More cash for Scottish carers

As part of the next emergency coronavirus legislation, the Scottish Government is proposing an additional £19.2 million investment in Carer’s Allowance Supplement.

Around 4,735 in Edinburgh benefitting from this additional financial support. 

This is in recognition of the additional pressure that carers are under as a result of the ongoing pandemic.

If approved by parliament, around 83,000 eligible carers will get an extra £230.10  through a special one-off Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement in June.

As with the current supplement, they will not need to do anything to get this extra payment as it will be paid automatically to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance.

This would mean that carers receive an additional £690.30 this year on top of their Carer’s Allowance and any other income. This supplement is not paid in the rest of the UK.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “We introduced the Carer’s Allowance Supplement to recognise the important contribution unpaid carers play in our society.

“They provide vital support to family, friends and neighbours. Our collective efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus will see many of these carers experiencing additional pressures, particularly financial, right now.

“The payment will benefit carers who are on low incomes and already have some of the most intense caring roles, providing at least 35 hours unpaid care weekly to a disabled child or adult in receipt of higher level disability benefits.

“This additional payment would be an acknowledgement to carers that we know that they are doing even more right now, and we thank you.”

Around 4,735 carers in Edinburgh are due to benefit from the one-off payment, which will be paid automatically to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance. 

Pentlands MSP Gordon MacDonald said: “Carers in Edinburgh make an absolutely vital contribution to our society, and it’s only appropriate that their hard work is valued and they are properly supported by the Scottish Government. 

“This one-off payment will benefit carers who are on low incomes and already have some of the most intense caring roles, providing at least 35 hours unpaid care weekly to a disabled child or adult in receipt of higher level disability benefits. 

“This additional payment will be an acknowledgement to carers that we know they are providing vital support to family, friends and neighbours, and playing an absolutely crucial role in our collective efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus. 

“I am delighted that carers across Edinburgh are being recognised by the SNP Government for the important contribution they make to our communities in these extremely difficult circumstances.”

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