Five star status for Jim Clark Museum

As the Jim Clark Motorsport Museum in Duns, Scottish Borders, opened to the public for the new season yesterday, the partners who collaborated on the project are celebrating 5-Star status awarded by VisitScotland.

The museum opened to the public on 11 July 2019 following a £1.6 million partnership project – the museum welcomed 13,000 visitors in its first six months as well as securing its first award, notably from the Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards.

The new museum was visited and assessed by VisitScotland Quality Tourism Advisors and was awarded the prestigious 5-Star Museum grading – the first museum in the Scottish Borders to receive this accolade and one of only nine 5-Star visitor attractions in the region.

Developed and improved for over 30 years, VisitScotland’s Quality Assurance scheme is delivered by a dedicated team of experts who offer valuable business advice and support.

The scheme is not just about driving standards; it aims to help businesses reach their full potential so they can reap the benefits and secure their success. That in turn delivers benefits for the economy of their region and for Scotland’s tourism industry.

For the start of the season, the museum is hosting a new exhibition, Clark on Canvas. This evocative exhibition of artworks depicts 1960s motor racing, when Jim Clark was the dominant driver.

The artwork has been loaned to the museum by the Guild of Motoring Artists, an international group dedicated to automotive art. Visitors will be able to purchase paintings from the exhibition, which runs to 30 November 2020.

Ewan Jackson, Chief Executive Officer for charity Live Borders who operate the museum, said: “As operators of museums, galleries and attractions across the Scottish Borders, it was an honour to have a team working on this project – to secure 5-Star status from VisitScotland reinforces the quality of the team, their creative vision and focus on customer experience.

“Thank you and well done to everyone who has worked with us to secure this brilliant accolade.

“Positive cultural exhibitions and celebrating our local heritage is very much in line with Live Borders’ commitment to communities across the Borders being healthier, happier and stronger.”

VisitScotland Regional Leadership Director, Paula Ward, said: “Congratulations to the Jim Clark Motorsport Museum on this fantastic achievement.

“The 5-Star award recognises the exceptional customer service experience for visitors to the museum and is a great addition to the quality offering in the Scottish Borders.

“Delivering a quality experience that meets, and exceeds, visitor expectations is crucial in making Scotland a must-visit, must-return destination and the re-opening of the museum has been a huge success, helping to propel the Scottish Borders into the spotlight.

“Our Quality Assurance scheme helps businesses to reach their full potential and truly shine. The scheme is about more than just the ‘stars’ on the door – it’s about the entire visitor experience, about investing in your business, driving-up quality and creating jobs.”

Councillor Euan Jardine, Scottish Borders Council’s Executive Member for Culture and Sport, said: “The 5-Star award is fantastic recognition for everyone that has played a part in making this museum a reality and delivered the highest quality visitor experience since it opened.

“This is an incredible museum which truly does justice to one of the world’s greatest sportsmen and I am sure many more visitors will enjoy all it has to offer in its first full season.”

Douglas Bell, from The Jim Clark Trust, said: “We are delighted with the new VisitScotland Award and congratulations all the partners and supporters involved. It really is a very special museum. 

“The design and display of memorabilia, trophies, film, imagery and race cars are a wonderful tribute to Jim Clark. The staff are warm, welcoming and insightful. Jim was a farmer at heart and now recognised as one of the greatest motor racing drivers of all time. We look forward to welcoming visitors to learn more about his remarkable story to inspire future generations.”

Coinciding with the opening of the museum for the spring and summer tourism season, a new Jim Clark Trail has been announced to enhance the experience of visitors.

The Jim Clark Trail is a 50-mile scenic driving tour celebrating the beauty of the Scottish Borders, the heritage of motorsport and wider culture attractions in the area. The museum has fast become a magnet for classic and sports car enthusiasts.

The new trail is a driving adventure for all visitors to discover the stories and places behind the famous Berwickshire farmer whilst promoting tourism ‘pit stops’ in the region.

Follow the Jim Clark Motorsport Museum on social media #JimClarkMotorsportMuseum @liveborders @JimClarkTrust @scotborders

Local Community Council meets tomorrow

This is to confirm that the next meeting of West Pilton & West Granton Community Council will take place at 7pm in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesday 3 March.
If you are an elected official or community council member and cannot attend then please submit your apologies to me by 5pm on Tuesday.
I attach an agenda for the meeting and minutes of the February meeting.  As agreed last time, we will have a more detailed discussion into the issue of waste, dumping and flytipping.
See you on Tuesday.
Peter Faassen de Heer
Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council

Which? – We need a Pensions Dashboard

Which? is calling for the urgent introduction of a comprehensive pensions dashboard after an investigation exposed how the current system leaves workers struggling to track down and understand their retirement pots.

