The average UK family throws away £350 of food waste each year

Are you chucking away a pound every day?

Roast dinners, strawberries and cream, fish and chips – the UK is clearly a nation of food lovers. But new figures show that we are also a nation of food wasters, with the average family throwing away around £350 of food each year., the food waste collection company that hates waste, thinks that it’s time for the UK to stop throwing away so much food and find new ways to use up all of our produce.

“There are 28 million households in the UK, throwing the equivalent of a pound’s worth of food away every day,” says Mark Hall, spokesman for “We did the maths – that’s over TEN BILLION POUNDS annually.

“Think of how many needy people we could feed with that.”

Crunching the numbers on wasted food

The UK throws away over 9 ½ billion tonnes of food waste a year, enough to fill up the Royal Albert Hall 190 times over.

That’s a total of each household throwing away nearly 2kg of food each day.

And of this waste, 41% of it is thrown away because it wasn’t used in time, 28% because of personal preferences, and 25% of waste is unwanted leftovers.

With this much surplus food being produced and sold across the UK, it’s hard to believe that the numbers of people living in poverty and going hungry are increasing – especially when there’s enough food to go around.

But unfortunately, 8.4 million people in the UK are currently living in food poverty, which is where individuals or families are unable to access or afford food – a circumstance which can be triggered by a personal or financial crisis.

The Trussell Trust, a charity that aim to stop UK hunger, handed out 2.5 million emergency food parcels between April 2020 and March 2021, a 33% increase on the previous year – and 980,000 of these were for children.

Hall: “If we can make the most of what we have across the UK as a collective and find a way to redistribute the good food that is wasted to those that are hungry, we can prevent this unjust behaviour of allowing people to starve when so much is thrown away.

“We’re not a poor country, just a little collective thought will make everything so much better.”

Luckily, there are organisations and charities who are already getting stuck in to make sure good food finds its way to those who need it instead of ending up in the bin.

FareShare – who redistribute surplus food to those in need – provide enough food to create nearly 1 million meals for vulnerable people each week.

The real junk food project – is an organisation that uses food that would otherwise have been discarded from supermarkets, restaurants, and other independent food suppliers to produce meals that are sold on a pay what you want basis

Hall: “We need to expand on this incredible work to make sure it reaches more people, and really tackle the food waste crisis that is drowning the UK under mountains of rotting produce.”

Make your food go further

If like many others up and down the country you are guilty of throwing away perfectly good food, there are plenty of things you can do to try and minimise how much goes in the bin.

Why not try meal planning so you are only buying exactly what you need for the week and try cooking things in bulk and freezing excess portions for easy dinners?

Or you could get creative with new dishes to use up food approaching its use-by date, such as chucking everything into a stir fry, or a everything-but-the-kitchen-sink casserole.

Another simple trick is to make sure you are storing your food correctly to make sure it lasts as long as possible.

Hall: “I didn’t realise until recently that foods like bananas and apples shouldn’t be stored near each other or other fruits and vegetables, because they are highly gaseous and speed up how quickly foods begin to rot.

“You can also use lemon juice to keep cut avocados fresh and put paper towels under leafy greens to make them last longer.”

Finally, look at local charities and organisations to see if there are any ways you can donate food that will not be eaten before it perishes, or try to offer it to friends or neighbours.

So all is not lost, and you can save money and reduce your waste just by planning ahead and getting savvy with the food you already have.

Hall: “But the best tip I can give you is to never go food shopping when you’re hungry – last time I ended up leaving the supermarket with everything for a barbeque and then it rained all week.

“Greed gets the better of us – buy less, make it go further.”

Free Life Coaching for Men

Great opportunity as part of PCHP’s Community Wellbeing Programme:

We are able to offer men fully funded places on a 6 week programme with Leith’s Barry Craig Life Coach, and Exercise trainer.

To book your place call Israel Salinas on 07784 897 607 or email



Sir Chris Hoy joins hundreds of cyclists to ‘Break the Cycle’

Sir Chris Hoy led the way today as he joined hundreds of other cyclists on a charity cycle from Glasgow to Edinburgh to raise money to help build two new villages for people experiencing homelessness.

The Olympic legend completed the 60-mile route to support Social Bite’s ‘Break the Cycle’ campaign which has so far raised over £700,000 as it aims to fund the creation of two new Social Bite Villages in Glasgow and London.

The cyclists set off from the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome and pedalled through to the finish line in Edinburgh, near the Social Bite Village in Granton on Sunday 5 September.

Each of the participating cyclists fundraised since the campaign launched earlier this year, with entrants having access to a host of special prizes, including naming a house at one of the new villages and a signed medal from Sir Chris.

Amongst the 540 participants was former Scotland Rugby player, John Barclay, as well as residents and staff from the Social Bite Village in Edinburgh.

