Volunteer opportunities in Granton Art Centre (NGS)

National Galleries Scotland are recruiting volunteers to help with our upcoming events that will take place in the Granton Art Centre.

We are prioritising volunteers based in the area as we are looking to support local people and help connect them with the community. You can find more information in the link below:


We need your help in providing a warm welcome for community groups and visitors to Granton Art Centre, where we house many artworks from the National Galleries of Scotland’s collection.

With your help we can support audiences, in particular groups from North Edinburgh, to feel more connected to the collection and National Galleries of Scotland.

Your role: 

You will be supporting the GAC team – led by our Store Manager, Holly – as well as freelance artists and educators who lead tours, events and activities to ensure community groups and visitors have a positive and memorable experience.

This opportunity supports National Galleries of Scotland with its community development programme in North Edinburgh, building relationships for The Art Works – National Galleries of Scotland’s future project in Granton to deliver a community centred and sustainable new facility for Scotland’s collection of art.

What is the Granton Art Centre: 

Granton Art Centre is Scotland’s first purpose-built art store for paintings, drawings and sculptures from the national collection. It provides 1,300 square metres of secure and climate-controlled storage space.

It is a living archive, full of potential inspiration for community groups, artists, researchers, schools, and individuals where visitors can see artworks up close.

In the future, Granton Art Centre will eventually exist as The Art Works.

How to apply:

  • Easiest way to apply is online through the button on the right. You will be asked to provide some basic information about you, along with why you would like to volunteer in this role. You will also be asked for two referees, ideally one of them should be work/education/volunteering related and the other personal.
  • Alternatively you can email us at volunteer@nationalgalleries.org or call us 0131 624 6266

We are looking to recruit a team of 4 – 5 volunteers each contributing about 2hrs per month


Through this opportunity we aim to support local people and help connect them with the community. As such, priority will be given to applications from local residents (EH5 postcode).

Volunteers needed to help NSPCC keep children safe from abuse and neglect

  • Last year, the NSPCC delivered its Speak out Stay safe programme to nearly 63,000 children in Scotland
  • The assembly helps children understand abuse in all its forms and where to ask for help.
  • The charity rolled out a refreshed version of the programme earlier this year alongside a new promotional video and is encouraging schools across the UK to sign up
  • NSPCC Scotland is appealing for volunteers to help share these vital messages in primary schools

NSPCC Scotland has released new today which reveals that their Speak out Stay safe educational programme was delivered to 62, 986 children across 348 schools in Scotland last year (April 2023 to March 24).

Speak out Stay safe, which has been running since 2011, aims to help primary school children understand abuse in an age-appropriate way, as well as teach them where to ask for help.

The NSPCC believes empowering children with this knowledge is vital as on average two children in a primary school class across the UK have experienced abuse or neglect.

Educating children on abuse and neglect helps them to recognise situations or signs which will enable them to share their concerns with a safe adult.

Earlier this year the children’s charity rolled out a refreshed version of the programme, with a new promotional video. The updated version of Speak out Stay safe, which is available to all UK primary schools, includes a range of resources – which varies depending on the age of the children. Schools can benefit from virtual assemblies, lesson plans and face-to-face workshops with NSPCC trained volunteers.

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, Speak out Stay safe was delivered in more than 90% of all primary schools across the UK. This was affected due to the lockdown and using its refreshed service model, the children’s charity is ambitious to rebuild numbers and reach more children.

Speak out Stay safe volunteer, Karen Duncan (60) from Auchterarder, Perthshire, said: “Speak out Stay safe is a brilliant programme that helps children recognise what may be happening to them, that’s it not ok, and that they can speak to someone.

“I was a teacher for 30 years, but you don’t need previous professional experience of working with children to do this.

“The most important thing is that you are concerned about the wellbeing of children and would like to help keep them safe. The training and support are exceptionally good and it’s great to be part of a team with the same goal in mind.

“I feel I’m making a difference. If I can prevent abuse happening to one child, then I’ve done what I set off to do.”

Enola Butler, NSPCC Scotland Schools coordinator, said: Speak out Stay safe is a vital safeguarding service in schools which helps them to understand what abuse is and where they can turn for help.

“We know many children might not be aware that they are experiencing abuse, and they might be scared about speaking out because they are worried about repercussions.

“Our volunteer numbers have reduced in recent years, and we would love to hear from anyone who is interested in joining us for just a few hours each month.

“Many volunteers have told us they feel privileged to be helping to spread these really important messages and we’d like to reach every child in Scotland to let them know that abuse is never their fault, and help is available.”

The programme is available in English, Welsh and incorporating British Sign Language and there is also a version of the programme for children with additional needs and disabilities.

To find out about volunteering visit: NSPCC | Volunteers

To sign up to Speak out Stay safe visit: https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/services/speak-out-stay-safe/

Adults concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC Helpline seven days a week on 0808 800 5000, or email help@nspcc.org.uk.

Children can call Childline on 0800 11 11 or visit www.childline.org.uk.

Tech titans trade the cloud for Cramond coastal restoration

Business software experts join efforts to restore an iconic coastline

THE UK’s leading finance software implementation specialists have taken to the beach to help a conservation charity restore an historic Scottish coastline.

A team of 30 employees from Eureka Solutions descended upon the Cramond Foreshore and assisted The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) charity in restoring the coastal habitats and dune systems in the area.

The team’s efforts were part of the Sage Foundation’s initiative to support UK charities by providing volunteers to help achieve tasks relatively quickly that would otherwise take months to complete.

The volunteering work centred around removing invasive non-native plant species like Japanese Rose and suckering ash and sycamore to allow native plants to re-establish.

Volunteers also helped sow a special ‘Edinburgh coastline’ wildflower seed mix to create new pollinator corridors and extended protective fencing to prevent further degradation of sensitive grassland spots.

David Lindores, CEO at Eureka Solutions, said: “Our team was proud to roll up their sleeves and make a tangible difference in restoring such a unique and ecologically important area.

“We had a great day working alongside colleagues from TCV as well as volunteers from Modulr – it was wonderful to see different organisations coming together for a common cause.

“The Sage Foundation contacted us and asked if we could lend a hand to the vital conservation work happening along the Cramond coastline, and we couldn’t be happier to get involved. As an established business of twenty years, we feel it’s important to support community and environmental initiatives like this.”

Cramond Foreshore is a designated Site of Special Scientific Importance (SSSI) and holds historical significance as the location of the “Dragon’s Teeth” anti-tank defences, Cramond Island and Lauriston Castle.

The extensive coastal path stretches from the mouth of the River Almond in the west, past the historic Roman village of Cramond, across the tidal causeway to Cramond Island, and continues eastward towards Granton Harbour.

The volunteering day was organised through the Sage Foundation, which facilitates charitable donations and volunteering opportunities for Sage employees and partners worldwide.

Eureka Solutions also has a long-term charity partnership with the Ayrshire Cancer Trust in which it raises funds through team events and initiatives throughout the year.

The East Kilbride firm specialises in implementing business software solutions and is one of the UK’s leading experts in Oracle NetSuite, iplicit and Sage 200, as well as producing its own complementary software solutions including the integration application, Besyncly.

With over 20 years of expertise, the firm works with hundreds of clients across multiple sectors providing consultancy, implementation, training and technical support.

For more details contact Eureka Solutions at info@eurekasolutions.co.uk or visit www.eurekasolutions.co.uk

Local community gardens gearing up for food growing action

From 22nd to the 29th of April, over 100 community growing spaces will open their gates to welcome volunteers, both new and old, to explore ways to get involved in community growing, celebrate the arrival of Spring, and advocate for the protection and expansion of community growing spaces.  

These gardens will invite visitors to meet neighbours, learn new skills, and see how easy it can be to grow your own food. Activities will range from seed swaps and garden tours to school visits, art exhibitions, panel discussions, and film screenings.  

Amidst a landscape fraught with environmental and systemic challenges, community gardens are operating within decidedly precarious conditions. The latest State of UK Nature report reveals alarming statistics, with “no let-up in the decline of our wildlife, with 1 in 6 species at risk of being lost from Great Britain.”

According to a study by CPRE, green spaces in poorer parts of England are less likely to be protected against being bulldozed and developed than those in more affluent areas, exacerbating the threat to urban food-growing spaces.  

Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming, is using this week to call on councils to protect these assets and increase access to land and other resources for community growing spaces.

They are partnering with Incredible Edible’s Right to Grow campaign to advocate for better access to growing spaces, following increasing barriers to land and over 175,000 people in the UK currently on allotment waiting lists. ] 

Lily O’Mara-Adembesa, Good to Grow coordinator, said: “Across the country, the Good to Grow network show us year after year the enduring value of community food growing in protecting local nature, helping to tackle food insecurity and strengthen community bonds.

“There are so many ways to get involved in your local garden and so many need volunteers to help keep these vital community hubs going. Have a look at our interactive map to see what our amazing gardens have going on in your area during Good to Grow week.”

Pru Elliott, Incredible Edible. said: “Good to Grow week is an opportunity inspire communities and showcase the social and health benefits of community growing. But those who are inspired to set up new gardens often face serious challenges dealing with red tape and bureaucracy at local authority level.

“We’re calling for a Right to Grow; a change in local authorities policies to make community growing accessible for many more groups.” 

Rachel Dring, Capital Growth Coordinator, added: “Good to Grow Week shows off the wide variety of urban food growing spaces and is a great way for people to discover their local community gardens.

“These are oases from the hustle and bustle where people can grow their own food, connect with nature and their neighbours.  In a time of cost-of-living crisis, political turmoil and the epidemic of loneliness, these gardens are essential spaces for community connection and wellbeing – yet they are always at threat of development, and the demand for space to grow is on the rise.

“So we use this week to demonstrate how more than ever, we need these spaces in our communities for people and for wildlife”.

Find and visit your local participating garden by using our interactive map and clicking on the red carrot pins in your area.

Volunteers restore Mary King’s Close last couple’s forgotten gravestone

Janet and David Chesney, the last residents of Mary King’s Close, the renowned Edinburgh city-centre attraction, now have their gravestone restored to its former glory thanks to dedicated volunteers.

Located in Dalry Cemetery, the Chesneys’ burial site fell into disrepair following the closure of the Edinburgh Cemetery Company in the 1970s. Over the years, the cemetery suffered extensive vandalism until Edinburgh District Council assumed ownership in 1988 through a compulsory purchase order.

More than a century after the couple’s passing, the Chesneys’ gravestone, along with numerous others, lay neglected amidst overgrowth, barely legible. However, the Friends of Dalry Cemetery volunteer group, fueled by donations, recently enlisted the expertise of professional stonemason John Burrell to restore the monument.

Today, visitors to Dalry Cemetery can once again appreciate the Chesneys’ memorial, a testament to the dedication of community volunteers in preserving Edinburgh’s rich history.

Eryk Jan Grzeszkowiak, Friends of Dalry Cemetery volunteer, said: “”During the volunteering sessions we often remark how most people associate cemeteries with death. Dalry Cemetery, however, is now very much alive.

“Every time an old monument is restored, cleaned or researched we get one step closer to bringing back the memory of those who came before us.

“In words of a poet, W. Szymborska “The eternity of the dead lasts as long, As one keeps paying them with memory”.”

Carol Stewart, Friends of Dalry Cemetery researcher, explains:

David Chesney – also known as David McKean Chesney – was born around 1798 in the parish of Kirkmabreck in Kirkcudbrightshire on the south-western coast of Scotland.

It is not clear who his parents were, although it is possible that his father’s surname was McKean. David Chesney became a sawmaker.

Janet Cowan was born in Rothesay, on the island of Bute, to Robert Cowan and his wife, Jane Duncan. Janet was baptised there on 1 June 1806.

Janet’s son, Andrew Cowan Ramsay was born on 16 January 1831 in Rothesay and was baptised on 21 February of the same year. His father was called William Ramsay and he came from Glasgow. It appears that Andrew’s parents never married but after his mother married David Chesney on 9 March 1839, in the Gorbals district of Glasgow, Andrew took his stepfather’s surname. It appears that there were no children born to David and Janet Chesney after marriage.

