Letters: Mutual appreciation society!

Dear Dave

Thank you for your NEN reporting of my birthday and my letter. It was quite a surprise and very pleasing to read the good words written.

But Dave, without all your work very little that is spoke or written about would not exist.

So Dave, congratulations to you and many sincere thanks. I too wish that ‘Lang may your lumb reek’!

Very best wishes for all of 2020.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Thanks, Tony – much appreciated! – Ed

Did you see Dalry Road accident?

Police in Edinburgh are continuing to appeal for the help of the public following a crash last week. Officers are appealing for witnesses to come forward following the incident at 5.40pm on Monday, 13 January, on Dalry Road.

A man was involved in a collision with a green Ford Focus while crossing the road near to the junction with Murieston Crescent.

The 42-year-old man suffered minor injuries and was taken to hospital as a precaution after being treated by the Scottish Ambulance Service at the scene.

The driver of the car stopped and is assisting officers.

Anyone who saw the collision is asked to come forward to try and assist with enquiries.

Sergeant Jill Kirkpatrick from Edinburgh’s Road Policing Unit said: “The area was busy due to the time of day and I would encourage anyone who witnessed the collision, and who hasn’t already spoken to us, to come forward.

“Fortunately the pedestrian was not seriously injured and both he and the driver of the vehicle are assisting us with our ongoing enquiries.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 2887 of 13 January.

Curry and Ceilidh: Come Dine With Us!

  • Come dine with celebrity chef TONY SINGH and TV presenter GAIL PORTER this Valentine’s Day
  •  In support of two wonderful charities – Pulse of the Place and Army Benevolent Fund (ABF) The Soldiers’ Charity”

A top Edinburgh fundraising team has created a sizzling Curry & Ceilidh night to help send North Leith youth samba band, Pulse of The Place, to New York City Tartan Week this April, as well as supporting the fundraising efforts of the ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.

The exciting Curry and Ceilidh, masterminded by celebrity chef Tony Singh MBE and Major Del Hamilton, Personnel Recovery Centre (PRC) Edinburgh aims to build on the work by Tania Pramschufer and Olya Arren of Hand Up Events who have been the driving force behind the NYC trip.

The 2020 vision for this year’s trip to the Big Apple is to provide young drummers with a new and exciting platform to perform at while joining the World Fair Trade Tartan Clan at the annual Tartan Week Parade.

Pulse of the Place has undertaken a serious fund-raising campaign to underpin their efforts over the past year and are making a the last hard effort to secure all the necessary funding. On hearing their plans, chef Tony Singh has drawn in huge support from the army Personnel Recovery Centre’s Edinburgh team  to make the evening a “sought after” Valentine’s Day event at the exclusive Redford Barracks Garrison Sergeants’ Mess – this February the 14th.”

The evening will lift off with celebrity hosts Tony Singh showcasing his culinary skills and TV presenter Gail Porter adding her infectious fun touch to the exciting auction with a chance to bid for some luxury prizes, including:

*Three course dinner for six held exclusively in the Green Room, Edinburgh Castle Officers Mess;

*One o’Clock Gun at Edinburgh Castle for a family or a group of four people to have a memorable opportunity in getting a full insight into the One O’clock Gun at Edinburgh Castle.  This will be followed by an exclusive lunch in the Castle Officers Mess.

*Dinner Bed & Breakfast for Two (Sun – Thurs) at Dunkeld House Hotel – one night stay in a double or twin guest bedroom with 3 course dinner and full Scottish breakfast as well as full use of the Estate Club.

Guests will also enjoy a performance from Pulse of the Place drummers and of course there will be all mighty Cheilidh taking place – compering for the ceilidh band “Drop of the Good Stuff” guaranteeing a full on fun night! Great beats and dancing the night away, Gail will talk the guests through the steps, meaning all levels are welcome to join.

Celebrity chef, Tony Singh MBE, said: “As soon as I heard about the fundraising plans to get the young drummers to New York – I thought I had to be able to help in some way.

“These are an incredible young group, who sometimes against the odds, come out playing, smiling and lifting people’s spirits.  Gaining the backing of the wonderful army Personnel Recovery Centre team has been a real boost –  and a really fun event to be involved in – especially as we will be fundraising for both charities.

