production is woven into our culture and history, from the drovers of years ago to modern-day mixed farming.  

This campaign has developed a range of free accessible resources for use in schools. Teachers have been signing up for two in-person training days, over 70 teachers will attend the first session at Ingliston this weekend and the next in Inverness on 23rd September.  These sessions are also open to volunteers where the resources will be demonstrated and tips on classroom speaker topics to cover. 

The highlight of the calendar is RHET’s popular week-long, online Talk to Farmer event, taking place  in March 2024, where over 5,000 children are expected to join live and have a chance to chat with some wonderful volunteers about their work, their animals, and their passion for farming. 

RHET is delighted to work closely with partners from the sheep industry on this exciting campaign to help bring the Scottish sheep sector to life for pupils all linked to their learningWith help from the wider industry, whether it’s financial support, volunteering, or spreading the word, the campaign needs your help.  

All resources produced and people’s time are FREE for schools to access, and the RHET Team will do all they can to get as many schools as possible on board. 

What can YOU do to help?! 

  • MAKE A DONATION – If are able to support us, please contact the project leads, Sheila or Fran at 
    Become a supporter | Royal Highland Education Trust (
  • Follow and share RHET social media posts, this will help us to spread the word!
  • If you can help by volunteering your time to speak with school children (and teachers) about sheep farming and or wool that would be GRHET!
  • Maybe help by making a short video, sharing photos or stories – any help at all would be appreciated.
  • We need our sector to be energised and doing everything to be talking about this campaign positively.

Fran Matheson, RHET Highland Project Coordinator, and one of the leads on the project, comments: “‘The passion and dedication of Scottish farmers helps produce some of the best quality lamb in the world in accordance with the highest welfare standards that we are all extremely proud of.

‘This campaign is an opportunity to teach children across Scotland about lamb and the role of sheep farming in our communities, the season-by-season work on sheep farms, education about the animals on farm, including its biodiversity, and the traditions handed down through the generations.

“We will also focus on how wool can be used sustainably in so many products with the hope of encouraging more of us to embrace this remarkable material. RHET has, with the help of some very passionate volunteers, created lots of wool crafting activities for school pupils to enjoy and learn in the classroom.

“We are very excited to be sharing this campaign with you all and hope you will help us.’

If you would like to know more about what is coming up during the year or how you could get involved locally, please visit the RHET website ( or contact call 0131 335 6627 where someone on the team will be more than happy to help.

The launch video is available on the RHET You Tube channel and teachers can register their interest in the RHET resources now:  

Millions of pounds worth of illegal drugs seized as serious organised crime disruption continues

Pro-active action by police officers saw millions of pounds worth of illegal drugs recovered, between April and June 2023 as Police Scotland’s efforts to disrupt serious organised crime continues.

The Quarter 1 2023-24 Performance Report, presented to the Scottish Police Authority on Tuesday, 12 September 2023, details seizures of cannabis, cocaine, heroin and street Valium tablets as well as a number of arrests being made.

Detective Chief Superintendent Vicky Watson said: “Police Scotland has a vital role in preventing illicit drugs reaching our streets and disrupting the nefarious activities of those engaged in serious organised criminality.

“We are all too aware of the terrible toll of drugs deaths in Scotland. The ongoing activity described in the performance report underlines our commitment to reducing the harm caused to individuals, families and communities.

“The encouraging figures underline that those working in partnership to deliver the country’s Serious Organised Crime Strategy continue to have a considerable impact on these illegal activities and are contributing to helping to keep our communities safe.

“These seizures will undoubtedly have a massive negative effect on the activities of those involved.”

Activity between April and June 2023 includes:

• Activity by Organised Crime and local officers, saw seven men and three woman arrested during an operation targeting the supply of drugs in the Scottish Borders which resulted in £670,000 worth of substances being recovered

• Officers in Ayrshire recovered a cannabis cultivation with an estimated street value of £2,000,000

• Officers executed a warrant at a property in High Street, Dumfries and recovered cannabis plants with an estimated street value of £261,000

• Cannabis plants worth £740,000 were seized following an operation in Kirkcaldy 

• Officers executed warrants at a number of addresses in Aberdeen and Liverpool as part of a County Lines investigation and recovered heroin, cocaine and crack cocaine with an estimated street value in excess of £115,000

• In Glenrothes, a 21-year-old man was arrested and charged after Class A drugs, with an estimated street value of £400,000 were recovered. 

In the reporting period hundreds of thousands of street Valium tablets, including Etizolam and Bromazolam were seized. At least 200,000 were recovered during operations in the Glasgow area, 160,000 in Lanarkshire, more than 30,000 in the Renfrewshire and Inverclyde area and almost 50,000 in the Lothians and Scottish Borders. 

UK deploys search & rescue teams to Morocco following earthquake

Sixty UK search and rescue specialists, four search dogs and rescue equipment deployed to Morocco following 6.8 magnitude earthquake

  • Sixty UK search and rescue specialists, four search dogs and rescue equipment deployed to Morocco following 6.8 magnitude earthquake
  • UK Emergency Medical Team deployed to assess the existing healthcare capacity and the extent of the damage
  • Foreign Secretary has spoken to Foreign Minister Bourita and UK remains in close contact with the Moroccan authorities

The UK will immediately deploy emergency response teams to Morocco to assist with Moroccan led rescue efforts.

The government of Morocco accepted the UK offer for assistance following the 6.8 magnitude earthquake. The UK is deploying a team of search and rescue specialists, including sixty people, four search dogs and rescue equipment, as well as a medical assessment team.

The team is deploying today via two Royal air Force A400M aircraft provided by the Ministry of Defence.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said: “The UK is sending immediate support to Morocco including a team of 60 search and rescue specialists and four rescue dogs to assist with the rescue effort.

“I remain in contact with Foreign Minister Bourita and offer my deepest sympathies to the people of Morocco after this tragic event”.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said: “This is a devastating time for the people of Morocco, particularly those with loved ones they have lost or are missing.

“The UK has taken a leading role in the international effort to enhance search and rescue operations – moving quickly to deploy our unique strategic airlift capabilities, expert personnel and aid. We stand firmly by Morocco as they get through this terrible event.”

The UK International Search and Rescue team (UKISAR) respond to disasters on behalf of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. They have specialist search equipment including seismic listening devices, concrete cutting and breaking equipment, propping and shoring tools. The specialist kit gives the team the capacity to lift, cut and remove concrete and rubble to reach people under collapsed buildings.

The UK Emergency Medical Team (EMT) is deploying a four person British medical assessment team to assess the situation on the ground and coordinate with Moroccan authorities. Following a large-scale natural disaster, it is crucial to assess existing healthcare capacity and the extent of damage to manage healthcare needs and provide support appropriately.

British nationals who require consular assistance can call British Embassy Rabat on +212 (0) 537 63 33 33. If you are in the UK and concerned about a British national in Morocco you can contact the FCDO on +44(0)20 7008 5000.

Granton Goes Greener: Beach Litter Pick

We are very excited to be organising another family-oriented rubbish picking event at Granton Beach with an eco group from St. James church at Goldenacre on Saturday 23rd September.

We will be meeting by the entrance to the beach at 11 am. Look out for Granton Goes Greener feather flag and our volunteers in green T-shirts💚💚💚

We will have rubbish pickers and rubbish bags for everyone, remember to wear some boots/ appropriate shoes rather than sandals and weather appropriate clothes.

Children must be accompanied by responsible adults.

Any questions-email: