Three women arrested for city centre thefts

Police have arrested and charged two women for pickpocketing in the city centre and a third for theft of a handbag within a licensed premises.

On Thursday (12th December), officers observed two women acting suspiciously on Upper Bow. They were subsequently arrested for attempt theft and are due to appear before Edinburgh Sheriff Court for pickpocketing offences.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, a third woman was arrested after staff at a licensed premises in the Cowgate identified her from CCTV stealing from a customer’s bag.

Inspector Trish Robertson from the West End Police Station said: “We are committed to ensuring that Edinburgh is a safe place to be, particularly at this time of year with the Christmas Market in full swing and people out shopping and celebrating.

“We have officers on patrol in uniform and in plain clothes, and one of our main focuses is acquisitive crime such as pickpocketing and thefts. Thankfully, due to the vigilance of the officers and staff involved in these incidents, three people have been arrested and charged.

“I’d like to remind everyone shopping or visiting the city centre to look after your belongings. Keep all of your bags and valuables safe and with you at all times. If you see anyone acting suspiciously, please report it. Keep your purses and wallets in a zipped inside pocket wherever possible and make sure any bags are closed and are in sight at all times.

“Anyone with information regarding such offences are asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Not My Prime Minister!

Rally at Scottish Parliament 2.30 – 4pm today

This government is promising to crash the UK out of the EU, sell off our NHS, Drive thousands into poverty and support the richest in society.

We the people have to send a message to this new government that they do not have the support of the people.

We are stronger, we will Rise UP, and we will unite against this hate filled and dangerous government.

Please join us at 2:30 PM today to show Boris that the people are against him!

Event hosted by Youth Rise Up and Stand Up to Racism – Scotland

Nesta’s predictions for 2020

Nesta, the global innovation foundation, has published its annual predictions for the year ahead and forecasts that fireworks will be replaced by swarms of drones flying in formation, that we’ll start using our ecoanxiety drive action to save the planet and that surveillance AI will start to track us from how we walk. Continue reading Nesta’s predictions for 2020

Letter: Mary’s Meals

Dear Editor

With Christmas fast approaching, I’m sure some of your readers, like myself, will have shopping left to do! I would like to suggest a simple but powerful last-minute gift that will change lives. 

This December, Mary’s Meals is hosting a virtual Christmas dinner raising funds to feed hungry children around the world. For just £13.90 – enough to feed a child every day for an entire school year – people in Edinburgh can set a place at our table for their friends and family. Their name will appear online and we’ll provide a digital placemat to pass on as a gift.

Mary’s Meals feeds more than 1.5 million children every school day in some of the world’s poorest countries. The promise of a nutritious meal attracts them into the classroom, where they receive an education that can, in the future, be their ladder out of poverty. 

Please visit to set your place.

Wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas,

Daniel Adams

UK Executive Director of Mary’s Meals


Surprise proposal for Napier couple

Mark returns to ‘The Egg’ at Craiglockhart to propose to Sarah

A couple who met at Edinburgh Napier whilst studying in 2008 have more reason than most to hold its Craiglockhart campus dearly in their hearts after returning to the University for a surprise proposal. Continue reading Surprise proposal for Napier couple