YOYP 2018: National Lottery funding available

To mark the Scottish Government’s Year of Young People 2018, we’re excited to launch a new National Lottery fund to help young people #SparkAChange in their lives.

We’re calling it the Year of the Young People National Lottery Fund, and it’ll offer funding between £3,000 and £10,000 to heritage, community and sports projects that are run for and by young people aged eight to 26.

A pot of £550,000 is available for projects that help young people change their lives for the better, by improving their health and wellbeing.

Wondering how you can get involved or interested in applying? Here’s what you need to know:

Who can apply?

The fund is mainly aimed at voluntary or community organisations, which can be partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations.

Examples of eligible organisations include:

  • youth, community or voluntary groups
  • charities or trusts
  • social enterprises
  • other publicly funded organisations, such as national parks
  • schools.

Note: individuals can’t apply.

What types of projects is funding available for?

We want to fund projects that:

  • encourage positive mental health for young people
  • inspire young people to lead active lives
  • ensure young people are involved in the development, design, running and evaluation of the project
  • celebrate and share young people’s achievements.

What types of activity will you fund?  

Boy carrying a bundle of sticks in the woods

Here are a few examples that give a flavour of the types of activities groups might want to consider when applying – but is by no means exhaustive!

Young people might want to:

  • volunteer for a sport or community organisation
  • develop the skills to improve a green space
  • discover a new creative talent
  • visit Scotland’s wild places for the first time
  • work alongside older people in the community to change attitudes and behaviours.

Projects should also celebrate young people’s achievements, for example with an award or accreditation, and provide a platform to share their learning more widely, perhaps through a performance, an intergenerational event, an exhibition or online.

What length of funding can I apply for?

Your project should take 18 months or less to complete.

Can our project be a mix of heritage, sport, and community activity?

Yes, you can include any mix of these elements in your project!

What will you be looking for in a good application?

We’ll want to see the following:

  • how effectively young people have been involved the design, delivery and evaluation of the project
  • ways that it will improve health and wellbeing for young people
  • whether the project focuses on heritage, sports or community activities in Scotland
  • overall value for money.

When is the deadline for applying?

There are two deadlines for applications. The first is 30 April 2018 and the second is 18 June 2018 – if you want to deliver an activity during summer 2018 we’d recommend that you submit an application for the April deadline.

How long will it take to find out if I’ve been successful?

You’ll know within eight weeks of the application deadline if you’ve been successful.

If you have an idea for a project that you think could spark a change in young people’s lives, you can visit the website to apply, where you’ll also find all the information you need to submit your application.

You’re also welcome to contact YOYPFund@hlf.org.uk or 0131 225 9450 for support with your application.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer