Fraser of Allander Institute update: Comings and goings of Prime Ministers and fiscal statements

This week has seen the appointment of a new Prime Minister, but in terms of economic news it has been a far less tumultuous week than recent ones (writes EMMA CONGREVE, Deputy Director and Senior Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the Fraser of Allander Institute).

Both the UK and Scottish governments announced the postponement of planned budget events. The Scottish Government’s decision not to go ahead with its ‘Emergency Budget Review’ at this time was not surprising. However, there are questions around what budgetary changes will be made this financial year in response to inflation’s impact on public spending.

As highlighted in an article last week, that includes understanding the detail of employability cuts (announced back in September), and indeed the detail of where else the Scottish Government is eking out savings. We need better transparency over how these decisions have been made and the impact on people providing services and the people they support.

If/when the Emergency Budget Review goes ahead is unclear. It may well end up being rolled into the draft Scottish budget announcement for 2023/24, due on the 15th December.

The UK government’s decision to postpone its planned fiscal statement (now rebranded as the Autumn Statement) from the 31st October to the 17th November is justifiable given the prime ministerial change (and in light of the decisions of the incoming Chancellor Jeremy Hunt the previous week).

Delaying the fiscal statement should also mean that the outlook for borrowing costs should be slightly better than it would have been had the statement been published next week since it shifts the reference period for bond yields that the OBR will use in its forecasts.

The publication of the UK Autumn Statement on 17th November means there will be a window of four weeks between the UK Autumn Statement and the Scottish budget on 15th December.

Assuming the UK Autumn Statement is definitive about spending plans in 2023/24, this should provide adequate time for the Scottish government to prepare its 2023/24 by the 15th. There is little scope to push back the draft budget statement into January due to the timescales required to get the Budget Bill through the Scottish Parliament in time for the 2023/24 financial year.

With an expectation of further fiscal tightening by the UK government, the Scottish Government will be braced for more difficult decisions.

Until we see the UK Autumn Statement however, it remains very uncertain how the UK government will prioritise different tax and spending measures, and over what timescales, and hence the implications for the Scottish budget in 2023/24 and beyond.

As always, we will be looking for evidence-based rationales and transparency in how spend has been prioritised from both governments; a subject we will no doubt return to in the coming weeks.

More detail on the impact of the cost of living crisis

As we discussed last week, CPI inflation for September was estimated at 10.1%. This week, the ONS have published supplementary analysis on how rising prices are affecting adults across Great Britain.

9 in 10 people surveyed reported that their cost of living had increased compared to a year ago and the survey asked questions on the extent to which this had impacted their lives.

Around 45% of adults in both GB and Scotland reported finding energy bills somewhat or very difficult to pay and around 30% of GB and 25% of Scottish adults reported finding rent and mortgage payments difficult to afford.

Other breakdowns by protected characteristics showed different experiences. For example, 55% of disabled people, 69% of Black or Black British adults, 59% of Asian or Asian British adults and 60% of renters were finding it somewhat or very difficult to pay energy bills (compared to the population average of around 45%).

These differences are likely to be linked to socioeconomic status: around half of those with a personal income of less than £20,000 per year said they found it difficult to afford their energy bills which reduced to 23% for those with a personal income of more than £50,000.

This week, the ONS also published a ‘highly experimental’ (their words!) analysis of low-cost groceries. For half of the sampled items, the average lowest price goods increased at a faster rate than the official CPI inflation measure for food and non-alcoholic beverages over the past year.

The highest rising prices were for vegetable oil (65%); pasta (60%) and tea (46%). Bread and milk were among other items that rose by more than the CPI average.

The pressures are also of course affecting businesses. The latest Scottish Government analysis of the BICS survey found that 49.8% of businesses reported that the prices of materials, goods and services bought in September 2022 were higher than in August 2022. Around 60% of businesses reported absorbing these costs, and around 35% reported that at least some of the price increases were passed on to customers.

Going back to the previous survey of GB adults, the most significant behavioural changes reported were ‘spending less on non-essentials’ (62% of adults in GB and in Scotland) and ‘using less fuel such as gas and electricity in my home’ (52% of GB adults, 57% in Scotland). If the latter prevails into the colder season, there is of course a concern that this will have serious adverse impacts on health.

Upcoming webinar for your diary

On the subject of health impacts, the Fraser of Allander Institute, in collaboration with MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow and the Health Foundation are holding a webinar on the 15th November (3 – 4.30pm) to discuss trends in health and the socioeconomic drivers of health in Scotland.