The consumer champion challenged 12 volunteers to track down key pieces of information about each of their 38 pension schemes, to see what difficulties they faced.

Of the volunteers, nine (75%) encountered gaps in their data, while only three (25%) were able to find all the requested information via paper statements, online accounts and phone calls.

Some volunteers struggled to find the value of their pension or projected entitlement under a defined benefit scheme. One was told by their provider that they had to wait 40 working days – almost two months – for a new statement to give the information.

Several participants discovered worrying errors. Among the top concerns consumers had was missing information – particularly when it came to pension charges and investment strategy, with some unable to find anything at all about either.

Which? also found that even where information was available, it wasn’t always correct.

One participant, 36, from London, had a shock when she started looking at her pension with her last employer, a US-based marketing agency using a UK payroll provider.

For a period of eight months, pension payments had been deducted from her salary, but neither this money nor any company contributions had found their way into her pension account – potentially breaking the law through non-payment of contributions.

Other volunteers found that pension company mergers and takeovers can add to the sense of confusion, with one having historic correspondence from three different providers for the same scheme. This was after her pension company was first taken over by another provider and then her employer switched its nominated firm.

The new research was published as Westminster debated the Pension Schemes Bill, which legislates for the introduction of a pensions dashboard.

In a separate survey, Which? asked more than 300 members across the UK whether they would use a pensions dashboard to manage their retirement and what they most wanted to see included in it.

More than three quarters (77%) said they would be likely to use the dashboard to find out about their pensions.

Among the top requests for inclusion on the dashboard was an update on the state pension, with nearly three quarters (74%) wanting to know how much they’d get at state pension age.

Almost two thirds (62%) were keen to have a projection of their future retirement income, while more than half (55%) wanted to know their current pension value and a similar number (54%) wanted to see charges.

Which? has long called for the introduction of a pensions dashboard to ensure that savers can see all their pensions in one place.

The consumer champion has pressed the government to ensure that a dashboard provides people with relevant information about all of their pension pots in one place – including the state pension. The dashboard must also publish key information such as charges and income projection figures, to ensure savers are equipped with the information they need to plan for their future.

The pensions dashboard project was first announced in the 2016 Budget and the government originally promised to ensure that it was designed, funded and launched by 2019. But a prototype version won’t probably be available until 2021 at the earliest.

Gareth Shaw, Head of Money at Which?, said: “A pensions dashboard could be a game changer for consumers who have struggled for too long with a complex, fragmented pensions system.

“For the millions of pension savers to get genuine benefit from a dashboard, the government must use this opportunity to ensure that it delivers all the information consumers need to see including their charges, income projection figures and state pension entitlement.”

Which?’s Pensions Planner checklist:

  • Get to grips with the basics: ask for an up-to-date statement if you haven’t had one in a while and make sure any online log-ins still work.
  • Update your details: if you haven’t updated your address since moving, your pension statements may end up with someone else.
  • Nominate a beneficiary: after your death, most pension schemes will allow anyone to inherit your pension.
  • Find lost savings: the Pensions Tracing Service is a free service that searches a database of more than 200,000 workplace and personal pension schemes.

Scottish plans for VE Day

A series of events to mark 75 years since Victory in Europe Day has been announced by Holyrood’s Veterans Minister Graeme Dey.

The commemorations will honour the service and dedication of all those who helped secure peace, including those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Events, delivered in partnership by the Scottish Government, Legion Scotland and Poppyscotland, include a parade through Edinburgh on 8 May, a free open-air concert and an RAF flypast.

World War II veterans and their carers are being offered free travel and accommodation in Edinburgh.

Communities across Scotland will be encouraged to host their own commemorative events and schools will be given learning packs to help pupils understand the significance of VE Day.

The Scottish Government and Legion Scotland are providing more than £50,000 to help fund the programme of events.

Veterans Minister Graeme Dey said: “Although three quarters of a century have passed since the end of World War II, we must never forget the sacrifices made by those from across the Commonwealth and Allied nations.

“Their service allowed us to enjoy the freedoms and relative peace we now take for granted and it is important veterans of the War are central to these commemorations.

“I encourage communities from across Scotland to be part of this inclusive, welcoming and poignant event.”

Dr Claire Armstrong, chief executive of Legion Scotland, added: “The 75th anniversary of VE Day is a hugely important moment in our nation’s history. 

“It is a time for communities from across Scotland to join together in celebration and commemoration, and we want to ensure that those who sacrificed so much during World War II take centre stage.

“I therefore encourage applications from veterans and anyone else who directly contributed to the war effort to be part of these events.”

On 7 May 1945, Nazi Germany formally and unconditionally surrendered to the Allied Forces, bringing to an end six years of war.

The following day was declared VE (Victory in Europe) Day and millions of people celebrated, marking the victory with street parties, dancing and singing.