The 1841 Census indicates that the Chesneys were then living in the St Ninian’s district of Stirling but by 1851, they had moved to Edinburgh. The 1851 Census states their address as Mary King’s Close. Mary King’s Close was one of a network of closes running off the High Street in Edinburgh’s Old Town, upon which the Royal Exchange Building was partially built in the 1750s. This meant that the premises were substantially located underground.

On the 1851 Census, David’s occupation is stated as Master Sawmaker and the information indicates that he employed two men. Also appearing on this census was their lodger, an apprentice sawmaker called David Inglis. Interestingly, Andrew Chesney, who worked with his father, was not living with his parents at that time but instead appears on the 1851 Census, living at a boarding house in Edinburgh’s Bread Street. It is possible that Andrew boarded at a boarding house in order that the Chesneys could earn additional income from renting a room to a paying lodger – in this case, their apprentice.

On 16 November 1860, Andrew Chesney was married to Margaret Marshall at 24 Grove Street in Glasgow. Margaret’s father was James Marshall, a shoemaker and her mother was Isabella Williamson. After marriage, Andrew brought his wife to live with him in Edinburgh.

David and Janet Chesney continued to reside in Mary King’s Close throughout the 1860s and 1870s, however by then their home & shop address was identified as 8 Royal Exchange. The 1871 Census indicates that David Chesney was now retired and their son Andrew was running the saw-making business. By 1875, it appears that David Chesney had acquired property in Edinburgh, owning residential premises at 11 Middle Arthur Place on Edinburgh’s Southside.

Janet Chesney died on 17 November 1882, aged 76 years, at 8 Royal Exchange, Edinburgh. The cause of her death was stated to be bronchitis, from which she had been suffering for around 5 years and general debility from old age. The informant of her death was her son Andrew. She was interred in a private plot (R. 204) in Dalry Cemetery on 20 November 1882. It was only some years after the death of Janet Chesney, that David Chesney vacated the premises at 8 Royal Exchange. The Valuation Rolls, which were local taxation records, listing people and properties in Scottish counties and burghs, indicate that he was still living there in 1885, however it appears that he was eventually the last remaining occupant to vacate before the residential and business premises of the Royal Exchange were sealed off.

By 1885, David Chesney had acquired further properties in Edinburgh – at Spittal Street and at Montague Street in Newington. Andrew and Margaret Chesney lived in Spittal Street for most of their married life but they had no children.

David Chesney seems to have retired to live in Rothesay, on Bute where he appears on the 1891 Census and it was there that he died on 9 August 1892 at 11 Bridgend Street. The names of his parents are not recorded on his death record and the cause of his death was simply stated as “infirmity”. The informant of the death was his son, Andrew. David Chesney was interred with his wife Janet in Plot R.204 in Dalry Cemetery on 11 August 1892. At the time of his death, the value of his estate was estimated to be £777 5s 4d, which at that time was a very large sum of money.

Andrew Chesney died on 3 October 1906, aged 74 years, at 34 Thirlstane Road, Edinburgh. He had been suffering from hemiplegia – presumably as the result of a stroke – for almost three years at the time of his death. On 6 October 1906, he was interred in the Edinburgh Metropolitan cemetery (Plot I. 474), now known as Morningside Cemetery.

The informant of his death was William Naysmith Marshall, his nephew. William had taken over the saw-making/repairing business which he operated from around 1895 until approximately 1930, in premises at 5 Upper Bow, which is situated on the Royal Mile, close to Castlehill.

Andrew’s widow Margaret died on 22 January 1918 at 33 Comiston Drive. The cause of her death was senile arteriosclerosis. She was also interred in Morningside Cemetery, in the plot shared with her husband Andrew, on 26 January 1918. The informant of her death was her nephew, William Marshall.


Photo 1: Friends of Dalry Cemetery volunteers Paul Stansell, Thomas Kielty, Jakob Assarsson, and Lani Knott.

Photo 2: In memory of Janet Cowan, wife of David Chesney, died 17th November 1882, aged 74. Also the said David Chesney, died 9th August 1892, aged 94 years.

