What are the rules if you’re temporarily laid off?

If you’re one of the workers who’ve been asked to go on furlough, make sure you know your rights.

The coronavirus outbreak has put the UK economy under immense strain, with businesses across the country shutting down to prevent the spread.

After discussions with trade unions, the government is to plough billions of pounds into a furlough scheme that will see the taxpayer give businesses 80 per cent of the wages of those employees who are temporarily laid off.

This should stop those business suffering a drop-off from making workers permanently redundant. It will ensure that more workers have enough money to cover their bills and leave businesses well-placed to ramp up activity once demand picks up again.

But while measures to protect jobs are welcome, it’s important that employers follow the rules when sending staff on furlough.

And if you’re one of the workers who’ve been asked to go on furlough, make sure you know your rights.

Despite the government having recently published guidance on how the scheme will operate, there are still a number of unanswered questions about the scheme. But this is what we know right now:

Bosses must follow the rules

Bosses can’t just stick workers on furlough or shorter hours.

An employee is regarded to have been laid off during a particular week if the employer does not have sufficient work for the employee and the employee is not paid as a result. (s.147(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996).

What does your contract say?

If your contract contains the right for the employer to impose a lay-off, they can simply do so.

But it needs to be for a reasonable period of time, not indefinite.

Collective agreements between employers and unions will normally include provision for minimum payments if employees are laid off for a period.

If it’s not in the contract, then the employer needs your written, informed consent. And they have to make it clear how long the lay-off will be.

The lay-off has to be kept under review and the employer must seek further consent if it lasts longer than expected.

What happens if this isn’t in your contract and you say “no”?

If an employee or their union objects to the lay-offs, the employer cannot simply impose it.

If workers say “no” and the employer attempts to press ahead, employees can resign and claim unfair constructive dismissal, and possibly also claim a statutory redundancy payment.

Or they can continue in employment but claim any shortfall in pay under the unauthorised deduction of wages laws.

This is especially helpful if you haven’t got the two years’ service needed to claim unfair constructive dismissal.

How much will I get paid?

The government will stump up 80 per cent of the wage costs of those laid off. It will also cover employer costs such as their National Insurance and pension payments at the minimum legal level.

It will only cover basic salary and not commission payments and is capped at £2.500 a month. This means that, as it stands, those who currently receive piece work “bonuses” would see their income fall substantially.

Employers can, and we believe should where they can afford it, top up wages to 100 per cent.

If your pay varies, your employer can claim for the higher of either the same month’s earnings from the previous year or average monthly earnings from the 2019-20 tax year.

Who does it cover?

Employees who are paid via Pay as You Earn payroll, which is likely to include a number of agency workers as well as those working via zero hours arrangements. They must have been on the organisation’s payroll as of 28 February 2020.

The scheme also covers employees who were made redundant since 28 February 2020, if they are rehired by their employer.

But, as it currently stands, those workers who have gone onto short-time working will not be covered by the scheme. Those workers will not have their wages topped up to normal levels.

What about the self-employed?

The self-employed (or at least most of them) are covered by a separate Self Employed Income Support Scheme.

Am I entitled to redundancy payments?

An employee who has agreed to furlough (or to short-time working) either for four consecutive weeks or for a total of six weeks (no more than three being consecutive) in any period of 13 weeks can resign and claim a redundancy payment.

How do employers decide who goes on furlough?

Employers must use a fair process for selecting employees for furlough and be very clear about why they are making certain decisions.

They must be careful not to discriminate against particular groups of workers who are protected by equality law, either directly or indirectly.

For example, they must not choose to furlough a worker because their race or because they are pregnant, to do so would be direct discrimination.

Similarly, they should not ask disabled workers to agree to a temporary lay-off to avoid putting in place reasonable adjustments that would allow them to continue working during the current outbreak.

Examples of indirect discrimination would be selecting workers for furlough because of their caring commitments, a group of workers in which women are overrepresented.

I have two jobs. If I am furloughed from one, what happens to the other?

Each furlough arrangement applies to a single job you do. So you can continue working in one job while furloughed from another. The pay cap applies to each employer individually.

Can my employer give me work to do during furlough?

No. A furloughed employee can take part in volunteer work or training, as long as it does not provide services to or generate revenue for their employer.

But if you are asked to do training you must be paid at least the minimum wage/National Living Wage, even if this is more than the 80 per cent of wage that will be subsidised by the government.

Tim Sharp, TUC

Call for clarity on EU workers


The UK Government must reassure workers they will not lose out after the EU referendum outcome, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and STUC General Secretary Grahame Smith said yesterday. The STUC also supported the call to give all EU citizens currently resident in the UK reassurance they can continue to live, work and study here without restriction.

The appeal comes as Theresa May prepares to take over as Prime Minister later today.