The Scottish Government has moved the May Bank holiday to 8 May to coincide with the VE Day anniversary.

The parade will feature vintage military vehicles, motorcycles from Legion Scotland’s Riders Branch, pipe bands, veterans, current personnel from the Armed Forces, horses and youth groups.

The concert will be held in Princes Street Gardens and will follow the theme of Scotland’s involvement in World WarII .

Those wishing to apply to be part of the VE Day 75 events should email or telephone 0131 550 1562.

Police appeal following Morningside assault

Police are appealing for information after a 32-year-old man was assaulted and robbed in Morningside at 10pm on Friday (28 February).

The victim was near the junction of Cluny Avenue and Hermitage Terrace when he was approached by two men and assaulted and robbed. He was unhurt but shocked by the incident.

He was robbed of a two figure sum of money, an Apple laptop and iPhone.

One of the suspects is described as white, in his late 20’s to early 30’s, 5’9” in height, of slim build, wearing grey coloured hooded top with hood up, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and had a local accent.

The second suspect is about 5’8” in height, wearing a dark coloured jacket.

The suspects ran off in the direction of Hermitage Terrace.

Anyone with any information should contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting 4322 of 28 February or speak to any police officers.

Alternatively if you have any information about the incident you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form at

New play equipment at West Pilton Park

A new play park and outdoor gym was opened in West Pilton last week.  Councillor Susan Rae cut the tape with Friends of West Pilton Park’s Sara Martin, ELGT’s Charlie Cummings and Scotland Manager of Fields in Trust, Colin Rennie.

Children from Pirniehall and Forthview Primary schools also braved the weather to check out the new facilities.

You can learn more about the development and watch an interview with Susan, Sara and Colin who talk about the importance of developing greenspaces and supporting local communities in urban areas here.

Founder Member of Friends of West Pilton Park, Parklife, Sara Martin said: “The local residents are delighted with the new junior play park and outdoor gym facilities.

“The old play parks were disjointed, very limited and definitely past their sell-by-date. The newly upgraded play park and outdoor gym are so much more interesting, with lots of exciting new equipment to try out and enjoy.

“Thank you Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust for delivering it.”

Coronavirus: First case in Scotland

A patient has been diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland. Following a positive test result for the virus, the patient has been admitted to hospital and is now receiving treatment in isolation.

There are now 36 cases across the UK.

The patient is a resident of the Tayside area and has recently travelled from northern Italy. Clinicians have already begun contact tracing, the process of gathering details of the places they have visited and the people they have been in contact with since returning to the UK.

It is important to note that this does not involve people the patient may have passed on the street or in a shop as the risk in these situations is very low. Close contact involves either face to face contact or spending more than 15 minutes within two metres of an infected person.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon chaired a meeting of the Scottish Government Resilience Committee (SGoRR) last night and will be taking part in the UK Government’s resilience (COBR) meeting chaired by the Prime Minister this morning.

Further cases are expected in Scotland and SGoRR will meet again later today.

There have been a total of 698 negative test results in Scotland since the start of the outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

According to Scottish and UK protocol all patients presenting with a history and symptoms which may be suggestive of coronavirus will be isolated and appropriate infection prevention and control measures put in place.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Our first thoughts must be with the patient diagnosed with coronavirus, I wish them a speedy recovery.

“Scotland is well-prepared for a significant outbreak of coronavirus but there is currently no treatment or vaccine. Early detection measures will continue to be vital in helping to prevent the spread of the virus.

“People have a vital role to play in helping us contain any outbreak by following the latest health and travel advice, and following basic hygiene precautions, such as washing hands frequently, not touching their face and covering their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.” 

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood said: “Firstly our thoughts are with the person who has been diagnosed, and with their family. I would like to thank all the health professionals who continue to be involved in their care and treatment.

“Scotland is well equipped to deal with infections of this kind. We have a proven track record of dealing with challenging health issues, and have been preparing for this possibility since the beginning of the outbreak in Wuhan.

“This is peak season for respiratory and flu-like illness. There will be people presenting with symptoms of acute respiratory illness but these cases are highly unlikely to be coronavirus (COVID-19).

“We practice and prepare our response to disease outbreaks and follow tried and tested procedures, following the highest safety standards possible for the protection of NHS staff, patients and the public.”

The positive sample has been sent to Public Health England’s Colindale laboratory in London for a confirmatory test. Scottish Laboratories will send all positive samples to Public Health England’s WHO designated Colindale laboratory for confirmatory testing.

Advice for travellers who have visited affected areas is available at NHS Inform.

More advice on travel can be found on Fit for Travel and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

NHS Inform Q&A

Up to date information on the situation in Scotland is being published by Scottish Government.