U!REKA: conference showcases urban research projects

U!REKA conference 20 November 2017 at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Professor Alistair Sambell speaking.

Edinburgh Napier University has hosted a conference aimed at developing a network of research excellence with five European partners. The event marks the first anniversary of the formation of the Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) and the signing of an agreement to collaborate on urban research projects.

Last year’s consortium launch in Amsterdam examined how the university and its continental partners could develop their shared interests in applied research, professional education and the future world of work, and also paved the way for future staff and student exchanges.

This week’s three-day conference in Edinburgh brought together more than 100 academic and professional services staff from all the partners to develop new and existing projects based on urban displacement, migration and refugees; health and wellbeing in urban environments; sustainable development; the Smart City and educational research.

The conference also offered the opportunity to discuss potential international collaborations around student and staff mobility, joint degrees, best practice in learning and teaching and approaches to library services amongst other topics.

Professor Alistair Sambell, Vice Principal at Edinburgh Napier, said the university was delighted to welcome its partners to Edinburgh for the second U!REKA conference. He said: “We look forward to developing new and existing projects together in our academic and professional services, as well as learning from each other.

“The conference has been a great opportunity for us to keep building this strong network and working closer together to deliver our common objectives of excellence in research, student and staff mobility, international collaboration and best practice in higher education.”

Professor Mark Deakin (ABOVE), from the host university’s School of Engineering and the Built Environment, said the conference drew on the findings of Edinburgh Napier analysis which mapped the intellectual capital of U!REKA and shared the results with delegates.

He said: “Keynote speakers highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of the Alliance’s research and education, and the 50 papers presented at the conference showcased the ongoing activities of the partner universities in addressing global challenges relating to urban displacement, sustainable development, health, wellbeing and Smart Cities.

“The workshop activities with the delegates served to capture the potential that U!REKA has to conduct interdisciplinary research and education on a global scale and act on the opportunities such a platform offers to develop an idea lab capable of meeting the challenges which cities currently face.”

The partners in the consortium formed last year are Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki), Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, University College Ghent and Edinburgh Napier University.

Tomorrow: Wardie Bay Beachwatch

Well, this is awfully short notice. Sorry peeps! That’s three episodes of Blue Planet II in between times! Hope you’re watching. It’s sensational. Did you see this last Sunday’s episode highlighting the plastic problem? That’s millions of people now hopefully nudged to change habits. Where has the Beeb been?
Moreover, I hope you can come to Wardie Bay Beachwatch this Saturday 25th Nov, 11:30-2pm. Just turn up or sign up on facebook or the MCS website here
No need to tell me you’re coming. Just wrap up warm! Last time I looked, it’s going to be sunny. 🌤❄ We’ve been very lucky with the weather. It’s let us do our work relatively unhindered. 
Last month’s data summary attached as ever. 73.7% plastic…. grrrr…. (see below)
I look forward to seeing you Saturday for more vital evidence gathering.
With love

Wardie Bay Beachwatch

email: wardiebaybeachwatch@gmail.com
facebook: @WardieBayBeachwatch
twitter: @wardiebaybeach
MCS website: Wardie Bay

Councillor Neil Gardiner is new Planning Convener

Councillor Neil Gardiner has been appointed as the new Convener of the city council’s Planning Committee. Following approval at today’s full Council meeting, the SNP Pentlands councillor will oversee the development of citywide planning strategies, as well as decisions on individual planning applications and related issues.

Continue reading Councillor Neil Gardiner is new Planning Convener

Working towards a Fairer Scotland: First year progress report launched


A year since the publication of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, Equalities Secretary Angela Constance today launched the first progress report at WorkingRite, an Edinburgh organisation that received support from the £29 million fund to tackle poverty. Continue reading Working towards a Fairer Scotland: First year progress report launched