Dear North Edinburgh Arts Friend,

North Edinburgh Arts Board and Director have been working in partnership with Council officers to develop the Planning application for the MacMillan Hub submitted last week.
Details and a link to the full application on the planning portal can be accessed here:
NEA are continuing to work on the costs and timetable for the MacMillan Hub, focusing on the extension and refurbishment of our building as an integral part of the Hub. Our Fundraiser, Roger Horam at Red Lynx, and Board continue to apply for funding and have had positive meetings with a range of statutory and third sector funders.
On 3 June 2021 the Council agreed to put forward NEA for consideration as part of the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund. On 10 June 2021 the Council agreed to put NEA, as a key part of the MacMillan Hub, forward for the UK Levelling Up Fund.
This fund needs support from our local MP, and we thank Christine Jardine MP for her support. We would be grateful, too, for your support of NEA’s ambitious plan, and welcome any input you may be able to make, on behalf of our community, to decision makers at both the Scottish and Westminster Governments who will be assessing our applications for funding.
If you have any questions or want more information please get in touch with us by emailing our Director Kate Wimpress at
I also would like to invite you to our forthcoming General Meeting on 21 July 2021 at 6.30pm, most likely to be held via Zoom, and would be pleased to speak with you then if you are able to attend.
Yours sincerely
Lesley Hinds
Chair, North Edinburgh Arts
on behalf of the North Edinburgh Arts’ Board of Trustees