‘Meltdown’: Union fears 3000 council job losses

UNISON says one on six council jobs could go


Trade Union UNISON fears that over 3,000 jobs – one in every six Edinburgh council staff and three times as many jobs as first thought – will be slashed as the effects of accelerated budget cuts become clear, putting the council’s and the Scottish Government’s no compulsory redundancy pledge at risk.

The union has also re-launched its ‘Our City’s Not For Sale’ campaign as reports drawn up by officials put privatisation back on the agenda three years after councillors rejected mass privatisation plans.

“The effect of cuts on services and staff will be devastating as at least 15% of council employees could face being forced out of their jobs”, warned Amanda Kerr, UNISON Edinburgh City branch secretary. “Losing this amount of staff will decimate the services we provide and the public rely on to the point where they would be unrecognisable.

“It is now time for the politicians to stand up for the pledges they were elected on and support UNISON in the fight to save public services in Edinburgh for future generations.”

Lead Edinburgh UNISON negotiator Tom Connolly warned of the effect on services: “Every job lost is a service lost, a school closed, a care home closed, young and old put at risk. UNISON will defend these services and any compulsory redundancies will trigger our longstanding policy to ballot members on action.”

UNISON is calling for meaningful consultation and will demand that the council honours its no compulsory redundancy pledge and its ‘presumption’ against privatisation.

“If there is the political will to save Edinburgh’s services from these vicious government cuts, then councillors need to make sure that officials fully understand that”, said branch president John Stevenson, calling again on the Scottish Government to step in with emergency money to save services while they look at a fairer funding system.

“There has been a deafening silence on the massive cuts local councils have faced with 40,000 jobs lost in the last few years. The government needs to face up to the crisis and make funding available before services disappear for ever.”

UNISON will lobby the Council’s Finance and Resources Committee next Thursday (24 September).

For further information visit http://www.unison-edinburgh.org.uk/citynotforsale/

Creating a fairer Scotland: local opportunities to have your say!

Pilton Community Health Project to hold discussion events

fairerPilton Community Health Project is to hold two local sessions to give North Edinburgh residents the opportunity to discuss Scotland’s future – and things we can do to help shape that future.

The events are part of the Scottish Government’s live consultation on creating a fairer Scotland, and the two sessions have been planned to ensure that as many people as possible will be able to participate.

The first discussion will take place on Thursday 15 October from 7 – 9pm in Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre, while the second event will be held during the day – on Thursday 22 October from 10 – 11.30am at Pilton Community Health Project on Boswall Parkway.

PCHP Anita Aggarwal explained: “The Scottish Government want to know what we think would make Scotland Fairer and Healthier.  Like many other organisations in the area we want to hear what you have to say so we can pass it on to them.  To this end we are organising two discussion sessions.

“The first will take place at Muirhouse Community Centre on Thursday 15th October from 7 till 9 pm.  There are free refreshments.

“The second takes place at Pilton Community Health Project on Thursday 22nd October from 10 – 11.30.  There is a free creche but your MUST book a place in advance by calling me on 0131 551 1671 – that’s also the number to call if you want more information on the events.”

You will also find facebook events and info on PCHP’s website  http://pchp.org.uk/news/2015/fairer-scotland 

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The Scottish Government is particularly keen that as many people as possible take part in the national discussion, as can be read below:

  • What are the issues that matter most to you?
  • What do you think needs to be done to create a fairer Scotland?
  • How can you and your community play a role in helping to shape our future?

Scotland is a great country to call home. But we can make it an even better place. Achieving this will require a strong competitive economy and a fairer, more equal society. The two go hand in hand.

Right now people across Scotland are working to that end. But we believe that together we can do even more to secure better opportunities for all of us and for future generations.

To get there, more of us need to join the conversation that is already happening about the kind of Scotland we want to see in the future. We hope this leaflet (see below), and the discussion that follows, will help to do that. It describes some of the successes and challenges in Scotland today and a few ideas about what a fairer Scotland could look like. We want you to share your ideas as well, to tell us what matters to you.