TV fitness guru, Mr Motivator, was also on hand to warm the cyclists up on the start line and welcome them over the finish line at the end of their journey.

Josh Littlejohn MBE, CEO and Co-Founder of Social Bite, who also completed the cycle, said: “It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to cycle alongside a sporting hero like Sir Chris and the hundreds of other passionate supporters that completed the route alongside us.

“Having so many people support the cause is incredibly humbling and Sir Chris’ backing of this campaign has been a major boost in our efforts to raise money for two new villages for people in a situation of homelessness.

“We’re working very hard behind the scenes on the plans for two further Social Bite Villages in not just London and Glasgow but other major cities as well, and the money from Break the Cycle will help turn these plans into a reality. We’re all very grateful to all of our supporters and partners who have helped push the campaign forward.”

As well as the charity cycle, the fundraising campaign has been open to all levels of fitness and ability, with people across the UK taking part in virtual challenges since March to raise money.

Challenges have ranged from long distance challenges, through to different exercise routines depending on what suited people best.

Sir Chris Hoy said: “I’ve been a huge supporter of Social Bite and the incredible work it does for a number of years now.

“I’ve seen the positive impact the charity has on so many people’s lives and I’m really thankful to everyone who has been able to support the Break the Cycle campaign so far.

“It was fantastic to meet all the other cyclists and join them for the ride which will make such a difference to the lives of people experiencing homelessness.”

Since opening in July 2018, Social Bite’s Edinburgh village in partnership with Cyrenians has helped 43 people find their feet again, 100% of the residents in a recent survey preferred living at the Social Bite Village over Hostels or B&Bs.

The village offers a supportive community to help people build an independent life, with the village blueprint offering an alternative to how society responds to homelessness.

Money raised from the Break the Cycle campaign will go towards creating the two highly supported communities with the pro bono help of engineering firm Arup.

10% of funds raised from the event will also be donated to SAMH, the Scottish Association for Mental Health and further funds will be invested in Social Bite’s mission to Break the Cycle of homelessness by providing food, employment opportunities, and housing projects.

To find our more or donate, please visit:

Scotland set to lead UK’s green economic growth

•          Scotland is in pole position to lead the green economic revolution as the UK seeks to recover from the pandemic

•          Scotland has the highest concentration of green jobs in the UK and the highest density of students studying green-related subjects

•          The UK Green Growth Index, developed by Oxford Economics for Lloyds Banking Group, analyses the UK’s readiness to drive a greener economy

Scotland is in the strongest position to drive the growth of the green economy in the UK, according to the UK Green Growth Index, which has been developed by Oxford Economics and Lloyds Banking Group.

The nation leads the Growth Index (80.6) by a significant margin and is best-positioned to support the UK’s green economy based on its existing green infrastructure and future potential.

Scotland has a strong base of 21,000 existing green economy jobs in sectors such as onshore and offshore wind and hydroelectric power. Based on the size of its labour market, Scotland has the highest concentration of green jobs in the UK.

Relative to its population, Scotland also benefits from the largest number of higher education students studying green-related subjects such as engineering and technology, building and planning, and agriculture. The density of students in green-related subjects is more than 27% greater than in second placed Wales.

Philip Grant, chair of Lloyds Banking Group’s Scottish Executive Committee said: “Scotland’s long been at the forefront of energy technology and this research shows how it’s now best-placed to build on that experience and create a more sustainable future.

“Every part of the UK has opportunities to capitalise on green growth, but Scotland’s rich talent pool and skilled workforce give it an edge.

“The report shows a promising start to the transition, but we must accelerate progress towards a greener economy. There couldn’t be a better time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to take place, here in Scotland, in just a few months’ time.

“All eyes will be on the UK, and on Scotland in particular, when it comes to adopting greener ways of living and doing business. As well as being a moment of international cooperation, COP26 is a prompt for us to consider how our domestic economy can thrive in the future.

“We’ll be working with businesses and communities across the country, and throughout the UK, to ensure no nation or region is left behind in the transition to a greener future.”


The UK Green Growth Index explores how well placed the nations and regions across the UK are to capitalise on the opportunities of the green economy – defined as low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.

Currently it is estimated the UK would need to invest £1.4 trillion between 2020 and 2050 with the potential for up to 2.5 million green jobs needed before 2050 to meet its net zero objective by 2050.**

The Index considers each region’s existing base of green industry; innovation activity; take-up of relevant skills and training; and renewable energy infrastructure and use, to determine a ‘Green Growth Opportunity’ score for each part of the UK.

UK Green Growth Index
RankNations and RegionsGreen Growth Opportunity score
3South West England54.6
4South East England52.0
6North of England48.3
7East of England45.6
8Yorkshire and the Humber45.1
9Northern Ireland42.7

Companies across the UK are actively participating in the green economy, according to additional Lloyds Banking Group research provided by YouGov.

More than one-third of UK businesses (36%) say engaging in the green economy is a high or very high priority for their company, rising to more than half (55%) of large organisations.***

A quarter of those in North East England (26%), London (25%) and South West England (25%) say participating in the green economy is something they’re already exploring or operating in.***

Heart of Newhaven: September newsletter

Welcome to your September Newsletter
(And this is mostly a pictorial one)

As you must know by now, the Heart will be all about “inter-generational” activities and what better way to explain this than by this photo: 99 year old David Flucker a former pupil at Victoria Primary School, and two current pupils Uma and Aubrée, chatting about what school was or is like for them.

The meeting took place in front of STV cameras as the news team filmed a piece on what we’re all about.

Two of our trustees and one of our volunteers also spoke to camera and while we don’t yet know when it will be aired, we’re hopeful it will be soon.

The next photo comes from our Thank-You event, held outdoors in the school playground.

The aim was for volunteers who have contributed to our journey so far, to meet each other and the trustees, given that most communication for them has been online up until now. Volunteers Lesley, Anna, and Simon provided the food and drink and a good time was had by all.

Most really appreciated the opportunity to finally meet face to face and enjoy a blether in the sunshine.

Pictured is Lesley with her magnificent thank-you cake.

Now, check out a new page of the website, It will be all about the environment and especially what we can do to improve it.

Take a look at this example: an unloved carpark area which could be transformed by the addition of a few plants and a bench, where people could meet and chat together in pleasant surroundings instead of hurrying away as fast as possible.

So head to the new page and then you can contact our “environment champion” with your own ideas.

A final photo:

Join Victoria Primary School and celebrate an inclusive community art initiative. It is planned to highlight the school’s important link to the cultural heritage of Newhaven as a fishing village and is to mark the move to the new building.

The school is seeking help in the form of cutting out wooden fish that are to be decorated before they are returned to school to be placed on permanent display.

Please contact Mrs Hilary Gorrie, Depute Head Teacher, at if you are able to offer carpentry support.

Finally, The Heart of Newhaven Community Board was thrilled to receive a letter of congratulations from local MP Deirdre Brock, expressing her pleasure at the Scottish Land Fund news and wishing the project every success. It’s nice to be appreciated!

 Coming up next month: decoration and placement of the Friendship Benches and an exciting new collaborative event to be held in Ocean Terminal

Scotland’s biggest ever flu vaccine programme launches tomorrow

Primary and secondary school pupils will start receiving their flu vaccine tomorrow (Monday) as Scotland’s biggest flu immunisation programme gets underway.

Over four million people will be offered the free flu vaccine this year with secondary school pupils eligible for the first time.  

Running until December all primary and secondary school pupils will be offered the vaccine which is given as a painless nasal spray.

Public Health Minister Maree Todd said: “More people than ever are being offered the flu vaccine and we hope to see a large uptake amongst pupils as we aim to keep flu out of schools this year. 

“If you’ve not missed the deadline for returning consent forms to your school, I’d urge you to complete and return these now.  Last year with the public health measures that were in place, there was lower levels of flu than there has been in previous years so our immunity levels to flu may be lower this year.

“The vaccines are safe and the best way to help protect you, and others, from flu this winter.”

The flu virus changes every year, so you need to get the vaccine every year to stay protected. The flu vaccine cannot give you flu, but it can stop you catching it. The COVID-19 vaccine does not offer any protection from flu, you need to get the separate flu vaccine.

In a small number of cases, the nasal spray may not be suitable, and the vaccine can be given as an injection in the arm instead.

For more information about the flu vaccine, visit, call 0800 030 8013, or speak to a health or immunisation team, practice nurse, or GP.

While the flu vaccination programme will get underway tomorrow, the decision on Covid vaccinations for 12 – 15 year olds is still to be taken.

Health Ministers of the devolved nations wrote to their respective Chief Medical Officers on Friday to seek further advice.

The joint letter reads:

Dear UK Chief Medical Officers,

We are writing on behalf of the 4 nations of the UK following the recent JCVI discussions on 1 and 2 September regarding the COVID-19 vaccination of children and young people aged 12 to 15.

JCVI has updated its advice on this topic. This advice says that the committee is of the opinion that the health benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential harms. However, that margin of benefit, based primarily on a health perspective, is considered too small to support advice on a universal programme of vaccination of otherwise healthy 12 to 15-year-old children at this time.

The JCVI’s advice goes on to suggest that the government may wish to take further advice, including on educational impacts, from the chief medical officers of the 4 nations, with representation from JCVI in these subsequent discussions.

We agree with the approach suggested by JCVI, and so we are writing to request that you take forward work (drawing on experts as you see fit) to consider the matter from a broader perspective, as suggested by the JCVI.