So we are encouraging people to do something different on Valentine’s Day this year and join us at an incredaible location Redford Barracks for some great food and ceilidh on down! Singles, couples, friends, relatives, collegues – a night for everyone!”

Host of the evening TV presenter, author and journalist Gail Porter said: “I have been on stage with Pulse of the Place at the events organised by Hand Up Events a number of times now and they really do represent a truly professional and vibrant samba style with a Scottish twist.

“It will be an amazing sight and sound to see them march as part of the World Fair Trade Tartan Clan, in the Tartan Day Parade.”

Major Del Hamilton RLC, Officer Commanding, Personnel Recovery Centre Edinburgh added: “This is a terrific opportunity for us to showcase the hugely important work of the ABF The Soldiers’ Charity which provides an incredibly important service to many soldiers, veterans and their immediate families when they are most in need.

“This fundraiser will help give us the ongoing funds and profile for our charity. In addition, it is a great collaboration and way to bring our skills and talents together to create a fun, one off event and give our backing to these young people. Our ceilidh band “Drop of the Good Stuff” and the ABF team are ready to make the night a memorable one.”

Event organiser & director, Tania Pramschufer, Hand Up Events said: “We are just over the moon with the support we have been given by Major Del Hamilton and his Personal Recovery Centre team alongside Tony and Gail.

“It is a real honour to hold this fun event in the exclusive Redford Barracks Garrison Sergeants’ Mess and join efforts in support of Pulse of the Place and ABF The Soldiers’ Charity. Both charities, even though different in nature, have got positive impact and outlook, that we want to draw attention to and raise funds for!

“Pulse of the Place have participated in events organised by Hand Up Events and performed in the Scottish Parliament and at a number of concerts and events including the World Fair Trade Fiesta 2017; fashionABLE fashion shows; World Fair Trade Day 2019 at the Usher Hall alongside our very own Gail Porter and now aim to represent Scotland at the Tartan Day Parade 2020.”  

All profits from the event will go to the two charities Pulse of the Place and the ABF The Soldiers’ Charity. No fees have been paid to hosts or third parties.

Event Brite link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/valentines-curry-ceilidh-tickets-90060694963?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Pulse of the Place Fundraiser: https://www.givey.com/2020visionpulseoftheplacetonyc

Valentine’s Day Curry Ceilidh tickets are £50 per person. Limited to 100 tickets.
Book now to avoid disappointment.

Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/valentines-curry-ceilidh-tickets-90060694963?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Could you help someone when they are most in need?

The Royal Air Forces Association, which supports the wellbeing of RAF veterans, serving personnel and their dependants, needs more befrienders and caseworkers to meet growing demand for its services. 

While volunteers are sought across Scotland, the greatest need is in the Central Belt, including the Edinburgh and Glasgow areas, where many RAF veterans and their spouses have settled in their retirement.

The charity’s Director of Welfare and Policy, Rory O’Connor, said beneficiaries’ needs ranged from requiring help to fill out forms for hardship grants to seeking a friend to talk with on a regular basis.

Rory said: “Sometimes we help people with more complex situations, so all our volunteers are fully trained to be able to offer, or signpost to, the appropriate help.” 

One of the charity’s volunteers, George Prentice, of Eyemouth, was able to use his RAF Association caseworker training to make a real difference to a couple who found themselves in a seemingly impossible situation.

George went to the aid of ex-pats Tina and John Wren as they were trying to come to terms with news that John needed an urgent triple heart bypass. 


George (above (centre) with Tina and John) said: “That news would be scary enough for anyone, but it was made worse by the fact that John’s diagnosis came while the couple were on a short visit to their native Scotland – a long way from their home in Malta!” 

John, an Army retiree, had collapsed with a heart attack while watching a football match at Edinburgh’s Murrayfield Stadium, and was resuscitated at the scene.

Having only been prepared to stay in Scotland for a few weeks, John and Tina, a former RAF Aircraftwoman, suddenly found themselves in need of local accommodation and financial support.

Tina’s service with the RAF meant that she and John were eligible for Association support, so the charity passed on the couple’s call for help to George.

Retired RAF Corporal George visited them in the hospital where John was being treated, and quickly got to grips with the situation.

He swiftly enlisted support from the charity’s Malta and Edinburgh branches to help the couple relocate their lives back to their native Scotland. He also applied on their behalf for funding from other military charities.

