This is the latest information we have on next week’s arrangements:

Nursery children should attend the school on Tuesday 19 April.
Parents should bring morning pupils to Craigroyston High School reception at 08:45am and collect from the same place at 11:20am.
Parents should bring afternoon pupils to Craigroyston High School reception at 12:05pm and collect from the same place at 2:40pm.
P1 – P7
We aim to have nursery pupil arrangements in place from Tuesday and further information will follow.
Tuesday 19 April
All pupils should report the main entrance at Craigroyston Community High School at 9:00am. They will again be met by Craigroyston Primary staff.
Pupils should be collected at the following times:
- P1 and P2 – 2:30pm
- P3-P7 – 3pm
All children will be provided with a free packed lunch.

All P1 to P7 and nursery pupils should report to the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on West Pilton Grove at their normal time on Tuesday 19 April, where they will be taken by bus to their alternative locations, listed below.
Parents should then collect their children from West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at normal pick up times.
Lunches and breakfast club
There will be no breakfast club. We will provide free packed lunches for all pupils.
After school club
North Edinburgh Childcare will contact parents directly about arrangements.

P1 to P7
All pupils meet their class teacher on the Astroturf at their normal start time (8.40am) on Tuesday 19 April.
Pupils should be collected from the Astroturf at 3pm.
For the safety of the pupils, please do not park on the streets around the school. You should enter the school by the main gates, drop the children and leave immediately by the side gate. This will help keep the children safe.
Morning and afternoon nursery children should report to the Astroturf at their normal times on Tuesday 19 April.
Morning pupils should be collected at 11:40am from the AstroTurf.
Afternoon pupils should be collected from the AstroTurf at 3pm.
Lunches and breakfast club
There will be no breakfast club. We will provide free packed lunches for all pupils.
After school club
North Edinburgh Childcare will contact parents directly about arrangements.
Contact the school
For all absence, and to contact school staff, please call 07570585468 from Tuesday 19 April. Please do not contact host schools directly.

P1 to P7
All pupils meet their class teacher on the Astroturf at their normal start time on Tuesday 19 April. Pupils should be collected from the Astroturf at normal times.
For the safety of the pupils, please do not park on the streets around the school. Please enter the school by the main gates, drop the children and leave immediately by the side gate. This will help keep the children safe.
Morning and afternoon nursery children should report to the Astroturf at their normal times on Tuesday 19 April and be collected at normal times.
Lunches and breakfast club
There will be no breakfast club. We will provide free packed lunches for all pupils.
After school club
North Edinburgh Childcare will contact parents directly about arrangements.
Contact the school
For all absence, and to contact school staff, please call 07342 908521 from Tuesday 19 April.
Please do not contact host schools directly.