More than half of young carers aren’t getting the breaks they need, alarming survey finds

Young carers take open top bus to Westminster on Young Carers Action Day to call on MPs and decision-makers for more support

  • Almost a quarter of young carers say no one else can provide the care they do
  • Two-fifths worry too much about the person they care for to take a break
  • 72% miss out on the school holidays, nearly half miss out on friendships and almost one in five say they’re missing time out of their education

More than half of young carers can’t get a regular break from caring, while almost a quarter say there’s no one else to provide the care they do, an alarming survey has found.

The findings have been released by Carers Trust for Young Carers Action Day on 12 March. The time young carers spend on their caring role mean young carers often miss out on education, friendships, holidays and many other things their classmates take for granted, the survey showed.

The survey of 423 young and young adult carers found nearly one in five rarely or never get a break (17%), while 40% said they got one only some of the time. Just 15% said they could take a break whenever they wanted.

Asked what stopped them getting a break, almost a quarter (23%) said there was no one else to provide the care they give. Two-fifths (40%) said they worried too much about the person they care for to take time out from looking after them.

One young carer said: “I feel bad for taking breaks and when I have time for myself I’m always thinking that I could be doing something else to help out. It’s isolating because I can’t meet up with friends. I can text but it’s just not the same. Everyone’s planning their holidays and trips but I know I can’t go on holiday.”

Almost three-quarters of young carers (72%) said they miss out on the holidays because they provide care, the survey showed.

Many also felt they were shut out of a lot of the things most other children get to do. Nearly half (49%) miss out on friendships, and 46% on hobbies. Almost two-thirds (65%) said they lacked time to themselves and nearly one in five (19%) felt they were missing their education.

Young Carers Action Day is an annual campaign organised by Carers Trust with its network of local carer organisations.

It aims to highlight the challenges faced by the UK’s one million young carers (under-18s) and the hundreds of thousands of young adult carers aged 18-25. At least 16,000 young carers in the UK, some just five years old, are caring for 50 hours a week or more, according to the most recent census data.

This year the theme of Young Carers Action Day is “Give Me A Break”. It was chosen by young carers themselves to show their need for respite but also to be given a chance in life by schools, employers and politicians.

Carers Trust is calling on the UK Government to ensure all young carers have access to a properly funded break from their caring role. Politicians, education providers, employers and other organisations are also being asked to sign the Young Carers Covenant, a pledge to help young carers improve their lives.

Kirsty McHugh, Carers Trust’s CEO, said: “Across the UK, children as young as five are spending huge amounts of their free time caring for others. We know this can have a devastating effect on their education, wellbeing and future prospects. It is simply wrong that, as a country, we are asking so many children to take on so much.

“Those in power need to give young carers a break. If we want young people to thrive, as well as those for which they care, we need to give these young people the chance to take time out from their caring duties.”

The Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza said: “As Children’s Commissioner, I know from speaking to young carers that they provide essential support to their family members and take on extra responsibilities to look after their loved ones, sometimes at a cost to their own education.

“Young carers often have to navigate extremely challenging circumstances alone without extra support, which can have a big impact on their lives and wellbeing.”

“I am collecting evidence from schools and colleges about how they support young carers in their own settings, to build a national picture of how these children’s extra responsibilities are being recognised. We should be no less ambitious for young carers than we are for all children.”

On Young Carers Action Day, Carers Trust will be giving a group of young carers a break by taking them on an open top bus tour in London. The bus will be stopping at Westminster where politicians are being invited to hop aboard, meet the children and hear their concerns directly.

The day before, young carers from Hartlepool Carers Centre will hand in a letter to 10 Downing Street. It will ask for the Prime Minister’s support for the Young Carers Covenant and cross-government action to improve opportunities for young and young adult carers.

In Scotland, there will be a mass gathering of young carers at Holyrood where they will meet MSPs, share their experiences and call for more support.

There will also be a roundtable discussion with decision-makers about better access to breaks for young carers. A Young Carer Action Day Parliamentary Debate will take place in the Scottish Parliament Chamber with over 100 young carers in attendance.

In Wales, Carers Trust’s Youth Council of young carers supported by local carer organisations across the country will join together at the Senedd.

They’ll be quizzing MSs about how they can work towards a country where young carers are supported to access the short breaks they need and they’ll have a chance to hear from former young carers about the breaks they’ve had in life in their careers and education. 

For the fifth year in a row, creative arts charity Create and Carers Trust are partnering for a special showcase of artwork made by young carers during four Young Carers Action Day 2025 projects. These have taken place across the four nations of the UK.

The online showcase is on the “Give Me a Break” theme and highlights the importance of giving young carers time off from their caring responsibilities to look after their own wellbeing.

This year’s showcase will feature puppetry, photography, prints and collages specifically created for the day by young people in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Scottish teenagers are missing out on carers benefit

Young people may be missing out on help because they don’t realise they’re carers

On Young Carers Action Day (13 March) teenagers who look after others are being urged find out if they’re eligible for a grant available only in Scotland. 