George, who subsequently received a British Empire Medal for his charity work over many years, helped the couple to find accommodation in Stirling, where Tina was able to care for John during his long recovery.

Tina said: “Our lives were turned upside down that summer almost three years ago, but, thanks to George and the RAF Association, we’re now back on track. 

“John’s heart attack, major surgery and recovery was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to live through, so I don’t know what I’d have done without the help of an RAF Association volunteer.”

The RAF Association has approximately 1,000 welfare volunteers from a range of backgrounds throughout the UK. While many are retired, some are working-aged, and usually give two or more hours a week. A military background is not necessary to become a volunteer.

More information for anyone interested in volunteering to become either a caseworker, like George, or an RAF Association befriender, is available at: https://www.rafa.org.uk/volunteer/ 

Sheriffhall objections reach 2400 with one week to go

Around 2,500 objections have been lodged to a proposed £120m development of Sheriffhall roundabout on the Edinburgh City bypass, with a week still to go on the Transport Scotland consultation.

Lothians Scottish Green MSP Alison Johnstone, who launched the campaign last week, said the objections must be considered by the Scottish Government when planning all future road expansion projects.

This follows a report by the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Commission this week which advised ministers there should be “a presumption in favour of future-proofing and maintaining our existing road network, rather than building new capacity”, because of the climate emergency.

Responding, Alison Johnstone said: “I’m delighted but not surprised by the interest in my campaign. We’ve known since the 1960s that building more roads increases traffic, yet it’s a model the Scottish Government seems determined to repeat again and again. They told us the Queensferry Crossing would make more people use public transport, yet we’ve seen a million more car journeys over the Forth.

“Even the written proposal for Sheriffhall admits the development will increase congestion in and out of Edinburgh. It’s time we started building the sustainable neighbourhoods of the future instead of repeating the mistakes of the past, especially considering the urgency of the climate emergency.

“Instead of roundabouts and ringroads, the Scottish Government must listen to their own advisers and reduce the cost of public transport, increase its capacity and reach, and make our journeys by cycling and walking as pleasant and safe as possible.”

Actor Mark Bonnar becomes patron of Heart Research UK

Scottish actor Mark Bonnar, star of Guilt, Line of Duty and Shetland, is to become a patron of national charity Heart Research UK.

Mark first became involved with the charity in 2018, producing a piece of original artwork that was auctioned as part of the charity’s anonymous heART project.

Since then, he has been involved with various campaigns, including Heart Research UK’s Heart of Scotland appeal, a dedicated fundraising campaign to raise money to take on Scotland’s biggest killer –heart disease.

Mark Bonnar said: “The work that Heart Research UK does is incredibly close to my heart. My father had a triple bypass over 20 years ago, and thankfully he is still going strong.

“The advances in research and surgery over the last few decades have been truly remarkable, thanks in no small part to the vital work that charities such as Heart Research UK are doing.

“I’m especially proud to support the Heart of Scotland appeal to inform and educate all age groups and help make a change to people’s lives.

Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in Scotland when, ironically, it’s often the most easily preventable.”

Kate Bratt-Farrar, Chief Executive of Heart Research UK, said: We are all over the moon that Mark is becoming a patron for Heart Research UK.

“Since he first became involved with the charity, he has been eager to help in any way he can, and we are delighted to begin what I’m sure will be an incredibly rewarding partnership.

“We know research works, but the seven million people living with cardiovascular disease in the UK need it to work faster. We are dedicated to funding the latest pioneering research in to the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease.

“We have some incredibly exciting projects coming up, and we can’t wait to work with Mark on them!”

Heart Research UK was founded in 1967 by Mr David Watson, an eminent cardiovascular surgeon, with the intention of making heart surgery safer. Since then, Heart Research UK has invested over £25m in pioneering research in to the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease.

World shows big appetite for Burns Night haggis

This Burns Night people across the world will be reaching for a forkful of Scotland’s finest, with haggis now enjoyed in countries including Greece, Hong Kong, and Ghana and exports booming.

Haggis has risen in global prominence over the past ten years, with the total export value of haggis over the past decade at £8.8 million and a 136% increase in tonnage of haggis shipped across the world.

