Poppyscotland rolls out new welfare service

Poppyscotland has launched a new service that will transform the support available for the Armed Forces community in Scotland.

A team of six will deliver the new, enhanced offering, including in Edinburgh, Fife and the Lothians, which will significantly enhance Poppyscotland’s already comprehensive range of support. Continue reading Poppyscotland rolls out new welfare service

D Day veterans honoured at Commemorative Service … and Tony’s on telly!

The heroes who served and fell on D-Day were commemorated at a poignant service and reception in Edinburgh today, marking the 75th anniversary of the iconic landings.

Several Scottish veterans who battled through Normandy during that pivotal period of the Second World War were honoured at an emotional ceremony. Continue reading D Day veterans honoured at Commemorative Service … and Tony’s on telly!

Charities join forces to support Britain’s wounded veterans

TV star Ross Kemp has backed a major fundraising drive to help Britain’s wounded veterans who are at risk, some battling the evils of unemployment, isolation and struggling with their mental health. Continue reading Charities join forces to support Britain’s wounded veterans

Congratulations to the honneurable Mr Delahoy!

“Thank you for the very great honour today – Vive la France!” – Anthony Delahoy, Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur


Silverknowes man Tony Delahoy was among nine Scots veterans to receive France’s highest distinction of honour for their role during the liberation of France during the Second World War.

Eight of the former servicemen received the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur at a presentation ceremony on board the French navy destroyer Aquitaine docked at Leith yesterday.

Servicemen Thomas Cave (91), Cyril Deas (93), Anthony Delahoy (92), Alexander Govan (99), John Greig (90), Hugh Maguire (95) William Pritchard (94), Walter Sharp (101) and Aidan Sprott (96) risked their lives during the D Day landings and the subsequent furious conflict to drive the Nazis back and liberate France – bravery and comradeship that has never been forgotten by the French people.

A spokeswoman for the consul general said: “France will never forget the gallantry and bravery they showed in taking part in the liberation of France 70 years ago.

“The actions and sacrifice of these men, and that of so many who fell on the battlefield, was instrumental in bringing back freedom and peace in France and across Europe.”

Emmanuel Cocher, Consul General of France in Scotland and Rear Admiral Patrick Chevallereau, the French Embassy’s defence attaché presented the medals to the old soldiers.

Gunner Anthony ‘Tony’ Delahoy was a dispatch rider in the Royal Artillery. He undertook vital communication and reconnaissance operations between HQ and Anti-Tank Guns engaging Panzers. He saw action throughout Normandy during the campaign and was involved through the Caen Sector and in the Battle for Le Havre.

A proud Tony (pictured above, third left, back row) said: “On my many returns to Normandy over the years each succeeding generation of the people of France have welcomed Veterans with great kindness, dignity and honour, expressing their heartfelt feelings for the return of their freedom.

“We Veterans owe to the people of France admiration for their courage and
determination to survive the terrible times of the occupation, we pay tribute to them and particularly to the citizens of Normandy for their courage and
sacrifice during the battles for liberation.

“One personal incident I would like to mention, on the way over to France, June 1944, our ship was hit by a large electrically guided bomb but it failed to
explode. I have always believed that somewhere brave resistance workers
sabotaged that bomb. Thank you.

“Thank you for the very great honour today – Vive la France!”

New service to help local veterans find work




Veterans in Edinburgh and the Lothians can now access a local service that will deliver support to help vulnerable ex-Servicemen and women find work. Veterans’ charity Poppyscotland and mental health charity SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) have created Employ-Able, which provides local support, training and practical advice to assist veterans in their search for jobs.

Employ-Able aims to remove barriers, help develop skills and set goals, taking the form of one-to-one and group work sessions, using the model of SAMH’s successful workshop-based Tools for Living programme. Ongoing support once veterans are in employment is also available.

Bobby Duffy, Director of Operations at SAMH said: “Scotland’s veterans deserve as much support as we can give them when they settle back into the community. We know it can be hard for some veterans to get back into regular employment and that unemployment and financial difficulties are bad for your mental health, so we’re really pleased to be working with Poppyscotland to deliver this service.”

There are around 189,000 veterans of working age in Scotland and Poppyscotland research suggests that the unemployment rate for veterans aged 18-49 is twice that of the general UK population, with around 28,000 veterans in Scotland out of work. The research found a lack of current employability services that specifically target veterans who may be vulnerable or need additional support to get back into work. Employ-Able is intended to address this gap.

Gary Gray, Head of Welfare Services at Poppyscotland, commented: “A small but significant number of veterans face difficulty in adjusting to civilian life with many facing complex and multiple issues. Employment and mental health are areas of great concern as they impact greatly on all aspects of veterans’ lives and those of their families. By combining Poppyscotland’s knowledge of veterans’ issues and SAMH’s expertise we believe Employ-Able will tackle some of these key areas of difficulty and improve veterans’ prospects.”

Army veteran William Burnett (23) served with the Royal Regiment of Scotland for four years and saw service in Afghanistan. After leaving the Armed Forces William struggled to find a secure job but he is now in full-time employment as a warehouse assistant after taking part in Employ-Able. He said: “I was a nervous wreck when it came to interviews and never got the jobs I applied for. Employ-Able really helped me to get my confidence back. It helped me to develop my skills and I received support to prepare for interviews and get my CV up to date.

“I am now in a full-time job, which is going really well, and I am still in contact with my work preparation adviser who is there to offer me ongoing support. I would recommend Employ-Able to anyone who is unsure about how to get back into work after their time in the Forces.”

To find out more about Employ-Able call Poppyscotland’s Employment Services Co-ordinator Dot Pringle on 0131 550 1568 or email d.pringle@poppyscotland.org.uk 