Photo 3: The Burying Ground of D & J Chesney. It is very unusual for the wife’s name to be included on the monument base.

Photo 4: The white marble obelisk monument has been cleaned and planted by volunteers and is becoming a must-see for Edinburgh history diehards.

Albert Bartlett thanks Fareshare volunteers with potato-inspired lunch

Leading potato supplier Albert Bartlett has hosted a special lunch for the Edinburgh-based FareShare volunteers who selflessly package, cook and serve food for the UK’s biggest charity tackling food waste for social good.

Albert Bartlett has donated the equivalent of over 12 million meals to FareShare.

The potato people were on site at Cyrenians Kitchen in Bonnington on Thursday (7th March) where Albert Bartlett Chef, Graham Wilson cooked a potato inspired menu* for the 30 local volunteers to thank them for their hard work and dedication.

Cyrenians, an Edinburgh-based homelessness charity, is responsible for delivering FareShare’s operation in central and southeast Scotland.

During its 14-year relationship with FareShare, Albert Bartlett has made a significant difference with generous food donations. In 2023 they donated 1,200 tonnes of food which provided three million equivalent meals*, helped 3,453 charities and prevented 3,000 tonnes of CO2e from being wasted.

Sales Director at Albert Bartlett, John Heginbottom: “Community is hugely important to Albert Bartlett, so giving back and saying thank you to the dedicated volunteers at FareShare is really important to us.

“It’s crucial that we continue to help FareShare towards its mission of tackling food waste and hunger – potatoes are rich in nutrients.’’

Stevie Murray, Volunteer at FareShare: “Yesterday we were treated to a special lunch on site from Albert Bartlett.

“The food was amazing, and the company was great. I have been volunteering at FareShare for the past five years, following my retirement I decided to spend my time helping others, which is fantastic and so rewarding.’’

The volunteer lunch follows the recent Albert Bartlett Golden Ticket giveaway which saw local charities in the FareShare network receive a voucher worth £100 in the 62 tonnes of surplus potatoes.

The charities included: 

  • Laurence’s Larder and Open Kitchen, Northwest London
  • The Food Chain, North London
  • Kellands School, Aberdeenshire
  • Dundee Survival Group, Dundee
  • Faifley Community Council, Glasgow

Director of food at FareShare, Simon Millard: “We are enormously grateful to Albert Bartlett for their ongoing support for FareShare.

“Their surplus potatoes are redistributed across our nationwide network of 8,500 charities and community groups and make a valuable contribution to getting good food to people in need, rather than letting it go to waste.

“Regular supplies of potatoes enable these groups to create hearty, nourishing meals for the people they support, bringing people together and helping them access other vital support services.

“Volunteers are absolutely crucial to FareShare’s operation, making sure good food gets to people and groups that need it. The meal was a wonderful opportunity to say thank you for their hard work and dedication, and we are grateful to the team at Albert Bartlett for making it happen.”

*The menu consisted of Spicy Buffalo and Vegan Blue Cheese loaded Crispy Albert Bartlett Mini Hash Browns, Luxury Mash Potato loaded with Tennessee BBQ Pulled Pork, Dill Pickles, and Crispy Nacho’s along with many other delicious dishes.

*The equivalent meals calculation is based on WRAP’s guidance around reporting the amounts of surplus food redistributed.

RNLI celebrates 200 years and over 146,000 lives saved

TODAY (Monday 4 March 2024) the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) will celebrate 200 years of saving lives at sea – thanks to volunteers giving their time to save others, all funded by public donations.

Lifeboat at sea

On the day the charity turns 200, the RNLI is revealing its volunteer lifeboat crews and lifeguards have saved an incredible 146,277 lives during its two centuries of lifesaving.

Since the charity was founded in 1824, its volunteer crews have launched the lifeboats 380,328 times, saving 144,277 lives, while its lifeguards – who became part of the RNLI’s lifesaving service in 2001 – have responded to 303,030 incidents on some of the UK’s busiest beaches, saving 2,000 lives*. In total, 146,277 lives have been saved by the RNLI – this equates to an average of two lives saved every day for 200 years.