Appetite for the iconic savoury pudding has spread to 20 countries, including Iceland, Malta, and the Czech Republic. Hong Kong has become the fourth-most popular market for haggis, closely following the Republic of Ireland, Spain and France.

The other stars of the Burns Night plate – neeps and tatties– have also increased in popularity across the globe. Potato exports have increased by 32% over the past ten years to be worth £108 million in 2019 – with the Republic of Ireland, Spain, and Egypt making the top three markets. Turnip exports also increased to a value of £11 million last year.

Burns Night is often also celebrated with a dram of Scotch whisky, which continues to be exported to markets across the world. A burgeoning thirst for Scotch whisky in Asia has seen 23 Asian markets including Taiwan, Singapore, and China grow in the last decade.

Environment Secretary, Theresa Villiers said: “Robert Burns was so enamoured with haggis that he dedicated an entire poem to the delicacy and it’s wonderful that it continues to be enjoyed around the world – more than 200 years later.

“This Burns Night I encourage everyone to sample some haggis and pour a wee dram to celebrate Scotland’s iconic food and drink and growing presence on the world’s culinary stage.”

Minister for Scotland, Douglas Ross said: “The life and work of Robert Burns is rightly celebrated around the world.

“Another Scottish global success story is our iconic food and drink sector and it’s so pleasing to see products such as haggis and whisky enjoying an exports boom. The future is very bright.”

Macsween of Edinburgh, a third-generation haggis making business, has witnessed the world’s change in appetite for the iconic Scottish meat product. In 2018, Macsween began exporting haggis to locations such as Canada and Singapore. It is are now looking to take a bigger bite out of markets in the Middle East and Asia, with a particular focus on the United Arab Emirates and Taiwan.

James Macsween, Managing Director and Owner of Macsween said: “Macsween now exports haggis to 7 international markets, and we expect to see that demand continue to grow as more people around the world come to love our traditional Scottish delicacy.

“We are proud to grow through innovation, and are dedicated to introducing our award-winning products to people around the world who are yet to discover haggis.”

In 2018 total exports of UK food and drink reached a record £22.5 billion. As part of the government’s ongoing Food is GREAT campaign government and British industry are aiming to boost UK trade in food and drink exports and government will continue to work with exporters to help them tap into new markets.

Further information:

  • All data provided (unless otherwise specified) compares UK 2009 and 2018 export statistics sourced from Defra analysis of HMRC Overseas Trade Data
  • According to Defra analysis of HMRC Overseas Trade Data, in 2018 haggis was exported to 20 countries across the globe: Republic of Ireland; France; Spain; Hong Kong; Cyprus; Germany; Malta; Denmark; Netherlands; Sweden; Belgium; Czech Republic; Luxembourg; Portugal; Italy; Iceland; Finland; Greece; Austria; Ghana
  • According to Defra analysis of HMRC Overseas Trade Data, in 2018 Scotch whisky was exported to 23 countries in Asia: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Coronavirus update

Results for two of the patients in Scotland being tested for Wuhan novel coronavirus have come back negative.

Three cases have now been confirmed in France – the first in Europe.

There are currently no confirmed cases in the UK, and the risk to the public remains low, but we will continue to work with the World Health Organization and international community as we monitor the situation closely.

Health Protection Scotland advises that travellers returning from Wuhan who become unwell with sore throat, cough or breathing difficulty with or without fever, within 14 days of their return, to call their GP or NHS 24 to see if further assessment is needed.

Respiratory and flu-like illness are more common at this time of year as such there will be cases presenting with symptoms who are highly unlikely to have Wuhan novel coronavirus.

As the situation continues to develop we will update should there be any confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, rather than provide a running update on cases being considered on a precautionary basis.

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer Catherine Calderwood said: “Scotland is well prepared for these types of outbreaks – we have a proven track record of dealing with challenging health issues and the UK was one of the first countries in the world to develop a test for the new virus.

“I am being kept fully informed about the precautionary steps being taken, including timely updates on the patients who are currently being tested.”

Health Protection Scotland provide expert and up-to-date health protection advice to all health and care services across Scotland.

For any general questions relating to this, check the dedicated web page on Health Protection Scotland website entitled Wuhan novel coronavirus.

For the general public who are planning to travel abroad, guidance can be found on the Fit for Travel website.