Letter: Words and Deeds

Dear Editor,

Actions by the Tory-led governments of 2010 and 2015 to deal with the financial crisis (caused not by the people, but by banks and financial institutions) was to immediately pass the debt onto the majority of people by restricting wages and reducing funding for services of all kinds.

They also launched a tremendous appeal to the people assuring them  that “we are all in this together”, this worked for a while but very quickly their tactic of divide and rule was brought into play, blaming sections of the population  being scroungers and or skivers, the Disabled, those on benefits, particularly those on Housing benefit etc, to justify further cuts in wages and essential services.

After over 6 years, people were seeing through their talk of “ a big society “ and “ all in this together “ speeches and began to realise they had been conned. This posed a threat to the continuation of Tory control, so out went David Cameron, and in came Theresa May saying in her first speech she would do things differently, make changes to bring about a more just society and again making a Tory appeal for support from the people, claiming that the Tories are now the party for working people.

This puts into context the continuous attack on Jeremy Corbyn in the press, in Parliament and other sections of the media. The Tories know his ability to speak the language of working people and therefore his capability of winning an election: this, the Tories fear.

The millions and millions of people who have seen and felt the difference between the words and deeds of the Tories must now re-awaken nationwide activity and campaign to make real changes to our society.

A Delahoy,

Silverknowes Gardens,

Students harness tech to tackle homelessness

Twenty Edinburgh Napier students took part in a 24 hour ‘Hackathon’ at Edinburgh Napier University on Friday 3 to Saturday 4 February. Cyrenians, Bright Red Triangle, Scottish Institute for Enterprise, and IBM co-hosted the event, along with staff from Edinburgh Napier University who also provided the facilities. Continue reading Students harness tech to tackle homelessness

Half Term Holiday Club places available

Still haven’t sorted out your holiday childcare this half term? Edinburgh Leisure still has a few places available at all their holiday clubs, being run at four of their venues across the city. Contact the individual venues to book but don’t leave it too late as there are only a few places left at each.

Every day is packed full of games, sports, arts, crafts, drama, challenges and educational activities – for £145 per week. Daily bookings are also available for £35 per day.

Available days can be had at:

Craiglockhart Leisure and Tennis Centre – Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Drumbrae Leisure Centre – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Gracemount Leisure Centre – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (day and week bookings)

Royal Commonwealth Pool – Friday 

The Holiday Club will run at these centres from the 13th to 17th February (9am to 5pm) – with early drop off from 8am and late pick up until 6pm – perfect for working parents.

And if you’re thinking ahead, Holiday Clubs for other holidays throughout the city are also now available to be booked. And for early birds, there’s a 10% discount.

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre: activities update

Michelle’s Surgery Cancelled

Michelle Thomson has cancelled her surgery tomorrow (Friday 10 February).

Children’s Clubs

There will be no children’s clubs on at the centre next week due to the school holidays.

Inclusive Zumba Classes 

Our Monday morning Zumba classes for disabled persons continue to be very successful but it is felt that more people could take advantage of this fun activity.

Classes are on Monday (10 – 11am) and Friday (10.15 – 11am)

The best way to start a week and getting fit!

Childrens Taekwon Do (Ages 3+)

As with many of our activities the childrens Taekwon-do has surprised us with its popularity amongst the young people, so come along and join Scotlands fastest Family Taekwondo Club led by Master Divine.

IMP Meeting Reminder

Improving Muirhouse and Pennywell meeting next Wednesday 15th February  3.00-5.00pm.. All Welcome.

James McGinty

Swinney launches STEM teacher recruitment drive

A new teacher recruitment campaign has been launched by Deputy First Minister John Swinney. The ‘Teaching Makes People’ campaign targets university undergraduates studying science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects as well as people currently working in STEM industries. Continue reading Swinney launches STEM teacher recruitment drive

Letters: Cuts hit the people most in need

Dear Editor

Cuts in funding for services affect people differently, most are appalled at the frequency and the damage it is doing to the local social fabric. But as always, it is those who are in need of services are denied them with all the consequences including further isolation within the community.

Pilton Equalities Project, an organisation in North Edinburgh, runs many services for local people, including :-

Five Day Care Clubs, Classes and Activities in Computer Training, Arts and Crafts, Classes in Literacy and Numeracy. Cooking, A Mental Health Issues Group Class

These activities are attended by approximately 200 people each week.

PEPs Minibuses pick up from and return people to their homes, all the buses are staffed with volunteer escorts. Up to 8o other volunteers help throughout the week with other activities.

Funding cuts from the Council or Scottish Parliament will hit the provision of these services and the very people who are in most need.

PEP makes every effort in appealing to various social and charitable organisations for grants to keep these vital services for local people going but it is not sustainable in the long run if funding cuts continue.

PEPs volunteers did 13,00 hours volunteering in 2016 for local people, adding greatly to the quality of life and indeed their health. As one of those volunteers, the reason for this letter is to raise public understanding of how serious are repeated cuts in funding for local services.

With the best will and efforts volunteers cannot operate on insufficient funding for their organisations.

A. Delahoy. 

Silverknowes Gardens

The city council will sets it’s budget tomorrow. The meeting starts at 10am

Emergency waiting times: greater effort needed, say Greens

Alison Johnstone MSP, Health spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, has urged Scottish Ministers to focus on staffing after figures showed a further drop in the number of patients being seen within four hours of arriving at hospital emergency departments.

The Scottish Government target is that 95 per cent of patients are seen within four hours. Yesterday’s figures show that in December only 92.6 per cent were seen within that time, the latest month-on-month fall from a peak of 95.8 in July.

The Health Secretary says Scotland’s A&E departments are outperforming other areas of the UK.

Alison Johnstone, Health spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Lothian, said: “Rather than comparing our hospitals to those south of the border, the Health Secretary should be striving to deliver the kind of health service Scotland wants. The seasonal drop in performance at A&E shows that not enough planning and investment went into the system in advance, and responsibility lies squarely with the Health Secretary.

“Greater effort is needed in recruitment and retention of staff, not just in A&E but in our GP surgeries and in social care, so that we minimise the need to visit and stay in hospital where possible.”

Governments set on Brexit collision course

The Scottish Parliament yesterday agreed that the UK Government’s European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill should not proceed. MSPs voted by Scottish Parliament by 90 to 34 votes to condemn triggering of Article 50 with ‘no effective consultation’ of Holyrood. Continue reading Governments set on Brexit collision course