Our report on the trends in socioeconomic determinants of health over the past twenty years will be out in the coming weeks.

Click here to sign up to the webinar to hear all about it.

Police appeal following robbery on Burdiehouse Road

POLICE are appealing for information after a 16-year-old male youth was robbed on Burdiehouse Road last Saturday (22 October, 2022).

Around 12.10am, the victim was approached by three males who assaulted him and stole his jacket. The males left the scene in the direction of Frogston Road.

The three suspects are described as black males, aged 18-20 and were wearing black tracksuits.

Detective Sergeant Keith Taylor, of Gayfied CID, said: “This was a particularly distressing incident for the victim, who sustained a minor injury.

“If you were in the area around the time of the robbery, either before or after, and witnessed anything suspicious or recognise the description of the men, please get in touch.

“Similarly, if you have dash-cam footage that may help with our investigation then please contact us.

“Anyone who can help is asked to call 101, quoting incident number 0149 of 22 October, 2022, or make a call anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Storm Arwen: Learning the Lessons

New processes in place one year on

Organisations across Scotland have put in place a series of measures to protect communities from the effects of severe weather ahead of winter.

It follows a review of the Storm Arwen response published in January 2022, which set out 15 recommendations for the Scottish Government and its partners.

A report published today updates on progress since then, with a range of improvements put in place ahead of winter. These include:

  • A full winter readiness exercise carried out by emergency responders across every area in Scotland by the end of November
  • A new online learning and training hub to help individuals, community groups and the voluntary sector to prepare, respond and recover from emergencies
  • The development of a new process to monitor and evaluate Scotland’s resilience system annually to identify and resolve issues quickly and effectively
  • Increased integration and engagement with the voluntary sector, and expansion of local directories of assets and capabilities to support resilience activity

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans, Keith Brown, said: “The Scottish Government committed to a full review of the circumstances of Storm Arwen, and this report demonstrates clearly the range of work that is underway to ensure that lessons are learned. 

“Our responder community, including our blue light services and our local authorities, will put these recommendations in place and we will support them to ensure our resilience arrangements continue to strengthen to protect communities.”

Chair of the Scottish Resilience Partnership Jim Savege said: “Responders have worked hard through the year, reviewing the risks we need to be prepared for, planning and exercising and making sure we are as prepared as we all can be for any future events and incidents we may have to respond to.

“More than ever, emergency services have considered wider risks that may be realised, and the growing reality of having to deal with concurrent risks and incidents.

“Significant additional work has been invested this year into working with voluntary organisations and communities to ensure their resilience and their ability to deal with incidents has been enhanced. Community and business resilience are the bedrock upon which emergency services work and respond.

“The SRP is grateful for all of the work that so many colleagues have invested in ensuring we are as prepared as we can be for the winter ahead.”

Record number of Scots are being paid the real Living Wage

A Fair Work approach to the cost of living crisis

A record proportion of employees in Scotland are being paid the real Living Wage (rLW) or more, new figures have revealed.

The Office for National Statistics’ Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings shows 91% of employees aged 18 and over earned at least the rLW in 2022, an increase from 85.5% in 2021 and the highest proportion since the rLW series began in 2012.

In comparison, 87.5% of employees aged 18 and over in England are paid the rLW or more, 88.2% in Wales and 85.4% in Northern Ireland.

The ONS survey also confirms that the Gender Pay Gap is lower in Scotland than across the UK as a whole. For full-time employees the gap is 3.7% compared with the UK figure of  8.3%.

The Scottish Government is committed to tackling the cost of living crisis with a Fair Work approach, ensuring workers are paid at least the rLW – currently £10.90 per hour – and supporting more women into jobs through flexible working opportunities.

Minister for Employment and Fair Work Richard Lochhead said: “The Scottish Government’s commitment to promoting payment of the real Living Wage is a fundamental part of our National Strategy for Economic Transformation and a key cost of living policy to deliver a fairer and more equal society.

“The ONS figures confirm that Scottish employers are leading the way and we can be proud of the progress that has been made.

“There is still work to be done on tackling the gender pay gap, but we are taking steps to make this happen. We will publish our refreshed Fair Work Action Plan later this year, outlining the actions needed to close the gap further and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

“We will continue to work with employers, employability providers and partners to achieve this aim.” 

Read the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings statistics in full here.