Since being introduced in 2019 by the Scottish Government, Young Carer Grant has delivered over £3 million to over 6,600 teenage carers.    

However a leading carers charity says many young people who look after others do not recognise themselves as carers, as they see the support they give as just part of family life. As a result, they do not know they’re entitled to benefits. 

Scottish Government figures suggest around 25% of those eligible for Young Carer Grant in 2022-23 did not apply.  

The Carers Trust has joined Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville to urge teenagers who look after others to recognise their vital caring role and to apply for the support available to them. 

Young Carers Grant, paid by Social Security Scotland, is available to those aged 16-18 who spend 16 or more hours a week looking after someone who gets a disability benefit. 

The grant was introduced in October 2019 by the Scottish Government to help young people with caring responsibilities and is part of a wider package of support for young carers funded by the Scottish Government. 

Paul Traynor, Head of External Affairs (Scotland) at Carers Trust, said: “There are lots of young people caring for a relative, friend or member of their community who don’t realise they’re young carers and could be eligible for financial support.

“They might help someone get dressed in the morning, help with shopping or provide emotional support, for example. The person they look after could have a disability, illness or addiction.  

“Young carers often view this as ‘just helping out’ or ‘part of family life’. It could even be expected as part of their culture. It is vital that all young carers know about their rights, what support they are entitled to, are able to have a life alongside caring and are helped to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives.” 

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “I’m pleased that the grant we introduced has been able to deliver over £3 million to young carers in Scotland who are balancing their vital caring role with study or work.  

“However, we know many young people who look after others see the amazing work they do as part of life and do not recognise themselves as carers and so do not realise they can get financial support. 

“I urge any young person aged 16, 17 or 18 who looks after someone else to check if they’re eligible for Young Carer Grant and to apply if they are. It’s money they’re entitled to. 

“The payment is designed to recognise the important role of unpaid young carers and allow them to take part in the same activities as their peers, whether that’s driving lessons, going on a weekend away or buying new clothes.

“The money can be spent on whatever the young person wants.” 

Zainab, who is a young carer said: “I spent my grant on a piano keyboard. I’ve loved to do piano for a very long time but I didn’t have enough funds to buy one as they’re very expensive.

“So I used my Young Carer Grant to buy one and I love it!” 

Young carers may also be eligible for Carer Support Payment from Social Security Scotland or Carer’s Allowance from the Department for Work and Pensions. 

Carer’s Allowance Supplement is also available as an extra payment for people in Scotland who get Carer Support Payment or Carer’s Allowance on a particular date each year.

These dates are available on  

“It’s harder than anyone understands, and I feel like I’m drowning”

New survey identifies that young carers need a break

Carers Trust Scotland calls for more support for young carers after survey finds many feeling stressed, lonely and worried

  • More than one in five (22%) of young carers and young adult carers responding said they feel unable to take a break from caring and 31% don’t get enough rest or time for themselves.
  • More than half (54%) of young carers and young adult carers that responded said the amount of time they spend caring per week had increased in the past year
  • At least a third of respondents said their caring role resulted in them either ‘always’ or ‘usually’ feeling ‘worried’ (36%), ‘lonely’ (33%) or ‘stressed’ (42%)
  • 47% of young carers and young adult carers responding to the survey said they ‘never’ or ‘not often’ got support from their school, college or university in balancing study with their caring role

Findings from a new Carers Trust survey reveal how an alarming lack of support, coupled with a dramatic rise in time spent caring, is leaving many young carers across Scotland feeling ‘lonely’, ‘exhausted’, ‘worried’, ‘burned out’ and ‘stressed’.

The findings were published to mark Young Carers Action Day, an annual event led and organised by Carers Trust to raise awareness of young carers and the challenges they face.

Carers Trust recommendations

Carers Trust Scotland is responding to the survey findings by calling for action to address isolation among young carers and young adult carers. Recommended action includes:

·       More commissioned breaks and respite for young carers and young adult carers. Carers Trust Scotland are calling on Scottish Government to introduce a right to access the regular breaks they need to support positive wellbeing, reduce social isolation, and live a fulfilled life alongside caring.

·       The Scottish Government to do more to monitor how local authorities are meeting statutory duties to identify and support young carers.

·       Education providers, whether schools, colleges or universities, need to take a more integrated and collaborative approach to support. This includes working in partnership with the NHS, local authorities and local carer organisations.

Survey Findings

More than half (54%) of the young carers (aged 18 or under) and young adult carers (aged 16-25) responding to the survey had experienced an increase over the last year in the amount of time they spend supporting siblings and parents with care and support needs.

And one in five of those reporting an increase said they were caring for as much as 20 to 49 hours more per week.

Even before Coronavirus, pressures on the health and social care services meant increasing levels of caring responsibilities were falling too heavily on young carers’ shoulders.

The impact of this overwhelming burden of responsibility was made clear in many of the written responses to the survey.

One young carer said: “I’m more stressed and anxious and I just feel like I need a break”.

Another said: “It’s too much pressure and responsibility for something I didn’t choose.”

And a third young carer revealed: “It affected my friendships as they didn’t understand why they couldn’t come inside the house.”

