Take a walk through Edinburgh Old Town with none other than Charles Dickens as the boundaries between the past and present collide.
Get to know the man who invented Christmas and witness the conception of a Christmas classic which changed the world. This is a quirky promenade performance led by an excitable Dickens-obsessed tour-guide. ‘What the Dickens?’ runs from 13th December to 19th December 2021.
Stravaig Theatre aims to excite its audience and connect them with their heritage. Edinburgh inspired history and they want to tell the story.
The audience will meet their tour guide at 7pm or 9pm outside Canongate Kirk. There are two showings each day across the week 13th-19th
“Some of you might already have noticed the faint glow in the sky above us. If my calculations are correct then tonight, the lines which separate the past from the present, the here from the there, the living from the departed are at their weakest…” – Holly the Tour Guide.
Out for his evening stroll in 1841, Mr. Charles Dickens ponders an absurd inscription on a gravestone. The last thing he is expecting is to be visited by otherworldly spirits from 2021.
The time voyagers accidentally give the famed author an existential crisis and its up to you to help put history back in order. A once in a lifetime meet and greet with history; with a little Christmas magic thrown in for good measure, come with us, on a journey to Christmas Past.
“Then come with me spirits, I want to take your uneducated, unenlightened minds somewhere and show you the true character of this town.”- Dickens.
Charles Dickens is played by Marc McKigen while the tour is led by Kiera Manson. “What the Dickens?” is directed by Stravaig’s Emma McNeill and written by Scott Thomas.
After sell-out shows, at Edinburgh’s Horror Festival, Stravaig Theatre is excited to launch their first Christmas show.

You can follow the production of ‘What the Dickens?’ at facebook.com/stravaigtheatre or follow on Instagram @stravaigtheatre.
Tickets are £8 for adults with concessions available at £5.
They can be purchased from Eventbrite by searching – What the Dickens? Or from the following web-link:
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-the-dickens-immersive-christmas-show-tickets 215620636127