By the end of 2015 we want to have created opportunities for the widest possible range of voices to be heard. This will include a series of events in the autumn that brings together people from across the country to discuss what practical steps we need to take to create a fairer Scotland.

The Scottish Government will respond to these ideas, and the wider conversation, setting out what we will do to help create a better Scotland. We hope others will do the same.

So go on, it’s our Scotland: it’s time to have your say on our future!


fairer scotland leaflet

If you want more information about what the Scottish Government are doing look at these links:



Local Morrisons stores spared the axe

Morrisons names eleven stores to close


Morrisons has revealed the stores it plans to close, a week after announcing ‘disappointing’ sales figures – a 47% drop in half-year pre-tax profit to £126m..

The supermarket giant announced plans for the closures last week as part of an attempt to revitalise the business, but has only now revealed which stores will be close. The retailer said it was also selling 140 loss-making “M” local convenience stores for about £25m.

Local stores at Granton Waterfront and Ferry Road are not affected – the stores to close are all in England. They are: Burnham-on-Sea, Castletown (Sunderland), Clevedon, Little Hulton, Northallerton, Oldbury, Salford, Shildon, Streatham, Tyldesley and West Bromwich.

There was no announcement about the date of the closures, but up to 900 members of staff will lose their jobs.

Chief executive David Potts said he regretted the closure of the stores. “This is a difficult decision, but one which we cannot see any way through to make those stores viable,” he said.


Great British Beach Clean’s coming to Cramond

cramond foreshore

The Marine Conservation Society’s annual Great British Beach Clean runs from 18 – 21 September and the Edinburgh clean up is at Cramond.

Join volunteers this Saturday (19 September) from 10am – midday: meet up point is at start of the causeway to Cramond Island.

For further information contact calum.duncan@mscuk.org

You can also register or find out more at: http://www.mcsuk.org/beachwatch/


Lady Provost to sleep rough – at the Zoo!

‘Nobody can truly experience the struggle of homelessness based on one night in the cold, but I hope our eyes can be opened to what it is like to spend a night outside’ – Lady Provost Elaine Brand.

sleeping rough

Edinburgh’s Lady Provost will brave a cold night at the Zoo next week in a bid to raise thousands of pounds for local causes.

On a crusade to raise awareness of homelessness in the city, the Lady Provost Elaine Brand has challenged local businesses and individuals to join her as she swaps her bed for a sleeping bag and experiences a night with the nocturnal sounds of the RZSS Edinburgh Zoo’s animal inhabitants.

‘The Lady Provost’s Sleep Out at Edinburgh Zoo’ will raise vital funds for Four Square and the Rock Trust to help young people get off the streets and into work. Over 160 people have so far signed up to take part including teams from Edinburgh companies, members of the British Army and Lord Provost Donald Wilson.

The Lady Provost said she wants people to ‘open their eyes’ to what it is like for young homeless people during the colder months but admits the challenge will be nothing compared to the struggle faced by those who sleep rough every night.

She said: “In spite of Edinburgh’s continued growth as a successful and affluent city, homelessness remains a pressing issue. Nobody can truly experience the struggle of homelessness based on one night in the cold, but I hope our eyes can be opened to what it is like to spend a night outside.

“We’ll be sleeping out in September when the nights get longer and the temperature drops – I hope this shock to the system will emphasise just how difficult this year’s colder months will be for our young homeless people.”

The Lord Provost Donald Wilson added: “Elaine is determined to raise awareness of youth homelessness in Edinburgh and this event is an attempt to raise as much money as possible for Four Square and the Rock Trust. These charities are very close to her heart and I hope we can help to make a big difference.”

Edinburgh Zoo, owned by the charity the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), is home to more than 1,000 endangered animals and is one of Europe’s leading centres of conservation. The sleep out will take place outside the Zoo’s historic Mansion House, close to the popular Penguins Rock and Lemur Walkthrough.

Chris West, Chief Executive of RZSS, said: “We are delighted to support worthy causes of this nature. We wish every success to all those involved in raising awareness of homelessness in Edinburgh.”