Coronavirus exacerbates existing pressures on young carers

Those pressures have been greatly exacerbated by the pandemic. Many essential services for those being cared for by young carers were closed because of lockdown. That left young carers and young adult carers to take on even further caring responsibilities.

And while the pandemic is moving into a less acute phase, Covid continues to negatively impact the lives of young carers and young adult carers across the UK. As a result of the pandemic the survey that:

  • 59% said they felt more stressed
  • 52% said they felt less connected to others
  • 46% said their education was suffering
  • 44% said their mental health is worse
  • 41% said they were concerned about their future prospects.

This sense of anxiety in a context of loneliness and isolation is revealed in just a few of the written responses:

‘I never got a break in almost 2 years, I worked hard to keep mum out of hospital as I was scared what would happen if she went in. I never get any thanks or praise for what I do …”

Feels never ending, I’m getting angry all the time with the person I care for although they haven’t done anything because I feel so on edge unable to have a break or get away.”

My mental health is awful, and I really struggle to take time for myself at home. The only time I have away from my family is at school but I don’t even like going to school because I get so nervous for everything and I’m always so exhausted.”

Responding to the survey findings, Carers Trust’s CEO, Kirsty McHugh, said: ‘These stark findings underline the plight of young carers. Too many are left unsupported, struggling to access the services they need with knock on effects to their education, mental health and well-being. 

“We need more investment in social care generally and local care organisations specifically to relieve young carers of the overwhelming pressure so many are under.

“In addition, the NHS must ensure its mental health services prioritise young carer support. Otherwise young carers will continue to be left alone to cope with complex problems and responsibilities that would overwhelm most adults, let alone young people.”

National action plan needed to protect young carers’ futures

·       71% of young carers and 85% of young adult carers are more worried about the future since Coronavirus.

·       45% of young carers and 68% of young adult carers say their mental health is worse since Coronavirus.

·       40% of young carers and 56% of young adult carers feel overwhelmed by the pressures they are now facing

Today, on Young Carers Action Day (March 16 2021), Carers Trust Scotland is calling on Scottish Government to commit to developing a new cross-cutting National Action Plan to protect the futures of children and young people with caring responsibilities.

These plans are urgently needed to address a downward spiral in the mental health of young carers across Scotland, and the adverse impact this is having on their hopes for the future.

A recent Carers Trust Scotland survey revealed high levels of anxiety and stress among young carers. The survey found over two thirds (71%) of young carers aged 12 to 17, and 85% of young adult carers aged 18 to 25 were experiencing increased concern for their futures since Coronavirus.

To address these challenges, Scottish Government’s National Action Plan should include clear actions that can be delivered at pace. They should address education, employability and health and wellbeing prospects among young people with caring responsibilities.

Louise Morgan, Director of Carers Trust Scotland comments: “It is important on Young Carer Action Day to highlight the additional challenges young carers have experienced as result of the pandemic and think about their futures.

“It is vital that Scottish Government introduces a new National Action Plan which is ambitious and ensures young carers in Scotland have the support that they need and are given a fair chance to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives.”

To Protect Young Carers’ Futures and help make a National Action Plan for young carers a reality, Carers Trust Scotland is working with young carers across Scotland to ask statutory bodies to make meaningful commitments to deliver young carers’ rights across health, social care, education and employment. 

Speaking about her hopes for Young Carers Action Day, Ilse Cuthbertson a young carer and Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament for Carers Trust Scotland, (above, right) said: “The Young Carers Action Day Steering Group chose to focus on protecting young carers futures.

“This theme fits in perfectly with this year, as due to the pandemic it is now more important than ever that we protect the futures of young people with caring responsibilities.”

Welcoming the call for a National Action Plan to protect young carers’ futures, world-leading researcher on young carers’ rights and Carers Trust Ambassador, Dr Saul Becker, said: “During the pandemic, we have seen millions of people, rightly, furloughed to stay at home, paid by the government and told they must NOT work.

“On the other hand, carers of all ages, and especially carers under the age of 25, have been forced to stay at home because schools have closed, health and social care services have been cancelled, and young carers have taken on many of the responsibilities of statutory and other service providers, often on a full-time basis.

“It’s young carers’ turn for recognition and support. We desperately need national and local action plans to make sure that young carers are not left behind; that they are no longer ignored and invisible. We must safeguard their futures – and see this as a sound investment not a cost.”

Employers called on to protect young carers’ futures

Carers Trust is also urging employers to protect young carers’ futures by acknowledging the unique skills and attributes young carers develop from an early age, such as time-management skills, resilience, empathy and a sense of responsibility for others.

We are already working with our corporate supporters to develop resources and provide experience to facilitate young carers’ pathways into employment:

  • with funding from the People’s Postcode Lottery we are building an internship training programme for young people with caring responsibilities.
  • the financial services group, Quilter, have supported us in setting up a Steering Group for young carers and young adult carers to come together to plan.
  • with support from the leading online florist Bloom and Wild we are developing a series of workshops for young carers to gain invaluable workplace experience and insights.