Recycling timetable goes digital

A Council spokesperson has informed us that collection dates for the kerbside recycling boxes, which are used for glass, plastic, paper, textiles and other dry recyclables, will no longer be posted door to door.  Instead people are being directed to the Council’s web-site, where they will find relevant calendars (

Paper calendars will still be provided to those who receive assistance with collections and to people who ask specifically to receive one, so if you don’t have easy access to the internet, ask. These can be requested by email ( or by calling 0131 529 3030.

The decision to stop distributing the calendars recognises the fact that increasing numbers of people now have access to the internet, and aims to help drive down the costs involved in distributing more than 165,000 calendars each year.

Calendars for refuse, garden and food waste collections were also recently made available online rather than in paper form.

Service users can find a directory for red and blue boxes on the council website, where collection dates are listed along with a calendar which can be downloaded.

In addition, the website offers a link to Green Box Day, where residents can get reminders of their next collection for garden waste and red and blue boxes.

What a waste! Recycling sites added to Drylaw agenda

Drylaw Telford Community Council will discuss an extra business item when they meet tomorrow evening at Drylaw neighbourhood Centre – members will be asked to consider suitable locations sites for recycling sites.

A list of suggestions provided by the council (see below) includes one site on Ferry Road and a further five in Wester Drylaw Place and Drive.

DTCC chair Alex Dale said: “Councillor Lesley Hinds has asked if this could be discussed at next DTCC meeting. This is in  response to questions raised at the last Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meeting on 13 August and by residents’  approaches to her following the council’s changes to waste uplifts. Although the  sites pinpointed on the map are all in Wester Drylaw we need to try to identify  areas in both Easter Drylaw & Telford too”.

The meeting starts at 7pm – all welcome.

W Drylaw Recycling