The Poverty Alliance launches #VoteYourValues campaign

This election could be the most unequal in 60 years, with people on low incomes being shut out of our democracy.

The #VoteYourValues campaign gives our members access to tools that can help people in their communities get vote-ready.

In a democracy, everyone’s voice matters equally.

So it’s completely unjust that so many people on lower incomes get shut out from using their vote. This General Election looks set to be the most unequal for more than six decades, due to a ballooning turnout gap at elections and the growing role of money in British politics, according to a recent report from IPPR.

We can help change this.

In the run-up to July 4, we will be working with Citizens UK’s Voter Registration Champions scheme to raise awareness about how people can register to vote.

Poverty Alliance members can download PDF posters to put up in their centres, and an infographic that they can share on their social media networks.

Voter ID risks ‘electoral gridlock’

Elections in the UK could grind to a halt if the government’s plans for voter ID go ahead, the Electoral Reform Society has warned.

Dr Jess Garland told Radio 4’s World at One that close results would be likely to be challenged if mandatory voter ID were rolled out nationally, due to voters being turned away for lacking ID. Continue reading Voter ID risks ‘electoral gridlock’