We will consider the advice from the CMOs of the 4 nations, building on the JCVI’s advice, in making our decision. Given the importance of this issue, we would be grateful if you could provide your advice as soon as possible.

Sajid Javid MP
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, HM Government

Eluned Morgan AS/MS
Y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
Minister for Health and Social Services, Welsh Government

Humza Yousaf MSP
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government

Robin Swann MLA
Minister of Health, Northern Ireland Executive

6,152 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Scotland yesterday.

Arthur’s Seat death: Man charged

Police have confirmed that a man has been charged in connection with the suspicious death of a woman in Holyrood Park.

Police and emergency services were called to Arthur’s Seat in Holyrood Park at around 9pm on Thursday, 2 September, 2021. A 31-year-old woman died at the scene a short time later and her death is being treated as suspicious.

She can be named as Fawziyah Javed from Pudsey, West Yorkshire.

A 27-year-old man was arrested in connection with the incident and has now been charged. He is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday, 6 September, 2021.

Detective Inspector Bob Williamson said: “Fawziyah’s family ask for their privacy to be respected during this extremely difficult time.“I’d like to thank the officers and partners who attended the scene on Thursday evening and have assisted with our ongoing enquiries.”

Scottish Office minister goes back to the future in Orkney

Clean energy and tourism were top of the agenda as UK Government Minister for Scotland Iain Stewart took a fact finding trip to Orkney at the end of August.

The Minister met with Orkney Islands Council leaders and key stakeholders as he toured the archipelago to see first hand how it’s using its Neolithic ruins and world leading renewables expertise to deliver a bright future.

He heard how the UK Government’s £50 million contribution to the Islands Growth Deal will help Orkney stay at the cutting edge of green energy and boost tourism.

The £335 million Islands Growth Deal is a partnership between the UK and Scottish governments and organisations across Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides.

Among the facilities the Minister visited in Stromness were the Orkney Research and Innovation Campus for renewables research and Aquatera/European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) who have established the Islands Centre for Net Zero to pool efforts in the race to reach net zero.

The Minister met with Highlands and Islands Airport Ltd at Kirkwall Airport to hear about the development of electric planes and saw a Hydrogen Filling Station in action at Hatston, before meetings with council leaders for a discussion on energy, digital connectivity and COP26, which Shetland Islands Council also joined.

He completed his visits with the world famous, 5,000-years-old Skara Brae village and heard about plans to increase visitor numbers to boost the local economy.

Minister Stewart said: “It was a great experience to visit Orkney and I’m delighted the Islands Deal Growth deal is going to help develop the future of the archipelago alongside Shetland and the Outer Hebrides.

“I saw how Orkney has the potential to generate through wind, waves and tides, a vast amount of the renewable energy that the UK needs to get towards net-zero. I really do believe that Orkney can be a trailblazer.

“But it’s not all about the present and future. Skara Brae, a 5000-years-old Neolithic village, is an incredibly important tourist destination, not just in Orkney, but a World Heritage Site.

“I look forward to seeing how, with the help of UK Government funding, experts will develop this as a destination both to make it more sustainable and cope with hopefully ever-increasing numbers as tourism returns after the pandemic.

Meat your heart out!

– Made fresh in-store on Morrisons Market Street Pizza Counters for just £2.89 –
– Toppings include onion rings, smoky bacon, Monterey jack cheese, spicy beef, jalapeños, mozzarella and Red’s dirty burger sauce –
– Made to share with family or friends on a night in –

Morrisons has combined two of the nation’s favourite takeaway foods in an ultimate pizza mashup. 

Available now, Morrisons new Dirty Burger Pizza brings together the best bits of a truly indulgent burger on a 10 inch stonebaked pizza base. 

Priced at just £2.89, the new Dirty Burger Pizza is perfect for sharing with friends as a treat on a night in. 

It is topped with onion rings, smoky bacon, Monterey jack cheese, spicy beef, jalapeños, dollops of Red’s dirty burger sauce and finished with a sprinkling of mozzarella cheese. 

Research conducted by YouGov earlier this year revealed that pizza is the most popular takeaway for under 24s, with almost a quarter (23%) saying it was their treat of choice. 

Morrisons limited-edition Dirty Burger Pizza, will help customers enjoy their favourite treat, for a fraction of the cost of similar pizzas from other high street chains. 

Leanne Cory, Pizza Buyer at Morrisons, said: “We know our customers love both burgers and pizzas and we’ve had loads of fun coming up with this new limited edition on our Market Street counter. At less than three pounds, all our customers can enjoy this delicious treat, even on a budget.” 

The Dirty Burger Pizza is available now from Morrisons Market Street Pizza Counter and will be made fresh in store by Morrisons foodmakers every day until Sunday 19th September. 

For more information, visit