West Pilton Park Action Group meets on Wednesday

w pilton park

If you are interested in learning more about the West Pilton Park Action Group (WPPAG), the next meeting will take place on:

WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER from 5 – 6.30pm
in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Guest Speaker Chris Rankin from Friends of Montgomery Street Park is coming to chat about the kinds of things their group do.

There have been loads of exciting developments happening on the park that we are looking forward to sharing with local people.


Muirhouse Centre gets grilled!

Grill (New)

Some months ago we applied to Forth Neighbourhood Partnership for funding to update our kitchen equipment (writes James McGinty).

We were given a generous allocation of their funds and have not wasted time renewing some of our older equipment. Our first purchase has been a buffalo (Double Grill with timed auto stops ) which will help us reduce waiting times for our cafe customers. Thanks to Forth Neighbourhood Partnership for their generosity.

Picture: MMCC

Referendum anniversary: Time to move on, says PM

‘More Scots voted to keep our kingdom united than have ever voted for any party in any election in Scottish history’ – Prime Minister David Cameron

Leaving Photos

Speaking one year after the people of Scotland voted to remain part of the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister today said he is focussed on delivering devolution so that the debate can move on from what powers the Scottish Parliament should have, to how they are used to better the lives of the people of Scotland.

He added that the UK government will shortly table an amendment to the Scotland Bill to put beyond doubt that Holyrood is here to stay.

The Prime Minister said:

One year ago Scotland’s majority spoke.

More Scots voted to keep our kingdom united than have ever voted for any party in any election in Scottish history.

They voted decisively for a powerful Scottish Parliament within a strong and secure United Kingdom. We listened.

So let me be crystal clear: Scottish devolution is woven into the very fabric of our United Kingdom.

We will table an amendment to the Scotland Bill so there is absolutely no doubt: Holyrood is here to stay.

Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and I signed the Edinburgh Agreement which pledged we would all respect the outcome of last year’s momentous vote.

We all agreed – as do the Scottish public – that the independence referendum should be a ‘once in a generation’ or a ‘once in a lifetime’ event.

So now it is time to move on.

Some may want to obsess about separation.

But I am focussed on delivering devolution so that the debate can move on from what powers the Scottish Parliament should have, to how they are used to better the lives of the people of Scotland.

And today, on the anniversary of that historic vote, let me repeat: we are delivering a new, accountable and permanent Scottish Parliament. Holyrood will be one of the most powerful devolved Parliaments in the world.

Have your say on parking proposals

Draft Action Plan is now out for consultation


Edinburgh residents’ views are now being sought on a raft of measures aimed to help improve parking in the city.

A public consultation is under way on the draft Parking Action Plan, which is intended to develop a cohesive vision of parking in Edinburgh, encouraging active travel and supporting the city’s economy while safeguarding residents’ spaces.

Proposals for the plan, approved by the Transport and Environment Committee in August, are based on consultation with the public and take into account the priorities of those living in the city.

Amongst actions suggested are the roll-out of shared-use parking for permit holders and pay and display customers, visitor permits and the introduction of parking restrictions in the evenings and on Sundays.

Transport Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “We’ve been evaluating parking in Edinburgh over the last few months, studying the use of city centre parking by residents, shoppers and visitors to see where the most demand for spaces is. We’ve really listened to the public to create the new Parking Action Plan, and have responded to their concerns.

“This is about relieving demand for residents’ parking as well as promoting sustainable travel into the city centre. Our proposals would reduce the negative impact of uncontrolled parking, encouraging parking turnover near local businesses and helping to encourage active travel and use of public transport.

“We want to involve the public in the Parking Action Plan, so I would urge anyone interested to participate in our consultation.”

The draft Parking Action Plan (above), which affects the Controlled Parking Zone, was drawn up following a series of information gathering exercises, including interviews with drivers and pedestrians, vehicle counts on key streets and internal workshops.

Amongst the findings it was shown that, when parking is uncontrolled on a Sunday, people stay for a long time, reducing the turnover of business for shops, making it harder for residents to find spaces and impacting on traffic. It also indicates that parking pressures in the evenings are similar, if not greater than during the controlled hours.

In addition, of 535 drivers interviewed on a Sunday, 43% said they would travel by public transport, walk or cycle if they were making the same journey during the week, while 42% indicated that free parking was not important to their decision to visit the city centre that day.

The draft plan is now out for consultation, engaging the public, stakeholders and other interested parties. Views gathered will influence the finalised Parking Action Plan, expected to be considered by committee in January 2016.

Fight or flight: Johnstone congratulates community campaigns

Airport to end trial two months early following community pressure

edinburgh airport

Alison Johnstone has today congratulated local communities on their campaign success after the Edinburgh Airport announced it will close its controversial flight path trial two months earlier than originally planned.

Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian and Scottish Green Party candidate for Edinburgh Central, said: “I’d like to congratulate the community on their success in reducing the length of the reckless flight trial by two months. This is entirely due to sheer determination and their well organised and effective campaign.

“October will still feel like a long month for the community who have had to suffer negative health impacts and disruptive noise caused by the trial, but I am please the airport have recognised the need to listen and act. And end to this stressful situation is now in sight.

“The past few weeks have demonstrated how powerful Scotland’s communities can be, and lessons regarding the need for meaningful consultation have been learned. I look forward to working with constituents and the airport in the months ahead to ensure that the health and well-being of residents is central in all future proposals.”

Over one million passengers travelled through Edinburgh Airport last month, making it the busiest August on record for the airport and its fourth million plus passenger month in a row. A total of 1,158,794 people arrived and departed Edinburgh Airport in August, an increase of 8.7% on August 2014.

Getting Together, Making a Difference: focus on asylum seekers

RWCC (2)
Womens International Group (WIG) are holding the second in a series of ‘Getting Together, Making a Difference’ events next week.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the WIG group, said: “The event is taking place next Thursday (24th September) from 10 – 12.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. This event will be addressing important issues such as home, immigration, asylum and human rights. The centre will be a drop-off point that day for anyone wishing to donate basic supplies to support Syrian refugees stranded in Calais.”

See poster (below) for further information or call Lynn on 552 5700 

WIG event 24 September


Six days to go: Collection points for EDA Syria Appeal

Thousands Of Syrian Refugees Seek Shelter In Makeshift Camps In Jordan

A final reminder of the local collection points for donations to the Edinburgh Direct Aid Syria appeal (the container leaves in SIX days):

  • Community Shop, Pennywell Road
  • Pilton Youth & Childrens Project, West Pilton Place
  • Spartans Community Football Academy, Ainslie Park
  • Edinburgh Direct Aid warehouse, West Harbour Road




Thank you, but we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of response – our container is almost bulked out. If you have already collected goods on our list – padded jackets, welly boots, etc., – do bring them in. If we can’t send them now, we’ll send them later – but please don’t organise any new collections at the moment!


(new!) underwear
toilet paper
sanitary towels

and for schools and vocational training:

notebooks, A4 paper
pens/pencils, boardwriters
sewing materials, wool


Wednesday and Saturdays until SEPTEMBER 23

11:00am to 3pm 

Contact Ann at 0781 494 9468

Positively Diverse programme announced


We have now finalised the programme for our learning event Positively Diverse on the 1 October (see below).  The event will support organisations to implement positive practices that include BME residents.

Please do BOOK your place by calling us on  0131 551 1671 or emailing admin@pchp.org.uk if you want to attend.


9.30am Arrive and coffee

10.00am Welcome

10.30am Professor Rebecca Kay, co-convenor of Glasgow refugee, asylum and migration network: ‘Living in Harmony: the benefits and joy of working with a diverse client group’

11.00am Residents tell their stories – followed by Q&A

12.15pm Lunch

1pm A Welcoming North Edinburgh – past and present

1.15pm How to make it happen – best practice from local organisations -followed by Q&A.

2.30pm What can you do next?

3.15pm Summing up

3.30pm Finish

Anita Aggarwal

Community Development Manager, Pilton Community Health Project


Shiver our timbers!

Muirhouse lads on Ocean Youth Trust trip of a lifetime

unnamed (3)

Two of our young Centre volunteers, Paul Alexander & Chris Barnes (above), embarked on the adventure of a lifetime as they enrolled in a positive learning environment under sail on the Alba Explorer from 31 August to 4 September (writes James McGinty).

Both lads kept a log of their adventure with feedback from their skipper Steve. Reading their log was as difficult as writing it in the ocean swell! With goals to achieve daily and new skills to learn, the skipper’s remarks were favourable.

The values and skills learned fell into many categories:

Meeting new people – and the art of conversation.
Following Instructions – Speaking out in groups
Getting Up Early ( Bet you thought this was not possible!!)
Working in a team -Being on time
Working on daily goals – Keeping Calm.

Many of these qualities can be taken into the lads’ adulthood; so well done, Paul and Chris!

Here are some of the 244 pictures and videos taken by the lads and their crewmates. Click On To our Website to see more: www.muirhousecommunitycentre.co.uk