Fall Back: Top tips from Alpha Heating as daylight saving time ends

With daylight saving time due to end this Sunday 30 October and with the colder months edging closer, it is worthwhile for homeowners to carry out a few basic checks around their properties now and pre-empt any problems further into winter.

Darran Smith, technical manager for home heating expert Alpha, shares a simple checklist for homeowners to use and help keep their homes warm and cosy throughout the longer nights and winter season …

“Homeowners are advised to get their boilers serviced once every year, however latest research from the Gas Safe Register reveals that almost one third (31%) of UK homeowners skip their annual gas safety checks.

“Whilst it might be tempting to forgo this vital check when faced with the impulse to cut households costs, an annual boiler service can actually ensure that your home heating system is operating at its most efficient through the winter months. Just be sure that the inspection is carried out by a qualified gas safe registered engineer.

“Alongside this, homeowners can carry out a few simple checks in and around the home, especially in preparation for the upcoming longer nights. Worryingly, almost two thirds (63%) do not check and replace batteries in their home carbon monoxide detector.

“Carbon monoxide leaks have been known to cause 40 deaths a year in England and send an additional 4,000 to A&E annually.  This is just an example of how important regular safety checks are, not only regarding carbon monoxide detectors, but smoke alarms too.

“Inside the home, examine window and door frames to ensure they remain weathertight and use weather stripping or caulking to combat any draughts, cracks or leaks.

“Check the loft to make sure it is weathertight and top up the insulation where needed. Inspect your entire plumbing system for leaks and insulate any exposed pipes to reduce the risk of them bursting when temperatures dip below zero. Warm air can even escape through your chimney, installing a chimney draught-excluder could save you some extra money on the energy bill this year.

“Outside, visually inspect your roof for damage and clean gutters and downpipes to prevent the build-up of leaves.  Make sure windowsills are clear so water will drain away properly and check outside drains for pooling of water or blockages. Consider turning off exterior taps and draining/disconnecting hose pipes when the freezing temperatures set in. And with the nights now drawing in, it’s a good idea to inspect any outside lights to keep pathways safe and visible.

“Finally, there are additional routine tasks you can carry out beyond the boiler service to keep everything within your home heating system running smoothly and efficiently. Bleed radiators and review thermostat settings to save energy and money while keeping the temperature in your most frequently used rooms at a comfortable level.”

For more practical tips to reduce your heating bills, check out Alpha Heating Innovation’s handy online guide.

For further information, about Alpha Heating Innovation, visit

FIREWORK SAFETY: Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Smart.

Fireworks and bonfires can be very distressing and dangerous for many people and animals across the country.

Please be aware that it is illegal for the general public to set fireworks off before 6pm and after 11pm in the evening. This extends to midnight on 5 November and 1am on New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali.

The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 includes the prohibition of supplying fireworks or pyrotechnic articles, such as flares, to anyone under the age of 18 and will take effect from this year.

💙Be Safe

– Follow the fireworks code here –…/fireworks-safety.aspx.

– You can enjoy fireworks safely by only attending organised public displays.

💙Be Kind

– Be mindful of the negative effect firework misuse can have on those around you, your neighbours, your community, animals in the area and the environment.

– Find advice specific to animals here –

– Respect and support those who are there to help you like the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland and the NHS.

💙Be Smart

– If it feels wrong or dangerous, walk away.

– Know what to do if someone gets hurt or you see something that worries you.

– You can report fireworks misuse or deliberate fire raising to Police Scotland by calling 101 or if you’re 11+ you can #BeFearless in speaking up about WHO is responsible for crime 100% anonymously at

In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999.

Not following our #FireworkSafety guidance could end in tragic consequences.


Scottish SPCA

Sarah Boyack calls on UK Government to deliver cost of living support

Scottish Labour MSP, Sarah Boyack, has called on the Tory UK Government to get on with delivering their cost of living support package as who do not have a domestic electricity contract are still waiting for details of the support they will receive, despite payments already being made to residents with a domestic energy contract.

People without domestic electricity contracts are still waiting for confirmation that they will receive the £400 Energy Bill Support and how this will be paid to them

In a policy paper, the UK Government confirmed that the support will be provided to those who do not have a direct relationship with an electricity supplier – however, there is still no clarity about the process.

Sarah Boyack, Scottish Labour MSP for Lothian, said: “While there is revolving door for Prime Ministers and Ministers, the Tories are failing to deliver for local residents here in Edinburgh.