While the number of people presenting to the City of Edinburgh Council as rough sleepers is the lowest of any Scottish city – having reduced by almost 15 per cent over the last five years – almost 4,000 people were assessed as homeless in the Capital last year: a quarter of those are aged 24 or younger.

The Rock Trust Chief Executive Kate Polson said: “We support approximately 400 young people from across Edinburgh and the Lothians every year, which shows that youth homelessness is a real problem. For the majority of people who become homeless, the main reason behind it is family breakdown or problems at school. It can really happen to anyone. This event will help raise awareness of the hardships faced by those forced to sleep rough and the Lady Provost and all the participants are helping to highlight the devastating issue of youth homelessness.”

Four Square Chief Executive Heather Arni said: “Every night in Edinburgh we provide a safe haven for 40 young people aged 16-24 in two hostels and 18 training flats. But simply giving them a roof over their head is not enough. We give them skills to fend for themselves, like cooking, budgeting and the chance to take a training course or volunteer. The Zoo sleep out facilitated by the Lady Provost and RZSS Edinburgh Zoo will enable both charities to continue their work.”

‘The Lady Provost’s Sleep Out at Edinburgh Zoo’ will take place overnight on Thursday 24 September.

Show your support on social media #ZooSleepOut

and by making a donation:


Busy autumn schedule for city’s Roller Girls

aarg home season

Fresh faces will join battle-hardened old hands to play their first Auld Reekie Roller Girls (ARG) home season later this month (writes Lucy Glenny).

ARRG has divvied up its competitive skaters, old and new, into three home teams – Cherry Bombers, Leithal Weapons and Skatefast Club. Each team of 14 skaters will battle it over four events out to be crowned queens of the league 2015.

The first game will be between the Leithal Weapons and current title-holders Skatefast Club on Saturday, September 26.

Next up is the Leithal Weapons versus the Cherry Bombers on Saturday 17 October and the third game will see the Cherry Bombers take on the Skatefast Club on Saturday 7 November 7.

The grand final will be a double-header, with the third-placed home team playing a guest team and the two top home teams competing for first place on Saturday 28 November.

Each game will take place at Meadowbank Sports Stadium on London Road.

Doors open at 2pm, giving plenty of time to eat cake, look at merchandise and browse our craft stalls before the game starts at 2.30pm.

ARRG has arranged a special license for a bar at the events and there will be half-time entertainment too.

There will be separate seating areas for families and young children and a children’s craft corner to keep little ones amused.

Tickets are £6 in advance, £8 on the door and £17 for the five-game home season ticket, available on Brown Paper Tickets.





Regenerating our town centres: two weeks until deadline


The £1.7m Town Centre Communities Capital Fund is available to support enterprising, community-led projects which help to deliver town centre regeneration priorities in a local area. 

Community organisations are invited to bid for pots of between £20k and £150k capital funding to support projects which are in line with the key themes set out in Scotland’s Town Centre Action PlanThe Scottish Government is keen to see communities step forward with their ideas. 

Launching the fund last month, Social Justice Secretary Alex Neal said: “Scotland’s town centres need to be fit for the 21st century, offering a diverse range of businesses, services and activities that meet local demand.

“There are already a few examples of communities getting involved in their town centres, introducing innovation and helping to reclaim them as vibrant social spaces.

“The Scottish Government recognises that people across Scotland are interested in the future of their town centres. This £1.7 million through the Town Centre Communities Capital Fund is intended to support enterprising communities with project proposals that complement our Town Centre Action Plan.

“By enabling and supporting enterprising community organisations to take action, we can help make town centres attractive and accessible places that are the thriving civic spaces we know they can be.”

Deadline for applications is September 29 2015.

Do the seaside survey

Please see below for details of a new survey on Marine Tourism and Recreation and details of how you can take part:

cramond waterfall

Dear member, 

The first results of the marine tourism and recreation survey are in and they look promising. In the first four weeks we have had almost 1000 responses across 20 activities. Most people have listed more than one activity and so that means we could have approaching 4000 records of where people use the coast and what for. Great news for tourism and recreation in the new world of marine planning as they can be more confident that their interests and views will be taken into account in future decision making.