Founded in a London tavern on 4 March 1824 following an appeal from Sir William Hillary, who lived on the Isle of Man and witnessed many shipwrecks, the RNLI has continued saving lives at sea throughout the tests of its history, including tragic disasters, funding challenges and two World Wars.

Two centuries have seen vast developments in the lifeboats and kit used by the charity’s lifesavers – from the early oar-powered vessels to today’s technology-packed boats, which are now built in-house by the charity; and from the rudimentary cork lifejackets of the 1850s to the full protective kit each crew member is now issued with.

The RNLI’s lifesaving reach and remit has also developed over the course of 200 years. Today, it operates 238 lifeboat stations around the UK and Ireland, including four on the River Thames, and has seasonal lifeguards on over 240 lifeguarded beaches around the UK. It designs and builds its own lifeboats and runs domestic and international water safety programmes.

While much has changed in 200 years, two things have remained the same – the charity’s dependence on volunteers, who give their time and commitment to save others, and the voluntary contributions from the public which have funded the service for the past two centuries.

RNLI Chief Executive, Mark Dowie, says: ‘It has been an honour and a privilege to be at the helm of the RNLI for the past five years, and to see the charity reach its bicentenary.

“For a charity to have survived 200 years based on the time and commitment of volunteers, and the sheer generosity of the public donating to fund it, is truly remarkable. It is through the courage and dedication of its incredible people that the RNLI has survived the tests of time, including tragic losses, funding challenges, two World Wars and, more recently, a global pandemic.

‘Today, we mark the bicentenary of the RNLI. We remember the achievements and commitment of all those who have been part of the RNLI family over the past two centuries; we celebrate the world-class lifesaving service we provide today, based on our 200 years of learning, expertise and innovation, and we hope to inspire future generations of lifesavers and supporters who will take the RNLI into its next century and beyond.

‘I am immensely grateful to everyone who is involved with the charity – our volunteers, supporters and staff. This is our watch and it is our role to keep our charity safe and secure so it can continue to save lives into the future, as we strive in our vision to save every one.’

RNLI Heritage Archive and Research Manager, Hayley Whiting, says: ‘The RNLI’s founder, Sir William Hillary, witnessed the treacherous nature of the sea first-hand when living on the Isle of Man and he wanted to take action.

“His first appeal to the nation in 1823 did not have the desired result but, thankfully, he persevered and gained the support of several philanthropic members of society, who put their names to the charity at a meeting in the City of London Tavern on 4 March 1824.

‘Twelve resolutions were passed at that meeting, the core of which still stand as part of the RNLI’s Charter 200 years later. This shows how the RNLI’s values and purpose have remained unwavering for 200 years, despite the social and economic changes and challenges of the past two centuries.

‘Hillary’s vision was ambitious and forward-thinking, and no doubt he would be extremely proud to see the charity he founded still going strong today, and to see how much it has achieved.’

The charity has a history of innovation, and adapting to challenging circumstances, such as:

· Lifejackets: In 1861, Whitby lifeboat crew launched six times to rescue stricken vessels in a storm, but on their sixth launch a freak wave capsized the lifeboat and all but one of the crew were lost. The sole survivor was Henry Freeman, who survived because he was wearing a new design of cork lifejacket. After this event, the cork lifejacket became more widely adopted by lifeboat crews.

· Fundraising: In 1886, 27 lifeboat crew members from Southport and St Annes lost their lives while trying to rescue the crew of the Mexico. A public appeal was launched, driven by local man Charles Macara. An 1891 appeal raised £10,000 in two weeks. On 1 October, Charles and his wife Marion organised the first Lifeboat Saturday. Bands, floats and lifeboats paraded through the streets of Manchester, followed by volunteers collecting money. More than £5,000 was taken on the day, which was the first recorded example of a charity street collection.

· Lifeboats: In 1914, over 140 people were saved when the hospital steamship Rohilla was wrecked. The ship had been en route to Dunkirk to help wounded soldiers but was broken up when it ran aground on rocks near Whitby. Five lifeboats battled terrible seas to reach the ship. A motor lifeboat (the first of its kind) from Tynemouth, took the last 50 people on board. In total, 144 people were saved by the crews, who worked for over 50 hours in atrocious conditions. The motor lifeboat proved its capabilities and became more widely accepted by lifeboat crews after this event.

