STV Appeal support for Edinburgh's Streetwork

Streetwork is one of ten youth projects to receive STV Appeal funding 

STVappeal logo

The STV Appeal has granted a total of £30,000 to support 10 projects across Scotland, in partnership with the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI).

One of the projects awarded a £3,000 grant is Streetwork in Edinburgh which works with vulnerable people on the streets providing street based outreach and one to one follow up support to enable a life beyond the street. Streetwork has been working with vulnerable people for over 22 years and through their outreach work aims to break the cycle of crisis and chaos for our most vulnerable people, including young people. The project was nominated by Drummond Community High School.

One of the service users, aged 17, met Streetwork while on the streets and explained the difference it made for him: “Streetwork gave me help in pointing me in the right direction and providing support that I needed. They helped me contact other agencies to help me sort out my flat and debt problems by helping me contact the right people.”

Managed in Scotland by The Wood Foundation, YPI is a UK and North America wide programme which engages young people in social change and empowers them to critically understand their local community.

YPI Scotland, which was delivered in 108 secondary schools across 18 local authorities during the 2013/14 academic year, asked students to research local need within their community and identify charities they felt were making a difference, before advocating on behalf of their chosen cause for the chance to secure the £3000 STV Appeal grant.

Ten winning projects have now been chosen by the STV Appeal to receive £3,000 each from the STV Appeal, all addressing child poverty at a local level:

VSA Young Carers (Aberdeen) nominated by St Machar Academy
Befriend a Child (Aberdeen) nominated by Hazlehead Academy
Streetwork (Edinburgh) nominated by Drummond Community High School
Children’s Holiday Venture (East Lothian) nominated by Knox Academy
Drumchapel Women’s Aid (Glasgow) nominated by Turnbull High School
Haldane Youth Services (West Dunbartonshire) nominated by Vale of Leven Academy
Petal Support (South Lanarkshire) nominated by Cathkin High School
Riding for the Disabled Arran Group (North Ayrshire) nominated by Arran High School
Inverclyde Foodbank (Inverclyde) nominated by St Columba’s High School
Govanhill Family Support Group (Glasgow) nominated by St Benedict’s High School

Now in its fourth year, the STV Appeal is determined to make an even bigger difference in the lives of children and young people living in poverty in Scotland. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most.

Claire Gibson, CEO at Streetwork said: “It was a pleasure to support the students from Drummond Community High School in their Youth Philanthropy Initiative. The students were very impressive and immediately engaged with the work of Streetwork and the difference we make. The presentation from Drummond Community High was excellent and we were honoured to be awarded £3,000 towards our work with vulnerable young people in Edinburgh.”

Jonathan Christie, YPI Scotland Manager at The Wood Foundation, said: “The opportunity to work with the STV Appeal, and other likeminded partners, is central to the ongoing growth, development and success of YPI Scotland. Across our 140 participating secondary schools, over 18,000 young people will engage in YPI this year, directing a total of £440,000 to small, local charities; charities providing invaluable support in their community. We are delighted the STV Appeal has chosen to support these ten projects, whilst investing in both youth voice and community social action.”

Elizabeth Partyka from the STV Appeal said: “The ten winning projects all do fantastic work to support children and young people affected by poverty across Scotland. We have really enjoyed the opportunity to work in partnership with the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative and we hope the grants from STV Appeal will help each project make an even bigger difference in their community.”


Still caring …

Muirhouse Millennium Centre’s JAMES McGINTY reports on North West Carers annual general meeting,  which took place last week …


Ian Huggin (Chairperson, above centre) welcomed everyone to the AGM, and introduced all members of the board to the audience.

Ian stated he was especially grateful to many who had helped the Carers during the last year to steer the finances to a strong position as they go forward to next year. Concern was raised as to the future funding of the Young Carers and, as treasurer Eddie Thorn explained, funding was difficult for all concerned.

Many of the Directors gave a huge thank you to their main funder, the City of Edinburgh Council, for their continued support not only financially, but from the Commissioners during a difficult period.

A very personal, human story from speaker Gordon told why he had found the project such a great support.

A video shown by Marcia showed the Young carers at a weekend respite camp enjoying a disco, fun park and a concert which included the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. She explained the work that N.W.C.C. did with them, and what the young people did as Carers.

Project manager Angela Diaz gave a brief report of the partnerships involved with the N.W.C..C project, and praised her staff and board for their industry & commitment during the last year.

Minutes of the last A..G.M. were approved and seconded as an accurate report.

Fiona Drinna and Linda Paterson were elected to the Board; Margaret Robertson retired and stood down from the board and was presented with a floral arrangement by staff.

Finally, the Young Carers performed a spirited song and dance routine, much to the delight of the audience (below). Roll on next year for this excellent project!


Words & pictures by James McGinty

AARG! Exciting news from Auld Reekie Roller GIrls!

Change of season for city team now world-ranked 60!


We are excited to announce that the Auld Reekie Roller Girls Intraleague Home Season for 2015 is being held at a new time!

As our loyal fans will know, for the past three years we have run our Home Season from January – April. However, 2014 has seen our league take on a lot of new directions as we continue to grow, not only in number but in standing in the roller derby world.

In the past year, we have gone from being ranked #103 with WFTDA to being #60 in the world. That’s right, our wee Scottish team are the 60th best in the WORLD!

We are super proud of what we have achieved. We plan to continue this until we are #1, so we’ve made some changes and moved some things around – and that includes our Home Season!

So, exciting … we will now have our Home Season from September – November 2015!  Keep a look out for dates which will be announced later next year.

Because this means we have a whole batch of amazing new rookie skaters who are having to wait a little bit longer to show off their skills in public, we are super excited to announce that we will be holding our first ever InARRGuration game on 30 November!

This is a closed game – friends and family of skaters only – but our whole league will be out in force to cheer on our new guys! The skaters who are making ARRG history have been teamed up as follows:


Bruiser Black #369, CirqueduSlay #23, Comet Sans #88, emKa#17, Harlot Bronte #303, Hex #71, Klara #14, Lannthrax#92 (guest – New Town Roller Girls), Major Vengeance #1984, Pummela#321, Shamonster#123, Trojan Virus #526, McSpeedy#145, Rage More #96, Bench – Chasing Katy. LUM –BintImperial


Bacon Roll #4, Ba Humbug #0131, Bunsen BurnHer #61, Coco Schnell – #39 (guest from Newcastle Roller Girls), Calamity Pain #808, Diamond Slayher #10, Jammy Mammie #333, Khal JoJo – #H2O (guest from Newcastle Roller Girls), Looney Tunes #148, Mairi #99, Pukeahontas #92, Roxy Rebel # 31F (guest from Fierce Valley Roller Girls), Teapot Rebellion #24, Tank Girl #46, Bench – DeeDee. LUM – Shiv

We are as excited as they are to watch their first ever inARRGuration game!


'Auld enemy' clash to help boost Ebola response

Government to match up to £5 m of public donations to UNICEF’s Ebola appeal

shake handsThe British government will support a major fundraising appeal to help children who have been made orphans because of Ebola in Sierra Leone.

Up to £5 million of donations from members of the British public to UNICEF’s Ebola appeal will be matched by the UK Government, providing urgent support for families and children living under the threat of the disease.

Building on the success of SoccerAid, UNICEF, the world’s leading children’s organisation, will use the upcoming Scotland v England football match to boost their emergency appeal. Britain and Sierra Leone share a mutual love of the beautiful game, making this appeal particularly poignant due to the fact that football matches in Sierra Leone have been cancelled since August.

Ebola has put thousands of children in danger with many being orphaned by the disease. With schools closed, children have been cut off from their friends and many are fighting for survival on a daily basis. This funding will help care for and protect some of the most vulnerable children, especially those who have lost their parents and are in desperate need of food and other supplies.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: “The UK has secured real action from G20 leaders here in Brisbane but the generosity of the British people in helping those caught up in the Ebola crisis in West Africa has been second to none. That’s why we will match up to £5m of the money raised during Tuesday’s match, helping to make a real difference to the families and children living under the threat of the disease.”

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: “This week’s Scotland v England match will give the British public the chance to show their support for UNICEF’s Ebola appeal in Sierra Leone.

“By matching pound for pound all public donations to the appeal we will help UNICEF give double the support to children who have been orphaned and had their lives turned upside down by this dreadful disease.”

This is the second time the Government has activated the UK Aid Match Scheme in response to Ebola, underlining the unprecedented nature of this outbreak. The British people have already responded generously to the DEC appeal and again the government is helping this appeal go twice as far by matching donations from the UK public pound-for-pound.

The UK has committed £230 million to date supporting the global effort to contain, control and defeat the disease in Sierra Leone. This includes:

  • Supporting 700 treatment beds to help up to 8,800 patients over 6 months;
  • Opening up to 200 Community Care Centres where people who suspect they might be suffering from the disease can seek swift and accurate diagnosis and appropriate care;
  • Building, running and staffing three new labs in Sierra Leone to help check the spread of the deadly Ebola virus, quadrupling the number of tests that can be carried out every day;
  • Supporting NGOs on the ground to work with people to agree practices which will allow them to honour their friends and relatives, while ensuring bodies are safely buried;
  • Doubling the number of burial teams in Freetown – and providing twenty more across the country. We have already made extensive progress on this, with UK support burial teams in the western area, which accounts for approximately a third of Sierra Leone’s population, are now burying 100% of reported bodies within 24 hours and,
  • Supporting a command and control centre to manage burials and Ebola patients across Freetown and the Western area.

In addition, RFA Argus and three Merlin helicopters are in Sierra Leone to deliver transportation and logistical support for medical teams and aid experts working in the country. In total, around 800 military personnel have been deployed to help with the establishment of Ebola treatment centres and an Ebola training academy.


Pensions: Government gears up to launch 'Guidance Guarantee'

Pensions explained: minister to promote importance of retirement planning


As the government gears up to launch its ‘Guidance Guarantee’ to help people approaching retirement make sense of pension reforms, the minister in charge of pensions is to launch the radio equivalent of a soapbox tour.

Minister for Pensions Steve Webb takes to the airwaves this week in the first of a series of radio phone-ins, in which he hopes to give local radio listeners in every part of Britain the chance to quiz him on the government’s pension reforms.

Beginning with a session on BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine Show tomorrow, the minister will repeat his live phone-in surgery every week between now and Christmas, hitting BBC stations serving Scotland, Manchester, Newcastle and Kent.

And the minister plans to continue his commitment into the new year, aiming to cover dozens of local BBC and commercial stations ahead of April next year when major pension reforms come into effect.

The new initiative comes alongside other efforts to help the public better understand how pensions work and make it easier for people to save for the future. Today (17 November 2014), the Department for Work and Pensions also launches PensionTube, a new online hub within the video sharing website YouTube, bringing together content from the government and trusted independent sources that will in time cover the whole spectrum of pension-related issues.

And this comes ahead of a major advertising campaign, themed ‘Your Pension, Your Future’, which will be launched this week to raise awareness of reforms to the State Pension. These changes will turn it into a clearer and fairer foundation for people to build their own retirement saving upon. Minister for Pensions Steve Webb said:

“We are delivering some of the most radical reforms to our pensions system in a generation, introducing a clearer and fairer State Pension and bringing in unprecedented flexibilities that give people the freedom to make their savings work for them.

“It’s only natural that people will have questions about what we’re doing, why we’re doing it and how it will affect them – and I want the chance to speak to as many of those people as possible.

“Politicians should be accessible and this is a great way for me to engage with people all over the country about pensions in a direct way.”

Dr Ros Altmann, independent pensions expert and the Government’s Business Champion for Older Workers, will be one of the first vloggers to appear on PensionTube, discussing the reforms to the State Pension for people reaching state pension age after April 2016. She said:

“The launch of PensionTube is a great idea and I’m very pleased to be one of the first contributors to this exciting new online resource. There are so many changes going on in pensions at the moment, and people need to know what’s happening.

“All the jargon surrounding pensions can be really confusing, so it is important to have a trusted and accessible source of information that people can use when they want to understand what the changes mean.

“I hope that people will get used to using this and follow all the updates as they are released. The more people can understand pensions, the better they can plan for their future.”

To watch PensionTube go to