This is great news but there is no time to relax!!

Returns on activities vary, we are looking for more responses from niche interests such as long distance swimming but also from more popular activities such as angling, rowing, visiting historical sites, motor boat cruising and windsurfing.

Although we have done a lot to promote the survey, through social media (there is both a  Facebook page and a twitter feed), through partner organisations and thousands of direct emails, postcards and letters, the personal touch is without a doubt the best way to spread the word and that is where I ask you to help make this the best survey of the sector ever.


Please can you send on the survey to anyone you can think of who may have been to the coast or used the sea for recreation? They could be a family friend who you only ever see on facebook building sand castles, it could be your daughter whose friends are mad about dinghy racing, it could be your colleagues who get together to go for a walk from time to time and occasionally go to the coast or it could be your organisations core business! Please make sure that everyone you can think of has had a chance to have a look at the survey.

Of course there is also the business survey. Anyone who runs a business which relies in some way on the marine environment should fill this one in. A one man band, a bed and breakfast in a coastal town, a marina, boat yard or tour operator!

All you have to do is click here – http://www.marinerecreationandtourism.scot/survey/

 Thank you.

Sarah Brown

Project Manager, Firth of Clyde Forum


07774 160931


Scotland has just been voted the ‘World’s Best Cruising Ground’ in the prestigious Sailing Today Awards

More cash for Community Jobs Scotland

£1.3m more to support young people into jobs

apprentices (3)

The Community Jobs Scotland scheme has received an additional £1.3 million from the Scottish Government to help more people with barriers to employment into jobs. 

The funding will create 100 additional places that will support 50 early service leavers from the forces and 50 young people with convictions aged 25 to 29 to take up opportunities for up to 12 months.

The age range for vulnerable groups to access the programme will also be extended from 24 to 29.

Community Jobs Scotland is delivered on behalf of the Scottish Government by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and has already received £6.1 million in 2015/16 to help young people into employment with voluntary sector organisations.

Fair Work Secretary Roseanna Cunningham made in the announcement while visiting Glenboig Neighbourhood House as part of Coatbridge cabinet activity. She said: “Community Jobs Scotland has played a significant role in helping thousands of people with barriers to enhance their skills and to progress to education, training or work.

“I am very pleased that this additional funding will allow us to support even more young people, including those with convictions and that are leaving the services early, develop the skills that they need. With youth unemployment levels at the lowest level since 2008 we are already delivering positive results for young people.

“We want to build on that and to continue to focus on those young people who need extra support in finding a job. Likewise, extending the age range for vulnerable groups will ensure that more people are able to benefit from opportunities in the third sector.

“While there are 82,000 fewer Scots unemployed since the peak of the recession in 2010, we must remain focused on helping everyone fulfil their potential in order to drive forward Scotland’s economic growth.”

SCVO Chief Executive Martin Sime said: “Today’s announcement will give young unemployed people, who are furthest away from the labour market, the opportunity to experience paid work and make a real difference to other people’s lives. We’re excited about working with Poppy Scotland to help early service leavers find work and about young people aged 25-29 with convictions or disabilities, care leavers and carers, being eligible to apply for Community Jobs Scotland for the first time.

“Many of these people have already been failed by the Work Programme, so it’s fantastic news that they will get the chance to do their bit in their community, earn a wage and develop new skills.”

Gary Gray, Head of Welfare Services, Poppy Scotland added: “Poppyscotland is delighted to be working in partnership with Community Jobs Scotland. Armed Forces veterans offer employers a unique and extremely valuable skill set, but the transition from the military to civilian workplace can be very challenging. Connecting those who are out of work with opportunities within the voluntary sector is a win-win.

“This Government funding will broaden the employment horizons for many veterans, offering them a much brighter future, and will also provide great value to organisations who play such a crucial role in supporting the disadvantaged and vulnerable in our society.”