“Local residents who do not have a direct relationship with their energy supplier are still waiting for the clarification on how and when they will receive the £400 Energy Bill Support, as the winter weather starts to come in. 

“The cost of living emergency is already starting to bite as more and more families are having to make the choice between heating and eating.

“I have written to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to announce details as soon as possible which will provide certainty to families.”

Nursing graduate wins 2022 Simon Pullin Award

Siobhan Bridges praised for her compassionate care of patients

An Edinburgh Napier University nursing student has an extra reason to celebrate her graduation after being named the 2022 winner of the Simon Pullin Award.

Siobhan Bridges, who is from Portlethen in Aberdeenshire, was praised by the award’s panel for her ability to show empathy in pressured clinical situations.

As well as the accolade, the 21-year-old has picked up a Bachelor of Nursing with Distinction in Adult Nursing during Thursday’s graduation ceremony at the Usher Hall.

Siobhan said: “This is such a great honour and privilege. I got the news on my lunch break at work and I was delighted to find out.

“I had a look at Simon Pullin’s work when I applied, and I was inspired by what he did. He’s a great role model to anyone thinking of applying on the university’s nursing programme in the way he worked with empathy and respect.

“It’s been very challenging to complete a nursing degree through a pandemic, but I am proud of what I have achieved. I’ve been on several different placements, represented the university at a conference in Madrid and I’m now working in the cardiology unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

“If I can do all that during a pandemic, I think I can probably handle anything that gets thrown at me!”

Siobhan drew praise from the award’s review panel for her experience of working with a non-English speaking patient with severe autism and complex learning difficulties by using interactive posters on an iPad, allowing him to communicate. He has since been funded by his care and housing services to use this method going forward.

She also lived up to its spirit of recognising the human side to nursing by calming a patient due to undergo a coronary procedure by telling him about her experience of being diagnosed with a heart murmur as a teenager.

Dr Stephen Smith, from Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Health & Social Care, who led the awarding panel, said: “Siobhan’s entry demonstrated her ability to provide compassionate care and work to a highly professional standard, regardless of the clinical situation and workload pressures.

“Her examples of learning from practice were powerful and touching to read. They showed a beautiful sensitivity and commitment to  compassionate care.”

Jacqueline Johnston, Siobhan’s Personal Development Tutor at Edinburgh Napier University, said: “Siobhan is one of the most professional students I have ever come across both in clinical and university settings.

“She is kind, caring, open, honest and puts her patients at the heart of everything she does.

“I am confident Siobhan will continue to demonstrate compassionate and caring behaviours in her future career.”

Familes can meet Santa at Dobbies

Dog-friendly grottos included in festive line-up in Edinburgh

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is welcoming families in Edinburgh to its unmissable, great-value Santa’s Grotto experience.

This year, kids are invited along to enjoy an immersive visit to the grotto where it will be love at frost sight with the elves taking visitors through a magical woodland, spotting reindeer, rabbits and forest creatures along the way. Children will become Santa’s little helpers, participating in various activities revealed during their visit. 

After lending a helping hand, children will then get to meet Santa himself and receive a special gift. Families can also opt in to purchase a picture of their child with Santa, creating memories to last forever. Santa’s Grotto will be available in Edinburgh from 24 November. 

Dobbies’ Quiet Grotto experience returns this year on 9 December to support children with special needs. Sound and visual elements are adapted to reduce anxiety and ensure every child has an opportunity to meet Santa and his elves.

If you’re looking to get the whole family involved, Dobbies’ Edinburgh store will also offer a Santa Paws grotto experience where dog lovers can bring their pups to see Santa, with a special doggie gift and photo opportunity available. Child tickets can be added to make it a full family experience.

Dobbies’ Partnership and Events Manager, Sarah Murray, said: “Meeting Santa is an important part of Christmas and we’re looking to make this inclusive for all, with quiet and dog-friendly events available in our Edinburgh store.

“We can’t wait to bring the magic of Christmas to life for our customers!”

Advance booking for Dobbies’ Edinburgh Christmas events are recommended to avoid disappointment. All grotto prices have been held, with no price increases.

Customers have the opportunity to make a donation to Dobbies’ national charity partner, Teenage Cancer Trust, when booking online:

  • Santa’s Grotto starts on 24 November, prices from £11.99 per child
  • Santa’s Quiet Grotto is on 9 December, prices from £11.99 per child
  • Santa Paws starts on 3 December, priced at £6.99 per dog

Dobbies offers Book with Confidence. For more info: