Raeburn Place development gains charitable status

Raeburn Place sketch

The controversial redevelopment of Edinburgh Accies’ Raeburn Place home has received a boost with news that the project has received charitable status. However campaigners are urging the club to work with the local community to make the project a success.

In a statement,  the organisation set up to progress the development said: ‘We are delighted to announce that The Raeburn Place Foundation (RPF) was officially registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) on Friday 25 April 2014. This is a major milestone for the Project. The Raeburn Place Foundation will build and operate the new facilities.’

Former Scotland rugby captain David Sole OBE said: “”As the Honorary Life President of the Edinburgh Academical Football Club, I am delighted that The Raeburn Place Foundation (RPF) has been granted charitable status (OSCR). I hope this will now facilitate the development, thereby helping shape the future of rugby and sport at Raeburn Place”.

The news has also been welcomed by Scottish Rugby. Chief Executive Mark said: “Congratulations to The Raeburn Place Foundation (RPF) which has been awarded charitable status by OSCR. This is a major step in securing the much needed upgrade in facilities required at Raeburn Place.

“Scottish Rugby recognises that improved facilities will help increase and attract players of all ages, both male and female, into the game, and indeed sport in general. This will also make for a more enjoyable spectator experience, leading to an increase in match attendance, thereby also helping to sustain the club game.

“It is befitting that the home of the first international will also be the location for a museum celebrating the international game”.

Local campaigners Save Stockbridge opposed the redevelopment and met last week to discuss the next steps in their fight against the scale of the Raeburn Place plans. A spokesperson for the group said: 

“We continue to be well supported with over 80 people in attendance. Supporters were updated on the critical issue of ownership of the 6 foot strip along Comely Bank Road, where the wall currently stands. Until ownership of this strip has been established, CEC will not issue final written planning approval, therefore the development may not move forward.

“Although opponents of this development, Save Stockbridge has always supported the presence of rugby on the Academicals ground. We acknowledge their need for better facilities and a good income stream to support the continued health of this historic club.

“We therefore asked Dr James Simpson to share some alternative proposals that he had been working on with the supporters. We believe there is an opportunity to develop facilities and commercial (not retail), possibly also residential, property along Portgower Place. Those present were really interested and put forward other positive suggestions.

“We would be delighted to work with the developers and share our suggestions. Sadly, this has never been encouraged despite several offers from Dr Simpson in the past.

“Regarding the award of charitable status to the Raeburn Place Development, we are aware that after initial difficulties this has now been granted. Our understanding is that the development had been having difficulty raising the necessary funds, this award will go a long way to helping them raise the necessary finance.

“To that end, it is not good news for Save Stockbridge with regards the current proposed development. However, if (as outlined above) the developers would listen to our alternative proposals and work with us, we would be delighted that they had achieved charitable status to raise funds for the mutually agreed benefit of rugby in Stockbridge.”


North Edinburgh’s voluntary sector to meet on Wednesday


A reminder to the area’s charity and community projects that Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will meet on Wednesday 7 May at 10am in North Edinburgh Arts.

It’s been a wee while since the last Forum meeting and there is lots to discuss (see Agenda) so why not go along – new faces are always welcome!

If you do plan to attend, please contact EVOC’s June Dickson (telephone 555 9100 or email  june.dickson@evoc.org.uk) to let her know.

Forth & Inverleith VSF Agenda 7th May 2014

Sainsbury’s supports Scotland’s senior youth club


Sainsburys Blackhall have been helping FetLor Youth Club do some much needed repairs to their old building to keep it going until funds can be raised to build a new one …

Young people from FetLor have written to thank the Craigleith store for their help, attaching some before and after photos to show the difference that’s been made (attached below).

Sainsburys 1 page fixing jobs TQ

FetLor Operations Manger Lindsay Coulton said: “FetLor Youth Club is Scotland’s oldest Youth Work Project, set up in 1924. The Club is currently housed in a wooden hut built in the early 1960’s on Crewe Road South.

“It has served the North Edinburgh community well over the past 40 years and holds many fond memories, but it can’t last much longer and the cost of repairs is rising every year. Thanks to Sainsbury’s Blackhall some of the urgent repairs that the Club needs have been carried out, making the building safe and secure for our young people and allowing us to commit funds to the new building project.

“The support of organisations in the local community, such as the support offered to us by Sainsbury’s Blackhall, will be key to the success of our project. If you are interested in helping, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at FetLor Youth Club – we would be delighted to hear from you.”


Quality childcare ‘boosts school attainment’


High-quality nursery education helps improve performance at school at all ages, a Scottish Government research paper highlighted today.

In 100 days, families will start to benefit from an increase in the amount of funded early learning and childcare available for three and four-year-olds in Scotland – rising from 12.5 hours per week to almost 16 hours.

The same entitlement will, for the first time, be extended to over a quarter (27 per cent) of two-year-olds over the next two years – with those from workless or job-seeking households being among the first to benefit from expanded provision, starting from August 12.

Ministers have also set out in ‘Scotland’s Future’ how they would use the powers of independence to transform provision through a universal system of pre-school childcare.

Today’s paper – drawing on the findings of three major studies, which are supported by other research work – highlights evidence that:

• Pre-school experience enhances all-round development in children – and may particularly benefit disadvantaged children – with improved cognitive development, sociability and concentration when starting primary school.

• The positive effect of attending higher quality pre-school settings on children’s subsequent outcomes in reading and mathematics is evident at age 10, even accounting for the influence of background factors.

• The benefits of early education and childcare can persist into secondary school – with European research showing that, in most countries, pupils at age 15 who attended pre-school education programmes tend to perform better than those who have not.


Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell (pictured above) said: “By improving access to affordable, high-quality early learning and childcare we will deliver many benefits for Scotland, not least – as this research paper highlights – boosting children’s performance all the way through to secondary school. That’s why we’re investing in a skilled workforce and working with local authorities and partner providers to ensure that quality remains at the heart of our plans.

“In 100 days, with investment of more than a quarter of a billion pounds over two years, we will take further steps towards our ambition to transform early learning and childcare. By doing so in a well-managed, phased and sustainable way, we will support children and families both in their immediate circumstances and for their longer-term aspirations.

“With a 45 per cent increase in funded pre-school entitlement since 2007, backed by our investment in the workforce, an independent review of future skills and capacity, and capital investment of £91 million over the next two years, we are using the resources available to us now to build the foundations for the transformational change in early learning and childcare that we can deliver with the powers and resources of independence.”

Commenting on the paper, Jackie Brock, Chief Executive of Children in Scotland, said: “This paper is a helpful summary of both the national and international evidence which underpins Children in Scotland’s belief that good quality pre-school care and learning makes a significant contribution to a child’s development.

“This demonstrates, undeniably, that quality early education and care has advantages for every child but is especially important as one measure to eliminate Scotland’s inequalities in educational attainment.”

Early Years Taskforce member and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie, added: “With 100 days to go until the expansion of nursery education this sound research is a reminder to parents about the real value of early education. It shows that nursery education, especially before the age of three, has long term benefits right through school.

“As a Liberal I know that investing in education, especially early education, can change lives and give great opportunities for people to get on in the world. This new research will give a further boost to our efforts for all. I would urge every two year old eligible for the new entitlement of over fifteen hours a week of nursery education be registered so they can take full advantage of the real benefits.”


Don’t miss out on your right to vote

ballot box

Edinburgh residents are being urged not to lose the opportunity to vote in the forthcoming European Elections – you must register to vote by TUESDAY (6 May) in order to cast your vote on 22 May.

Though registration across the capital’s 151 polling districts is relatively high, there are some areas that continue to experience a much lower rate in voter registration – particularly areas with a high volume of rented properties.

Those living in rented accommodation or who have moved house are being reminded to let the Electoral Registration Office know when they move to avoid losing out on their vote.

Getting on the electoral register now will also allow a vote in the Scottish Referendum on September 18.

City of Edinburgh Council leader, Councillor Andrew Burns, said: “With both the European Parliamentary Elections and the Scottish Independence Referendum taking place this year, it’s important that you are registered to vote.

“This is your opportunity to be part of our democracy and make your vote count. Registering only takes a few minutes and being on the Electoral Register has other benefits such as helping improve your credit rating.”

The European Elections will be held in all 28 member states of the European Union, with Edinburgh residents voting to elect six members of the European Parliament to the Electoral Region of Scotland.

Citizens must register to vote by 6 May by filling out an application form, which can be found on the Lothian Valuation Joint Board website at www.lothian-vjb.gov.uk or call the Lothian Valuation Joint Board 0131 344 2500.

polling station

Want a postal vote? Those wishing to vote by post must register by 5pm on Wednesday (7 May).

Letter: More funding needed to protect our parents

Tony Delahoy on the final part of a deeply troubling BBC documentary … 


Dear Editor

The third and final part of the BBC television programme ‘Protecting our Parents’ (Thursday 2 May) further illustrated the total inadequacy of the available resources – both staffing and funding – in addressing the human needs of frail individuals who are trying to understand the position they are in, at the same time being asked to decide their future accommodation needs.

Relatives, if available to help, are usually elderly themselves, with limited physical ability and torn by guilt.

One lady, who had dementia and at times could be aggressive, was a changed person after having one-to-one care: it was discovered in these one-to-one sessions that music was very comforting to her.

The extension of one-to-one care will need many more staff, more funding and more training. All authorities, national and local, say money is scarce so it is worth reminding them that all wealth is produced in the first place by people, and that money extracted from that wealth in various taxes still belongs to the people, who in turn elect others to manage to fund what the people need.

The Protecting our Parents series has shown the problems that exist now; the offloading of the elderly from hospital (to prevent ‘bed blocking’) to a sparse choice of expensive care homes, or a home care package which is inadequate, not only for essential needs but for mental inclusion in life.

A rapid increase in building NHS ‘halfway hospitals’ with fully trained staff is urgently needed to cater for the elderly who are in need of other care or accommodation.

Much more funding must be allocated to recruit, fully train and deploy staff to enable all round caring be given in Protecting our Parents.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Housing payment cap powers to be transferred

More help for 72,000 Scottish households 


Thousands of Scots families can be given more ‘Bedroom Tax’ assistance following discussions between the Westminster and Scottish governments. The UK government has offered to transfer power over the housing payment cap to Holyrood, it was announced yesterday.

Housing help for people on benefits – known as Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) – is currently reserved to Westminster and administered by local authorities in Scotland. This power will now transfer to Scotland, however, and the Scottish Government is now urging Westminster to transfer these powers as soon as possible.

The Scottish Government has already spent up to the previous legal limit in order to mitigate the effects of the ‘Bedroom Tax’. Once the powers are transferred, a total of £50 million can be invested to help the 72,000 households in Scotland who are suffering from the effects.

Welcoming the news, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

“We had already set aside the money to be able to help every household in Scotland affected by the ‘Bedroom Tax’ – once we have the powers, we will be able to use it and provide vital assistance to thousands of hard-pressed Scots.

“I am delighted that in future anyone who has been affected by this unfair policy will receive the help they need and would encourage them to contact their Local Authority to apply for assistance through the DHP scheme.

“We will never turn our back on people in need, and I am pleased to finally be able to get on and help people. But the fact is that this decision has taken far too long. We have been pressing since January for Iain Duncan Smith to remove this cap – and at last Westminster has seen sense and have given us what we requested. We will now work to ensure the law is changed as quickly as possible.

“The DHP scheme is the only legal way – under the powers that Scotland currently has – to provide regular financial payments to people on housing benefit. But the only way to get rid of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ for good is through the powers of an independent Scottish Parliament.

“We know that Scots want welfare decisions to be made and taken by the Scottish Parliament. The ‘Bedroom Tax’ has been rejected by people right across Scotland, yet is still being imposed on us by the UK Government.

“With independence we will have the opportunity to create a welfare system that really works for us.”

However the UK Government says that their willingness to transfer the power to set the cap on Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) in Scotland demonstrates a ‘commitment to taking a pragmatic approach to devolution and to engaging intensely with local authorities in Scotland.’

In a letter to Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland Office Minister David Mundell has offered to transfer the power to the Scottish Government through a Section 63 Order which will require the agreement of the UK and Scottish Governments before being approved by both the UK and Scottish Parliaments.

If the Scottish Government chooses to accept this offer, it will have the flexibility to pass on more funding from its existing block grant to local authorities – it will be up to to the Scottish Government and local authorities how they choose to allocate their money.

As things currently stand, DHPs can be used by local authorities across Great Britain to provide additional funding for people in receipt of housing benefit who need extra support. At present each local authority must operate within a formula-based spending cap set by the Department for Work and Pensions. The proposal from the UK Government would mean that the Scottish Government would have the power to set the DHP cap for Scottish local authorities in future.

Mr Mundell said: “I have completed a programme of visits to all Scottish local authorities and believe that transferring this power to the Scottish Government is the correct thing to do.

“The UK Government believes in taking a pragmatic approach to devolution and we believe in a United Kingdom that gives Scotland the best of both worlds. I hope that officials from both governments will now be able to take this forward.”



Support a local food bank at Sainsbury’s


Sainsbury’s Blackhall are collecting in-store for the food bank at
Granton Baptist Church (pictured above).

Customers can buy an extra grocery item and add to a trolley at the front of the store. Goods are delivered to the food bank three times a week.

Sainsbury’s Blackhall would like to thank all their customers for their
continued support.

Alexander urged to ‘come clean’ on assets share

As we confidently predicted yesterday (!) (see ‘Fantastical’), John Swinney was quick to counter Danny Alexander’s pronouncements on how an independent Scotland’s economy would shape up. Sadly the Holyrood Finance Secretary’s response made no reference to the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest …


Finance Secretary John Swinney said any claims about Scotland’s finances from the UK Government must include details on Scotland’s share of UK assets worth nearly £1.3 trillion.

Mr Swinney said the Chief Secretary to the Treasury has recently admitted to the Scottish Parliament that Scotland will inherit a share of UK assets.

He said billions of pounds could be paid to an independent Scotland in cash as many of the assets paid for by Scottish tax-payers will be physically located in the rest of the UK.

Mr Swinney said: “Danny Alexander has said the UK Treasury is examining the finances of an independent Scotland.

“We already know Scotland is one of the wealthiest countries in the developed world and that over the past 5 years our public finances have been healthier than the UK’s to the tune of around £1,600 per person.

“To have a shred of credibility any Westminster analysis should also set out in detail the assets that will be due to Scotland in the event of a vote for independence in September.

“As part its campaign rhetoric we know the UK Government talks about Scotland’s share of the debt run up by successive Westminster Chancellors. It cannot be taken seriously if does not also talk about Scotland’s share of assets.”

“Scotland’s share of UK assets will be realised in a combination of ways – through physical assets, cash transfer and continued use of assets through shared service agreements.

“Assets located elsewhere in the UK will be included in negotiations, as Scotland has contributed to their value over a long period of time. For physical assets like these, the equitable outcome may be to provide Scotland with an appropriate cash share of their value.

“We note with interest preliminary analysis by academics suggesting that on defence alone Scotland may be entitled to draw upon a notional sum of nearly £5 billion for physical assets located elsewhere

“The apportionment of the UK national debt will be negotiated and agreed as part of the overall settlement on assets and liabilities.

“On any reasonable scenario, because national income per head is higher in Scotland than the UK, an independent Scotland will have a lower debt burden as a share of GDP than the UK.

“Both the Scottish and UK Governments have signed the Edinburgh Agreement which commits both governments to working together on matters of mutual interest, good communication and mutual respect.

“The two governments have also said they will work together constructively, whatever the result, so we can expect these matters to be worked out in that spirit of mutual respect and co-operation.”

BUCKS FIZZ: Not mentioned in Swinney speech
BUCKS FIZZ: Not mentioned in Swinney speech