· Wartime: When the First World War broke out, many lifeboat volunteers were called away to fight. The average age of lifeboat crews at home increased to over 50. During 1914-18, RNLI lifeboats launched 1,808 times, saving 5,332 lives. In 1939, young lifeboat volunteers were called away again to war. By the end of the Second World War, RNLI crews had saved 6,376 lives around the coasts of Britain and Ireland.

In 1940, 19 RNLI lifeboats were used to evacuate troops from Dunkirk. Two had RNLI crews onboard, while the others were crewed by the Royal Navy. The lifeboats and their stand-in crews saved thousands of lives while being shelled and bombed for days.

Throughout its bicentenary year, the charity is running events and activities to remember its important history and celebrate the modern lifesaving service it is today, while hoping to inspire generations of future lifesavers and supporters.

A Service of Thanksgiving to mark 200 years of the RNLI will take place at Westminster Abbey this morning (4 March 2024) at 11.30am.

It will be attended by representatives from RNLI lifesaving communities around the UK and Ireland.

For further information about the RNLI’s 200th anniversary, visit RNLI.org/200.

* Statistics from RNLI Operational Data from 4 March 1824 to 31 December 2023 inclusive. A life saved shows how many of the people helped by the RNLI would have lost their life had the RNLI not been there.

Pregnancy and Counselling Care Scotland is looking for volunteers

Our Granton-based Baby Bank needs your help to sort donations and create vital newborn packs for vulnerable families across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

We currently have very few regular volunteers, and we really, really need to have more help. Demand for our Baby Packs is increasing and we can only increase the number we send out if we have more hands on deck.

We’re a friendly bunch, so if you have a few hours to spare regularly on a Monday to Wednesday – would love to hear from you!

Help us make a huge difference today and sign up here >>


Online form for coastguard volunteers is launched

Applying to enrol as a volunteer with HM Coastguard is becoming quicker and easier. After successful trials throughout the UK, a new online volunteer enrolment form has been launched nationally by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

With a tap or click of a mouse, applicants can access the form online to complete at home or on the go and submit on any internet-enabled device, including smartphones.

It’s the first MCA project to benefit from the government’s new digital form-builder, GOV.UK Forms, launched this year by the Government Digital Service, part of the Cabinet Office.

Coastguard rescue officers (CROs) undertake lifesaving search and rescue activities all around the UK coastline in diverse environments including mud, cliffs and water.

As members of coastguard rescue teams, they work closely with the other emergency services and volunteer organisations. As a volunteer role, attendance as a CRO is quite flexible. Full training and kit are provided.

Virginia McVea, Chief Executive of the MCA, said: “Coastguard rescue officers are the lifeblood of our service, ready 24/7 to go to the aid of people around the UK.

“Working with the Government Digital Service, we’ve put enrolment online to make it easier for people to apply for such a rewarding role and to maintain the strength of our response.

“Becoming a CRO means joining a close-knit team who enjoy camaraderie, personal development and the satisfaction of making a lifesaving difference.”

The digital enrolment form rolls out nationally tomorrow on 1 November 2023.

To apply to become a volunteer coastguard rescue officer, see the Volunteer as a coastguard information on GOV.UK.

To find out more about HM Coastguard, visit hmcoastguard.uk.

Lothian Junior Chess competitions at Broughton High School: Can You Help?

Broughton High School Association are looking forward to the school hosting two more Chess Competitions for Lothian Junior Chess on Saturday 28 October and 11 November.

We will be running our café in the Hub area again to provide refreshments for the young people taking part in the competition and their parents/carers.

If any of our school families can help with the café and/or provide homebaking (just no nuts please) get in touch by emailing bhsassociation@gmail.com.

The money raised goes into a fund that the teachers can apply to pay for items that can’t otherwise be funded by the school or the Council.

BHSA provides things like funds for sports strips, subsidised travel for trips, specialist equipment etc. If you would like to help decide how the money is spent, you are welcome to join the BHS Association Committee.