Holyrood votes for immediate Gaza ceasefire


MSPs have voted in favour of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas, following a debate in the Scottish Parliament.

Opening the debate, First Minister Humza Yousaf said the chamber was unified in resolute condemnation of Hamas’ abhorrent terrorist attacks and the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza.

This followed a letter sent by the First Minister to the Prime Minister and Sir Keir Starmer this morning, calling for the UK to officially recognise the State of Palestine in order to break the political impasse that has condemned Israelis and Palestinians to successive cycles of violence.

The First Minister said: “In Scotland, the Muslim and Jewish communities have enjoyed decades of friendship, decades of shared humanity and faith. Nowhere is that more evident than in East Renfrewshire, home of Scotland’s largest Jewish community, and a significant Muslim population too, who have lived side-by-side in harmony for many years.

“But we cannot be complacent. We must all be proactive in rooting out any hint of Islamophobia or antisemitism wherever it occurs. Presiding Officer, even though it feels impossible to look past the current horrors of war, we must ensure that this perpetual cycle of violence that we see occur far too often finally ends, once and for all, in a peaceful resolution.

“To that end, there must be a renewed, and serious international effort towards a two-state solution. Israeli and Palestinian states that can co-exist in safety, security and with equal rights for each of its citizens.

“Unfortunately, the world has not kept its promise to the Palestinian people. They have not been given a free sovereign state, along the 1967 borders, as they were promised. Quite the opposite.

“The continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank is not only illegal but works against a peaceful resolution. So it is simply not enough anymore to pay lip-service to a two-state solution, we must take steps to turn that into a reality.

“To that end, I have written to the Prime Minister, and to Sir Keir Starmer, and urged them to immediately take steps to ensure the UK recognises the State of Palestine. It is only with full recognition of Palestine, as a State in its own right, that we can truly move forward towards a two-state solution.

“To conclude, Presiding Officer, to prevent further deaths, the bombs, the rockets – they must stop. The Scottish Government continues to call for an immediate ceasefire, for the safe release of all hostages, for an end to the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza, for an end to the siege of Gaza, and for all parties to abide by international law.

“The UK government and the international community must use their influence to prevent the further loss of innocent life. Every child the world over deserves to grow old. The children of Gaza and Israel deserve nothing less. It is our moral obligation to act. Let us hope even in these, the darkest of times, that humanity prevails.”

Gaza and Israel debate: First Minister’s Speech

UK urged to use influence to end violence in Gaza  

First Minister Humza Yousaf has written to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak calling for the United Kingdom to officially recognise the State of Palestine to break the political impasse that has condemned Israelis and the Palestinians to successive cycles of violence.

The FM’s appeal came on the day Scotland’s MSPs voted in favour of ceasefire in Palestine.

The letter, sent ahead of a debate on the situation in the Middle East in the Scottish Parliament yesterday, has also been sent to the Leader of the Opposition in the UK Parliament Sir Keir Starmer.

The First Minister later opened the Holyrood debate on a Government motion which condemned the Hamas atrocities on 7 October, called for the release of the hostages and for all parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire.

First Minister letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

First Minister letter to the Leader of the Opposition in the UK Parliament Sir Keir Starmer

Voting opens for city youth work projects

Young people in Edinburgh are being asked to decide how £160,000 of City of Edinburgh Council funding should be spent on youth work projects.


A total of 55 projects now face a public vote in Choose Youth Work – the latest participatory budgeting project in the Capital. Voters can cast their vote online with a Young Scot card or at events being held in schools and other community venues.

The Communities and Families Youth Work Grant Programme allowed groups to apply for grants of up to £10,000 each, to be spent on open-access, universal youth work that will benefit young people in Edinburgh. The youth work can be locally-based or city-wide.

Submitted applications were assessed by a team of young people and Council officers, and those that met the required criteria are now being voted on by young people.


Young people aged 11-25 years who live in Edinburgh have two votes: one for projects taking place across the city, and another for projects in their local area.  Young people will be able to use their Young Scot number to vote. Temporary registration numbers can also be provided, and there will be paper ballots at locality events.

Voting opened on Monday and will close at 5pm next Friday – 16 March 

During this time, voting will be available online at: https://young.scot/edinburgh-pb/ and in selected community and education centres in Edinburgh.



From grim to great: help transform Hermitage Park playground


Hermitage Park School Association’s Playground Development project has been chosen as one of three community projects to receive funding of up to £12,000 from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative – and they need your vote! Continue reading From grim to great: help transform Hermitage Park playground

YOUth Decides in Inverleith

Time’s running out – get your vote in now!the vote

YOUth Decide! the vote

Please see poster and survey monkey link for young people to vote on three awards of up to £1000 in Inverleith.

We had a massive response of ideas from young folk and were helped in the working of the top ten choices to vote for by a young people themselves who designed an algorithm that awarded points for all the boxes each idea ticked.

And the top ten ideas for voting were (in no particular order):

1.Nets on the goalposts in Drylaw / Telford Park
2.Bouncy castle in Drylaw / Telford Park
3.A sheltered area in Drylaw / Telford Park
4.Exercise / assault course area in Drylaw Park – (May be possible for parks Dept to do this with contribution)
5.Trips – (Theme Park, Adventure golf, Ryse Trampoline, Light Water Valley, Thorpe park)
6.A Relax Zone in Stockbridge Library – books, tv, computer, rest area
7.A fair/event to bring young / old people together (eg tree planting)
8.Sports kit (Rugby / Football / Scarves and banners / Coaches uniform)
9.More sporting and leisure activities in Inverleith Park (eg tightrope, cross country, yoga, trampolining)
10.Charity run/cycle

The link to vote can be found by clicking http://www.edinburghnp.org.uk/media/18320/YOUth%20Decide!%20the%20vote.pdf

Please Note: This vote is open to all young folk aged twelve (P7) or older who either live or attend a school within the Inverleith area.

It’s a short voting window so if you could pass out the information and link to any young folk you work with this would be fab!

Callum McLeod, CLD Worker Inverleith