Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

Community Council nominations open on Monday

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Nominations for Edinburgh’s community councils open on Monday (5 September) and the city council is calling on people passionate about their area to play an active role and be part of something great! Continue reading Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

Castle is king of visitor attractions – by a Royal Mile


Historic Environment Scotland, who operate over 300 Historic Scotland visitor attractions across the country which together help tell more than 5,000 years of Scottish history, have recorded a strong season for visitor numbers. Over a four month period – from April to July – 1,964,118 visitors flocked to attractions throughout the country, from Shetland to the Borders, an increase of more than 169,000 on the same period in 2015. Continue reading Castle is king of visitor attractions – by a Royal Mile

Children’s writing competition: green fingers required!


Young entrants to Edinburgh’s Green Pencil Award were immersed in their subject matter at the launch of the annual writing competition yesterday. Preston Street Primary School pupils explored the competition’s theme, Scotland’s Glorious Gardens, during a visit to Princes Street Gardens. Continue reading Children’s writing competition: green fingers required!

Quiet desperation: people ‘pushed to the margins’ secured Brexit victory

Continue reading Quiet desperation: people ‘pushed to the margins’ secured Brexit victory

Safe haven: Milestone as Scotland welcomes 1000th Syrian refugee


The Equalities Secretary and the President of COSLA have praised the efforts of communities and councils across Scotland after confirming that more than 1,000 Syrian refugees have settled here. The milestone was reached following the safe arrival of a further 120 refugees to Scotland in the last week. Continue reading Safe haven: Milestone as Scotland welcomes 1000th Syrian refugee

Doing referendums differently: Electoral Reform Society says lessons must be learnt

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It’s official: the EU referendum debate left voters totally in the dark.

The final result could not have been clearer. But the actual campaign was anything but. Today we’ve set out what went wrong – how people from both sides of the EU debate found the experience top-down, negative and personality-dominated – but more importantly, how to make referendums better in the future.

We’re proud to launch our definitive analysis of the EU referendum debate, ‘It’s Good to Talk: Doing Referendums Differently After the EU Vote’. Because now that the dust is starting to settle, we need to learn the lessons from the EU campaign.

So today, we’re calling for a root-and-branch review into how we do referendums in the UK, with nine key recommendations on how to ensure voters get the debate they deserve in any future vote

From giving an official body the power to censure claims that are misleading, to ensuring grassroots citizen involvement at every stage of the process, we’ve laid out the ‘referendum reforms’ that are needed to prevent us making the same mistakes again.

We hope you find the report interesting and useful. Instead of leaving voters out in the cold, together we can make sure that future referendums offer the kind of informed and engaging debate we need. Thanks for your support.



Best wishes,

Katie Ghose,
Chief Executive,
Electoral Reform Society


Scottish Labour: an alternative to austerity?


119 days ago the SNP won the Scottish Parliament election and received a mandate from the people of Scotland to govern, albeit as a minority administration. What followed wasn’t a whirlwind of bold and radical activity, it was yet more constitutional debate. It simply can’t go on like this.

The Scottish Parliament returns for a new session next week. In advance of that today I am setting out Labour’s priorities, an alternative Programme for Government. These are some of the key issues we will push the SNP on in Parliament and across the country. They are firmly rooted in the manifesto we built together in May with a clear anti-austerity message at its core.

Education is our priority, because only by giving our young people the skills they need to compete for the jobs of the future can we grow our economy and close the gap between the richest and the rest. We also want the government to introduce a Bill to ban fracking, to ease the pressure on our NHS by investing in social care, to secure rights for workers and to support refugees arriving in Scotland.

At the heart of everything we do is the message that to invest in our public services and give everybody a fair chance in life, the SNP must stop the cuts. The Scottish Parliament has major new powers over tax and it’s time the nationalists started using them to end austerity in Scotland.

You can read our full alternative Programme for Government here.

If, like me, you think the last thing Scotland needs or wants is a second independence referendum, then share this with your friends and let them know what the Government should be doing to deliver that fairer future we want for all.

Kezia Dugdale

Scottish Labour Leader

Deirdre Brock backs ‘Glow Gold September’

Edinburgh lights up for childhood cancer awareness

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Deidre Brock MP welcomed the Edinburgh skies lighting up in gold at the launch of the parent-led ‘Glow Gold September’ childhood cancer awareness campaign this evening (Thursday 1 September) Deidre is attending the switch on of the ‘Luminations of Love’ light display in St Andrew’s Square. Continue reading Deirdre Brock backs ‘Glow Gold September’