On Monday the Westminster government said there has been no change to the rights and status of EU nationals in the UK, and UK nationals in the EU, as a result of the referendum.

In a joint statement, the Cabinet Office, the Home Office and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office said:

The decision about when to trigger Article 50 and start the formal process of leaving the EU will be for the new Prime Minister. The UK remains a member of the EU throughout this process, and until Article 50 negotiations have concluded.

When we do leave the EU, we fully expect that the legal status of EU nationals living in the UK, and that of UK nationals in EU member states, will be properly protected.

The government recognises and values the important contribution made by EU and other non-UK citizens who work, study and live in the UK.

I have lived in the UK for more than 5 years. What does the vote to leave the EU mean for me?

  • EU nationals who have lived continuously and lawfully in the UK for at least 5 years automatically have a permanent right to reside. This means that they have a right to live in the UK permanently, in accordance with EU law. There is no requirement to register for documentation to confirm this status.
  • EU nationals who have lived continuously and lawfully in the UK for at least 6 years are eligible to apply for British citizenship if they would like to do so. The eligibility requirements can be found here.

 What if I have lived in the UK for less than 5 years?

  • EU nationals continue to have a right to reside in the UK in accordance with EU law. EU nationals do not need to register for any documentation in order to enjoy their free movement rights and responsibilities. For those that decide to apply for a registration certificate, there has been no change to government policy or processes. Applications will continue to be processed as usual.
  • Non-EU family members of EU nationals must continue to apply for a family permit if they wish to enter the UK under EU law, and they do not have a residence card issued by a member state. There has been no change to government policy or processes, and applications will continue to be processed as usual.
  • Extended family members of EU nationals must continue to apply for a registration certificate (if they are an EU national) or residence card (if they are a non-EU national) if they wish to reside in the UK. There has been no change to government policy or processes, and applications will continue to be processed as usual.
  • Irish nationals enjoy separate rights, under various pieces of legislation, which allow Irish nationals residing in the UK to be treated in the same way as British nationals in most circumstances. There is no change to this position.
  • Croatian nationals might continue to need to apply for a registration certificate to be allowed to work in the UK under the transitional arrangements that were put in place when Croatia joined the EU in 2013. The type of registration certificate that they might need will depend on whether they need permission to work in the UK, and what they will be doing. There has been no change to government policy or processes, and applications will continue to be processed as usual.

 Does the government plan to remove EU nationals from the UK?

There has been no change to the right of EU nationals to reside in the UK and therefore no change to the circumstances in which someone could be removed from the UK.

As was the case before the referendum, EU nationals can only be removed from the UK if they are considered to pose a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat to the public, if they are not lawfully resident or are abusing their free movement rights.


However the First Minister is seeking reassurance from Theresa May that these exisiting EU workers rights will be protected.

Ms Sturgeon met the STUC General Council yesterday to discuss fair work and progressive workplace practices in light of the immediate and long-term implications for the Scottish economy of the referendum result, where she also reiterated her message that her government will pursue all options to protect Scotland’s position in Europe.

The First Minister said: “I welcome today’s discussions with the STUC General Council. I want to stress that this government will work with STUC and trade unions to share information, listen and understand priorities and concerns, and make clear, here and further afield, that Scotland remains a stable, attractive and fair place to do business.

“Scotland has a fundamentally strong economy and we will continue to work with employers and trade unions to boost productivity, innovative workplaces and inclusive growth. We will pursue every option to protect Scotland’s position in Europe and, by extension, the interests of EU citizens who live and work here.

“I call on the new Prime Minister, Theresa May to give an immediate guarantee that the existing rights of the 173,000 EU nationals in Scotland will be protected.

“In Scotland we have fostered a distinctive and a positive approach to fair work focusing on economic and social benefits for all.

“The European Union has been instrumental in strengthening and protecting workers’ rights and enshrining key employment rights relating to pay, safe working conditions and the right to unionise. I firmly believe that EU membership delivers many social, economic and cultural benefits for individuals, business and communities across Scotland.

“We will pursue every option to protect Scotland’s position in Europe, and all the many benefits which that brings in terms of workers’ rights and social protections. That includes our place in the single market and the free movement of people.”

Grahame Smith, General Secretary STUC said: “We share the view of the First Minister that the best place for Scotland is firmly within the European Union. We are further assured that the FM is exploring every available option to retain Scotland’s membership within the European Union and is moving to positively address some of the challenges that have arisen in respect of the attitude of the Westminster Government. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Scottish Government to ensure that our shared commitments to inclusive sustainable economic growth continues.”

First Minister: “Workers’ rights are human rights”

First Minister to deliver Jimmy Reid Memorial Lecture


The UK Government’s Trade Union Bill does not reflect the reality of industrial relations in Scotland and does not contain a single proposal that would be passed by the Scottish Parliament, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will say tomorrow. Continue reading First Minister: “Workers’ rights are human rights”